Be Sure Right Store Here you will the largest stock of CLOTHING in North York to choose from Shirts Drawers 411 Wool Shirts Drawers Ren SI lo Sale price 98c Pyjamas Pyjamas all si Saturday English Pyjamas all sizes h ier highest type garment Regular Sweater Coats All Wool Sweater Coals 100 nee lent and Sale 395 1 J FIFTEEN DAY MONEYRAISING SALE NOW IN FULL SWING SOLE AGENCY for Holeproof Hosiery Brock Hats Slater Shoes SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES It is a huge merchandise spirited selling event to which our entire organization both at Toronto and Newmarket lends its energy and support The multiplicity of our greatly lowered prices the magnitude of such a vast and varied selection of HighGrade Merchandise help to appeal to your sense of economy THE TIME THE PLACE THE REASON Just now we launch the greatest most sensational valuegiving sale ever attempted within the confines of North York Merch andise that is accorded the highest place in public esteem will go at this sale at prices and values unparalleled in our history Bear in mind that the sale is now on Nothing held in reserve No favorites Everybody treated alike THE Owine to various trade conditions and unfavorable weather we find ourselves overstocked by over so that the reason for this sale its objects and purpose is to convert into cash this reliable stock of merchandise No matter where you live or what your station in life may bo it will pay you well to attend th great sale EH jBXIITTY It is a most significant fact that big achievements in business are the direct result of confidence in the of a institution The success of the Dunlop Clothing Organization is a conspicuous example of what can be accomplished trough reliability for many years this organization has served the buying public of Canada During that time it has earned efeaji character by long and patient work and service and we shall in the instance of this safe measure four out and our- conscience in each word we say and in every deed we do I Overcoats Hens Checked Back in all the leading Ml 1500 Blue Suits All Wool Indian Blue f genuine Botany So at Saturday All Suits All Wool made Words Mid trimmed OVERCOATS 15 1650 1850 2250 25 Regular 2950 SUITS 10 1139- 18 20 Regular Mens Pants Wool veil made a Mens Heavy Iiint patterns ivel ami Hundreds of Genuine Bargains on Sale throughout the entire store REMEMBER THE NAME In Affiliation with Three of Torontos Largest Clothiers LOOK FOR THE SIGN Opposite Imperial Bank Hidpfe inconvfttirnrjc Mr Osborne thai had Mm from all Over Town only Killing between and Three he had Mr Wilson about the ler and had promised that it would he attended to The rea- win Ihp power la off at night on account of changes at the om Proctor lied ikanliiiK Bowls for Paving Co Enquiries Mr said that Mr Morton wan complaining about the water running off upon property Hi said thai the newer was no low enough to drain his and made the proposition that deed of land used In the extension of Queen Street was presented by the ByLaw committee On motion or Mr Keith the Mayor authorized to Issue a cheque for in favor of for the extension of Queen street East to Council adjourned at p bogs The local TOYU Something lo play with that wont break In a few days We have what the like AND OUR DISPLAY SKATES CUTLERY AND GOODS ucuiniu Smiths Hardware Newmarket Phone