SUFFERING In during year gambled at Relieved by hurt Compound people to bet and Mi have la It I sciy it r My never without of It fa my ray last baby bora I Buffered feci Tor circles It la certainly editable to our sane and sensible view of lifes responsi bilities nod Patron ay- mom Legislature have ell my hay IIionroeuffcringfromthatrou- Hi him lo I 1d i ilHiiV of of beer permit Evelyn Verdun Montreal anything in my home- have Pioneer bced ygtdriij of I end Blood i eteblo Com pound is a dependable new mother It is end contains no harmful drugs and can bo token by tbo nursing mother in restoring the mother the Vegetable Compound that out of every women taking the medicine ore benefited by it They write tell us so seems shaping make ho issuance of these a part of parly politics The doc- not propone to entrust granting permit cat it a dependable It Is for sale by il eii Stands for Comfort for On Time A stands for At Your Service and Well get you through cold spell safely Well attend lo ypiir coal wants In a manner that will make you talk about us J LITTLE legion i id I ly and will lajjue them or issue them to whom it pleasos Business Expanding Montreal Financial World Each succeeding sees fungible evidences of expansion upon part of leading i financial commercial and Institutions of Montreal The continues to grow las its resources are developed and Hie Dominions chief city naturally keeps peace in sym pathy An regards business progress ihmis In order of Iho day Many leading factories here the protects Hie per and Hie property of the ji vidua It Is in comma hat we receive inl lemons in ship liio world owes a Jiving is a false idea It does not a living but it ready to provide a living if w hike advantage of he Unexpected Visit of Prom Tub fine engineering in motor cars lo demonstrated by tho torque drive This in a tube which transmits the drive from the rear wheels instead of adding this important duty to the burden of the rear springe The torque tube also encloses and protects the propeller shaft This type of construction also rear wheels in alignment regardless of road conditions BUZZARD Agent Newmarket McLAUGHLINBUICK Major the at the a lew months ago The W gave a splendid loudly cheered when inter the farmers of North materially making show more then a round of en tertainment rational Informed ttio James Justed the red ribbon rprises in the classes notable among which the performance of Archibald nVrkVTodrVvVli by place ogan ran third FURNACE PLUMBING EAVETKOUGHING OUR SPECIALTIES TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SON lo ExpressHerald FOB SALE Farm lot 33 Apply Hut ulliplc of units is simply what Iho arc members of lie governing bodies simply he thoughts and ideas of he various communities Good will follow when the are right The Fool Topic An inchlenl in a country road in his of driver Hint the ditch And all his in broad daylight A person who lias done the ell believe that the of accident was exactly a here Now and idiotic driver makes his appear pace is easily pat looks as though had blown up the way He is as selfish lafcbrbacked hog with hit and both front feet trough Other drivers would gladly take his number but they get il all they sec is ofdust with a wild fool hurtling along ahead of it coils I lire has ended Cheater asylum after a y Judge David Scott while going to the faces on the gallows should be ever be found to have regained bis sanity Had he been found would have been aeptenced to dealU time by the judge the sanity hearing grandstand which has iistructoil enlarged ha 3d to the popularity the on jox In the grand stand by is president Win who Hie directors following tho was presented with a bouquet of roses by Miss Isabel on behalf or the Society Pander hold a option in lie box did not the short Ink we warmly Minds In One of the lo come to the i linn he fifth third and fourth Boston Patch In Mb whose Wilton v- twice hmnhp won n Ihlld v- Arch- hi ap- first eeond Betty P Tambouric Orchestra Popular Attraction third Darky Todd fourth In the running race the en trants were nil from Toronto he winner on Alfred second on Lady Bird Alfred Ore was bird en Whizz Bang Agricultural Excellent exhibits of flowers vege tables and ami the huge of Ladles Work commanded the at tention of victors the th ally filled with to be the bunch Equally was the defeat of Winsome Lad an American pony ridden by Gill Harris who was beaten by from the wood School It was some Lads first taste of I which was wholly attributable to the handling of the pony which ed unable to hit his stride j points for horsemanship counted I However Winsome Lad gave a van creditable performance Hi added to the of for a few i Interest of the day Street in evening the Tow 11 lighting effects am peopt with Mi King Willi visitor In his box we Henry Miss Doris OConnor Mr and Mi Mrs Walker a Han At the close of Ibe King motored e Mill idly ill uket when lo Mr OConnor to his private car him back to leaving he expressed of Iho show This is becoming a national event he said a smile It Is surprising how- yon of the Sut ton show everywhere you go nowa days and surprising what an im provement It displays cadi year In existence it has the important the season I have enjoyed mi self arid I am coming Jar Sutton can put Its list of regular visitors The future of areas and the eagerness of th bespoke both knowledge hilling pprc elation of beast that were around the half There were two races each offer- tor fjifi best of heats with a and hi the Opera Qui first heading three Willi Styles and Earl Howe of Competitions Following are the results Saddle horses mare or gelding over Perfection Miss Helen McGregor King of Comus Gordon Perry 3 Sampson Miss Vio let Middleweight hunters mare or carrying up to pounds rect while music flic Wizard Major Victor plica by Ihe Stouffvillc Rand Uplands Aided Holers to and a local or- J Adair Gibson Heavyweight hunters mare or gelding carrying up pound Solar Eellpe Llmoilck P P OConnor 3 Grafton Farms Pericles Clifford Lightweight hunters open carrying up to pounds to hounds Clifford il Revere Alfred a from every point of view and will likely be continue In the future About on Second Day The horse show on Friday after noon and the pageant In the furnished plenty of ami saddle harness The florae Best of three tho largo delegation oilier points in North York One of the delightful ifealur afternoon the I from In which Sir Clifford Rogers Owners up Brownie K RredJn Rosiuia Adair Gibson Moonlight Sir Clifford of Pericles Major Clifford to Hunt Club participated as over a course rt and finish being In front of grand stand The spectators enabled to follow the hunt y- he id middleweight hunter eveiifs interest because entered the f steeplechase was really- the the day Five steeplechase but the result was when Alfred ht his charge the veteran to the front on the first miles i Macd Fred English ridden by Alfred Rogers jr Lady Bird ridden and owned J Birth Mark den and owned by Wrn Christ Pony In saddle over hand not exceeding hands Harris Maud Connor Pony In harness hand am under Starr owned by Dick Box and driven by Mrs Alfred Rogers Brownie Bobble Kilgour MIekie Whltewood Best boy rider under 12 years Bubbles A Yule 2 Winsome Lad Gill Harris 3 Brownie Bobby Kit of Over phono I EveoJoa Office I popular and patriotic j THE 8QNG OF THE CITY cross the crowded ways life Where sound the cries of race and clan Above the f strife We hear Thy voice Son Man In of wretchedness and need On shadowed thresholds dark with fears From paths where hide the lores of greed Wo catch Iho vision df Thy tears From fender childhoods helplessness From womans grief mans burdened toil From famished souls from sorrows stress Thy heart has never known recoil The col Thee holds he freshness of Thy grace these multitudes to see Tho sweet compassion of Thy face Master from Iho mountain side Make haste to heal these hearts of pain Among restless throngs abide tread the citys streets again Till sons of nien shall love And follow where Thy feet have trod Till glorious from heaven above Shall come the city of our God M North Spade Work Sis the Trade