paper of York unless In ad ess in advance In Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY JAN H A Few LeftOvers OF STOCK TO CLEAR At pair Duchess Curlers Rog now only Briar Smoking 50 now Bores only Table Lamps 2 only Baby Sleighs With Box only Irons only Aluminum Percolators only Pint Casseroles In Stand Aluminum Double Roastors Only Genuine Thermos Pints Only Aluminum Potato Pots 4qt only Childs Table and Chairs 2 Dozen HARDWARE iU 25 no 15 wo- no no no Mud 176 no W 375 no no w 150 Lj no w 188 no 12B no w 325 05 no 36 Newmarket The Logical Place The logical place for stocks and bonds wills Insurance policies Is In a Safety Deposit Box Not only will they ho safe from fire and theft but they will be In a convenient and known place when they are wanted Rent a Safety Deposit Box at this Bank It costs means much IMPERIAL BANK CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD PEA STOVE NUT EGG COAL ON HAND W PEARSON Church and SONS CO LIMITED M Lumber Lathr Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Bans Sons Co Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket WOOD AH Sizes of Anthracite Coal and Coke for Immediate Delivery tho energetic development of Canadas vast resources of mino forest sen and agricultural land unhampered ho explained in Town Council CLOSING I HON MACKENZIE KING Rousing Reception in Toronto To the Premier of Canada- Canada Marching Forward United and Cheerful Reduction of Taxation Upbuilding of National Railways Wise Immigration and Holding III of Canadian Macks Hall Mondav night appealed it men and heard the Premiers Ihoiigh delved in I Canadian iriiii sire of Hie FrenchCanadians Quebec better with their luwciliens in Ontario and the creation of a real bond of Good Cheer and Honest Work did not of the While the Pre ili-mi- the of ill obligations he evoked thy by iurnd the part greater disposition if all elements hearted de- ways gave to Sir Wilfrid I when the great Liberal Chieftain wont smilingly to contrast he warmth of his reception with the dearth of Liberal votes at election time The Premier was cheered to the echo the whole audience standing when he first appeared on the Hall stage and was accorded an equally bo address Nine Ministers With nine of the Kin seated on the limn half tin faced a Mini nted heretofore his masterly Platform Cabinet huge of lies Besides the j were on the BODY HARDWOOD SLJ in Stove Lengths LUMBER and BUILDERS SUPPLIES FLOUR AND FEED H EVES George ifiam Minister of A Low Minister and Commerce Hon King Minister of Pub- Solicitor General Hon James Murdoch Minister of Labor and Hon Hal Minister Thrilling Message of Each one of the Cabinet Min of the Pi lb spirit of good races for self forever to Toronto by an ad- dress which rippled humor with bad with eloquence and convict ion as to he sine death either from or public call lo national he declared was one be answered by whose creed ahove all that they he cheerful and optimistic the same every energy to a dence and prosperity Reducing Taxation Burden In detail he defended the ad ministration of his Government along economic lines reminded his audience lliat by far the greater portion of national an nual expenditures was uncon trollable and recalled for Right Hon Arthur Meighen the fact debt si of the fixed burden placed there by hi Conservative friends In of this situation however tin Government had effected reduc 25000000 in the laxa n people or a reduc alio from to or Lapointe summarized it of annually from Ihi Progress of National Railways Canadian Pacific Railway as its great competitor and stimulus to efficient service and opera 50000000 in Heavy declai the Prime Mil the people of Can Of lie horns of lite iiuijehohi the head of lie ualid the situation the fiscal hindrance and to capital To Make Waste Canadas waste at Ihei ante time required slrcngfh of numerous selected Special meeting held la the Council Chamber on Friday evening Jan Present Mayor Reeve Pearson Deputy Councillors Relily Ob- j Mi the Governments efforts to bring in immigrants to help dc Premier mcf of the two Interruptions of the evening a man in Hie gallery apparently ode of unem ployed delegation declaring that there was not work for those who were hero the demands which arose from various quarters to Throw him out Prime Minister expressed sympathy for the altitude of the interrupter and agreed that be were among the unfortunates who could not gel work he would have the selfsame expression in his heart Bui he reminded that it was ibecause of Ihe lack of devel opment of national resources a situation the Government in tended lo remedy that men It Hardware Office Specially Neptune Meter Co Slater Co Lais Mfg Co J It I Machine Co Toronto General Hospital Pay K Salary VOL No Single Copies So each SO Years Ago From Era Fyle Jan In the election for the Provincial Legislature last defeated Jackson by a majority of Officers of North York Society Silas John Rogers Howard Whitchurch win and Jones East Charles Silver J Wright King Calvin Davis Geo Gar- Jos At Prof dance last Miss Mary of of Moore near Queensville A Benefit Concert for Jolin Doyle leader of lie Newmarket Of he Pi ap- Ply- Defends Party Government The other inteiuplion came when he Premier differed em phatically with those who main tained that political parlies had oullived their usefulness Some one said So they have but Ihe Premier answered be argument slating that parlies bad come lo lie established as he recognized form of political contention From that point he went on lo discuss the present of third parlies and concluded that in a world which yearned for stability third parties bad no place and very shortly to paid If to correct Explanation The Mayor referred lo a thai bad been mentioned lo htm the Informal that place at the close of meeting In the early part of her which Mr Winger took blight against him It appears all the i members or Council asked to elate their Intentions the election for except Mr Winger but the Mayor explained that Ibis was entirely an oversight He did not IntenU to cast any Hon against any person and apolo gized lo Mr Winger for negll Band i political sight Exodus Reports Exaggerated The lalk of the exodus of Can adians the Premier declared to be as exaggerated as it was un patriotic and he explained how the law prohibiting contract la bor to enter the United Slates swelled the apparent number of immigrants in the American figures to a totally de ceptive tola As a matter of fact Micro was always the ebb and flow across the border and lalcsl Government figures were that men were coming back at Ihe rule off a month Bold that probably he he last ilh the declared that move was not made because Government had no consideration for the in terests of implement manufac turers It was a carefully con sidered step in policy of of national resourced and a step that in the time he hoped would as an object les Mr Peat was to blai beckoned to Ihe Mayor to call Davis of going the round Winger regarded the as the greatest insult he had received but accepted the apology and retired from the room Grant to Solicitor Moved by Mr Pearson seconded by Mr Osborne that to the Town Solicitor work In Mr Pearson explained thai owing to uncompleted year double of required of the Solicitor and the Council should recognize the cheer fulness as well a the efficiency with Hi work was done The Mayor concurred in Hie and the motion was carried Appreciation of Retiring Mayor Mr Pearson took occasion lo re fer lo the strenuous work of the past In Canadian by anioderate tariff change felt sure and already had that il old ld be no mmediale changes tariff Broad National Outlook He concluded with an appeal to all races sections and classes for moderation and toleration other groups and declar ed amid applause thai in that way alone lay the solution of the other problems of national finan ces was as futile for the manufacturers of Ontario and Quebec to think in a prescribed of manufacturing interests ional policies to the His posed be guided by I WHITBY MAN HARROW ESCAPE Whitby Jan Alfred Luke of the Ontario Motor Sales Garage here bad a narrow escape from death lo- by monoxide gas from a car which he was repairing iih running and from pis ell where lliere was greater than under the present Mayor Cane He has himself for the service of the Town to the best of bis ability and Hie three years of his Mayoralty Town has made wonderful Improv menLs Because of his good natu limes at considerable length but he ment or the Council that they regretted from the Mayors chair No ever had greater support from all II members and he retires with the greatest respect and confidence Reeve sppke at some length he and the Mayor together and his goodfellowship In youth baa not changed In public life His altitude In the Council was leni ent and with operation- The adop tion of the Budget Plan last year had worked admirably Ihe year clos ing without an overdraft for Ihe first ly due to the work of Finance Committee Mr Cane warmly thanked tho members for their expressions of appreciation and confidence He had i hat the Solicitors the at of Dr erred to the Markels Fall wheal wheal barley oats peas butler chickens pr turkeys lb geese dry S3 dressed hogs Years Ago From Era Jan 19th Mrs John Montgomery is vis iting in Mr Hewitt and Miss Eileen spent a couple of weeks with her sister in Toronto Mrs and daughter of Roches Point were calling on Mr and Mrs A E Widdificld attended funeral of her aunt Mrs Haines at Sharon on Hon J Davis Commission er of Crown Lands left for on Government of Court Officers ji Gibson Wright Art head A Goring Dr Hull Officers of North York Abb Wilson A Widdifield Norman Keith Officers of Newmarket Ceme tery Co J J Pearson Officers of Library T J Robertson Coombs Hughes Officers of Newmarket Factory IL Haines M Starr John Lewis F people attended the hookey match on Friday night Newmar ket vs Varsity Score 77 A Toronto had his nose broken The Altar At residence of the brides parents Haple- Mount Albert by Rev Jan Miss Kath leen Moorehead lo John A Leek of Died In North Jan It Caleb Mann aged years Near Bradford Jan Eliza wife of Mortimer formerly of East Gwillimbury aged years Brandon Man Jan Manitoba fanners planned unanimously an organization through whose agency they hope to send a solid givsslve representation lo Ottawa After a length discussion a resolution was adopted providing for a central provincial committee of nineteen capable of enlargement which will have general charge of the federal poliilcal with the strict lerstaikHug that there Is no Interfer- autonomy and that seal and political association ill operate will ha 1th i Is to by Ihe 1st of members United Farm federal members and one of rural con stituency associations and It was of local should he safe guarded by yearly reelection There Is a provision lliat urban shall have when they are In I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO