Toronto linnl Union lloapltal Kail- ay day in J J BOYD ti graduate in Medicine of Toronto of and member Hours Laboratory We wJiicai wo can in a special our love to I and loyally to the Sunday school In which mother believed in Let there ho a big rally or sisiers at the schools on Sunday DR H WILKINSON Dcntlstj Main ant Newmarket I J BARTHOLOMEW of iho Forum Building Toronto Over Pattersons Drug Store A STOUFFER of Piano Singing In New and Used Pianos Heated for fully list Saturday Day brought horn Town Hand turned on ii iji lit and Hi then marched mi and collected a big corners by thcli music which brought many dimes Into the Scout coffers held a talent room of the Mefho- Friday op Stuart Word was received in Sunday ol Ihe dealii he i day of Mrs el J Stuart Scotland to Canada with her years ago and in where lie practiced for nearly before lug Mission City Col members and friends of the Newmarket Tennis in Iho Court lie annual Iho Mathews reviewed the the past year and id the appreciation of Hie to I lie several members who had d to make the Club it been Particular mention was of Mr Lynns and- Mrs J Davis Jr who had kindly given her to he Club others wishing lo Join are asked to with the any other of the Executive The ini cranio fees are payable or before the First of Juno but I Ik desired to have thorn In as WHAT he play The The appreciation of Club last in the building of the also its thanks loM and Mr Harvey Soules of the Club who look out parts in tlm presentation of lb play Treasuerer presented Financial Statement tor Receipts Balance In Bank Apr 3 Fees Subscriptions 3fl5 III Cody Match Tennis Balls Dance at Mrs Marques llebad- on for play you a Mason the Era campaign for a pulp abargo goes merrily on arguments in its favor indeed boon mot again and again often as they are repeated worth while lo re peal lie reply A twofold appeal made to us That we should conserve our national resources in limber 2 was a member of Church ami was Hie ladies by amipmilll Liberalism adds vigor adds years Us history Is record through many decados of struggle for equal justice while Ihe vitality it displays to day at ago and speaks only of youth Just as British liamenlary institutions broadened down from precedent lo precedent so has Liberalism advanced from prin ciple lo principle and presents a body of political beliefs by whoso sway only can healthy energies of tho people lie emancipated and freed at last from the of a devastating War In the past six proved the host- friend League of Nations What re under the flag of lieanism did to the peace of Wilson is a tale while a brighter story of what libelalKin American embargo either object without doing harm of another kind at the name time we should welcome it we proscnled with a fearful picture of Canadian for ests progressively denuded and American operators reaping golden harvest at our expense But The weakness of lies Just hero that Ihe shackles it lias fin a crop of Swede Turnip OT Swede tated for purity and yield heavy We highly the follevtfng hading CANADIAN top Crlmcoa top JUMBO DERBY PRIZE KANGAROO Hid I I he tho wing of the Labor in Britain did clarity and to galvanic he is underlying Die Pact I accelerate Hie of Western Europe by It ha France to obtain iiie solution of the sliimilalion of good sains ftt Canada would rather deprive Can- Mian woodland owners of a busi ness with lllo United Stales less legitimate than the exporta tion of wheat prairie farms or the exportation of apples from tho Annapolis Valley To all Iho clamour about imaginary advantages from an embargo wo reply with a few quiet definite questions We ask the champions of scheme to tell us wbelftier it is not so thai the prevailing opinion by forestry experts jilae- real cause of timber in the ravages of nscct posts and Bronze Gram top top Bronze Green top Order Sictie SuSI your total COT ADELAIDE end TORONTO cannot obtain locally us your Dealer lour sisters and wo brothers onononarlan at the horn A flanlstcr Solicitor Notary Public Bank of Toronto Building Newmarket 1111 in lull- April look J G Price of and Is ad vancing advantage of old prices and Order your suit HOW WILLIS Mens Main St Newmarket Industrial Home i3 Commissioners last Saturday and passed accounts o pay the very little for past Iwo m for sermons last Sunday one in afternoon and one in the evening Farm work Is well advanced and gardening is receiving Wire fencing is on enclosing be adjoining jo recently purchased On Wednesday night of 1 Community Club entertained Hi a play and again night of his weel greatly appreciated Lights on Carriages and Those who are driving drawn vehicles on he highway must according o lie Ferguson rnment eillier get home town before dark or have their lamps rimmed and buggies or to compel of after to have lights Ibeir rigs liave been mtrodneed legislature for several yes past always were defeated in Municipal Connnitlee This the bill was by a canine member Henry Minister of I was therefore passed The for T cups and Tournament The Pi of Cul Drills sli7 OFFICERS OF CLUB Honorary P Pearson in Mrs J Davis Jr Mr Lyons and Hon J Davis J It Bell President Harry Doyle Treasurer Jack Young Tournament Com Miss Lyons Norman Mathews Carroll Grounds Walker Dr JW Bar tholomew House Com Mrs Otton Staunton Miss Moas All of the officers will compose he Executive Committee of the new President Mr J Bell then took the chair and plans for the coming year were discussed It was decided to re tain the membership fee lion prohlei is serving to make Gallic in Europe Dominion it is through its instrument of a Fed- government mightily uig lie civil Hie tin a ml and domestic of a people who re with an appalling burden from that war Liberal ism is standing today helpful places kindling gen proper methods of cull lilizalion whether ver which jesent be exported from p owned woodlands is not in extent so freely the I of the people holding up the kindly light beckoning the nation from the passion and prejudices bred of strife and promising large re turns for selfreliance Mon treal Listening Post STUDENT NURSE DIES ON BEING INOCULATED Montreal May 1st Els tributod lo this cause appea grotesquely exaggerated every reason alleged fop prohibiting thc export of pulp- wood is not a reason equally for prohibiting lie lumber These I been put again and again apologie in readers who mm feel fired of seeing hem in prin Bill our defense it that hey never yet been answered and the champions of embargo pro with their delusive just as if such question never been asked They lions that go to the vei of this controversy and lb why they arc not I coil it llalkeilh u died jVieyhavn bee v decided do what- put them of the Grounds diseases Her death became known this afternoon when an inquest was held Evidence was that Dr Edward Murphy superintendent of the hospital had ordered hat she he- given the customary inbculaliou unaware of Hie fact that she had been a victim of asthma MissMclcod died al most immediately after Ihe in- 19000 iled States by I Injui Hake old Shoes like hlIP li of York Marble and Granite Works LEST WE Scotch Granites lime to place your Price end Quality flight JOHN MOSS moo Eton to ordep liglilcl lamps side of Hip vehicles so llial llicj- lo plainly Auto Smash Til I Ilia Closed llir it of II- outh and tho foot too trolley car and smashed to pieces the Dr was alone ho held fast to flic so Ihat his but Ihe iiiju the Dr says did ends to sue Iho Co second accident a Resurface your old floors with been a of about feet were from tho Hotel Co and left cant TRANSFORM any unsightly surface by adding a floor of lasting beauty Be sure to insist on Seaman Kent Hard- wood Flooring Its careful kiln drying will ensure durability Its excellent milling will make laying easier The name Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring will guarantee satisfaction in every respect at a low cost that will surprise you in woods and grades to suit every taste prices for puree Get an estimate A full line of Seaman Kent Hard wood Flooring- also floor filler and floor wax carried at our rooms EVES Phone Huron Steel NEWMARKET suggestive than lien- trade for the sake of what hey But ion- va of such Id be enormous the market within which trader may sell his goods and you at once compel him to accept whatever price the buyers in that may determine If tho private owners of land just now think local I customers are offering loo little they can seok hotter lerriis across line once an embargo imposed upon exportation they at the mercy of a group of paper mills which may easily and buy their ma- the ordinary he IF you intend buying cattle for feeding improving your herd you will require a loan to cover the cost armers of known reputation and thai ter can readily secure such loans from Bank of Toronto The Bank of Torontos large experience in agricultural financing makes it peculiarly qualified to assist farmers in all problems in volving the profitable development of their See your Bank of Toronto branch manager ttfday He will welcome a thorough discus sion of your farm financing ficiallj hut on lhearLi- tie seller is forced That Chore would ha a sudden ish of American capital to mills in Canada is in the degree doubtful bat ere would be an immediate drop the price of to our consequence proprietors o are thus BANDIT GIVES WATER TO GIRL WHO FAINTS Got 12000 ik afternoon held up in ho central of he Sheffield Fa Milk Company in Web Avenue Astoria stuffed aolfile iff or SAFETY the first consideration Safely Your Deposit in the The Province of Savings Office is Guaranteed by THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NEWMARKET BRANCH EATON Manager Other Branches The police that it holdest holdup ever in part of the have been many in Ihe la robbers ro a gal- she wed their dis- of e interference with I As lv of Ibcm Iho do or of lis it Willi and employees to tin- hands Miss fama the telephone fell fit in a Joint One of calmly walked ihe water cooler filled a ill passing il Miss lies sister of the operator said Miss put water on her lip and take arc of la is people now with watches attached lo the It pays to use m PURE PAINT VARNISHES for Purpose- Write to Office for Free Booklet SOLD BY Bennett Edward Halnh Newmarket Mount Albert GREENS WALL WINDOW SHADE DUPLEX HUD lisll Willi i i Han it IAKGHIV