up News of Wort Sale Unfold Army Hull Dec Jin THE puMIe Mr Ion to 11 ere Of cecums I9 the upon of or Wo the of our purity mo fco Mbleh- I iit- it will sum ii idiiuuTi fore It to I I In union Musk- il of ir season Hi l Mis oil Friday Nov lit oclock when Mrs win address lie Club Willing Workers of Andrews will hold In the school room on Tills will ho a good lo anions useful and fancy articles suitable Halo nf ill ho Hi by THE or duality of our product la great number of monuments wo have erected In Ihn local cemeteries You do not have to lake our worn for flet Hat of work we have douc In your cemetery and examine It will verify the claim we do only the of work of the Ititc John Doylo Willi grateful many acts of kindness and of sympathy tendered in Town Debentures for Sale PRIVATE OF FURNITURE fry Slop til CO Cook Illinium Table vilcd to attend tol3 The Mission tlirclc will hold lis annual lilirnnr n Friday lii il in llic Sim lay room Fancy Wink Aprons and linking will to on sale and At tn noun tea will ho served Will all the people who have fancy work for the bazaar kindly tiring It the church on I The Union Womens Temperance ho hold In Hall Tuesday Dec Is Council following let of of of the lp lublo of b Sale comment servo Ep Worth vill nude baking Brtr lata like Mi night was well attended Miss Lily favoured the a fine solo and Miss Arnold gave an on Growth of iii Monday evening will be in Dopl f inndii will give an Lata Larry Lai IlmiHday mornine of last an extended ply Of lale lib In ilti months ago and hi about year have lalfen a grea in- In and llm de ceased was one of the play schools of Hie Hiding York Hospital Following donations gratefully since last K J Davis Pair Woolen Davis Pair Woolen Celery elHoy School rtllO III- Class Ho was educated at- Separate school in New market and a regular of St Johns It Church He by five brothers and five all of whom reside bore Frank who is Dis trict Manager for the Toronto Life Insurance with headquarters at Barrio His brother Harry is Purchasing Agent for the Office Special Co and a member of Town Coun cil Fred is Chief of the Fire Brigade and is of a Department at Canes Factory Thou is a partner in the firm of A Co general Ernie is in tho Office of the Off also his The vol vols Toy Mating Painting and Paper Hanging Claris work and charges reason able Apply to HAND Mis illy Co Mrs Frank 100 spiritual of beautiful floral from and Mr and Mr Hydro shoo got is the day- J in in cent Radio While listening in day night Bennett had once of hearing part of a program given either in I or Scotland be was They highly of radio J tlc Jail I ihoimht It woulil be If it v for pure rich flavor waff J GREEN TEA 7o So fiSeOOd or Gunpowder Try it today KM TEn CANADAS FOREST AT WEM34EY J Ih holds the record of sliool- the large l deer of the parly OConnor slopped oiling stone lust Monduy and Is laid up with a Court its of Major last Cotbell Hi lbe iul North York S3B00 j Howard and I Ion conn il 1 on Wednesday feoTd t miles per hour fine and cost and car held for I l Donald McCain a being Work Tbo pastor will ivices of public Sunday Woolen Blunkets Irs Wright Jar Jar Cherries Irs Harris Jars Mr Chas Basket of Sweet Apples and Vcri and 1a id Mi Sutherland Pair of Woolen s Joe jars s Osborne Jar of Jam Martin Jar J Little Load of Vf M Public worship on the fourth of Lifes Golden Keys Worship and P Sunday parents arc urged operate In building up the i- Pastor Very Sudden he friends of the Thompson lily were greatly of lie sudden death of Mrs iige Thompson at Wabago Tuesday morning A year she fell and broke her arm caused bar much impaired lib but she ly Jar Marmalade Dr Scott Christian Church Nowa Thursday Nov Wolf Cuba will meet at All Cubs expected to he present 8 P church night The attendance is on the in crease Everybody is welcome The pastor will leach the Sunday I MKiiiie and Mrs Smith and family Mr and Mrs Schmidt Mfg Company Davis Family Dr and Mrs A Webb Mr and Mrs J Robinson Mr and Mrs T Blizzard Mr Davidson Miss Elsie- Augers Mr and Mrs Chas Foresters W Mackenzie King Hill and family and Mrs Adams Can lily liie Building Brick Wo try Shoe SI lie tiWaiaed Is office at Hie I No lender J SPAUIniKG of plrCton for given of the Up of York In the County of i Hie Province of for lb Mr and Mrs Hockey Club was largely Johns Church being filled with mourners and sympathizing friends Father Wedlock said Mass Miss Margaret Dolan sang also the Choir and Mrs Mason presided the pipe organ the regular organist being a of deceased The pall bearers were Messrs Ro gers Skinner John McCaffrey and Dr Walker Interment at St Johns Cemetery Among the friends from a dis tance the funeral were Mr and Mr J OHare of Mid land Mr J of North Ray the Misses Howard of Messrs Jim Jack and Tom Kelly of Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Aurora and fhc following from Toronto Mrs Hen nosey Mrs Carey Miss Car ey Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J Hammill Mrs Mrs A Owen Miss Mr John ful ly Mr Frank Howard Mr J Mr Mr Jewell Mrs Misses Ford and Mrs Baden The large number of people of nil denominations tailed a the residence to their sympathy with he family Is an indication of fhe esteem in which they are held the Wcamunity Friday ill meet the School P Sunday A ship P M The dally prepared object P Sunday School School has Increased 75 e would be to but especially those no School home 7 P M Desertion Monday The Girl Guides Tuesday i E ja p invited to Intcrmedi Endeavor at the roll call N M- P A regular Pathfinder Rev Cochrane Mrs Lewis proved of the suitable host sumptuous feast The chief spoils of Mr tip up north two A very interesting feature tli Is with of the of the oldtime kind of turneddown front match the occasion of thanks the Indies I Bill Ames he final item was story by Mr Cochrane of his at ventures up north Comments on some of the Guy Cliffy looked like real Freddie had hi Bill looked loo Molly made home with hit polka dotted and to prepare a bylaw I power to the village of well within the village I The matter of a grant of J Day Library referred to the dance coma Tho economic flier great re second only for all A the red fcolii In fact Mi ll flfb rerlnB so oclock Will I III It 00 I the of flrccrdckers I under of age tor a long liLtiy lo llie were offered the various was decided hat no ration lie taken In this and Hi Council adjourned for It I Ill riglit grant his at auction ecrlaln rears of taxes A resolution intro duced by Deputy Reeve McGregor of York ihe on the Toronto and York Highways Commission supply each year to Hie Council a of the II pend winter and while she dropped were brought h and the funeral held at the home of he Fred Thompson yes School meeting at the Wednesday evening with attendance the President he Afler singii Mis introduced lire- vho the of be and pi loachcr a full account of which will he given in next weeks issue The King George and Stuart Scott Schools were each present ed a First Aid by the Club which Mi Corned accepted Then followed a bort inter esting program in which Mrs of fhc cups and sauce to the The Ten A vert bad by 130 Waltzes Ft nd Tag da able time Ling at the li From the form of PioU Jon he day rfr rather of the night The large floor- of Mrs rooms were in excellent shape and conditions for dancing could not have been better The mu sic was very capably provided by Mr Art West at the piano who was helped out at intervals by one of the club members Mr Norman Seymour who brought with him his drum and traps much lo he enjoyment of tin dainty rcfiesh the pie ved which added of tin of her house for he evening This was seconded by Mr Jack Young and member- had signified Department capture of Highways Depar Deputy Reeve John York then put fon appoint the Warden the proposed midge of a motion I Com hest be realized of vast ex- of the total of the Dominion it is may be described as iids of which OH woods and square hardwoods it is not be during the last four centuries There were eight large spaces covered panels of Canadian woods each space containing llie central frtiie in the papei I Wembley of Hie est products display at the Bri tish Empire- Exhibition at Wem bley England formed an im portant pari of he Dominions and was the centre of the greatest interest to thous ands of visitors who passed through lbe Canadian Pavilion each day The forestry exhibit occupied a space feet in length and feet in width which could he entered from he main corridor was surrounded on sides panelled spaces surrounding glazed wallcases and separated YORK COUNTY BOYS VISIT THE ROYAL WINTER FAIR Many people have been beard dm Winter Fair boys from York spent two days i School Fair of hoys had company wilh the heads Firm our of the Eaton through the ment iBIdgs Mr of Agriculture and he first day the eve lainmcnt The boys were gel up until hut such a thing a a trip of In- kind the Royal Coliseum The horse cattle and swine exhibit were all visited and much interest was shown all the boys Next the Poultry Show silver exhibits and all Ihe other exhib its including the gold fish were visited and commented upon The dog show probably anything all he way from yapp of Pomeranian to he baying of the hounds and The afternoon watching the horse party leaving for I four oclock and all safely lo their va happy party son cock Came or Arthur Ilea- forge This trip will be made an affair for the winner Slock Judging Competition at unfed by die of exhibit lings of templelike the idc and lot of a pulp mill TV stood towards Hi being a group of of paper and a eland for and photographs re timbers and a section of a a wooden pipe occupied Hit lining space The decora- features included paintings model of a pulp mill in Pavilion British Empire d great attention model of a typical Cana dian pulp mill for the manufac- pulp The of the model was to one fool and the capacity of mill represented then cut short lengths and freed from bark These tored on a pile until re quired when they were convoyed to he ground All the were carried on iveloped from he river The eluded an compoundlever testing capable of applying a load Department of Inter ior aL Montreal and Vancouver for lesfing timbers The ma- at laboratories are however capable of greater loads and of testing heir breaking point large structural Hour stock at each he Fa mil of a good compel we do not merely s you a I we sell van Light over Candle power Sale Register It Con North quarter mile south of Bel- at one oclock month Keller auctioneer Dm Auction Sab to the Estate of tot on the East halt Con North mile West of a the Railway provided Mr and on Si at sharp IS Ml Maple til of lot i Whitchurch Council Con and others HI grave Con ami 9388 and Big grave I Con i I loads gravel for T ids gravel for Con Late Wilcox Co ids gravel Lots and frank Strckleg aye Lot Con ff Ash placing culvert and Lake Fly lleoluUon the Ilceve Reeve were appointed a of Ralepa conditions of ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO