Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 19 Mar 1926, p. 6

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161 AGENT MOUNT ALBERT ae loci Si it ft Mount Albert The patrons vl llio kindly requested not to teas lok at tile stores but SOCIETY regular meeting of Society will be belli on Im April ill lire I O and will by addressed of Horticultural phone 3503 Mount ee acts I be well worth I as Irish from St Pain I Mil- I r- chair The program ed or readings and contests besides two ins our Male Ijuar- Ibe west side enjoyed and we to big a crowd at all ot our by the c help the ready lo send their Hie Mr 1 all lo then motto the word instead of editing all out of to put errors you can for a member it is nut too late I join inter of file League will be held on Sunday at be in- charge of Mr Jack Ms Program will of impromptu spcceflies J are but for While We are sorry I been good coming lo town The Orches tra will miss Mr Brown and Hie Horticultural Society loose a good President in Mrs I tin he efforts the We DM FN s INSTITUTE March meeting was held at Ibe home of Mrs and was one of Hie In meet mils of tile yea program all showed Mr Draper duet by Mar Miss Iso played a Mi- and Mainprise gave a On setting a tabic for SI Patricks tea and it was- certain- tempting looking given and cookies firs and Mrs Car second prize Mrs first for and Mrs Steeper second Mrs look charge of tin question drawer for Hie month and then- were some interesting questions- raised Miss Carrie Oldham also most accept ably There was a large at tendance and a good sum waft realized from the lea Mr lames to is at present Miss spent the Mr Henry French attended funeral of the lae Mrs of Mrs Shields or visited with her Whs who has been i time ufheifv pi bono Dont forget Plain People at on by the- ie of the told nest no of Mr Wednesday Every- mem nlerested is fro the On- Wednesday afternoon I of March a meeting held in the basemen of i Church for the nil tit I of Inioii Rev A J Ma presided New officials as follows Mr John A Cole J Mr Iaac Mi on Mr Fred Glover Mr Mi Halt and Mr Eves Stewards Mr John A Wrig Smith Mr Re Mackenzie Mr George Pea Keswick 1 Church on Si lit- liti teeth Ml attended day evening The Rev agent or Society i was certainly splendid There should ho a united effort by the members of churches for more hearty support hi this most worthy cause The offi cers for this year are Morton Belhaven Huntley called to being near neighbours of ears Their only VIRGINIA hi all after vrksey their eldest read Co Mr Ross Cunning and Mr appoint a also Mrs Cooper of Lou- ministers and Messrs Morton of Keswick of Mis- of the church at Roches Point There I be belli Gordon Harper visiting in last Sunday at the of Mr Pollock Storms and bad roads dont top Gordon liU black si joy and gratitude in at you have both been lo comfort each other your children We met to v ill Of Golden Wedding A pie social and play Home Aires will be given y the young people of in Virginia hail on Friday evening March Everybody and have a good time Mr Edward is wir- ing his house and barn for Hy dro Mrs Arnold has the sympathy of the community in the loss of her brother in after a lingering illness On Wednesday evening of last week a meeting was field ginia Union Church in regard to closing the church A large number of members were- pres ent and a petition was signed Mr Wade has I he We prize the golden tie friendship are pleased you have tier Hie golden hours whose brltflitneas ajl of I ho winter tlie lately Mr Bain v moving info his new Gorily He is carrying his tale shop now Wo Mr and to What Keswick needs is blacksmith Mr C shop has been vacant for Mr St Patricks day Hoi Concert Hie on Wednesday Jolden iy your Kathleen Moore and girl hi Ci with Mj Ravenshoe Mr Harold spent in Toronto Mr and Mr Oweiu on Sunday tailing on Ills Miss Lucy an I ill Glover oilier in We all hope Geo Johnston has leased Jacob Hamilton farm and moving at peed Mi lieu ird Gordon loot by Mr Mrs J Go don and Mrs Glover are serving tea in Hie basement of the church and the young men are putting on the program It consists of a Mock Council and dialoguedebate Come and make one more and encourage the boys fin inolher time Miss Annie Smith has hem on the sick lisl but we are pleased to Bay she Is getting better Mr Fred Woodward spent lie weekend iri Toronto Rev Mann Is certainly draw ing a good congregation He gave a helpful sermon on Sun day taking for his text three Red danger In life Green Light caution While all is well go Abbs spent the weekend in Kcttleby We were pleased to have Mrs Prank Terry and her grandson with us Church on Sunday Zephyr ilvin Oil- ripfcnt ait mi on hoi- in unit a few lo tic liio Mm A Drown who will be a few Zephyr her now home in spring early in April The younpr people SI Mr anil neks in the room Joan anil A lunge the V are Ihe home of MS tin In nit of Mrs A Mr Armstrong lo hat Mr Beit Mr A Armstrong spout sever in Improving lull in llio Lily last week slowly anil will be some little business time vet In able to Mrs Jtio anil Mrs J home wilh mother II spent lust Friday Sir Ken Toronto was Toronto on for Wo home over Sunday mens Mr Have they were Invito lo III move lip Turin shortly by Hie director when bin son Is of IVIcllOr si th hime look It Curls of llii of as reader was and wife iuslrumenfals ides Ihe latent the following local talent took concert Hyde Marjoric Glover and Phyllis ducts also Helen and Gcnn usual li Si Patricks fuurtit Mai farmers ummd ixloim tin wheat and ha BALDWI CO It good to sen the- bright Again We have hud no III- the past winter ien have Inures lis lisilvt t M birth llKl nil I York loot nod down Hon Mackenzie got there Just has filled In Along Di sh as ho top of the a spell ever a heart only prune the border liter sweet a path so the print of feci a Helper promised But the waking- Hut the waking makes dream that happy V the Theres never a dream of sorrow- But entrance Is made straight Theres always a to point us To ihe Little Wicket Gate straight and narrow way And Hie angels wilt nearer To that In desolalc Theres never a heart so naughty But will some day bow and kneel Theres never a heart so wounded That the Saviour cannot heal Tlmre Is many lowly forehead Thai Is bearing the hidden seal May we all follow where He leads river now Is the accepted tie children others gave speeches among nit illffiun ways eloquently we can of he Mr and A limes lliiy have been of I rt farming closed which the company Holt The Knott look Miss Gladys Hogg one Mis y mid gentle man friend spent Sunday at Mr Ryos Stop look listen 1 What now 1 Why wedding bells not far Mrs Samuel Gupples hud Mrs Ernie Roiling has hoi a visit win Delta spent Lit- end in Joseph Greenwood and saw logs from Is- r Jack spent of lat1 week at Mr Horners Sutton West The well tended and I enjoyed the message given The young people of our community should avail of the opportunity of hearing these sermons which will bo continued next Sabbath The congregation of the Knox Presbyterian Church were enter tained on Tuesday evening this week at home of George Jacksons Mr Scott and Mr La timer kindly provided sleighs he occasion Everyone had a jolly lime and ail felt thai evening ended far too soon Knox Presbyterian Church held a congregational met Sabbath morning to vital questions in regard to church Great enthusiasm shown toward forwarding the present Superintendent Mr J A assumed his duties last Sabbath Mrs Burrows of spent the weekend as tin guest of her father Mr James Mrs Osborne is opening beauties girl Dont forget the At Home tonight Tlie Order of Eastern Star will be glad to see wjH guarantee an enjoyi Contest at Sutton A Public Speaking Contest will be held for the young people in he North of York County at the Sutton Town Hall on Thursday March Good prizes are offered for speeches from boys and girls Constants at Sut ton wiili be permitted to enter the Contest Richmond Hill on Mai eh final Debate between Hie teams representing and North will lake place the same evening After the contests a social program will take place to which nil the people interest are in vited Further information may lie had from the Committee Messrs Scott or Sandy of Sutton The entertained Five Hundred on Monday evening hi their Rot her of were present and en joyed the hospitality extended Mrs Bert Osborne won first Ladies prie and Mr Norman was the suc cessful gentleman Mrs Osborne purposes op ening a dressmaking and millin- establishment in the near fu ture in Ihe adjoining unity The hockey match here evening resulted In a win for by a score of Taylor defence for wns badly knocked sustain ing ribs and a blow in lljp stomach the puck bis remaining in bed f about Although still sore he able to get about The Eastern Stars- are giving a party and dance In Town all on Friday evening March dilations turn- been issued Hope Items Mr and Mrs Stuart and wo Children spent Snnilny at the homo of her mother Mrs iftlri Longford has been bed for a few days absent PH foil Buy Satisfaction Its strength and freshness are unique The uniformly high quality never varies Try it GwSsnbut Council Of the of East til members present except Mr rut confirmed Communications read and dealt it Sale Register Tueiday March Effects Mrs James Slick- be instructed lo order five drags for use of Twp ffllso one for P of Mount Albert Carried That Reeve he and Is hereby instructed to take in hi Clerk wire fence bonus on roads Carried Glover- 1 That Clerk write Mr Leslie Shier Informing him that he must pay his hill at York Co Hospital for maintenance of his wife and children also repay for bill paid Dr Scott by Twp Cole Glover That the his order on treasurer follows Hospital re Mrs Intosh A births marriages and deaths Jns charily Davis charity Lloyd Win Nelson snow Allen snow Walter Graves snow Municipal World Superintendent Salvation Arm adjourned FIVE THOUSAND early this morning when DO canaries GOO floor were revived by draughts of air as were a dozen rlctors some a mother monkey and her Tour and hundreds small hero of the fire baboon who took In arms his Inseparable a small kitten broke open he door of tils cage and escaped another cage firemen found a female chocking with smoke and the hair of her body singed Touching over and protecting her our monkeys The boa con itrlctors and the wild cat were so frightened by the fire that they 1 lamely lo rescue I RECEPTION venleat or reception condition sensed broadcast listeners I In Ihe estimates for the com Ing fiscal year tabled In Ihe Commons today There was of kind in the ir present fiscal Provision for Ihe Dominion Gov service am the and of radloUIegraph shlptosliorc amount ing to Is niadi auctioneer Ifednfladay March 24Auction of farm Mock and Implement instruction from the Con 5 Kfng Ihe property Thursday March 26 Mr Robert II half lot con I will hold an extensive farm sate at oclock months credit 1 Auctioneer Monday March- Mr Cameron will have a sale of Kami Stock Implements Seed Drain Marh Clarrnci stock Implenienls on lot Ion liwillinibiin Seven bury property or John Hodge months it March 30 salo at the lot SI opposite School House April HOTELS LOSE LICENSE fell swoop Ontario has cancelled stand- del licenses of twenty Ontario a lion their Hales said lave been trying i the to slop evading the law but without in Is now our intention following CARD OF THANKS Mr Cole and family desli a friends and the many kindnesses shown the during their recent sad bereavemer loss of a loving wife and mo lo Rev A J Mann an those who furnished music DOMINION INCOME TAX Confidential assistance given In pre Dominion Income by expert late of Dondnlon In- come Tax Department Charges Moderato For Appointments write Box 33 Jacksons Point Ont WEEKLY FOR YOU ii ontij Write at once for Free Cata logue explaining how you can earn while learning garage work Engin eering Electricity Chauffering Hemphill Practical Schools King Street West Toronto

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