Pit A Sx At- Ms I- ftp paper sent unless paid to JACKSON Editor and Proprietor Watson Optician ON AT Hardware Aluminum Tea Kettles Aluminum Vegetable Pots Milt Dusters Dry or OH Polish 100 each 23 Provincial Election Campaign Opened in North York Mr Walton of Aurora Chosen Libera Candldata HIS ELECTION ALL Dm Brooms Beg for 80 Genuine Holland Electric Bulbs 3 for 96 a only First Quality Auto Tires only Electric Toaster Stoves 00 A Floor Wax lb net Galvanized Palls bo- Newmarket Clipping Victory Coupons Let this serve as a reminder Be sure to clip your Victory Bond coupons on the date they become payable and present them at this Bank where they will be promptly cashed Victory Bond Interest becomes due on May 1st and November 1st IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA 7 HEWSON J lent Mr How sons were nominated as Liberal dates to contest York approaching ut bright and happy dayVs test Parker put abo in the had to had to write do of the things as we every ma I got o hundred in splendid dear of Hi Hi There were from Ted and Carol I diool son and daaghh the livinjr lujfhK The part SOUTH END LU YARD ENT SHINGLES CEDAR POSTS CEDAR BARN BOARDS Inches and Inches wide PEARSON THE WM CANE SONS CO LIMITED DID YOU EVER USE FIBRE BOARD rob of that extra bedroom when for a few dollars you can proof partition Attic partitions and ceilings Cellar partitions and ceilings Cottages Interior Walls and Ceilings flepalrlng Walls and Ceilings Where the Plaster has Broken Away Call and See Our Samples and Prices Yards Huron St Newmarket arm Seeds CLOVER CLOVER A GRIM ALFALFA ONTARIO ALFALFA TIMOTHY fecial mixture White Dutch and Timothy Seeds for Lawns 30 cents per lb AH Seeds at Special Prices Oars of Coal expected next Week g EVES tin country was so badly In We have been passing through a period of confusion of thought but things are looking brighter business and in all of life thinking and acting Is required at this time Although a farmer and having some with of the Government showed the two party system had work ed to the best advantage of the coun try The Government In Ontario had not met the requirements of the people hut the movement had started men to think He praised the Liberal Leader Mr Wellington Hay because he was a straight- forward there was always something live but not so In speeches of the has Blond for definite more than any other group and tl for Ills he the wmi III- hut in lle fir voted lo themselves a bon and during additional ft he Liberal Party Liberals will expenditure III TllllUi not Ihe horn Libera Ihcy 1 It- Mr It 1 was Im- for him 1 If Town of lis In Liberalism i from was lo qualification for municipal office which already ban ml bail results The Labor group dso responsible Tor much of the of the Mr Walton Is not only no able baler but also a ladys man anil his lances of election are brighter than Ml Walton on being Introduced as ietlner thai Its true color reminded lb Mr Waltons was with tint ituik defeat his steadfastly ited Ihe nomination and he was confident Mini with assistance he would this lime carry the Liberal banner victory mil and enthusiasm lent well lead the Lit If elected Me Walton sed that they would find him In a the House was In will save and not legislation How I didnt to saved Mint At any rate I i4- bring for Bradley anil lie will lake pa look on his wife lo ask IniiPpei If Ml gels Ill Dill III The apoiswcio delivered Jio llnee lltal ifleninim but il was fully a nasi Tod was ready I iluill- lake lit- 1 the office 0 yet losl tin I II lea his iV was aflor Mm a left chased lOlorcyele and it laid which folded heels of paper I did back inli a taxi bill ho Ilia ho was w I was pretty cross it don see Ihal I was much blame If l lor new IhevV llniK the park ailed Jo throw he Iho Collect before ado it all rlgbl III mil I had run down hut I liope of finding them I will imvi Hut i will lime air I In lake the lime to go all lliniipli lie Hell s a- bt I i000 LEAVE FOR CANADA AND U London- April Owing lo he strike of work- in In Norfolk a parly of 25 arm laborers from for Canada today in lilt learner Montcalm which carries nor 1200 Ten wireless experts sent by he sailed on ho carry out meuts between Vancouver and IJI a dislance of miles is slated lint fully passengers are going Canada anil the stales nd Army sen friend of latter who was leave for California Anil she lin stalled Jj lianilma liiiinnlci Duke f lie iile la next week in the camp already raining and a fourth parly also ha Commissioner Lamb morrow for Canada Canadian flovori lorlh has closed ils door til I found I hod park Id and bo should In part of my work tbal J lili bo isky lay mi a paper Her si id J I did mil Ihink much about it He slopped shorl then began to laugh Here is last Ii Hunk of the family confessing his shortcomings He looked about at smiling faces of young folk of the family I Years Ago From Era File May 2nd to jail Mr ling charges of of an invosligalio from bar E Jackson Davidson and J A I b Wrltday debt on Tom 4 te British JolnsI no- J of Pear jr Dudley ioh MiMaim Years Ago File April Great Howe bus Toronto Ho Mr foi Wine Mr Clerk Pedro party give last I tell nil Gwiiiit Musi went week win Hoy folks to a Tuesday Ma ml In Ml W bar mothe Monday from and of Jfe lefl for Monday on dbe Da Gin mIE do Belfry and V grounds fo a park ladders fine Tuesday J Mr of Miss Ida a Iunuy on Hie Public is on fool en- Grounds and drawing endear The John Cur llioiigbt about It before ID Id Ted days proved Mil didnt in lie lie Mrs proved hi dad Trd said Ill ask every morning- How much are you likely gel in thinking today I suppose Ill gel one hero hill will keep me li AT DEATH OF A daiighler of Walker of Aurora by her son they reached iied long Hip killings ore In mew Ihal Sarahs was I mrl out Ihero and Hint dull how I diilni iklin laid down bis ev ening paper with a smile This Wednesday molhor and it only night before last that you wore lolling mo about Willi spirit but I Jusl did Ihink Hits morning svhon I isked Louise go with mo ft so cool and thai I nought would be Jusl day to go didnt of uuise ami mako sure starling on suob a long Mr asked his wife Why you know Jim Sirs has only in Jwo or Jhree weeks and I dldnl know wholhcr Jhoy Pub any largo centre Tlio lolal fo year readied lie is aroused daily slaughter find the Colon Chief of and novo combined to mn the reckless speeders or these killings a persons run down drivers or foreign a delight id of a oraged two a day and with the of Chicago aula killings so far this year approximate 130 Willi nrmer woollier and In Ihe automobile iii is feared the Al ready shocking record be greally increased Erg to Absent Friends formerly of AEROPLANE STARVING ON ISLAND Chicago April 20 Aficr Jwo been on the mainland forced make a g before loathini is planes from Chi SI succeeded in food to Island in Lake rying flu carrying pounds of food and a Chicago al Iho island his report- hot id In is from he groin of Windsor On April ilir years old ricrnoon was found by Magistrate Gundy on a of supplying cigarettes a minor Ho was fined and pi Itch or iaiirn i Infantor Adult At TOto