Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 25, 1927, p. 6

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Mount Albert Short Course put on the boys and girls last week by Mr Roger he Agricultural Hep of Newmarket was well attended lily enjoyed by all who took it in At the Friday the girl- boys to sandwiches i the of or Mr W Mr Aimer of week to olhe i ill Mr Wither of in lown Ihe weekend Mr Floss returned home he on Sunday last belief Mian when ho wen SOCIETY The regular meeting of the Horticultural Society will he held on Tuesday March 1st in Hie Board Room The report of the delegates lo the Toronto Convention will be a special of this and all The and Mr Kenneth Lewis of Toronto a- home for the weekend Mrs J Moore spent the eekend in Toronto her daughter Mrs Sidney Thompson are sorry hear thai Mr is under ihe doctors care Hope for a speedy S3 and Mr James Cunningham spent Tuesday Sharon WOMENS INSTITUTE The February meeting was held Ihe home Mrs with a good attendance present The roll call was answered by a current event Mrs blokes to and her home and family Miss Kennedy couple of splendid work and carried and a Alee appointed lo look after the Mrs Bohr the sick held the reason Mi ilh the Hoi Chest for the Institute the Mrs Sleeper Mrs Ca and Miss are eat taking one- 1 bird or the membe ship of the Institute and these are responsible for a certain share of the content the chest and each member he akei to contribute in way Tickets will be sold for Sharon Sharon Club will meet next Wednesday the home of Mr W Itogarltown welcome Belhaven February In speeding along Just coming On the whole Canadian Winter las been very coirt- and much sunshine except through with no What heat In by for the ben inanity bat we way who enjoy the the cold But enjoyed wish for bet Litis scribe Is of this i bit of and Iollini A skating party will be held in rink for all married people of community Monday Feb from oclock to oclock Prizes will be ladies and gentlemen 1 will be held in lie skating rink 2nd will be given for the following Boy Girl be I der Girls to 16 Best Dressed Lady Dressed Gent Best Comic Lady and Skat- led Lady Ma Largest Edward Johns pro- Mrs Belle Ewart Mr John of Que is heen reelected ie Ontario Horse which is quite We are glad to see Mi short Keswick luth The opening of Ihe bass lo be changed from July 1st All the women of the a irvlli to be held on Wednesday March 2nd at in the Christian School In the Interes and moral training A good program being provided after which a social half hour will be spent widen The Intend holding meeting on as It World Day of Prayer It Is Ml uid Ira Morton Ihi Mr Ids 82nd birthday on the and Tine whole community extend thel sympathy to Mr John son of Mr and Mrs Ira Morion and family In the loss of a devote wife and mother Mrs Morton Jessie Pros set passed away on Tues day evening after a very painful am lingering Illness Interment a on Friday Mrs Morten leaves lo mourn her los besides her husband five sons a home and on daughter Mrs Knights of Toronto three testers Mrs Wilson of Toronto Mrs Winch of Mrs Ross Cun or and a In the west Besides there on many relatives and oilier friends Mr and Ernie Morion visiting Mr IsMe Kings Brad ford last week The annual St Patricks supper am will he held In tin United Mich on Morclt for our a table date meeting las Will Marrilt Winnipeg P but pleased thai they with their family are not going bo far there will be a welcome for among their old friends vice will be at Ihe home of Mr and Mrs Geo Richardson Those will find It a profitable hour Pleased lo have Miss Minnie Rich ardson out to the service at Bethel on Sunday from her stay In Toronto The blustering morning made a disagreeable for those having a Is years since Mi Mr and Mrs Charlie Draper had a lot of company these days Saturday the being Clyde birthday Miss Ihey entertained for supper sitting On Sunday last we had i winter weather although stayed above zero Such is not welcomed by most protest was opposing side lis work not so many Federal The Ladies Aid was held at the of Mrs Trunk Tomlinson goodly number partook- of a repast Rev and Mrs were present to help on the good Ross OBrien the local garage- He for iLmOjrllui Hie for Ihe convalescent flivvers When in trouble call the lofty Ross The bride and groom relumed t the Mer lin put a hand lo Ihe axe for few days lo call back old memor ies Elmer says that his his obi- In lliu jolly good Merlin Word was received here last week thai Mrs Tyne had passed lo Great Beyond Before her mar riage she was Miss Brenair She was raised near Sharon and a da She lei to the loss of a dear mother A number of our young folks attended he G A dand St James Hall Sutton on Friday night All report a bouncing Mrs Black of was old acquaintances in neighborhood She is staying with her sister Mrs Myrtle Sweet of Belhave pen flu lev George weekend he Owens king say Very sorry- to ITaylor or a few days in bis lum register in the llial Mrs been laid ui glad to i aster did on Hope Items 11 tir Ivlp The nils siltjuiid sermon also two good t by the choir The Ladles Aid at the horn of I I here The Lots of babies on lalesl arrival Is a flW lb at till home The play coming on fairly well but If Is lo be given early In March everybody will to get after I Mi ll Tuesday Quite a number from hockey uarket on Tuesday night Everybody come lo tho ilscourse on effort And looks all percentage the crowd hed lo cheer Young way irilJy night win wide tike If alelghIoad came people If you asked me who had time I would he compelled old folks as so many say had such laughter or such for years It secul arly this off apparently by Irs Arthur and barber apartment Iter escape the by bo stairs cut off Grabbing a little clothing she climbed through a rear window root 0 summer kitchen from escaped to ihe Damage of about was done by fire Roachs Point around Mr J P Colos during the last month especially in the evenings when the rabbi Glad to see that Rev family are getting over ihoi colds Sorry Mr Doyles family is quarantined for whooping whoop forgot to hope to see them come and Howie tt Is hump again after weeks holidays fishing license is rathe expensive this year around these parts It cost the men who LINE NORTH Mr and Mrs A Cameron prised last week With some friends from Keswick who In a load They all report a splendid Mr and Mm Cameron hope they will como again and I aura they will Drawing and cutting wood ie order the day farm s are gelling more wood in than before roads and the to ideal ay Comer has le Be careful gold that glitters it is We hope for an early rcc s who e City for some d home looking fine Baldwin took Fred Brillinger has gone the City lo visit her sister Mrs John King has been visit- Mr Walker nay mere was a in Siogt oJling la spent lllis wo a good til is home again after few iluysat of Mr tile nil pneumonia She report tills report lily ait rue Everett went to The A number of our joOng people A dance at Sutton They all indulged in light fantastic hop until he wee hours passed i All a jolly Ml Mr Comer their honeymoon al the Mrs Black is a Mr Orlia Elfards and Miss Viva visited at Mrs Willi on Misses Viva Maggie and called on t aunl Mrs Crittenden Monday Tlicyr are Slire jolly in do fiddle And his And lulls tho resin on his The sound around him Theres not a fiddler in land Thai Willi him ran compare When he gels his fiddle And plays a lively air Indeed you heard him ioud never have helieved hangs his fiddle lleveil The Mount Pleasant attended the dr and Mrs Angus Cameron last Wednesday evening and re- imti having had a good time Win Abba also gave a party on Friday night to his many and all report good tunc I he still winds Another disturbance in f North to be ided on the Wonder what happened to the of Egypt last Hamilton parents last week at Baldwin Some of the hoys on the seventh Boom to have of girls when go Our teacher visited Mrs Moulds on Miss spent the end in Newmarket Wedding bells are ringing Blackbird Virginia Friday March The furnish songs by the Indians and a number other selections Mr Richard la a few weeks In Ottawa A number of our young people at tended the In Sutton last Friday night while quite a number took In the conceit held hi all report they had a good time In last Bacon from Mr J Greenwood Mr and Mi on Sunday Ire Matt in Toronto J- ride met at the of Ihe President- Mr where a hot lunch wa id The remainder of Mi The meeting week be on evening in S Hall A Literary program prepared Dr Laker of To part of the program All welcome Mr Boadway of has been visiting bis son Mr Boadway mild has spoiling sport of skating over the rink will be open each evening from 10 whenever there is ice The Ladies Aid of United are arranging a real Irish Supper to serve March 16th in United Churcl Hall Mi- of Ihe United Church favired with a visit by Mts Ha of who gave a did talk along lines of Chris linn Stewardship which was en joyed by all The ifhlv of the W M will be held Thursday nexl March 3rd Of Council Minutes of last were and adopted The auditors report Waa present ed and It was moved by Johnston seconded by Midi that the report be accepted am lliql Clerk be instructed lo the usual number of copies printed Clerk of fiat Baltimore Rose and are Indigent persons The deed of the Community Hall No was present the Council by atlmer seconded by Councillor hat the Treasurer be hereby id lo pay lo the Community Hall taehed hereto JohnstonMalt Superintendent his JohnstonMalt TJiat the Clerk be authorised to ubmll to the Minister of Works and Highways of the ship of owing that during period Jan 1st there Jsoa been expended the Township Roods the sum and requesting the Stat graft on that amount as provided by the Ontario Highways and amend ments thereto A number of accounts were pre sented and ordered paid K Wetr registering births and deaths 8 J M Bird Voter List Re vision Municipal World assessors supplies etc 450h auditor V Anderson auditor Community Hal grant ByLaw Ho 255 to from the Standard Bank to expenses ByLaw No appointing Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers The Most Digestible of Sweets Our pure Com Syrup is relished by and children became of its delicious flavor It also richmfood value and eo easily digested recommend BRAND ones method of handling a that may done will Hatching Power of ihe fertile eggs In order for hens to lay well Ihey generally have lo have some animal protein thai Is insect iikin feeds a iiRiily the winter milk In some In a class by Itself as a eggs for hatching We the teacup of cod liver oil to mash dally for one hundred he Increases the hatching power eggs With us It la much bell mltk than wilh the other I clover leaves that fall where lie is thrown down for the other lock ippears to help produce lion as follows Scratch Grains cracked com wheat lbs corn chop lbs shorts lbs chop lbs al falfa meal lbs fine able sail gallons of cod liver oil The birds eat about pounds grain to pounds 1 before the birds and the oil In most cases mixed moist mash and given noon linJrJ Kink ft iilfil f dally- About Men and Woman Jew York Feb Wholesale ar ts of Catholic priests and nuns hi bo Soviet authorities are re- In press despatches from lo an official Polish despatch picked up by a wireless station hero Tho recent arrests In Leningrad and the total of men and women to about Many cbc continues have been deport ed to Solovctsky Monastery on tskj Island Just below Arotlo role In the ley White Sea The despatch describes the monastery a prison Among those recently arrested while their churches being of tiie iifcis On ihe beach here today the oceans offering spread more than a score of men some with auto mobiles and others wagons and began to reap Ihe harvest Thousands of sea gulls were also drawn to li They swooped down and graplng a clam in their talons flew several hundred feet to the air before letting it drop break men gathering the clams literally bombarded With them from the air James was struck on the head and required medical J Mount Albert to thank the friends for their kindness and during the Illness of his wife NOTION T6 THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing lo will please place before Ihe for good mechanic Apply t West Tenders will be received until April 1st for building of frame barn Apply Keswick FOR SALE the Millard thousand dollars in laoreasos lla conscience money was the one half when turned dovn of Finance Ottawa figure Is Feb Terrifying wholesale destruction of life war is conjured up by re of who has Just demonstrated the truth claims to a committee sent from Parts Mont pel Her Aviators flying far away from their objective blew up mines and wore able to operate or disable will light power stations within a considerable radius General insurance Real Estate Special Attention PAID TO Farm Insurance KESWICK SALE OF SMALL FARM BY TENDER 182T for sale of about more or less of lot No In the 2nd Concession of the Township of East Gwllllmbury County of York owned late James Milne deceased On said farm Ihero is a brick the good roads running through from Toronto to Lake Simcoo Terms per cent In cash on ac ceptance of Tender and balance to days thereafter For further particulars apply Frank Milne Queensvllle or to Solicitor for Estate Newmarket TORONTO

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