Life Around Hie Huh Years of Constipation Ended By Frultatlves Fruit Anyone who Buffers with miserable ttMltuvrho la tortured with Head- ttebes and who is to got pleasure out of will In this lottor of Mrs of East Ship says For years sjnaa dreadful BufTerorfrom CODBtlia- Headaches and I was miser- able In everyway Nothing in tho way of medicine to help mo A box for trial alio 2Co dealer or from Fruit PLUMBING and FURNACES OUR RMHTON lh I In In Mar on flov J J tin morning Mr William fllovcntli lino misfortune on In was backing Iris roll Hie ton lie roller- Ml and I In flew Btlikiiiff Iglil aide of face so six el oh Juno 21 of of villi When out of hind to It cut The field Day on J will ho hold at luko Ma as A good time last and play and sot they played again from house awl Mr ami run havi to Mr Jus Me Ernes Shropshire and family have oil from lite line formerly hy Mr Wit MONEY TO LOAN 100000 to lend on second Mortgages Mortgages paid off or purchased Business private Write or tt 1 REYNOLDS abandoned gale Irwin MITHS Timmithing Plumbing roll BALE Tenders will be received up da of July I undersigned at Newmarket the purchase of the north west quarter of lot number Con Township East belonging l estate of late William deceased farm land having taken all Hie Li tho robbers loft It out furtltor damage I urn piuhnii about 10 p and loft mere about p there is for llio police to Vandorf iii marriage of Miss Louise Richardson daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Won Richardson to Mr Grant Kelvin Mayor of Mr Harry Mayor by fenced This is good There Is some scatter ing timber the place It is situate about miles from and Holland Landing purchaser will pay down per went of Ida purchase money on accep tance of Tender and balance within days thereafter without interest The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted 4or further particulars apply tn Maries Administrator of Es tate Ont to for Admr Newmarket ill wedding in played by Mrs Richardson Barrio wearing a gown of while canton trimmed with pearls and the veil and orange blossoms and carrying a shower bouquet of Ophelia valley was to the altar by father bridesmaid Miss Ruth of Keltloby woro a pink crepe dress and hat two girls Margery and Hetty of To- wore daintily gowned In while taffeta drakes and carried baskets of pink sweet peas The bridegroom was attended his brother Mr Ward Mayor of Toronto The ushers were George Richardson and Mr Mo ley Mayor brothers of the land bridegroom After the ceremony a reception was held at he home of he brides parents Tbe buffet luncheon served on dishes once he session of he great of the Mrs Richardson W JONES NEWMARKET WALL PAPERS STOCK ON HAND OIL COATED AND DYED Painter and PaperHanger It oppoaatc unci yens KDtq A llnlvorsal ream Soda Creamy fla food Aurora Mr the Assembly in as the Lodge Mr Geo of fills place has built a collage at Lake Wil cox Oils spring and his family will spend Hie summer there Mrs Irwin who lias been spending the winter in Detroit visiting her sister Mrs Pear son north Mrs Irwin has- been ill for the four weeks but Is improving Mrs P M Thompson was the hostess of a kitchen shower in honor of one of the brides of Hie corning week Mies Ada I The room was in pink and white About twenty young friends were pros cut to wish the bride sue cots in life Mrs Miss Mabel Mrs Andrews Mrs Mrs Mulloy Miss A Mrs and Mrs Charles attended Hie fricl Annual Meeting of Wo mens held in Keswick Keswick W is be held next Wednesday June a p Ihe Hall Every when llierc will be porfs of he Convention which to hold at Uxbridgo this week Take courage temperance work- You not suffer wreck While up God the peoples Are ringing from your deck Wait cheerily workers For daylight and for land The breath of God is in Your judder in ilia hand The good of old with shadowy Behind your holy marlyrs Uplift your palm and crown Before you unborn ages send down work is holy Speed on I Gods errands Sweep on through storm darkness wild The thunder and hail mankind he continued craving down lo the memory of a day countless generations ago before man had Im pleased lo you or m to meet you id not indefinable j correct thing to say and declared when a person who knows belter of ears this he knows that though you may look the part are not a fallen from his high estate psychology explains of something omits mind a racial It is for in versibn of mans fall but whether this bo accepted or re jecled he craving still remains God soul ness is one example oLhi loading since it shows that he is conscious thai whoro in the universe there bo perfect knowledge somewhat to all lent to himself Hunger for the This craving proceeded the preacher was seen ag mens qualification realization of good and evil did not come from Ex perience taught expediency and taught man to think first Nor could it be for by calling it a heritage from ho seers and prophets of old for lit at would be merely putting Iho question one step back into the past- The striving for good a knowledge urge the words God would have no moaning to mankind And in the individi for religion measured not by the ability to do Ihis or that but by his hunger for Ihe eternal To stifle hunger try lo forget it could never relieve it Man should struggle on lo satisfy if despite the pain or the worry arid he concluded it will bring you last Jo Chms and fo your ianily and when you come here it wilt be a curious Ibing if you are not satisfied By Julia My experience both in and out side of society has taught me that most people use the word tu mean merely the knowledge of how lo eal talk and Hi ally just knowing the thai it was the days of the primitives Just to imagine what our life would be like without gen- falls to the not only to right thing o do as gucst at every imaginable ion but to ihe re of a wellbred Tutu Man has less worry him in Ihe mailer of yet he must not overlook he that atleast once in life he may be beat man at a wedding or god father at a christening and on such occasions knowing the ac cepted thing to do is a great re lief It turns a duty into a Tfiose Who Dont Care There is no doubt in my mind but that everyone naturally not only wishes lo be welllirod but to be thought wellbred No one wants to make social blund ers secretly we arc all humiliat ed by them even people who like to hat they do not care about Incidentally believe lliat this seeming indif- never know what falo has in for us There was the case of the famous Maria do Bar- rill who before loss or her fortune arid her consequent death held he reins of all New York socioty It seems that a very wealthy woman wanted very much to get into New York so ciety and therefore offered Maria to coach her in and later introduce her is a fact is nothing amazing about the fact that this woman had to buy her way info society for that is done often but I am thinking how liumijaling it must- hare been for this woman lo ask de teach her Ihe eti she could and should have known years before In my articles hoveve r I shall A DAILY THOUGHT He hat holds fast to the golden Feels not the wants Gial pinch he poor Or plagues that haunt he rich Embittering all his state BIRD BLACK BUILDING PAPER Ml alt blind we see That the plan thing is worth he making If man unbuilded goes vain we build he world unless The builder also grows Black Building J Paper used back of stucco under clapboards and roofing and between double floors is durable airtight dustproof and absolutely waterproof Black building paper is a tough heavy paper that sheds water like a ducks back Black building paper is endorsed by builders and architects Back BttUdbe Limited Bit of TwU Art Craft Rdoffau Roof Log CoaOUHag Botfd TbwVi farTwy Birds building popart W H EVES SELFOILSNGli WINDMILL The SelfOiling the strongest windmill tower in the world Galvanized steel girded every feet and double braced this tower will stand up in the severest gales WE with double very little wind Brant ford in cons Many Met and equipped In These two tiit Brant ford in the means of keeping the VindmiU power You get years of power your installation outlay for giving II THE The Feci