STRAY SOW Our Local News Literal Woman The Newmarket Womens Lib Association will meet- th tome of Mrs 0 of p Wet How to Obtain Iis3ionary Advance by Hiss Bran Dont Miss This A Grand Concert by the Quartette under the auspices the Holy Name Society of St Johns Church in the Newmarket NOvemeber Reserved seal plan on Sale at Pattersons Drug Store Saturday Nov Real Estate Sates- belonging to Mr Cecil Grant of Keswick has Ween sold to Mr Boyd of Prospect Ave whe got- immediate Mr Grant has purchased fiveroomed collage at Orchard Beach a from his summer- hotel Mr Alex each a class of buys in flip Sunday School conveyed them motors the Mr- Duke at on Fridi where a hot fowl ed Till mtei nursed wit George Melcalf f nine returned and the 1 ere is no teacher like weeks till Christ on Usinea- on Saturday changes and VERNON FARM FIRE INSURANCE represent three old reliable Companies doing farm jrid am prepared to take even of risk Including Tenant proper- MONEY of buyers The Ladies Aid of The Church held an apron on Wednesday evening ionic of Mrs Bond musical and Literary Musical residence There was for the a splendid occasion and guests a number of gentlemen Club had hitherto been d to the held side for the first liter featured by e if the Margaret Eai Da- of the Club in her address said that Mrs needed no introduction to a present would remember evening the latter given them on a previous ion in order to activities Mrs Principal of the Margaret School was a very busy wi and the Club spirit and exquisite form able to trail for I ho quotation from t which Is work and ion of lit Will lire and she belie Blake thai doing for he blood he need of thai Id build up The quick palpitating of Irene was out very effectively in Jr- Hindering of The Rough Dog whose work it was pointed reverted to the classical lis poem A Town Window was and discussed The speaker regarded Drinkwater as me of the who were writing today that were really while from the of Rose were also and reviewed Mrs he conclusion of her Mrs received applause Mrs Aubrey president of the half of the member- and a for a formal vole of The i thank- Mrs and seconded by Mrs of the club The president then announced thai the next meeting of the club Aldons of Hamilton would dure on Bells and Bell This will be half J the residence of Mrs flie keynote of in which she dealt T Rue flic past and also la liliild of the art Mrs handled in such a fascinatir manner that even the could not but be impressed with the great possibilities which a study of literature held forth II was poinled out that no one do lly worth rniapii he Picture Evening to exhibit he Womans Mis- School- enjoy tin flu- Methodist Church conducted by he pallor A A New Drama Sunday I Mr J J conduct a fit Si John r of flu Hydro Electric Railways Change of Time Table Sunday Nov 18th REAL anything In tin- line Hon- hi most every omens Musical club On Friday evninf of Hie home of Iho Irs Aubrey Davis in Toronto IKcrary a The dreamer Is Hie men of e leading the world and related arts special appeal Io and a study of these bound to stimulate had not formerly had of studying that this field lo them but this was Anyone might study gMMMMMG MM I I1111 da at 8 oclock Mrs was presented ilh a beautiful bouquet lowers by Betty Harvey of the club After ig her appreciation Mrs ih declaied that she was the Literary and Musical Club of the Newmarket ladies achieve great things She recounted bow a womens rry club established in if ford had grown so greatly Aher the veil Bazaar I Bazaar I iturday Nov- 1 It he Newmarket Womens i intend holding a Fa ille of Agricultural Main South will be a splendid of fancy articles hand- and anions suitable for Christmas gifts Homemade Mini ate PS Amongst the many offerings for Saturdays to select outstanding values because we have so many lines priced at Bargain Prices We Want you to visit this store compare prices and buy if you wish with the assurance that if you are not satis we will refund your money Indoor Bowling I nd hi was won by Mr Hi Hid lie got turkey Tin Smiths duck idual Real Treat church The services SI Illilieh lasl ended the ihuieli he evening Special music Choir well in for Ar mistice and Memorial service In evening being exceptionally good The Recessional was Ming by choir and Mr Donald disposal Free catalogue I Jiay ind Do leu Si Went I I Id in lie- the Memorial Iicller lie one on King school and much different from the Ateit School of which has been for over Oh years oldest bell In Town Is Ihe Church which the gift of Lady Slrncoc in and for many years it was at a J noon and p lire village hell and for old favor She pointed nut dossing life Mrs his poem mo ludy of tin said loiof poetic until tat of Ibis the applause We were told fill study of poetry we In realize that the Idle His philosophy of life amine I and was 1 i for eternity We si hope and e were happy we desirel In this eonneclllh pointed out that at i hen lite wius bright il Shakespeare Passing from a discuss classical poets lOMhe Login lei Mrs What a diffei lury Mill i pressed dignify So Long Mary red before goo and Wednes Church anil the peoiile who them deserve lhaiiks of for producing such an Young Mens Suits Mens All Wool Tweed Suits sizes 36 and 37 well lined and trimmed regu lar worth up to Stock- til Reducing Sale pl Mens Overcoats 1690 be 1690 Mens Light Colored Tweed Overcoats plaid backs shield lined leather buttons belted models StockReducing Sale Sweater Coats Mens Heavy Wool Sweater Coats in combin ation colors regular up to 695 AC StockReducing Sale each Shakers 28c yard 32inch Colored ShakerFlannel English make worth yard StockReducing Sale per yard Boys Boots 295 pair Boys Solid Leather Boots Bull Dog Soles sizes to 5 StockReducing AC Sale per pair Ladies Slippers 149 pair Ladies Boudoir Slippers in Spider Finished Leather sizes 1 to Stock- Re- Sale per pair yards LinenTcwelling yard All Linen Hand Towelling stripes and plain 30c values StockReducing A Sale per yard 5 yards 89c Wool Socks pairs 100 Mens Heavyl WoohiSocks all sizes worth pair StockReducing Sale A A 3 pairs NORTH YORKS BEST STORE NEWMARKET ready exist Raising Secretarys Salary Mr appoint merit was an nounced at a held at noon hour in Hit Royal Hotel the announcement being accompanied by explanation that 3500 would be required lo finance tills worker and to maintain an office as a Christ- Ian headquarters in Toron to Then followed a memorable i i if in all 1 lint Hi SNIILINQ FACES began the Great it me back to lh of my Why il my dear eliililicii Mutt are so happy The speaker paused for a grim hand shot into air Well hoy is it and he spttfng of the play much credit on Mr Nelson H Hell the manager as well an who ifook part member of the cast played parts especi ally Mra h and Mr Nor man And as we mention these weare compelled name everybody Mrs Wesley he popular Mary couldnt be excelled nnr Jack Young and Herman as colored servants- Mrs Ed Young Miss Lyons Wesley Brooks Cane were all pood Hi Mi leader In the Hi I that was delightful The will assist ladfes in paylitf be Parsonage installed in CONVENTION who Inday brought to a close a convention at St Pauls Prcs- Church the delegates representing so ndes In town and of On tario was a very large contingent from Toronto Including a number of offi cers to energy la due splendid low lb and of an which has now passed things and bids fair Iho it idlini best methods a forward BlCp was of Mr Carson Toronto Iho new office of Genera Secretary of ttic Ontario Union Mr Matcer has been for several years I devoted and In his capacity will glvo his entire time t field work travelling through thi Province for purpose of forrnlm new of Christian Buffalo Herds Grow Beyond Accommodation gniflcent jlns will The and fit traction rapidly that the the nucleus of flOOO head now at To we feet eiffalo has beat the unlcoio I ARCHIVES OF