YOUR EYES RE Bread Winners og are of TESTED NOW Watson GRADUATE OPTICIAN j The Loading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance your selection WATSONS Jewelry Store I JACKSON Editor and NEWMARKET ONT WHY NOT GET MOTHER THIS CHRISTMAS A NEW WASHING MACHINE It mattes washday a pleasure and adds years to her life THE GRAVITY WASHER has the squeeze and rub motion that makes clothes clean easier than most machines Price THE NOISELESS is a Dolly type machine works easily with chain gear 1050 THE CANADIAN a corrugated tub machine with dolly A Bargain A good 6year Guarantee Wringer With covered cogs 11 inch rolls AT Hardware Phone 28 NEWMARKET HISTORY OF CHRIST CHURCH ANGLICAN AT ROCHES POINT Walter Stinnett if A having re signed from of Up- the habit of visiting The Saving Habit Saving is easy it just takes a little determination to get the habit If you will only determine to save a certain sum each week and stick to your resolve in a surprisingly short time there will be a substantial sum to your credit Try it Open a Savings Account at this Bank IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD PORTLAND CANADA CEMENT RED AND WHITE BRICKS XXX AND B C SHINGLES HEMLOCK FLOORING PER M LATH SASH DOORS W PEARSON Church and Phone children and in the- parish lip kept together A Hard Rough The history of a nation the life stories of Its often is a man capable to bracing all the changes was wilderness to the- pi the case J with Mr Martin grand of his mi fool- hi- tipfii living immediately Born In Whitney no school the early forties de A plan J s tale of York county was obtained a building the Bailey fold Tin this locality Register shows claimed a children In Pel lost a his eldest daughti youngest child a Rev Walter Wren by diphtheria aged years his I years his plot ho eli CANE SONS GO LIMITED Huron Street DEALERS IN Material Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Win C Sons Co Limited Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket e hell still In use was presentee apt Isaac May In lived at Roches Point and hail a family Ufa eldest daughter who tlie Captain named hit us boat The Emily May M lev luitoUKly for so- dually I he was till Ihey Tin limber had holes gh these red through it we slipped the the limber lo st then only nine years old The Nation was a small river to one crib ahead oilier till it widened out near I proceeded Mr Tin y widened he raft out The oil I side by side They had wait for the If were late getting the timber down In the rapids ready that Theyd have a Sept id church years with a I J Tribute to Canada Through News Bureau following tribute lo the Dominion of Canada and her people Is paid by the Governor of Minnesota in a letter to Bert E editor of The Referee Sate of Minnesota Valuable Illustrated Treatise Dairy Farming Being Dis tribute by the Sank of Montreal r debts grow fewer of hook entitled The the Mother of Prosperity by the Bank of his book is probably best him in ever been published guiding the farmer and breeding of but also to guiding care and feeding of in every condition of d soil throughout the North America The Ralph the Agricultural his foreword describes the cow as one of the blessings the human race No nation or people lie says lias become highly liz with important in of then vacant by the Hon of Bclbune Toronto to the office of coad Bishop Nut Coke Furnace Coke Cannel Coal Soft Coal for Threshing A Car of the Very Best Blacksmith Coal Just Arrived Also a Car of CEMENT W EVES I lb- Johnston J Hie and this parish regular clergyman for Rev was resigned hi 1880 J who built Mr stay long for In January he left point and the again without a pastor until Di when the Rev Christopher Holer Mil Dae appointed the sis Church his office on March of the land being half an which the rectory now stands lit Mi hi the best human food on She makes this Iding strengthgiving food grass and course plant Ihouf her agriculture is no or prosperous peo- not healthy or happy cow has her place and man has done part we find farms furnish year We find home- will We find intelli if thrifty debtfree people I employment We find oil 1 good icul Truly the cow is the mo of prosperity Hi- proceed lo describe typical localities which lite cow would being prosperity Then he tells how to select he good and bad fr OF NATIONS Irolli Nop On Nov by Rev Car in Toronto by John M fiilvory lo ilMlli at Sloan King Town a Nov as special of In Doyle has dooted himself of Nations he obtaining so that he might n tic- won say that Mr Doyle himself nor his Ibis work is no Doyle was a weallhy- English who was Tor many years con great lexlile house Limited About bill ada was In the Reeky Mountain Where be gained the name of Dead Doyle and acquired very man valuable trophies Including grizzly As a recoeriillrin of 5fr Years Ago From Era Fyle Nov Hall Church he Lodge choir El- P Irwin John Cook and J Roberts tannery has Mr ha York of night Hon if Miss Mary Pe on of Aurora On Nov by Rev J was recently elected Royal Geographical Doyle Fellow of lite head to tail The the hex kind of feeds in various localities the construction of the making of silage the testing of cow and milk hods of milking and the type of dairy breeds for varying and the treatment of d Hie fuel Mini the Am erica landed lie went from House to house call nut the We could roar down on St Lawrence away at Johnstown And Mi carried away by IboHc old day told wtiat tie remembered of the Invasion of Canada by that rabble of members of the Lodged restless discon tented under the Polish soldier of fortune Von When they heard Hie volunteers corning down from by the Rev idtntd nod handed Cannon a law for tho heirs of ti By to Ihe Synod the land was Christ Church During the year the Rev Bed gathered subscriptions and added east wing lo the rectory Mr Bell was greatly assisted In the undertaking by the liberality of Mrs It Sirs Osier and Mrs John Kay he windmill The llirl the of Dawn and from there to hip near I to till It ago Star Weekly to enjoy a re here has been ma Church but tli have always Years Ago Mr Brooks Millard Orillia as in town on Wednesday Walter Crone of as visiting her aunt Mrs Geo Wood Miss Ethel Rogers of Roches- liinini 1 ft of Toronto spent last week at Mr I P Armitages Mr and Mrs- Fierheller left fior on Tuesday to visit their son Mr Alex Fortune of a graduate with Dr W Stephens spent a few days bun Miss Olive Mies of he Rhode Island Hospital staff is visiting her aunt Mrs Cane program at the Gospel Willis and Crock Five inches of- snow on he level Friday morning Mr J Wesley was out for a cutler ride and broke the record Tea meeting at the Presbyter ian Church was a great success Mayor Cane presided Mr Art Oliver at organ Lecture by Dr of Toronto and se lections by the choir The Altar Al Methodist PorlagelaPrairie Myrtle of Nov General f today lost lib wllhln three years a In lmioble jiris oner of young Bopubllo lie thoroughly despised against til raglle openly and ho retired to BlrongllOld Illustrated by holo graphs specially taken for the or by diagrams Ovist it ijidiu The Hank of Montreal is doing a work for having a special edition of many thousands of this valuable book in fui list ilnil lu fanning districts I Canada We that the demand for the book lias exceeded all expectations but has been num ber is still available free of cost Application for book should and General von Commander of Bavarian to lay siege to Previously Bavarian had despatched an ultimatum and Hitler who Is innipeg Nov The entry of United States is only a of time declared Hon Ernes minister of marine and fisheries in an the Canadian Club here lodayin which he pointed by the Those may sec n the United State public opinion going that men in favor of AM in the league he womens organizations the American Federation of Labor the United of Trade the agricultural associations all hodloa have declared in fa vor of an international lion promote of the and littler leaded IhemKelves in War Ministry I of tie coup de last night si ment of Federal which the Ihe I Hitler Out Escapes There brief fighting between Relchswehr and III Iter guards In which a few men on both sides suffered casualties Afterward and Hitler emerged from building and placed themselves at the disposal of General von Los- sows troops Hitler ostensible leader of the putsch made his escape despite the report Sixteen including loyalists and rebels were killed In the fighting Munich according to the latest vices from the Bavarian Capital Two members of the slightly wounded and members Of the Security police were killed and six or seven wounded The despatches add that order Munich has completely restored and that Security police are masters of tho 1 tin In an hour spot in a moving through Ihe FREIGHT TRAIN PLOWS THROUGH THHESHING OUTFIT Nov Three occurred in this district the weekend principals two automobiles and a outfit No one was injured although Richard Moore was shaken up when his ear was struck by had the misfortune lo have break down and before he could freight train had plowed its way through the p the completely demolishing it His effort were of The third mishap overlook party i Korrwi the sit the ditch 9MVM9M ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO