The Column irtSSH a real good and heat on St- water J A IPrk County nU commence for Miss Warren Editorial Notes If all Iho police Magistrates York County Council Letter J Our Column ad ministering the law as Mr Moore of Aaton there would be less vi olation of be O T A Two men were fined and costs tiiis week or three months in jail They took the Garden party night thai Temple Spruce and Oak Logs Highest prices delivered at P Cane House to Rant On Prospect Ave rooms Apply on premises Mrs J Tenders will be receive let cords Inch Maple body wood school house S and he delivered at 3 Bast TO Rent On St Newmarket house and orchard J Proctor Country Store Including acre lot small barn garage Icehouse gas tank very convenient to Electric R This property Is offered at a very attractive ply to Hodgins I Newmarket Box Wanted Man to succeed Mil- gate In North and East townships in York Co Good Health Food Products Spices Flavors Medicines Toilet preparations etc day necessities used by millions Largest Company established 34 years Favorably known all over Amerlna No experience practically capital needed We teach own permanent big early Give age occupation nces Co Ltd London to fined She Council Tuesday aftornc pre sen Warden without a Three other reeves were nominated F in which a fourteenyearold girl of Aurora P Pear- figures as complaint ant son of Newmarket and lick Thompson of was Jackson of New Toronto but Mr Justice Rid- each withdrew after expressing and a jury the hope that he might be Fines amounting to almost of ware collected in the Hm M York County Police Court Mae Stork of spent e weekend Mrs Ross the office end the bootlegging business Mr Harvey struck the nail on the bead when he said at the an nual meeting of the Newmarket Agricultural Society last spend less m the grounds hear much about he ty of retrenchment to War debt hut we dont hear anything about be of the Seriate Thats where out a year could be ved to the country without any image fo the working machin- but a reward for was rid of it where a Home boy of ears took his life because of and sur rounding If the wide publici ty of the case through the Coro ners inquest which closed on Tuesday night leads to improved conditions of emigrant boys and girls and better inspection under the Mr Gardbou ly commended by the for his keen interest Charged Miss Laura spent Wednesday with friends Rev J Wedlock spent Court on ThurS- The Crown met the Mrs J P Hunter of Toronto Is young girl as she was on her way visiting her sisterinlaw Mi her grandmothers borne near this week last November and i sirs of the offence- spending a week or- two with 1 Gunmen are still operating fu- day afternoon that the ed other responsibilities- had longest continuous service the city On Friday evening a of any member of present council driver for the Robert Simpson outside hose who have already was relieved of at the held the The Council point of a revolver just after he Chamber was crowded a total had a parcel on tendance of 53 there being ad- j At the Assizes on Tuesday Mr members from the Justice Riddel strongly munieipalities of East York gated Fred Thompson and Township and Forest Hill village j J of and Mark- new warden intimated in ham for committing address that strict economy fences against young girls and be required in all work sentenced both to Penitentiary this rear He referred to thai Thompson for years and that action would be for yt between Toronto ind various municipalities of the portion of County the question of a me I Kenneth Burt of who in the auto accident Richmond Hill last bad his foot amputated project would require died in the Hospital last handling The work of day the Police Commission would An electric neater left bo roconsidej Trans- j under a wooden bench at night till boy Until a girl becomes of age has a right to know here she spends her spare time especially the evening aid Ha ally better than children were dis covered in a resort of bad repu tation When notified by the police some of the This shows be of parental control works insidu- and is sure to bring heart breaking domestic tragedies I kindly entreaty does not bring all constable- Although nothing was said at he meeting of the Cemetery Co last- Monday night about the ex penditures of last years Board it is quite evident that dissatis faction had been aroused as by tin- proxy vote not a member last years Hoard was reelected have since learned thai it was reported about Town that some of the Endowment Fund the of FRENCH BROS HODQINS REAL ESTATE or exchange able buildings grounds and war Fund was bill of of about Hit the brother Dr Gilbert Harold of Archie ef home for the weekend Mrs E Manning spent The striking committee wa creased from 7 to member follows H Pugsley A Hicks A Tier J and P P The body of the rt Willi friends and foi among whom Labor Party Power London Jan Stanley Baldwin leader of the Conservative party his resignation and lliose his ministers to his sovereign at noon A few minutes later the king caller upon Ramsay to form tin This morning the formalities lliit a change of Government Britain were gone through villi Stanley Baldwin and his for and as report of City The total was imp Mulr returned home for over three months what Improved In heal- Arthur R employed as fireman has re work after spending a Q at- his home near air James fa J Tail butcher Is very of old age He has in with the ry Goods LADIES READYTOWEAR MENS AND BOYS FURNISHINGS BOOTS AND SHOES RUBBERS OF ALL KINDS CHEAPEST PRICES IN NEWMARKET Come and See US Before You Buy Elsewhere J GOLDSTEIN Imperial Bank Building Newmarket TOWN OF NEWMARKET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE who Detroit Jan ian was killed ounded and two ollioi a gun battle with dawn Sunday morning One oft life Sun day morning younger imerviille and in plain clothes were on way home at oclock noticed landing at Woodward avenue and Alfred street The patrolmen did a little act ing They pretended drunken ness and staggered into a nearby After watching they convinced something to the in tin- fin placed his the telephoned foi forcements as four suspect Parted toward be rear of tin building In answer to the he defective bureau despatchri the grounds large have deserves credit for doing a lot of permanent work although there are some people who have never seen the new fence think it cost too much money If cer tainly makes a very neat and ap propriate entrance fo one of the bestkept Cemeteries in the of Ontario GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT Fall ace Theatre Friday Saturday Greatest Story A drama of brave Julian days when romance penetrated North of the gold country The one of the biggest ever headed by Milton and Anna elected abort Reel Monday Tuesday and Jury protested rttlOPf lh of the to all classes and become prime minister Villi Macdonald accepted Marks a New Era a shot having been fired or fb power anil author- of affaliB In Britain from group giildlnff tin- of a nation I Ihat I iXM King f of J In who frankly and openly for levy upon Hie capital putting and end to System that lias rnalnlaincd the monarchy where It Is today criminal by press of the records of the wellknown offenders The ef fect of such reading on morbid minds the present ment that in order to become a hero one mini become a criminal and if such literature be suppressed or publication forbidden we consider that pro per steps be taken to do so I The Grand Jury commented on high efficiency of lie police force particularly with regard to the measures taken inwards com- batting the drug traffic Amongst their The friends family will regret to learn Illness of Ids son Is years of age and just returned spending nine weeks in Toronto Hospital with no sign of improvement he fell into the Canal over the Jan bandits 1030 this morning I a small dry goods store St Lawrence boulevard and held up the proprietor and clerk of whom offered resistance and was shot in the arm The escaped with qua of booty i Schedule below 08 to be I lifetime Is thirtyyears on will be held on the day of February m in the Council Chambers for the purpose of hearing the proposed assessments or the accuracy of and any other complaint which persona interested may desire which Is by law cognizable by the To Court of Pearson Pearson Hamilton Main Stipe i Prospect East era on Tuesday Jan 1924 to Mr and Mrs I 0 Man it of Rogers In East J to and Mrs daughter In Newmarket Jan leached be hack H I Tliey had ripped and open money box jumped Hie window saw the police coming in tng a barricade thugs opened fire through Ill- glass on the del Relives One defective found protection behind i others open yard All once Pisiols and riot 1W a Inn IIP Met Kb Olid a villi lly CSC odd In Sing Sing lileraliy deafh When firing died down inn was found with half en from I guns in his body made dash aped and Ihe fourth bill in with In Short Out Double Wednesday and Thursday delightful lenEg ftHualfons Offering lions Ibe Grand cated that drivers of motor ears Ifcensed and that licenses be or voided When demanded that all vehi- stop before enter ing a main thorough that an adult person who street save at he proper glad to note mbodled a con force a that be was he clause which of When the police setback lo the how village lad of has occurred at Sutton In trucllon 1000 sacks of herbs by fire on Saturday Tills of gathering by bout people The out while the man ner was away In London for his The fumes were so strong that were marketed more than ioo of herbs last winter Herb of herbs are grown under nurse ry condition and not gathered In fields and woods considerably his country as a result of the war a leading wholesaler told the Dally Mall reporter yesterday Today It on In many villages Before the war we imported scores of iboiiMaiifJti of pounds worth Of medicinal heron from Germany and Austria but now the trade Is much all make mistaken and who dont seldom make anything If is seldom Ihat w hear any thing of Work police of this city do VOYAGE COMPUETED the service between Toronto Victoria the Klrkwood ln J- Plumber has dock thousand on of cargo be discharged 306 tons here and in Vancouver In hands Pharmacopeia should produced within he Empire we stilt Import a lot Among the beat known or are peppermint lion coltsfoot are also produced- In this Herb cultivation has bee mended as a great career for Ing to make a study of it war as much R 600 a to for ALFALFA Inrrenslng demand for goo he Alfalfa Growers In meet discuss Hie future tills very popular industry The Al- fair Peel County have or ganized Improvement and Co-op- Association which is Improv ing product and Is finding largo field for Iho hardy northern In III- 11 lllliln Hill at p Mr Carroll for Peel Mr of the Seed Branch and a member of the field Husbandry Staff of II A will be present York County can be made a real Alfalfa by the of Interested grow Hamilton Jan Inlon Into this afternoon near Ilngton when heading for rinns during Ihe the They have The were armed will utomntlc of heavy re They showed unity then taxi rounded Mrs lo Mr The Tomb i to I on Jan al his late residence lot towns George A Oliver in bis beloved husband of Ida Funeral January North on Jan Melissa wife of fornwrly of Interment in Genu arrival of train on alley Toronto on Jan i iiii at Ihiii IiiIl- on Friday the at Interment Briar Hill Whitchurch afternoon Snow On Tuesday January his home Bradford Ernes Phillip Snow dearly beloved bus band of Jane Frances Hyde In year funeral service Trinity Bradford Thursday Interment li Hill Rumaoy At the General Hospital To rat on Monday Service Church Oak and In adjoining cemetery Roadhouse Rose Funeral Gorham Timothy Pine Charlotte Tlmolhy t00 If North AND TUXIS I undertake the responsibility for giving to the campaign during cent session in Toronto big responsibility but are confident that wild nearly support on the part of Hie grownups the campaign wilt The Boys Will are as far as possible I urgently required for carrying promotion work of Trail Boys throughout the The funds will be tut Ontario Boys Work represents the Board which lard forces or operating In the promotion of these programs During Iho past year Ihe has rendered splendid service lo province by giving leadership Jjy assisting boys work illltei makes possible tin lament which has moling possible Conferences Boys such a during Ihe past two years It has given a good deal of leadership the Father and Son movement and has distributed worth of literature to leaders who were looking for help Not least among the contributions the Board has made has been in providing the services of Mr Plowman and Mr Taylor Slalton who have done a good deal make belter Canadian The- i will by bonds thai i local objective and lie boys ore confident can go over the top A rivalry lie- I vicing each other any halrbralned fantastic The work of the Provincial been going on for a publlo The campaign closes on Jan The National Board has struck off a very nice little Bronze Medal of achievement thai will bo to MOURNED AS DEAD Jan After bavins teen mourned as dead for five I ears John Buchanan a ormcr resident of Button bought to have been killed in he war came back to yesterday in friends I would have come back here long ago be said but explain ed that Inn memory had been ef fected by trying experiences Only a few days ago lie r the lived and lost wilh the office to be killed and hi- clerk- of is likely ft aye to defend a A for into which his old and paid he deposited in a drawer Little had occasion to go out a while leaving farmer he office Afler Ihe farmer- loft Mr Little searched for l and being unable to find d- had farmer searched withoul result Later on W found the money in the dra and went to tender bis gies to the man he had suspected and searched bill they were no accepted and the action for dam- had been lituled BOLSHEVIK LEADER IS DEAD Moscow Lenin is The man who led long icstablished czars passed when his party is beginning reap fruits of his Infers Ill for many months bol shevik leader died others carried on Ihe government Bra to OF ONTARI