Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 25, 1927, p. 4

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jfipBi Building Out A YEAR AHEAD five foreign the Whang Jay their fighting needed to protect foreign lives and property should they bo menaced by the threatened in vasion of Cantonese forces Four thou sand British soldiers ashore within the international settlements awaited develop ments other British troops on the sea will bring heir number up to unless they are di verted to other porta of China ids Golly local Of Cardinal from of the late Clark Hunter is a niece of Clark and lied at Clarks farm from lime she was about 3 years and from the lime she loft from or she looked or the household duties and ueli of the work about he farm Idee take the affected chicken by tike leg and powder in the ope feathers LICE ready for shore duly and 1200 other devil dogs were expected from San Diego February The five foreign flags flowing from the warships were those of the United Stales Great Britain Japan France and llaly The craft lay quietly and stub bornly at anchor despite the as- of the warring Chinese factions that foreign lives and properly were not endangered In Shanghai however were many foreign refugees irom and from which cities they had been evacuated when e mobs overran the British districts and PERRIH8 GREENHOUSES St Newmarket FLOWERS For Every Occasion Roses Carnation and Lilies of the Valley Always on Hand W Phone 136 er their administration Interest of foreign fighting en was heightened by reports that the troops of Marshal Sun ruler of Kiangsu Province in which Shanghai ia located had suffered defeat in Province of and falling back toward Hangochow Captured The capture of im portant centre miles south west of Shanghai by the was confirmed here today tinder power of sale contained In a certain mortgage which will be pro duced time of sale there will be of fered for sale by Public Auction by Smith Auctioneer at the King Hot I In the own of Newmarket- on of at the hour of Oclock in the forenoon the freehold properly namely half of Lot No In the 3rd Concession of the Township of Whitchurch In the County of York containing acres more or leaa good large Hog The boundary the town lint Cor particulars apply to Esq for Vendor or to SMITH Auctioneer Newmarket Ont ook Kathleen flowei by crazed wooer lay on her bier late home at 297 Manning Ave Friday night while Torontos Italian colony mourned with her distracted parents The throng was so great that standing room could scarcely be had in the home Playing around in excited fashion were the little brother and baby sister of the dead girl too young to feel the blow of the bereavement was so her mothers and helpmate that the fancies which turn to thoughts of love had never entered her head To her friends In this corner of Irani planted Italy was known quietest girl on street Support of Family Her weekly wage of for un skilled labor In a laundry was the only steady Item the family budget Her father a man of exemp lary habits and reputation Is a labor er and for months has been suffer ing from the unemployment which la so seasonal with him Friends have rallied to their aid and the funeral will not be a charge on the destitute Her fellow- em ploy dry department when raised a small thoughts I of grief Mrs to a ofdur not I row for the wide ocean her from her son Nlcco who I still In the village of waiting for the lime when his can bring this member the family group This I his ope At III The custom of dressing a dead girl writes I In bridal do Edith slipped into a chair by window the in on her brown hair turned ends of curling tendrils gold settled with i pleasing vas glad that she had waist Its delicate lav- she knew and for she and her bus ed to work for Clark She and her Western Canada med and proved ac he judgment of the by will and that a fair and reasonable and I am bound to his findings for payment did not and could not of fact are correct The time the lifetime of William Clark The contingency was his death and although delays are dangerous there could be no and no right of action ntil then Does he statute be- in to run notwithstanding I do not think so If it does then years service beyond six per so Gratuitous for he of the seventh took the place of automatically barred by the and from year to year See Canada First of making llit operated during July and and are fitting of the fact that on July church Sunday lid quietly The will be lev Edith went on blithely mustnt miss it Theyre going to send Carriages for any who cant walk to the church took one of llm old hands and gently stroked it Mrs did not find it altogether pleas- Most Men Past Break Down Easy Out of Ten Are Victims of Bladder or Weakness Tells How Dr Urataba Bring Quick Relief Overworked sluggish Kidneys Bladder Weakness and Prostrate Gland trouble bring on so many did- and often serious ailments lhat every sufferer from Lameness fains in Back and down through groins Scanty but frequent and burn- Ins Urination Nervous Irritability or Weakness and Lack of Vital Force should teat the TABS Amazing testimony or Physicians users gives convincing proof of he remarkable power of UHATAUS special prescription successfully a startling improvement of alarming symptoms begin to disappear Through special arrangements and to benefit those who cannot person ally call on the Doctor can now be obtained good oca druggist on a positive guarantee money back If not fully satisfied So need a medicine of this kind try today THE JOKE WAS ON PUCCINI i ingenious and quick- other lands than ours even ii wilted newspaper reporters ii Italy where perhaps wo should not much expect to find them Once when Puccini the Italian was visiting in Milan of hi The he attended lln parts of tin m ashamed that I ha- en in before Edith said a to go It always much to grandmother I tho Adams Across Canada lour will be conducted by A Adams A principal of tho High School at Que Tin lake participants from leaving July lo Pacific Coast and return The fined to members of the teaching profession and it flavour satisfies r National Park and other beauty spots of he Do- On the return ourney North Companys will be used pom to is attract- a great of attention is the cos of the Order Eastern ind lomonow Im Old Ladies Ho Well goodby I Mrs sighed as the trim young down the walk Somehow a little older and more had before Edith May I come in It was a sweet girlish face lhat smiled in her a little later been to see you but Ive been o lied up with school work Ive had a minute Molly took the chair near her old friend That waist is love ly she said and ever so becom ing Did you make it No deary I cant do anything so difficult But Mollys ques tion had pleased her I believe you could if you tried Molly went on Am I keeping you from anything If not I wonder If youd like lo n to my article for the Id love to hear it And so Molly read if and Mrs told her that she thought it was splendid and two chatted cheerfully over the pos sibility of making it still bolter and how Molly should go about doing it I suppose I must go the girl said reluctantly a little later me your clocks right I cant have stayed so long I and Mrs laughed outright it was so delightful that Molly had found the time slip aWay so fast Molly she out dont breathe it to a soul hut I hope I have lo go lo chinch Sun day Some how I dont want lo lo anything thats labelled for old folks though dear knows its where I belong It isnt where you belong Molly quickly Youre so young in all your interests No bodys old unless ho wants lo be My greatgrandfather in Cali fornia is ninetyseven his hes wonderfully In Int tour and will also sonally conducted he being allowed stopovers at all Ihe beauty spots en real and Toronto en route lo Ihe Pacific Coast Members of the Eastern Star Order and friends will make up the party foi this tour which is also being ranged on the allexpense basis They will leave Montreal on July and July From Winnipeg again be operated the personally conducted tour to the leaving Winnipeg on July This lour which is now its sixth year has been and bookings for il are usuall in favor ever since- ils inception made many months in advance This tour will disband Van the travellers returning to their homes at their own con venience after a delightful jour by rail and water to Ihe Pa Coast Two other important tours ho conducted this year Toronto to the Atlantic Coast and the other from Pacific Coast In th he work heard at i Canadian St John Ambulance l significance when six girl the effect of production upon the audience master entered the unknown a seal In the Pit and was pleased with of end of the open i a German- Bin Increased to a de- young lady who was hecamo highly politics as he was seventyfive years ago I Well goodtoy Molly kissed her friend Come over when von can If runaboul for my have some larks I can toil In another she was GREENS Box I01 QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES 10o TO PER ROLL Variety f and SO In Ottmufs Hawmanltta WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AMD COMBINATION Cell You Any With r Without Hanging BERT Painter and Paper Hanger SQUARE port S 1 from Canadian river ports and Canadian ocean port calling at St Kltts Trinidad and will continue to call at Guadeloupe and should sufficient cargo be offering will call at the other French port of Martinique Sailing dates in con nection with Ihls service will Tie an nounced In due time As regards lite Western Group a- a ill and British Honda heretofore will be operated by Ihe passenger freight and mall steamem Canadian Fisher and Canadian Forester providing a threeweekly to Montreal in summer and Mankind is always happier for been happy so that if make them happy now you make Inem happy twenty years- hence by the of lb Sidney Smith Buffalo Park Jaspei National Park and other beauts spots en route Vancouver Vic toria and Seattle and will return via Yellowstone and Pike Poafc This lour will leave To- mill on and return July The to the Lint will leave lulv anil will Hie Jto with fit various lloi 8T INDIES TREATV 8EBUIOE Canadian Gove Vinol Helps Nervous Rundown Man taking I was run down and Irritable Now I feel like another person McC6 1b a simple strengthening Iron and cod liver compound In use for years for sickly nervous wo- rundown men and weak Tne very FIRST week you take you begin to feel stronger eat deep better Contains no oil youll like Its pleasant taste J Patterson nine with the carrying on of Canada- Weal Indies services under the new trade agreement which calls for steamship service Tho new service referred to under treaty as Ihe Eastern Group rep resenting Bermuda St Kilt a Nevis Anllgna Dominica St Barbados St Vincent Gren ada Trinidad and British will he provided for In Ihe meantime with a monthly passenger and freight service which all ample and suitable accommodations take care of any deck passengers of fering intercolonial These two services together will make a regular fortnightly service from Halifax lo and to Canadian of the Montreal and Southern resting pi Bdlway received a First Aid certificate In of Work In aiding victims I tragedy He Cannot Praise This Medicine Enough Feb 2d Special Tlie is another of the many letters of praise which we are continually receiving comes from Mr J resident of this place who writes I was troubled with a sore back for a year I took four boxes of Kidney Pills uil be I k Ill urci where High Mass and Hie funeral Its way lo Mount Hope Special votive offerings to the natron saint of I of it a wonderful fete day our Saint on August Id one of dead girls friends ippy was Kathleen being made to find father and Not Charily censed because I did nol join in the aprUauso and w stare and an insolent head she said Why dont you laughed scornfully Dont it Why dont you like the fewsbqyS No I It 1 and how We who know i Uiat they desire sal wllh tear- filled eyes llo cortege leave tl Is a laborer much of that work I winter months He I pills to in the family rnedlcln of the chest Bo everyday ills come from sick kid neys and backaches and heart disease can be traced rcclly or Indirectly to sick kid- To lie assured of real good health keep the kidneys sound by Kidney Pills In the response A Plymouth forced by to open his You do my neighbor That wus enough I began to tell her how according to of thorough bass and coun terpoint the opera of poor production I showed her how a certain aria a hearer of Verdi and a of In fact I thing unsaid Is that your to breakfast intending my newspaper in peace hut first thing confronted was a headline In heavy lype Puccini His And there I read in black and white all ho sharp thai I bad said evening The young woman was a musical She had recognized i and hail ted mo on llie whole opera without my having he slightest suspicion or her connection with the press Of Application vtv Notice is hereby given of the City of Toron- In the County of York In Hit of Ontario Doinealio Servant will apply the Parliament of Can at the present Session hereof Bill of Divorce from her hue band Boy Vincent of the Township of East in Ihe for the of Application Notice Is hereby give Brown of Ihe the County of York in Ontario Married Won the Parliament of nest Hi thereof 1 from her husband WILLIAM BOSS BROWN of the said of Toronto on the ground adultery Dated at Ottawa in the Province Ontario the day of Jany 1921 MURPHY ROBERTSON Elgin Slreet Ottawa Solicitors for Ihe Applicant Notice of Application for Divorce Notice Is hereby given thai Electa Minerva of the City of To ronto In the County of York In the Province of Ontario will apply to Ihe Parliament of Canada at the present Session thereof for a Bill of from her husband William John of Ihe Township of South In Ihe County of in Province of Ontario Fruit on the ground of adultery Dated at of Toronto in the Province of Ontario this eighth day of A 320 Bay Street for Applicant Notice of Application for Notice is hereby given that leabelli Jane Brew of the City of To ronto In the County of York and Province of Ontario Marrleu Woman will apply to the Parliament of tsn- at Ihe present or next session thereof for a BUI or Divorce from her husband JOHN BREW formerly of the said City of Toronto present ad dress unknown on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated this day of January A D GLASS of Application for Divorce Notice Is hereby given that Radford ilonio of the City of To- In County of York In the Province of Ontario Merchant will apply lo IheParllamlent of Canada at present Session thereof for a Bill Divorce from bis wife HAZEL A of the said City of into on ill ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Hie said of Toronto In Province of Ontario this day of February SHAVER A King Street West Toronto Canada Solicitors for Applicant Notice of Application For Notice Is hereby given th truda Thompson of the Clly ronto In the County of York Province of Ontario will apply lo the Parliament at the present session a Bill of Divorce from her WILLIAM CALVIN THOMPSON Ihe said City of Toronto Pi of Ontario Salesman on I of Dated ielt this day of J Government Savings Office whether the deposit comes from newsboy or noble Every saver receives the same polite attention Irrespective of station in life deposited You are cordially invited to open art account It will be a privilege fo serve you Province of Head Office Savings Office Queens park of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given lhat Edward Bennett of lib of Toronto In the County of York Province of Merchant will apply to the Parliament Wife BENNETT the said of Toronto County of York and Province Solicitors for tha Applicant THOMPSON By LIONEL DAVIS Street Toronto owl Her Solicitor Notice of Application For Divorce Notice Is hereby given that teen Hedge of llio City of Toronto in Coi of York Married to Hie Parliament Canada at thereof a Bill of Divorce from her husband Charles Help- of the City of Toronto In the Com of York and Province of Tinsmith the grounds or adulter Dated at Toronto day of Feb AD GORDON Temple Toronto Solicitor for the of Notice hereby Ann Hall of It In County Province of Ontario will apply lo Ihe Parliament of Canada at present Session thereof for a Bill of from her husband HARRIS STANLEY Ihosald City of Toronto In the County of York and of Ontario on ground of adultery By hor A TAYLOR Street Toronto THE SENATE province of Ontario will apply the Parliament of Canada pres ent or Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband WIL LIAM BOY MAXWELL of the Toronto In tho County of York Sup erintendent on the grounds ft adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario this of January- 1021 WALSH Federal Building Toronto Ont Solicitors for the Applicant DORA MAXWELL

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