J BOYD B in Toronto nv also of the Royal of and member of of Of Eve- Eye clinical assistant or County of DR DALES DR lit WILKINSON DR CECIL GILBERT or to Urn III Store Newmarket by Appointment Phono down own lust and many lingered on listening to nlo Spray Mr and Mrs Brim- umber of people pus on evening both by Irolloy heading for Spray Mr and Mrs Family Lake for Hie InBtj Among Iho relatives friends from a attending jpal were and of Bradford Mr mid fanlfly of Tore and family of HO in lie shade last forgot a Hie home of Mi llie Intitule now lTliip of over Of llio April hundred and Mi Lewis on Food Values a i liirl and menus were and prop planned meals Willi a viev food values A was read asking- homos in the country where children can he sent free charge is a good thing that Hi lie for something oily dhy Penrose of held port of Hie Association Convent Hall 10 this is no easy task as mi people know one foil speakers in Miss Dorothy roses report it is loo had could not have heard hit Off- Ill Residence A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Singing and Violin in New and Used Pianos Rented Pianos Tuned A Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Hank Toronto MATHEWS Barrister Solicitor Etc Successor to the Late hilliii office Iioliii Main Newmarket Phone Mi Claire of Georgetown Dr of Mr Underbill of Barrio Dr Hoy Belfry Miss Win nie Belfry Ada Lukes Mist Mil Mr M all or Toronto Mr and Mrs Jacob Smith of disciples lie not what it do well examine our nets Perhaps hey have five through hick of contact will the Master message was me Mi- it again on Coin he Rev J sermon on the ev ion of social as his topic I and elaborating ho ids direct and dealing with Hie question low do wo worship God ml in bis journeying in Athens amd an altar bearing the ln- To lie Unknown Cod wo worship Coil blindly i Hes Mine also a of the sermon sang Aigain to Thy Dear WHAT I LIVE FOR By Banks live for those who lovo me Whose hearts are kind and true For the heaven that smiles above And awaits my spirit loo For all human ties that blind me For the task by God assigned For bright behind me And the good that I can do I live to Win The mineral fish and land re sources of British Columbia will again ba extensively advertised year at a coat of or according by Premier Oliver The Universal Film Company is perfecting filming the Calgary Stampede this summer an part of a forthcoming production in which Hoot Gibson will star will involve an expenditure of about exports to Fri were valued at franca against Imports from that country of franco There has been a marked increase in trade of late years which Is attributed partly to the Treaty of Commerce and the propaganda work of the Canadian Pacific Exhibition train Frank African Irr who has just completed independent investigation of the agricultural conditions throughout Canada has stated that he la per fectly satisfied with the has to offer tho right typo of settler lead dog of the Chateau husky team realized during the Society toffday Toronto recently Ho collected on behalf of and t J SAMSON Licensed Auctioneer for Count Court Street Newmarket Friendship all benevolent ions have their origin in minted with subject was I be parable of I he Good Samara a profound impression The music was of a high order in cluding splendid anthem solo by Mr Alex lEves and a duel Miss Marjoric Lloyd and Miss Marjory Taylor A J Mann assisted in e Feast and Reception ser vice at Sunday morning and Sacrament oclock n their story ffercd for my glory And follow in their wake Bards palriols martyrs sagos The noble of all ages Whoso deeds crowd historys pages And times great volume make Price of British and Domestic Woollens Is ad vancing Take advantage of old prices and Order your suit NOW G WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket late Mrs Ed Cane took pla Saturday and wei gcly attended Her pastor led by ftcv A sermon which comfort he bereaved family Mention was also made of he ac tivities of deceased and her very home ties The pall bear- were Messrs It J Hunter J Patterson Ed Young and I live to hold With all that feel there is a union Twixt Natures an profit by affliction Crow wiser conviction And fulfil each grand design I live lo hail that season By gifted minds foretold When men shall live by reason And notalone by gold When man to man united And every wrong thing righted The whole world shall he delighi As Eden was of old For cause that lacks assist For the wrong ha needs resist York Marble and Granite Works Granites time to place jour orders arid Quality Right moss Phone of Wm Cane Spray Citizens Band While Fmbiem Spray St Johns Chapter No 3 Spray- Temple London Spray Womens Bible Lodge Basket of Hoses Motor A Class Garage Go NEAR PICKERING fire Iq about throughout the tag that was sold was decorated with his of copyright the United States is declared sub ject to copyright or royalties just as much as publication by other methods of performance fhla de cision which has considerable bear ing on the Canadian Copyright Bill now under discussion in Ottawa was reached as a result of case in the United States Approximately five millions dol lars will bo spent in maintaining and constructing highways within the Province of Quebec during the present year At present there art miles of highway in the pro vince stretching into all parts of Quebec and linking up with main ads in the US and the sister provinces to the East and West According to a report prepared by the Merchants Exchange of Van- fortytwo regular steamship lines are now operating out of that harbor gross tonnage for last year being 14479618 which Is over a million tons in excess of the figures The Canadian Pacific Rail way is now erecting a new pier there which will be of the finest and largest on the continent The Campbell River Company White Rock has purchased the en tire holdings of the James Logging Company of Vancouver which in clude acres of timber lands containing over two billion feet of logs a saw mill with a capacity of more than feet of lumber a day three large tugs and logging outfit A sum said Arrangements have been com to ship books by authors to be exhibited at Wembley this year A special grant been made by the Provincial Government of Quebec to provide artistic bindings for these books many of which will be by French- Canadian authors That this is to be done is largely due to the initia tive of the Arts Science and Letters Society of Quebec City in coopera tion with the provincial government TIME WELL SPENT In addition Col Sons London succeeded winning for the third cession the LI the best car load of not less fifty Iambs Stock Farm atood fourth In thh by careful eel- and good feeding on the part of our breeders policy of breeding the best to the which has been generally followed brought results have attained a very high standard Time and money has been spent by the sheepmen in obtaining this envi able position In the sheepbreeding fraternity of North which I being repaid by the experienced for people Toro Wreath Wreath Edge London Wreath Mr and Mrs Cane and Families Wreath Mr Samuel Lukes and Families Bradford Wreath The Davis Family Wreath Mr and Mrs Cane and Doris Spray Mr and Mrs Stewart Spray Mr and Mrs J Dur ham Oak Ridges Spray Mr and Mrs Johnston Spray Willis Family Spray Mr and Mr- I Mrs How bat look it looks like of my salary Its not e only been here already engaged to the CONCERT GOOKSTOWN Wed eve May GRANVILLE BUTT Contralto Misses NOLAN CLASSIC Arnold McMillan Glass A McMillan cornet piano RANKIN all ure of Iamb the profit for both day and night It pays to use MARTIN SENOUR WOODLAC STAIN for FurnitureFloors Woodwork to Office for BooWfct home painting made easy SOLD BY Bennett Newmarket Edward Haigh Mount Albert be made dozen Mario Solome Que and dis id by most of the contents upper part of tho block Burtons toro badly For Your Savings Your First Thought IS SAFETY with us and your savings by entire resources of Become a depositor today and receive security coupled with courteous service The Province of Ontario Savings Office NEWMARKET BRANCH C EATON Manager Other Branches GREENS FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARQE6T AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL FROM 10o TO 100 PEn ROLL WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX You An With