Ave Newmarket West of Post Office Chiropractor ICE Main Street North the Old Tuesday Thursday verify tfjfifgt grade Of work Queen Main V Billion re roll claim Hal weir by 1 rn Instructed rank lii it via ins lots i Varment Iron i culvert id gravel grave bet A unly yd clay bet Con vn gravel day win lining sheep kill ed by dogM Dr July Aug and Sept j Dr Stuart Scott Dr 1 Wesley n 12101 It BARGAIN for Quick MM on ah Convenience at wall paper 9 SHOW Market Newmarket Offring a worrying i any dog found he Township upon factory a while on their usual Saturday afternoon hike decided In lake a short cut over the bridge which has neither walks Upright The party had advanced within a short flit galli ng dusk coining fn a Campbell was in the lead hurried some of off the bridge and urned to help Ihe others Miss Parker who was in barge of tie other girls yelled 1 find thai Mn whore in sight whether she was struck by Hie lo comotive or became frightened and Tell over the side of the bridge The river is shallow and at this point The gate receipts at Mark- Those who are In run down con dition will notice that bothers when they are fuel proves that Ton le mi 11 Oil J Cheney HI oil lift blood upon Toledo Ohio TINSMITHING PLUMBING and FURNACES I GET PRIDES SRA6HT0N Our Empire qualify you decided aid the cause or equality 100000 of your picked men think was one or the markable things in the history of for ft- The of Canada will live as long a lives There is a grout future British Empire just as if ha a great pant has a record of great achieve men Is for hum liberties beginning Empire we have every variety of climate and every Presently hut it will still be Country a small which you could put info Lake Onlario Put there are things you submerge lie splendor great randeil of her great Ihe of bow through ages she and bled and suffered for freedom of speech institutions and inle right No be Old Land will llv forever and bo young nation who are creating traditions These powerful peoples and the aged old land will wmk together foi Europe for millions under the old flag human right and an raise mankind lo a higher level ONE DROP SAVED THOUSANDS The saving of one drop of meant fifty thousand dollars a year added to the pofils of the company elder other things made oil cans I found on enquiry that lid be used drop on each that an equally good tide was produced whlli saving was as mentioned abov No business is so strong and successful Ibat it can afford to neglect the little filings No ever achieved substantia without a foundation of thrift of solder may sometimes ell the story of 1 fail But it isnt the drop of a in itself counts Its this economy leads to I to save Hie Utile things everything lean value the big things that develop from such practices was not Interested In those little drops of solder be was mightily Interested saving fifty thousand dollars year for his company all OH In till l Is- this City as for Iho l or fa tily of P li- was rnctlc ally out ly lilts g in star e MM Hint 1 pi low 1 am I ul ed with want remark If bey cm keep out of ponitcnfiaryi OnK- Oct li Morton Leslie a farmer was kil led last night and Ibree ions ware Injured when heir mo tor car sfrucka rock in the road and hounded info the ditch three miles from his town the parly was reluming from Leslie a Bread Flour AND ALL KIND8 OF and Straw ALSO Orders taken for Next Winters Goal OLIVER DIKE Huron St Newmarket If You to go to Iho try on Pleasure or Business up BOYDS LIVERY PHONE Lei us make you In OR AUTO 8ervloe E A DO YD Prop Jlilil on 17 Promptly la Phono QREENS PINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND DEBT SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM TO PER ROLL Variety of Papers and SO In Tints Ifornianilla Crops WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND COMBINATION Sell Any Paper With or Without BERT Painter and Paper Hanger SQUARE NEWMARKET