When Sunshlna make Seeing painful you GOGGLES Watson GRADUATE OPTICIAN The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in French Ivory for Only 10 Discount WATSONS Jewelry Store JACKSON Editor and NEWMARKET A U H PROMPT SERVICE Hardwar Many People Injured LOWE BROS HlghGrade Paints Stains Varnishes Enamels EASY VACUUM Electric Washer HOT POINT Electric Ranges DETROIT VAPOR Oil Stoves AUTOMATIC Wlckless Oil Stoves THE 1800 GRAVITY Washing Machine DUSTBANE by the keg or Barrel OWL BRAND ROOFING AND SHINGLES GET OUR QUOTATIONS ON BUILDERS HARDWARE GLASS Etc This Bank and Your Business The selection of a Bank and Its willingness to cooperate is often the determining fac tor In the success of a business house The manager of each branch of this Bank Is always willing to aid customers In buslnesa problems with impartial advice and to cooperate to the fullest extent IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD THRESHING HIGHEST GRADE LUMP P PEARSON ami was fatally burned Anions the dead are Mrs Alexander On one his ll a little no had been her It was James ells Hie Jumped to I Miss Annie Leo in the cupola fire originated baggage roo I by George electrician while an alarm was raised almost simultaneously by Dr Taylor Henry and Dr Shaver of Toronto There was a system in owing to the rapid the HE SONS CO LIMITED DID YOU EVER USE FIBRE BOARD Will fob yourself or that extra bedroom when lor a few our Into end aUrotl room Fibre Board makes practically proof partition and coats much leas than plaster and lath Fibre Board ha so many Attic partitions and ceilings Cellar partitions and ceilings Summer Cottages Interior Walls and Ceilings Repairing Walls and Ceilings flway Call and See Our Samples and Prices Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket lames and the necessarily created at the night when prac- and employees was found impossible where the employe usually iltlr ft across tin lake wort In carrying the survivors to tl place men and women being and clothing to protect liiem from I coo night ilr So generous was I siihscrtiicnf response for clothing V special train left for embedded in the knees he got fie soupy clay for DEMOCRACY ON TRIAL he ideal inly for an people both are of goven toward the ideal I he people than any other sys tem A people far below the re quired standard of Intelligence and trustworthiness are quite unable to govern themselves If a large number of the rank and file are grafters they will suspect rulers of selfseeking and graft with good reason In a democracy people elect as a rule the sort of rulers they de serve The only sure way of raising the Standard of Wilb the exception of th and South Poles every part of the globe ha een travelled by the cyclist fountains and deserts hav i a big Ordinary pennyfarthing as called lie met all sorts difficulties on his way but he thi 50 Years Ago Era Aug township in Ilia of Linton Hugh tost two valuable light cows Hail the grain badly widow of her year his life from and tribes of Several people ha thousand miles worldcyclists trips One through the nations of the or continued I Great Dominions rid of the North put of and Hie track is single the inches spare room was nee into inches the tuck himself the im- tiun passed Forty this all in the dark been a little nerve- Another man had his machine of solemnly cursed by the or priest as an invention of the devil after which the faithful on visitors broke it up and spent at least normal mental- Subnormal individuals are ly incapable government for its This man by the way his world trip 1 stead he walked back to Still govern them great trouble standard of money problems of calmly drove through the city streets taking the reporter to his home be fore giving any consideration to bis own condition Toronto Star Weekly difficult enough for English sixpence and which the ales natives usually thread on string Third but mere literacy as us- 1 and carried round the neck interpreted falls far short take enough St Patricks Ward got married without men fact to the young lady bride heard of the worked himself Into Jumped In his car house that Snellen couple On his the possible under a lor drifting on the Ink days and nights ill it based launch Captain Port Hope and John King of tin The two ami id a high the higher the better It happened cannot understand the they had a coinage which worked and Hub aged Markets chickens Years Ago Era Aug Mr Will Moffat has accepted Miss is spending a few days at the lake- Mr Hy- Wilson of Toronto Sunday in own Orchard Mr 4adic the Lake last itmg be list only rapping the of his luggage Even then and all the had to take he machine subjects on a school pieces and literally stuff its tube curriculum and also a knowledge with silver to be changed of Hie elements of economics I as he went along When Fourth character conviction reached civilization again conscience a clear knowledge had spent all his money an and couldnt get a meal until some right ceremony he I Xl restricted t were harboring and when as ir things were going tobe However dads better prevailed the olive branch tended and a reconciliation the erring pair finally welcomed back to Mercury the the I lice done and lion to do unto Others as each would that men should do unto him While by comparison with others our people may stand fairly high in character identified hit PAPER DROPPED I dependability bono is an alarmingly huge mm who through drink a half hour is a lifters from th nee in W of sea any find When repairing your house or changing partitions use As good as lath and plaster and cheaper or any other substitute A Car of Cement Just Arrived s hat hoy veral I boa y hud failed Jo attract a Mathews who old lake sailor and says the ad was Just pie for ays they were unable to raj my official distress signal and W J Price who was drowned off the s earner Kingston- the boat drifting LAUGHED HIMSELF TO DEATH Chamberlain had been Hughes of the was and failed to day not I Tuesday Mr Type Foundry village making in payment lias The printer who at establishment Saturday July has The Into Ifiq ball ill I in ml ll lb it equipment together with creditors in and are making enquiries TRY OUR XX B C SHINGLES W H EVES uproariously all I ftB close next lo him felt still laughing about July proportion of your time devote mental Improvement of each day do you put In end of a cigarette amuscmont and recreation They Deliver us from the poor strck thai does not know what fi Yes there Is a reasonable refreshments visiting games equipped for kissing the nicotine hours a day your pay envelope nol grow catnip enough for you to Spend all your evenings feeding the kitty you are too much of a to down the pool rfharks havent the skill lo a speed on the public highway and as a ire far below the standard on the core of mural character In view of them Canadians are to make a of democracy will bo or our place in history ye shall need to give united and And the insti ions to which in the main si look under to scoop and the are the he Aug It la he whloli Indian dview dislrkli crops all of he claims received at the he Northwest Adjustment and Company Whloh adjusts fosses for the SI hall Insurance com panics operating In Saskatchewan at lege one hundred per cent damage WHAT A STEAMER DRINKS Two men In overalls stand by on the iityii Willi- lloiii In a paper thi of the liner lying nearby approach the of Sunday Mrs Sutherland of Kalama zoo is the guest of Mrs James Sutherland Mr Jacob Doyle of was the guest of Alderman Cody last Sunday Mrs Smith is vis her daughter at Mrs Calvert of Toronto is spending a week or two with her sister Mrs Hewitt Harold Brock and Frank naive gone to the Northwest Mrs J E has moved the vacated by Dr Scott on Queen St Mr Pearson is spending a few days at Echo Hollow Mrs Williams and children of Toronto holidaying at Mr Jack Hodge is here from Stay- Frank S Millard representing a Montreal Pub- Co was the of Mr Geo Stone a couple their and I cut off J Byron Oliver is ove Ohio for a vacation at Or rd Beach iiss Edna of Ottawa ling her le Is a and six bolters carries CO toi ir Each boiler loses on a day steaming made good so an extra 1111 Then theres the ballast some tons of sea water This of -l- II ir- riil li- fresh waler stores and coal her hall- ait has lo be Increased This Is done In any fashion but that been worked out must pre serve tier stability at all costs Finally Is the water tor the of water are day Sometimes the is short ami condensing has Condensed Is no mixed fresh make II more palatable Finth wife of Pickering College visited friends Wednesday Misses Stella and Anna are visiting at Mrs Jerome of Orono is visit ing Mrs Trull Miss of Toronto and tor of spent over with her aunt Mrs Cody Mrs Grant and wo hide iris Jackson and Bert are hav ing a big lime at the lake Rev of tt Y is spending his vacation in North York Mrs bad a family re union Friday evening Mrs Freeman of Falls and a sister from Detroit with other members of family were homo I I Young men have to be careful nowadays Its got so that all a has to say to a girl Is Are you fond or rice and shell fall In Ids arms and reply Ibis Is ho sudden Ont Aug A fire which broke out at oclock yos- lordny morning from unknown at the rear of a Chinese restaurant wiped out tho res taurant hardware store and the Massey Post Office entailing to tal loss which early place at Supplies or stamps and other material are being sent to from Sud bury Post Office lo enable Office to on history of Hong Kong strnok her to day causing Jrcmondous properly loss and It la feared many lives EYES precise Think of Hie tic and other giants and then vltt rauUJpIy his by five or six worlds nix largest vessels make Southamp ton Is say that ports water supply Is decreased by about 100000 tons All this Is kept in tanks In double bottom of the ship These are cleared out after eVery run always spotlessly clean Even- DYNAMITE EXPLODES IN OF YOUTH Aug raliam of Wanslead aged Iho Hospital also of Wanslead suffering from burns on the face and chest following the ac cidental explosion of cap in blasting stump which while the forme was playing with the cap the Friends Meal The Altar On Aug by Amos Miss Emily Burned of Aurora lo of Toronto The Tomb In August I8th Mary Ann Watt in her year and daughter of J Kaake Mrs James Turner a well- known resident of this I own who died Wednesday in her year was buried in Stouffvillo Cemetery on Friday Sho is by her husband who is a retired faimor Mrs Turner was formerly a school teacher taught in various of the province For many years lived at Whitby