J Completely Relieve Me Female with all the Headaches I had and sides A doctor advised ma to fesvean operation I started taking Fruit at ires and tti bis completely relieved of all my misery and suffering of pain and and the terrible and what is the fruit medicine Fruit Madam US box for trial 55c At dealers or sent postpaid by Limited GREENHOUSES St- Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Furnace Work ft E W MARK 15 W Column CLOUD Plumbing Eavetroughing Our Specialties THE LEADING TINSMITHS imsmammm DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT CHICAGO Unexcelled Car Service cars on Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full from any Trunk Ticket Agent or Toronto J BROUGHTON DOWN TOWN AGENT Phone 14 NewmarkeL took in and Iryin villi God tied yon thill is Have you people hones and earn e and to do the on in himself but is is fairly good re I is happening to of mere 111- limn that far ion has taken of on to the Dominion old home Mr 1 lie of Zephyr are to uiLialiiluted fin heir Masquerade Ball held liei night The fun Jan It i fori of Mr House for Sale On St double lot NEWMARKET PEOPLE Nearly all SHOULD KNOW imach 1 poisonous waste upper and lower bowel removing mr may have been poisoning the tor months It but Willi her brother Mr Martin Cook Franklin was held in here on Sunday la May 1 hi of Iryina II is that that it ill eon he hi II deals llml year hod stirred nt forgot ever I Pills work of info mind and n- E A THE FAMILY CAR F B Ford Ontario Why Stay Home in Bad Weather GO WHERE WILL WHEN YOU WILL IN A FORD CLOSED CAR WITH COMFORT AND PERSONAL RIGHTS Dr J Shearer Yes I would A gentleman of hi lie symiitliiAd by llio Rev loach and Ihe body was interred ML Besides wo brothers Messrs Martin and Benjamin Cook she leaves one son George Wihfield from near Georgetown Journali Schomberg Mrs Davis of Toronto is the guest of her aunt Graham Miss Burling spent Thursday in the u pi Oil 111 advocate and work ally ry Wood jury in Toronto r has dpi of liiiiHii added Bank i satisfied SobUM Deed of our permit w Us greatly enlarged appendix no family be without dliK it pectlve victim Its Ir to have on of tilings Roberts for COUGHS COLDS and BRONCHITIS Hit tlpeg i on king street We are sorry to report Mr James Pearson on the sick list with pneumonia Dr and Mrs A were in Forest last week attend ing the funeral of the Jailors mother On Saturday night a sleigh load of people went across Bradford rink to skate Frank McDonald and Goo McDonald home visiting is ill iltpn of To ronto the funeral of Mis Hall on Friday last Kay and Mr- Fred Skin exhibited Duff Orpingtons at the North show hold in Newmarket last week Mr Skinner won two 1st 2nd and two specials while Dr Kaj the Buff class from Mr Chaa Osborne also won at era in his different Mrs Hall formerly of daughters Mrs Ruth of and Mrs Herb of and one son Mr Hall of of held at the on Friday oclock In look place at Laurel itery of such a law If he docs does become an abettor of lawhi ing Is lie any heller than law breaker That breezy Western daily the Saskatoon Star recently am abet of Ihe laws among Pharonhs etc as outlaws am Was not the Sta justified Is not the dctibci of the lice il not in the Ill what Is the 91 hack of breaking on the part wise respectable people rebel and lav if Dont let mere weather keep you at home Get out every time you can Make the most of the days and the evenings Go around this winter in a Ford Sedan The Ford Is the family servant a servant that awaits the call of every member of the family father mother children and brings about In the family circle un burdened and peaceful routine saves the time necessary for healthgiving recreation and pro vides the means for this recreation A CULMINATION OF FORD GENIUS When Henry Ford started out many years ago he said I will build a car at a price that all can pay ECONOMY And in the Ford Sedan he has produced a lightweight easyriding car that costs the family little to buy and little to run A GREAT CAR AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE The greater value of the Ford Sedan Is more visible today than ever before Its cost Is now so low that no family can afford to try to get along without It Never before has so much dollarfordotlar value been offered It Isnt always possible for your dealer to supply you with a Ford Sedan Immediately But an order placed at once will insure your getting a car when you want It and Spend the Difference win wont hut Ins kid brother had enlisted for Best luck lo yo lie home and well keep proud of us both all the tlnough if we and you bet he think a man has a divine ugh I do as he pleases and thai Iho majority have no right to limit this his supposed liberty What about these personal my rights that arc Are i to bo or removed by society Take socalled constitutional rights guaranteed to Americans in terms of Declaration of viz to life liberty and the pur suit of happiness Are these rights inalienable They were Hut in tho individual cannot cither life or liberty as ho pleas nor pUrsuo happiness any oh way bo chooses Ho must res pect his neighbours rights He muse respect moreover will of Society expressed in law is essential to personal lib and liberty is necessarily limited by every law That civilization he more limited is pergonal liberty Health laws of sanita tion Sunday laws laws for protection of and property and all- civil rights involve of hut if the brother could do could Al least be would And- so ho left for firm mother proud of by living the white live bo had lived as 11 boy home What power a mothers life and love can have over her boy even though miles may separate them I Many a chap has been kept from evil by the desire lo bo what his mother thinks ho Is and to act always in such a way that she may ho proud of him And so oftentimes il la Mid mother love which is strong est of nil ties binding absent lo homo folks In a way which no power can do May tho boys who are across the sea or on it today he kept true to their highest manhood by groat abiding love of Hallway Completed Completion of the Hudson Bay Continue 1 ami oval lie Manitoba temperance act as p noting sobriety thrift and Industry bracken Izcd the wheal board advantages and some objection fully 1 wheal marketing thai Manitoba had loss to to the 1 I of two things that a whea is not best permanent so of our marketing problem ant a cooperative plan lo be devel operated and controlled by llic Statement In favor of a The opening of a Email deposit account has in hun dreds of cases the means of establishing friendship and confidence and the loans obtained from the Bank from time to time for farm operations have Farmers business is as important to The Bank of Toronto as Wc welcome the Farmer at any of our Branches BANM0R0NT0 Incorporated NEWMARKET BRANCH It Pays to iiiakc Royal Quality Chicks CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY De HAMILTON ONTARIO provincial governments of and Saskatch ewan already havo passed legislation providing for a wheat board and refusal to with the board and reduce Us pros of success I am prepared to re commend to our group that legisla tion similar to that already passed Alberta Saskatchewan be Intro duced Into Manitoba Legislature- provided thai some board In lollhrrately slate their intention to iy plans Immediately In an eikmii- develop a purely cooperative roflt noncompulsory tha If your oven is slow to heat you will find EggO to act its double action insure eavening with a slow or hot oven BakingPowder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER ROBT W JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and PaperHanger AND ART ESTIMATES AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE TERMS P Box TORONTO