Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1925, p. 7

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THE and become with our bread me food that hit their Just ri0 our am companion for the finest War put in Four operations this week ami ail palicrytfl doing well vices July during the winter Trinity United Continuing from Na ture next Sunday am Growth pm Pastor Another for corporation has marked a white on the Direct corncrt for cars to keep within their own area In turning from one street to another to prevent accidents Care outside of area are liable for damages f Good The game between and was to bo played last Tuesday The few ed the grounds to games but did no their appearance There is no doubt that Now- irkel will be the winners of the League as they have not lost any A most exciting game when Oxbridge who are looked upon of the great a umber of monuments luvo erected In lie a for it Bet a 1 1st of mm mill It This will the i claim that wo do only the highest of memorial wo W Cor Main Newmarket HudginsRealtyCo JJJiC Shore Summer Island Grove Orchard Jacksons PL also Hotel properties and Vacant lots Motto Square Dealing BOX Newmarket Residence Aug El be best the A Birthday very enjoyable e at the TIlOB Monk llldgcs on Saturday July IBf when a number of friends and re latives gathered the occasion the birthday of their oldest lughler Mrs 11 Walls of Sunday School The homo of Mr J Barrio was the of pretty wedding on Tuesday evening M daughter of Mr and bride of Mr It J P Rev J Simpson ol The Chautauqua is being made Discovery of Old Battleship Boy Scouts your in the expenses of and to pay for their which they have Tor their band Tickets are on sale now by tin Boy Scouts Season var ax to paid at the Secure your ticket early Beach July Big people to see the Nancy The big bridge is lined with people They started to arrive early Col Currie has found an Indian village in that district which was called by the Indk signifying the Protection strong in hi interest ant kce Uak Newmarket played the wedding and during the signing of register a solo was sung by Mr Jack After the wedding reception the happy couple left on a motor trip the at tlio conclusion which they will reside in Ottawa Family noUnion On Saturday July 18th Mr Thompsons grounds Holland Landing was lie scene of a fam ily re- union when the descend ants of the late Win and Francis if ll llaillpioil dill l to the sixth generation four being present Wm and Francis Webster emigrated Brown is friends Toronto Myrtle Ferguson holidaying with friends here Miss Jessie Thomson of To ronto is holidaying at her home i Newton of Toronto guest of the Misses Holmes over the weekend Mr and Mrs and the family presented Mrs Walls a cabinet of silver The wati made Travjss and Norman Legg nephews of Mrs Walls address being read by Billy of York Mills another nephew to which Mrs Walls made a suitable reply of Mr Brown Wo to learn of the sud den demise of Mr Brown a former employee of lira Of fice and of the late Byron Brown of Newmarket also broth er of Miss Frances Brown of Au rora which sad event occurred at his home at Gharlollclovn Prince Edward Island on Thurs day of last week Wo- copy lb following fro of hi ho P to the lii dei such a III at in winch be to him while in suddenly death was a si for few mo MORTAGE SALE Irtue of the Power In a certain Moil- offered for sole by Auction NO The Municipal Act IS HEREBY GIVEN that of the Township of North anbury proposes of Ihe said Council to be held Saturday the 1st day Augutt hi- hour ten oclock in the Standard lime at Ilia of In the said Town- I ByLaw to provide for the stopping up and sale of portion of ill e street of highway fa of Lots Two and Three on South cording the that hi goodly concession of King the family lias and Hie descendants tlio Dominion of am United States and novelty race which gave pleasure to all lb list took in everything bag to a flack of flour The picnic lunch was all that could bo desired closed with expressions good tribute to the ancestry and the oldest living also expressions of deep regret to those unfortunately unable to tlend It is the intention to this an annual vent Morton The fourth annual reunion Iho of Mr Ira Mor ton of Keswick was held at Hit of his son Morton endow Springs Mr and Mrs Morton Among family of Buffalo has a different look these welcome the llev Dr goodly Mrs Kay look one of tin books and Mrs Lloyd gave an interesting rearling hook wliicli of vessel when boarding it the muck and lie the guns of Bntish la about complete fruit aro In point to t the Huron joins in protesting against the old ship being torn to pieces and Booth arrived A of lumber fxeii many think it would bo a good Willi Some of the Buried I a Nancy tito fight schooner that burned edge in the on August Col J A ia sure of it familia lory the river and ship Col is confident that the guns of ship lie in the bed of the Hie time of War of lory of the Noll staled that bis grandliilher Hector had seen the guns in fourteen feet of water on deck of the Sunk Further Hector and a Juilt the first ship lhat the protect be taken from Ihe have that are British naval sup plies and Freeman got a British uniform button with the makers name on ho back and the front the anchor of the Royal discovery of the Nancy and this morning during the course of an interview ton the declared that be Canadian Pacific conststtrj twentynine logs of Douglas of which were long Batcars were required Field Mondial Earl Haig Countess travelled Canada to the Pacific over the Canadian Pacific Railway recently after attending the I with the Ontario Go Origin of In tho Western Canada better crop prospects than which w exist now fltated Ernest Coo of liic ship and Cook Ltd Crop Insurance which she lies up Co of Moose Jaw who re cently two weeks at Banff after touring the West and crop conditions the fioi i I I Data Morion and Thcr ter known or more highly teemed He had been in life for many years He wa Mayor of the City for two year and the time of bis incumbency of the most prog- periods in Iho history of the City His kindness to the soldiers re- home from the Great War will never be forgotten In his official capacity as Mayor be met them on arrival will words and good cheer as proprietor of the Revere Hotel be entertained them at bis own rendered them such assistance otherwise as Ihcy might need He was charitable to all who needed charity be was public spirited and ever ready to promote any cause calculated benefit the city or province He was a keen sportsman a lover of horses and the owner of some of the fastest in the dearly loved the of Mr Ira Morton Morton wife and child of were also present Miss Hester Morion of Newmar ket aunt of Mr ira Morton join- aunt of Mr Ira Morton join- Owing to illness some grand children were unable to but fortyeight gathered around the festive board During the morning a ball game was enjoyed and in the WMjS of the continuing Pie of this place held their monthly meeting at lie dome of Mrs Robertson some being present usu al business was put Several good readings added in terest to the meeting A letter of sympathy was forwarded Mrs Harry Proctor on account of the loss of her mother Mrs Doyle one of he esteemed members of he Mrs Robertson kindly treated he W members and chauffeurs 0 raspberries and cream Need loss to say ample Jusfice wa done to the repast On Friday July Russell Busier Foster Dawson Feavor and Bob Leonard of Hi place returned from a camping up country The events irded and and id of him lhat he played the game fairly We have At the close of the past the president Mr I ton Queensville called on tin Mr Morion of To to read he minutes of the previous gathering New committees were appointed coming year the registei by all and ihe ended with all singing Blest be the Tie that Binds Mr and Morton Ml Albert later Pleasant menu of old associations renewed and members greeted will long dwell in the minds of all present fairest Plan Plot of of Col D A Mac kinnon himself a lover and de vottee of the King of Sports to stuliiifi that P Brown of cleanest and sportsmen in the game many contests on the rac but never won one unfairly and when he lost ho lost like a gen tleman and a true sport His family will have the sin- cere sympathy of a host friends in their sudden bereave The late Mr Brown was on April and was three months his year He bad been resident of Prince Edward Island for nearly half a century matter of fact for Is given pursuant to the a a he Municipal Act liald the day of June FRED VanNORMAN of ding smuggling Is in Ottawa and at to hit Mich July Fin as favorable as usual for the an nual Garden Party of St Johns Church on Wednesday evening about the usual crowd was in at tendance and the ladies in charge of the refreshments had their hands full for over two hours but everybody appeared thoroughly sal grounds were las and well illuminated by elec tricity various games were well and there was much amusement watching the lucky people carried off Tin greatest attraction of the the Urn that the guns of the Nancy by him and bis sons slated At lhat time the water of the river was very bottom could be seen at great depths have been told Nancy sunk r found It is believed that the island where the ship rests that is the case the uns may be found some distance for the Lakes John of the partners Detroit to superintend the work The schooner lie wrote the of September a perfect masterpiece of and The to us will be grea but there will be the of being toplimbers knee all of red cedar will carry barrels He ordered a suitable fir head of a lady dressed in fashion with the and feather from of New York The schooner was launched on he September 1789 a most beautiful and substantial vessel and in the spring following math her fir some June with a full cargo ay bey may have fallen bound for the Grand bi and may not have Saul with he with the action of of visit Maehittac on way back In Territory of the made that attaches itself of Ontario th the history that abitou I took them to the north The canoeists lo Big Cedar Point hero they made assed quickly trolling for while fish and a trip across lake lo Snake Island These High School boys declare they had an HAPPINESS J often half as goo recall their childhood forcibly to my they are when anguish these dreadful lis cause thousands of pi girls and boys Ihrougbo land They were in winter in terror all spring endured the horrors of an lion all summer And holiday The funeral was held on irday morning from his Jaw esidence Revere Hold to t Cathedral where a Requiem High Mass was celebrated by Rev Maurice Mc Donald assisted by Rev P and Rev Francis Sub Deacon a of priests occupying seats m fianctuary The funeral cortege proceeded the following order Band Police itiiu ivy fire Department of the Oily Council hearse City The Wright Col ad at least lion wore Mayoi Mayors Q P J Riley and Mr As the funeral which was on of the largest seen here for sow time being attended by all class es and creeds wended lis way through the streets the fire bell was tolled Service at the grave as con ducted by Father Callagban deservedly applauded from time to time The result of the Drawing was as follows Miss Harrison Aurora Lamb Large Newmarket Mer chandise Mrs Boyd Newmarket lbs butter Walker Bradford Apples W Lawson Lamb Richardson Newmarket Bo Cigars Howard Toronto lb Butter Mrs Dag Flo Ramsay Sharon Gold Gee Newmarket lb Gran Sugar Bag Kathleen McCaffrey Winner of Fancy Doll Ed Murphy has a childs heart i 1 when be is fifly he a hundred years bound for or dians when the first penetrated the wilds of Ontario the banks that recently canonized by the Roman Catholic Church murdered by a seemingly friendly Indian and bis body the the War of 1812 the harbor became a centre of the fight for Mackinaw Island linued Col When the first settlers came to lhat section 28 and 32 the friendly gov of the day gave then of his built in that stated that the task of construction was laborioui Huge sawpits had lo be dug lo cut Ihe limbers of the which were of oak cut district and the halliards of rope the hemp of which let Col plot five The iioys and girls who failed to pass their entrance who can the suffering during the few weeks Not if they are burned at the slake if thev the desert of wooden when finally it slid ways it was the first the porl Walked from York Settlement of that e result of Major officer engaged the Battle of 1812 returning to the St of Get Rich Quick Theres the whole secret This is a fast age People want lo get rich right away they want right away Folks wont plant apple trees any more because they take from ten to twenty years lo come into bearing I you could plant apples like Iocs and have a crop the Richmond Hill Mr Jolm My Basket Baby is not youd call a smart young and Im glad of it When little thing came Eh heart bowed down ngbt of woe heavyfooted with he bitter news hadnt passed she lo guilty Col St George 111c commandant of the British Garrison at Am- the Nancy was lying Molntoshs Wharf opposite ailing for carry her into Lake and be at once ordered her to be brought down under the guns of that post lo secure her from capture Some light bras with which she had been armed were mounted in boats to patrol the river and the schooner was impressed info Iho service as a transport On July 30lh she sailed for Fort Erie under convoy of Ihe provincial schooner Lady days later she left Fort Erie on her return voyage company with the armed brig Hunter having on board soldiers of the list Regiment and of military stores The timely arrival of this rein forcement bad considerable weight among the reasons which induced General Hull to evacuate Canada According to Agricultural Industrial Progress in Canada Department of Trade and CommeTta has Issued the following compara tive for 1924 and trade In the Dominion Total 1924 trado 1902130161 According to the Dominion of Statistic- the annual snmption of standing timber for amounts to about feet The loss by fire Insect and fungi about doubles this depletion and it is estimated that Canadian forests are depleted at the rat upwards of five arid a half cubic feet per annum For the first time in the history of Canada upwards of three thoa- from the four provinces and Montana Journeyed t9 Alberta early in July bh5 held allIndian celebration and formed a of plains Indiana Five thousand white people attended the ceremony and watched the In- dians their spectacular mount ed wardance Deep gratification is felt In Cans- Pacific Railway circles over- the receipt of the following sent to President by His Royal Highness the of Umvuma South Africa July 2nd Have juBt heard of Howards death Please convey relatives y deepest sympathy Edward P The late lit Howard w twice In chargo of tht Prince af Wales train His Royal travelled over Canadian Pacific lines y For the second time In the his tory of the newsprint Canadian run ahexd of that t the United States the Month of May Caiuda produced tons newsprint as com pared with 1W torn in the States The cumulative production of Cariedlan for the first fi of the year totally which compare with ft production of in United Stati during the Grey Island of Is raises of that section of People left and had id when I and They raised their families and cleared their land without outside assistance as it was not until 52 lhat a railway penetrated the wilder ness stated the Colonel Found Officers- Jewelry One of Col uncles as sisting in the construction of the first ship found the of a man presumed bo a naval officer which was encircled with a large diamond ring at the spot where the Nancy went down Hector his grand father found a silver brooch about tho same time Salt Spring Hidden Col has been making an effort to locate a salt spring near the mouth of the bis forefathers have told him about but so far his effort been Col stales spring tanlly employed service of transporting troops stores and provisions be tween Detroit and Fort On April she included in the small assembled to transport Genera Proctors division from Amherst burg to Miami Bay lo undertake tho siege of Fort Meigs Al the disastrous battle of Put- Bay which destroyed tho Brit Nancy was the only British armed vessel left west of the Ni agara River She was detailet keep the garrison al mackinac in Ihe straits Mackinaw Britains further out post supplied from Iho depot the mouth of he Notlawasaga These supplies were brought from Toronto by bullocktea canoe and What the fiancy was Worth Societys Record ny The Khan ltd hi- lick Vol of the river lo Fort the Northwest Co For 181311 her own- rere allowed and further sum of compensation for the loss of Nancy from Erie in claimed and King City King City remained in the Fairbank and District Football League by winning Milton Milton on dayafternoon Banks was lbs King City heads the list hav ing played games won seven and lost none OAR SEIZED SECOND A McLaughlin louring car that has about 20000 miles to its credit and Which has been in Hi a hands of the Provincial before as part of a bootleggers outfit is again in custody of the Province with gallons of car excited the suspicion Provincial officers near He on Monday night men chased car at an hour for some dilancb along Ihe pavement The boot leggers turned i of pork and flour eminent stores for was worth a Here they for look refuge which they with a blind end the woods trim Chicagos fa killed in the of the year Turkish customs officials been supplied with pocket- osi of at Ma AUCHIVES OP TORONTO

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