ffit Albert H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert METHODIST CHURCH Dr- Caldwells sermons next Sunday A Things Yours Wo Own Man and Worlds P Keswick Friday and Friday from Miss FraVi spinal has home afler of weeks with friends under Hie of the Ladles iasl of Toronto S nil The and Mrs I J I- nnrlV sic wine to will forward tin prms lea and to meet LEAGUE M Please look ItaUwrand slop Better come old Top I hundred and eighty Mr and feet Stretched And twehe are invited and ex- Are enough lie wor w h- lht aImua wont lake long- to of Hie I E on Satin eenis day evening in the To a toot or Iwo Then it -i-n- in base- work right on Church And others help you on Monday evening when Youll he surprised to find ere Saturday nighl on ine Alvward is a fine new gai Towing trade k Ilia fa no ill- he the Pavement Manager as you APOLOGY In the Era of week the fol lowing paragraph appeared the Mission of Ihose The il j J Hill is confined lo his lied since returning from West Mrs Sandy Milne and lit He of are friends and relatives The lesson for Ihe or Sunday evening will be taken Miss of and Mr Peter Milne Hi I lion of officer- nil Monday and Mr by the writer had the request Please put Mount items- We jay till- thinking that it would nine of our -uli- at Mr on we re celled a lawyers letter for name of writer Jom Baldwin Breezes Sugar making this year is Cn Ion itlj Hi Ml Sutton West pher Tulhill were by special Metropolitan Monday afternoon for in idenl of Toronto Trave The late Mr of I REEVE SMITH OF EAST QWILI PASSES AWAY On there East rise Purchase Donald remind lb ne Thousand is making dug Old and ft tide formerly Miss lie was Bayfield and and two are Woodstock j by his wife is the Best Econom III Is the wisest purchase you can Pure Fresh and so Delicious Just It H of Vie and John of Toronto- The da fill awful ihin ihe Hi- I i moral Htfiitnu lill to Hit held hi wo York each of whom filled Wardens as pallbearers carried last station will be built two south of Fulton for this purpose Work will be commenced immed iately The project means much as present the eler- to part of the I by excellent We The May 2nd He lopoith lib js a Lovely Roman eara of age as Morals Morals is an usual good of the wellknown Noble Morals of Marcus Ordeyne by J were moo of these Jr Is nobly filling his fathers bought a I by Paul lad Its or i tbe true and is exp ell he I Mrs Mi of Ihe pub Sir We did not think tb was anybody mean enough take of lis in this and sincerely apologize for anxiety or trouble I hat Mitchell has experienced the public kindly refrain nil to the matter and look our mistake G Jackson Editor THE RIDGE E rk lo the music Sounds as if have warm Joe Gray lias mo PERSONALS Wm Ellis and family are mov ing to Robertson now wears a smite its a boy Miss Minna Dike is at pres- ties afler two weeks Robt riling of Ma a couple of Miss of Torn David stalled the Method lo li a few Ihrciucli illnrn bill again Mr Mr 111 ill Mrs lot will in loll i ablo In ry Spans Mrs J Toole and Mrs Wallon Toronto vIbRopb Mr Ross Dea off for for the Tilings running 11 the call maker important event until gelling a dandy fine i think we Ml- think full of informal show It effort for them Have got Ir usual number big of lliern tb lie Dominion of would like els thi- lie powerful and no This original and providing ideal sere Girl Guides will Ihe Presbyterian Hall Sujlon of each week H Ellis is is illn Remember lie of Hie Ladies nil Womens Missionary Society Wednesday Mav the home of Mrs Barton Wan good attendance is ill be the i Tuesday play be again May The League borne of Mr am and Sunday in Walker ling Apr Mi li it-mi- Mori in Mi- Harry Simpson of Toronto Sunday Mr Ranld in Sunday even Wiibl Service as Church ing D PiVNIGKS General Store Sutton West DRV GOODS SECTION Hal Alia April raKril for Iw lii a high wind Intr Ihla local promises of Oil Company anil ho City nit Company on Ilia alios loss lo City Company a anil bo Of lkl1 Keith I mil Reeve of Reeve of Sutton esteem Mr was the laige crowd at service on Sunday house nil yard packed with irs pinked side of roadway of Church lOQk sent was a lame pillow family a large anchor from the Council from Easl Townhip icil and II and J Kav- and sprays from Mrs A Mrs J Graham Marie Mr Tor- CREAM WANTED test Prices LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY AND EGGS The demand for Mount Albert Creamery Butler Is Growing Bigger Let have your Cream Let us do your work for you Our Truck will Call for Your Cream You will get all there Is In It For particulars write or phone Mount Albert Creamery Co PHONE Creamery at Mount Albert in in sknka Ethel of Lookout fillia and a sisters Belle Marie Mrs An April TI of Iholrnin which inlo an her unlay aflornoon killing Mill In siiunll I Ill- brakes anil hi a Ho bell anil whistle April Mike and his wife Sophia were terribly burned llieir home Imperial slroel Ibis when some coal oil they wore using lighl a fire exploded and set They the In cries ami see Ihlhelr ran inlo yard and dena mil of use by and his wife wore rr- lo General Hospital beyond Storage Batteries GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS FORD PLATE BATTERY CHEVROLET 11 PLATE Larger than Ford Mclaughlin 13 plate DODQE and MAXWELL Prices are Exchange on Your old Battery These are the best constructed Batteries that It is possible to buy with the longest Guarantee at the Lowest Price Shipped C O STANLEY A BRUELS Sutton BOOTS AND SHOES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR Grades Come along ami filled on I wliirc you ran save pi slack or Mens Womens anil slim- il tical saving o le OVER PAIRS OF SHOES REDUCED Mens Heavy illv low A fine Work and fine Dress Shoes Low Priced Womens Fine and Every Oxfords and Pumps Price Re al Special Price Everyday Shoes Reduced Shoes Hog and i Plain Over Boys Ovei out for Hals and laps Price clear WHY PAY MORE Money See Shop Early and Be on Where Prices are ROYAL DINNER BELL London The Duke of York wedding will be dinner boll for children who not only holiday on the occasion of height of the Eiffel wedding will be Ihe the proposed structure of ho vitriolic exhibition woddlngr parties In the of London children will tend a parly given by