GEAR 8HIEL0 PIPE VALVES AND Paris Green Arsenate or Lead Blue Stone Lime Climax Bug Klllor 20 lb Bag 126 HARDWARE THE PAINT STORK SOUTH END LUMBER YARD DOM ORDER FOR NEXT WINTER to 2 Cars of Alberta Coal Coming W PEARSON pro- under Hoodie Phelan present and Dick Drawn Jack Nleholls wept up lo Echo Running Race girls y of In off which Margai he Ileal ed till Mori- Hall Moving Pictures and Works On Saturday evening over people crowded on and President Johnsons lawn am greatly enjoyed the moving pic lures it being a most evening for an yil The fireworks followed field umber of fed and six to be clothed lo a better than the country fro him plainly to have lo shift for himself Felix had done thii for two years tin succeeded measurably well a plate where he could his board and lodging by for the ii Industry la efforts of a Relieved lo in the Sudbury nickel district according to at the Mines Department i Buildings Discovery of hitherto imsimec quality Sudbury nickel district startling suing hunt for coal In Northern iaa become known that pglon situated right in Ml of Toronto Is holidays In Town Brook of Toronto spent over Sunday in Town Dr spent Miss Donovan of Detroit la her aunt Mrs Silver Miss fiattrade Millard is visit the for a few weeks Miss Ella Cody left for Mea- yesterday for three weeks Mabel ia i the colored fountain and the indicated their Single Canoe hoys under 1 Don Roberts on Howard of Single Skiff girls IS year Don and at the end or the score was HE SONS CO LIMITED uildinc Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc ALSO Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Bin Urn Sons Limited Race Double Canon mixed and under S Robertson fooTof flic John Sinclair Mm aflLirooo and wen- Douhh Skiff mixed ally the id under I It Evelyn Marion Jlall rent was contested and the Day Ma iowri on shore which was son of quite as large as usual indi- then by and node boors special were Jack Cox follows Single War Skiffs containing oh yards with pad Don Robert boys yean fou Single Canoe hoys years and under Don Don 1 Mickic Race girls year- and under Margarel Robinson o canoe lady and gonl Marion Audrey Till four entries three Single Canoe girls yean in very close and under Marion Deal i race for men i i Kent very close two canoes Swimming Race girls yar and under Bertha Kent canoe in each Robinson yards nine entries two canoes Maxwell upset Race close Swimming Pace boys year Walking greasy pole con and under 1 Don two trial- each Join Jack it Jack Sinclair cud Hi fuel over Ihe Double Skill mixed ycarf and under Audrey Thomson Tugofwar two canoes at a Thompson Bertha Iho fun odd Jobs her working the the summer farmers during him i farm do after In some undetermined of rind to bo Investigated lie American syndicate step- lo determine the extent deposits which have been According lo the Informa nt come to Queens Park idfratejj goln to carry out an diamond drilling program to ininUv our most will of weeks three men in each Seven Kent Don Robertson tries Occupied considerable Single years no Several canoes and one paddle and under 1 Jack Maxwell broken in the apparently wi boat which lost them lie pull Events continued till clock For wanl of time King conies in which there ere a large number of entries postponed till next Saturday Ross Howard 3 Frank Eastwood Single Skiff boys I years am under George 2 Car Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket ADVANTAGE WITH COUNTY County of York officials as to what steps to lake with regard to the Aurora radial that one official stajes the carry on line and assume the defioit because it means business down here said Ike Mayor of Toronto L that way It is cer tainly no Ri ntie is entirely on I side of the county he said ways St Cathat debt but July 31st A mounted on a CNn the floor of the pa ripped of the great that the heavy casting water wheelseat bound from to the Hydro Power Queenstonwas pulled d fell car which was loaded automobiles bound South Africa The motor ear were crushed flat Concert About BOO people children gathered on evening am in a unique ix Winters Roddy ie Swimming Race hoys years and under Don Robertson 2 Don Carl Winters Swimming Race girls 17 years and under Marion Jean Robertson Helen I Swimming Race boys years Frank Eastwood Austin 3 Jack Eastwood were en- i Single Skiff years and id varied I un Kent Marion program by professional talent Beall Jean Robertson Toronto Single Skiff boys year- and The chairman Mi Sandfiebi under 1 Herb Kent Jack Johnston in a brief Maxwell Bill thanked the various com skiff 7 men open Ken for llieir foils in Hose It Hex Brown ing the day such a complete sue- Howard Frank Eastwood cess coupled wih the gift of 1ed ideal weather and while some of Wilson Lou Sjeneer the events were by Hvtnlli lull Ina north against south yet Beach was a united community Single Canoe ladies open Slaving rivalry combined j j- Lorna harmony and good will for tin pleasure of all tie delay he boy pi all work in drug store There was a deal of sweeping and dusting scrubbing lo be done which did not greatly enjoy am wilder as had- But most lad charge of the ler or dished out shady litllo alcove the back of The hours were long and at times he could not move st enough to keep up hut here ire slack times when he is left lo his own devices For Ihe first fortnight ho pass ed his leisure by reading half a dozen rather frivolous stories from a small circulating library next door tout he did not enjoy them as much as he had expect ed for his bent of mind even as early as sixteen forced him to think of time as something too precious lo bo wasted He tried his school books next but ho know their contents pretty thoroughly already and hankered after something new and fresh This led him lo dip into some big volumes which he had found over his employers desk and two or three of them were fairly under standable The older clerk a faultlessly dressed young man poked fun at Felixs investigations but Mr Grimsby surprised him at his would shipped before widely fleparajeu right places Sweden Spain fireere and the ruiililii region of North Ami Is Important that he their mixtures at the mines has hitherto been gelling mnH of her zinc supplies from British Columbia Zinc Is largely for galvaniz ing Iron of clean Iron being Immersed In a hath of the molten ihetfl and coal remains on them giving atmospheric If also a constituent of alloys production of mounted to Wideman of Uxbrldge Mr Pen Watsons A E Widdifield attended gathering at last and Mrs a at Mrs Miss Hancock of Toronto spent a few days with Mias Simpson The Misses Weddel of Toronto uple of weeks pie spent civic holiday Bond Lake and Lake Rev P Fletcher and wife Of Toronto spent civic holiday with Mr Alex Fletcher W of Toronto and Miss Ross of guests of Mrs A J mended his gave the lad Look and Listen Ways are dangerous Place your order tow for your Coal while the idea is the lowest will be this Sizes of EM Book year order bow for Alberta Coal to be delivered from the Car Two Cars expected early ia Jane Ten Gars of Coal Building Material arrived this week The splendid orchestra of five pieces which provides music for the weekly dances gave two ex cellent selections Mr Ernie Bruce was the life of he evening and he sustained his reputation playing on five dif ferent instruments with expert ability accompanied on the piano by Miss Mary Mitchell manner appeared in i Tied for Jack Eastwood J Claire Double Skiff mixed 17 year and under Jean Jack Maxwell Beall and Jack Eastwood 3 Bertha Kent Herb Kent Crab Rase ladies Mr H EVES and sang comic songs 3s Doris Wilson a charming young singer and dancer capti vated the audience and was encored The collection amounted to The distribution of prizes to ie winners during the Regatta as then made by the Prize and the winners in the principal events were heart cheered The list is as follows Punning Race Boys years and under 1 Bobby 2 Howard Bobby Ed munds Running Race Girls years and under Sinclair Be mice Williams Mary Ariel Gillespie Punning Race Boys year and under Ben Cox Melville Pearson Running Race Girls year and under i Jean Davidson Cecilia Kent 3 Ida Robinson Running Race Boys and under Pat Eastwood Eddie Rapp Phil Can hers Running Race Girls year fjViiutri C ltoh1 Mildred Cherry 3 niton habits useful hint mong other identify drugs by going to the the and kept about which he had reading and finding in Waif Wright Gordon Harold Robertson 2 Harold Forrester Jack Burt Bob Wil li Lou Spencer Double Canoe mixed 17 yean and under Jack Maxwell and Robertson Jack Eastwood and Helen Ross and Mildred Cherry Crab Race ment Jack pod Claire Forrester Con War Preen and Mildred Cherry Jean Hamilton Beall Madeline Smith War Canoe men Waller Jim McMullen Bill Miller Jack Maxwell Claim Claire For real fif- Jack Harold Forrester 3 J H Brown F Eastwood Howard as one opinion but Mr Maurice he trim little clerk had another He was reading a book with a faded red cover and -lurn- tho last page as Felix was top your head with all that truck Freeman he interrogated You say you dont intend to study pharmacy the in loading up on a lot of lunVber thatll only he in way Bet ter read that book Ive just fin ished Its a dandy book Well Ive picked up a good many things I never knew before in St the Mi ddle cents per pound was 217791 This large by the enlarged produc tion of the Sullivan Mine at ley a which Is owned and by the Mining and Smelling Company The ore Is at Klmborley and the greater part of the lead and zinc Is shipped lo Trail although zinc concentrates were reported ivlng been expected lo Belgium Butte Montana Some ma- was exported because the Trail smelter had not sufficient refining ca pacity to handle Increased output hvH ing the summer with her Mrs in Manitoba Mr John Ough spent a week at Lake during which lime he aught and bass Mr and Mrs Fred of Toronto spent Monday with his brother Mr of Toronto formerly of was calling on Friends in Town last Saturday Mrs Wm Cane Mrs W C and children arc spending the holidays with Mrs J Cane at Mr and Mrs and Al lan are home from a trip to Que bec Lake Mrs of Detroit and Iter sister Mrs Adair of have with Mrs friends A dozen members the Council of the Ontario College of Pharmacy in session Toronto took a trip to Town Tuesday on the trolley Fred reprerrnterl Camp at Hamilton and Mr J Hughes the Pyra- id Lodge at the same Calvert and daughter of are visitors at Mrs Hewitts also Miss Sadie and Miss Olive Watson of Toronto Watson and party sailed from Roches Point to on Monday and enjoyed a he tonsils Pal appeared uneasy And you he asked another I had an ulcerated tooth they had to pull out and hen operate on he gum the patient replied Me- the shield for its interesting Felix- On the evening of almo last day of Felixs clerkship Grimsby the and Mr Again Pal Ive blood poisoning he arm and theyre going to cut off was the reply In Pat cried place for me Ive n my head SO Years Ago From Era August About three oclock Thursday morning of last week Flour Mills now occupied by the Office Specialty Co was de stroyed by fire Loss Mr who lived In tire bouse adjoining had a loss The self to the store between eight and he Mechan lily played he audience id gave unbounded Civic Holiday and nail village and except on Sat- Belle nights not much business the Lake after nine though Jos ere open and hour a horse the wait fatal the matter which had shipment of new drugs that morning and which Mr Maur ice had pushed over lo the waste veek Contents badly damaged basket The i lames were if them but Us found a kind of in out and how were I 1 Felix his lath Phi in lie the bod that w ho lop fit Pace 1 The death of Bishop old settler W f London market Band for years assisted Sharon and Landing Bands He was with Masonic honors the preceding Die funeral io High School day with friends of that i the Severn River Dixon of the 1st J v Undent of Africa leil About mens Civil of the is in South march to took i i on In n Fire- Falls Met The Brigade cleared about Morton Park last Sunday was in full blast The dining room Balmoral House accommodates and every seat was occupied The Talagoos defeated Rich mond Hill on Monday Score Newmarket players T Doyle Flanagan Shupe Clif ton Kennedy Simpson Webb Campbell Manning L Doyle and Pennock Mr F Blue is appointed care taker of the High School at a sal ary of The Board are asking the Council for The Altar On July at lie Methodist Parsonage Brad ford Rev Geo Brown Hiss Nancy Morrison of East to Robert Craig of West The Tomb In King Aug 3rd Reuben Stephens in his year Interment at Keltle- One robber was and killed another was wounded and a clerk was shot and wounded when four or five robbers mpted to hold up the Drake hotel in Chicago aped The robbeii reported lo ay about in the hotel which was by scores of policemen St Thomas July 29th- injured when two motoi collided tonight near TORONTO