The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance to j Get them at WATSONS Jewelry Store PROMPT SERVICE Hardware SOLE AGENCY FOR LOWE BROS HlghGrade Paints Stains Varnishes Enamels EASY VACUUM Electric Washer HOT POINT Electrlo Ranges DETROIT VAPOR Wlckless Oil Stoves FLORENCE AUTOMATIC Oil Stoves THE GRAVITY Washing Machine DUSTBANE by the keg- or Barrel OWL BRAND ROOFING AND SHINGLE8 GET OUR QUOTATIONS ON BUILDERS HARDWARE GLASS Etc Farm Sale Notes Farmers should realize the desirability of depositing their Sale Notes with a bank for safe keeping as well as for collection when due We invite farmers to this Banks services IMPERIAL BANK OK CANADA SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Fresh Oar In This Wee WO Split Ready for Stove Cut Slabs Cut Hardwood Nut Coke Large W PEARSON WE SONS CO LIMITED and traffic Wrote Words Thnn THE OPENING OF HOT WEATHER I AND TOWN PLANS When steamer was at Bay Green lawns ruslling trees Northern Railway shady verandahs and comfortable Belle Emily May Pas the and and cross Lake thro The Narrows and then by Lake Couchiching to Washao This northbound business created a decided boom at Washago It was the gateway or entrance to and agricultural towns and cities Need there be Need we watch i the He in all parts of Che Do ion as they are apt to do hot months- people live in cramp and flies and bacteria of the north and it was allowed to multiply at he ha days he remuneration I speak of him ago He then lived in the east part of Toronto almost im mediately opposite his small was then called Leslie Gardens where they raised frurt and other trees for sale it was quite a park as well as other kinds of settler In real ceived by the initial that the flow of traffic It ha by to He stud fi and labored ze to and Parry Sound the Mother Country that to build towns may enjoy space and sunshine and fresh air hat in the old fashioned oil or town are the privileges of th wealthy alone It has been shown that District We young places four dollar hen fa three at the length and reduced to per wherea of England as high a Market Square Instead of going to church on Sunday we would take a nice long walk down- to these gardens which were like the countryside Our friend Alexander lived in a small house almost opposite he gate into Hie gardens At- house and we enjoyed a chat so I had the good forlunc of know ing Alexander in other days On being elected the first may or of the town of Southampton in Hie year I wrote asking him if he would come up later in the summer and deliver a of patriotic or inaugural he kindly per The fprexample we find lic f nit i his which will give to each in dni I in- life i and distributed Empire operation with Hon idled ride- It eek to do ing bin hall park then hear his and Hon T Mo- Agiicul- lure Mr Cockhurn worked very bettor DID YOU EVER USE FIBRE BOARD ess winch and After had finished I look him to my and of course I had a very of it able lime Among other He asked turn how he ic Maple Leaf I that one day in Gardens he lie along a path when a Map fell upon his coat sleeve leaves have little sprigs or on them and if fa brushed it off or thought Looking down it was llier and he gave it another brush and it came off He went home and related to his wife how the leaf had stuck his coal and said I will write the maple leaf The day was lovely to effect a generous lei railway policy All this culminated in the adoption Hie Ontario in 1868 of The Free Grant- Homesteads Act which plied particularly to the nortf land started Mr Chimin the of improved one boat the utterly unable to meet th demands Looking about he on Lake a boa supply his the actually proof partition partitions and ceilings Cellar partitions and ceilings Summer Cottages Interior Walla and Ceilings Repairing Walls and Ceilings y Where the Plaster has Broken Away Call and See Our Samples and Prices Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket it when the maple leaf he found i that time tained favor Alexander 25 Years Ago Era July Cole of California is holidaying here Taylor and Miss Bella of spent over Sunday wit Maud Partridge for nig is McQuillan and Miss Pettet of the late are spending a couple Maurice Fosilers Daniel Phillips have after spending two Mr built on a fiftyye from the Government Tin experiment is evidently to be a successful one No an look about on its quaint homes its green its healthy children wHh- rows of cheap and duplex houses with little or porch space and room within for a family of moderate size Gone is he for absence A public meeting was held in town hali last Friday night when motion was passed iMteprijcrs a bylaw for the Specialty Co to aid them enlarging factory SO Years Ago rom Era Aug 1st ra won from Newmarket by in a cricket match here Newmarket players Addison Irving Atkinson i Dudley and broke out a wood pile at he railway station on causing a delay In Star Lodge of Good Templars the following officers Mo- laster John Cook las Robertson By Dr Clifton Howe M P The disastrous effect of a for est policy which compels lumber industry to from the farm but Canada Throughout Eastern growing ged because the sawmil or rim woodusing m has gone out of business through tho failure of forest supplies They are in the condition which their Ho came funeral I he bench with Judge heard there oh the a sum in of a portrait medallion ork of A J Clark Trains by this appniiiehing find owner of the Simcof saw wl his IntffiL- on Hie Jake absorbed by he It way and readily agreed lo fore sailed on Lake she was operated on under an other name on the Niagara and report has that she car ried troops in The was in the fall of drawn of I he waters el Waahago and Mr gave the contract to This second boat cheered he hearts of people Mr Cock hums enterprise Inspired The country was to opened up and prosperity was horizon There were now two on Lake Muskoka talk of another hi he built Indian Muula field VI TO BURN When repairing your house or changing the partitions use As good as lath and plaster and cheaper than or any other substitute A Car of Cement Just Arrived TRY OUR XX B SHINGLES EVES Judge Scott of CAUGHT MOVING ELEVATOR Ont July idrc t and Avej about a nit lo a pall red black raspberries ants green ly designates lis dead The older men will at one call illustrations of what I hut for the benefit of the yoi apt- made ami reports writ able and adverse Hon John of welltrained architect engineers surveyors and landscape gardeners helped to make the village a place of beauty and com for are grounds for tennis cricket football and the like there gardens for ail the famil as pure w polls bore is for enjoyment of One is not surprised to find a foreigner who visited a similar own in the north of England saying that he had never seen anywhere else such manifest so cial contentment and wellbeing In Canada baa not yet found its counterpart need for garden cities in this country grows yearly however of our large cities they- might bo placed in proximity lo beat bod self- contained and drawing away involved in building a town of is not beyond our pi ent capacity A new town to this fas Ing to see thai if battleship costs peck I chickens pair Moffat was given a Saturday night by the pres entation of a typewriter The band In the serenade and were treated at Pohertsons lee parlor address was read Dr Stephens and the presentation ete by Hewitt Steps ace being taken to walks In fildevJfllkfl Married At July 131b by Rev Canllllon Miss Lang tii July 1st ago the to- of 1300 had a Then or at least the old mill was rejuvenated and en larged Hi ten years the lalionof the lown was and in another decade it had reached From this point output of the mill declined and about fifteen years ago the work became spasmodic and finally the mill went out of business because the river valley above had been logged out The and shops have been who moved ago from Smiths Falls was almost In stantly killed about oclock this afternoon when ho attempt- it passed second floor Minis- US Her him being his objective way impressed with Mr Cock- urns idea and preparations ere made to connect Hie two by locks for free passage of boats locks however were not built as scheduled While some liad confidence in the despaired of the cement cellar When Ontario has a lhat is both influential and of- huge and advertising are not only sightly on the landscape they arc quite im lr opinion of Magistrate final successful Main no and tho locks Joke in comparison to tho women in To to had a bettor systei wifebeaters there are given taslo of their own special treat rnent in the form of A who bents his wife Is l able lo build of them the- actual build an entire pity is a mere in terms of dollars but of the most momentous import present and future of every citizen This evidence is worth consid ering Still more worth while is it to consider happy live of children who live in wyn and the other cities of England July Harry day when tho gasoline stove which was filling and lighting in home exploded Her condition tho victim from the vas sixtyeight years of by his widow two t Is nothing a than gating elf London Adver- KEEP YOUR EYES wife and sister in tho Detroit Hiver Ahis afternoon the two la dies were caught in the under low Bennett swam to assistance and kept both afloat until John Martin years to aid with a boat Exhaustion due to caused by holding the two men above water until help rived proved too much or and ho collapsed and died a few minutes after rea doned whole in that vil lage in the faces of its people as well as in condition of This lown like is the victim of an im policy on the part of the rfhd not as a capable of producing crops in definitely when properly treated Tho river valley had and still has forest soil enough lo support three such owns as the above at the itlmo of its best dove lop men under intelligent use and effort to keep the forest pro Era to Absent Frlonda Mr and Mrs Glen Wells to Present Play at Chautauqua a entertainers who will here at the coming Dominion have scored tremendous successes by presen tation of complete ploys which Atonement they will I resent en tor Mr and Mrs wells by Herbert tho eminent English playwright It Is a stirring hit Mr Mi ARCHIVES OF QNtRKJjg