I our fuel has been to be right Our prices have been proven to J be correct All this bi true why dont you sen order and give chance to send you finest fuel that was ever I traduced to your stove J LITTLE Richard Foster of Holland Land IIng and Clarence Brown of market appeared in police Thursday morning charged with theft of chickens from James Brad- farmer living near Bond They were remanded I til Sept 10 On Thursday night of last week I Mr Bradley was awakened a farm yard and drove off followed them in his car le distance down the road midnight visitors left the car and ding Bradley followed them and the both cars Wealed the fact that of the belonged to Richard Foster I and the other lo I Foster Further inquiry by the That the Clerk the Bell pole at King of eight feet at King Ho distance of eight feet lo the That the authorized to write Kerr solicitors for Rose re land that Good Commission who will be able to the explanation May It be hereby Instructed to pay to Dr Delaine the sum of St re E B Williamson family bill In full per order of Reeve and 1st Deputy Reeve Thai Dr A Kay be paid the sum of re to Rolling T That W L Brown be paid the sum of for supplies to Boiling May that Mr be paid ArmstroogEgan Son be paid the sum of for uniform and cap for constable MacMurchyEgan That Jas paid the sum of In full of balance of contract for road of Concession EganDuggan That the Treasurer authorized Clement comnifcssione the but for- Established over ZOO food sold the plant got the planter There he was for eight months as forgotten and nearly as for lorn as if he had been shipwreck ed And he might he forgotten still but for the mail Letters laled for the planter at Suva in Fiji which is the dis tributing office for scattered islands of the Pacific for Mr Hull Island the vessel approached pretty islet the passengers lined the Yorangis side to see the planter brought aboard The planter stood up and waved his hat passengers almost cheered the white man shout- Armstrong- 1 May i in UK- pay to I lot lings head for North the sum of postage stamps ami salary and to South the sum of of Gove but it should hi in mind thai they been forgot ton eye int cheeks The man lead of the Quebec law proving final expression of on question eliminating the abolishing the bootleg- that individual liberly depicted as perishing United States for lack or alco holic stimulant the Monitor Ihe facts gathered by its investigations as follows It has steadily increased the of legitimate sales of as enacted the J Quebec with a population that of New Derating twelve hours a day It has put the saloon business and made the bartender as muoh of a public functionary as the postmasli army officer II defeats local option by per milling legal exportation of liquor from wet his stock and his market It furnishes hard liquor unlimited inmntities lo any will buy and carry it JortL Jirsttime Si had Thai i ml his wife and children all them down with fever had obliged me bananas 3 and native indeed all but starved boys had done belter hill of fare hut ire sick too The ligation conducted by inilciinhii authority not with any temperance with solo of gelling at the truth and thai are published not putpose of in fine opinion Canada hut to counteract lisproscntalions in the United States designed to mislead are ignorant of foolish loyisliliou The citizens of Ontario am of Dominion may well take a leaf from Monitors report for their ion Ihe question of again ire in Canada The New Outlook WANTED Wanted a boy lhal manly boy that Is kind and polite A boy you can always depend on completely cushioned engine The McLaughlin- VaW and Isolated from all j chassis Thick rub- fore and aft absorb manufacture has value as the McLaughlin- Money can buy no finer performance no matter how much you are prepared to spend BLIZZARD Agent NEWMARKET ONT GREATEST eiAUGHLINBUICK EVER BUILT a Irancellke derange of the mind Poison Ivy Poison and Poison Sumach or Dogwood to ouch fi hairy stems of greenhouse primrose arc touch at Beat of all Fly Killers and per packet at all Druggists Grocers and General Stores policeman but I cant let one in but children But my Is the her wings I the orders is orders Youll have to let her go as a caterpillar i place lhal to disgrace Willi a boy that is ready lo A boy that Is trusty and Irue boy that la good to old people And kind lo lithe ones loo t boy that Is nice to homo folk And pleasant lp sister and brother boy who will try when thing go boys wo depend hope for the futuro and problems of Statu and lo bo a failure In every of Algoma your home Health He recommend It Rich Soft Tones Of A Roof Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of archi tecture and their rich soft tones blend with their surroundings at all times of tho year The last for year ro and perfect protection Bradford CoLimfeflt Ontario Stock Carried Information and Servlc on Roofing by Smiths Hardware Internal and External are promptly THAT IT HAS EH80LD FOR FIFTY YUM Ik I J