LARGEST SIZE Blankets White or Grey First Quality per Pair A BRBNTON C LUNDY The Ladies Store NEWMARKET liter Clearing and StockTaking Sale Pieces only Heavy Plaid Coating pure wool In wide Reg to yd SALE yd Fine Pure Wool Serge Inches wide Green Brown Copenhagen Sand Reg and SALE PRICE to Clear 198 Piece only Navy All Wool 8erge In wide SALE PRICE 175 yd Table of Remnants Consisting of Homespuns Flannels Prints Shaker Muslin Ac AWAY BELOW COST Pure Linen Towelling Reg 35c Sale Price 19c yd NEWMARKET DAIRY CO To Our Customers And Townspeople of Newmarket also our many patrons In the country WeExtend Our Heartiest Wishes for a HappyProsperous New Ypr We also thank them for their cooperation In the past which has made our business A M A I Manager NEWMARKET DAIRY CO LTD Clean pots and pans with GOLD DUST Germs of decay accumulate on oftused pots and pans and ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface Gold Dust does the work and does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as bright as the day they were new and sanitarily safe Gold Dust does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic COMPANY Hikers the- oval cake ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO