Si DC WEii Him jo Health Pics I physician and toot his medicine but I did not and finally he told me that not hired At this time a friend advised toe to try Fniitativa After taking two boxes I was greatly relieved and this fruit medicine made me completely My digestion and general health GASPARD Limited Ottawa CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Phone Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing Our Specialties THE LEADING TINSMITHS Office THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT H I A Q O Unexcelled Car Service Sleeping cars on Might Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full information from any Qrano House for Sale On HI house all modern conveniences goad and double lol Apply New market the Province of Ontario Married at to l for a Hill of Divorce from Stephen of the said City of Toronto Contractor on the ground of adultery and cruelly DATUM at the City of the Province of Ontario Inl Of December A A Toronto Toronto Solicitor for the Applies PEOPLE INVITE Appendicitis la often due to liu irded Mr and Mrs Pock r on Tuesday evening- to ex- ess he sympathy of the com unity in their recent misfor Schomberg St Junes Church decked ir ring flowers was at three today the scene of the marriage of Phyllis daughter of ho late Rev Robert Morris Perdue County Ireland to Mr Arthur Thomas Mahon Armstrong of Mr Columbia roses and Armstrong her wore peach taffeta with crip hat and carried Ophel ia Mr of Buffalo man and the ushers were Armstrong and Mr- was performed by R Perdue the brides uncle Rev Mr Earl of Port Credit and Rev Mr Mrs E Sweating the bride- bfr vho wore a French blue frock held reception afterward at her home Algonquin Ave Mrs Perdue was willow with violets ith black hat gift of the Stouffville Fred Pratt of Mir by of knee Garnet a form- resident of met a serious accident in on Saturday The motor duck which he was driving on a street struck and killed child Mr of Whitchurch township recently received a of choice grape fruit from daughter Mis Whittlesey of as- Three yeaVs ago Mr visited his daughter in and did the fruit farm produced the box of ling which ved In a letter to the old Whittlesey staf egefable and fruit crop is excellent this season of the 0 Club was attended It was that Si was the for the ye MUM of the club i l I the end had the of cresting to note animals mi year only one as killed in La bile another received minoi Willi Ibis amount paid the fund stands at Officers for are President Stanley Has Vice President Earl Dl Aim THAWING OUT DYNAMITE injured and Alb in hospital the what seriously some thousands of dollar of damage was done to property on Main and St Joseph streets Hull by a premature explosion of dynamite which look place this morning when some of the explosive was being thawed by corporation employees i shack on St Joseph street It is estimated that about of dynamite dally lion from old retained may accumulate In the system The Intestinal antiseptic acta on BOTH upper am lower bowel removing ALL foul off while they were being thaw ed out In the shack which slated to have caught fire when an of coal oil was over turned The force of the explosion completely demolished the aback and the concussion wrecked ev ery pane of glass in the windows and dreadful i had me that that St Slaved sold like people duty is immiMiikible what to he Lori ho aricd and tiered itself wide he i by His from the men He less of Jesi In I Hi up llu ipl asy to tot rattier wholehear led determination Who is he lay who can stir up the people in religious things is it halfhearted man Does take enthusiasm and toil prayer long What an ir thing fir it doe ml will baptize you v Holy Ghost and with fir of the lessons is that of the whole nail We find the and the and the pebble alike bought upon by God S the splendour of lhal created and Ihe rings of Saturn a that God look finite pains with the liny rings f the earthworms body only Ealher thai Jcs diligently nil And J she find tells us that this is a picture God So with the lost sheep which became the found sheep In Jeremiah there is he story of the Poller moulding clay the vessel of clay was marred in the hands of poller here is the hopeful and slen der and beautiful conclusion so he made it again is a picture of God doing patiently what He of hi it hi Firo caused a the public An overloaded light wire is believed heir hearts have been touched the Bufferings Of the German Two appeals have issued by ho French Federation for help for i the enfeebled children of the I Era to friends If John Why Stay in Bad Weather CO WHERE YOU WILL WHEN YOU WILL IN A FORD CLOSED CAR WITH COMFORT AND ECONOMY weather keep you at home Set out in Make the most of all the days and do around this winter In a Ford Sedan Dont let nit every time you the evenings The Ford is the family servant a servant that awaits the call of every member of the family father mother children and brings about in the family circle un burdened unworrled and peaceful routine saves the time necessary for healthgiving recreation and pro vides the means for this recreation A CULMINATION OF FORD GENIUS When Henry Ford started out said I wilt build a Car at a pric any years that all ca produced a lightweight that costs the family And In the Ford Sedan he hi easyriding little to buy and little to run A GREAT CAR AT A GREATLY REDUCED PRICE The greater value of the Ford Sedan Is more visible than ever before Its cost Is now so low that no family can afford to try to get along without It Never before has so much dollarfordollar value been offered It isnt always possible for your dealer to with a Ford Sedan immediately But an or you placed your getting a car when you want it Ford and Spend the Difference deceives the ion is they faking your a real devotion and of doing iiiiii Whitchurch Council K ROBERTSON Agent Newmarket of hope hat good is not give you world has now What good is a religion that Is irksome- and wearisome and a bore Better he without it only makes life more mis erable still But first why not try what Paul and countless saints since have tried try ho whole of religion not half of it and devote yourself enthusias tically and not languidly to il Thou love he Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul and strength and mind that is with all of all you are It is only way to live a happy life Wholehearfddncss must in- good being skyrocket starts est the To The for was held ship Hall Vandorf as by statute Members elect all present viz Crawford Reeve Morgan Baker George 11 Loary M Baker Edgar Dennis Councillors All of whom subscribed to the regular declaration of Office Reave in the Chair The Minutes of last meeting presented A Meeting etc from Geo Henry Ontario Good Roads Association Messrs J Playlet- and Brown appeared before the i laid claim The Treasurer was to pay following accounts St Michaels Hospital for days maintenance Newton for 35 loads rlhur Ver ith Jesus demanded fro lowers a wholehearted devotioi A wouldbe disciple wanted fin to bid farewell to those at bom a perfectly natural ami leglti mile desire but Jesus did not approve of it Another wanted P C Ball loads first to bury his father a beau- for filial desire to lake care of 150 those who had once taken care Western Assurance Co of him but Jesus said Let the Insurance on detil limy their lend follow thou Township Hall Me He rebukes he man who Account of York County puis his hand to the plough and pital for Maintenance of J Col looks back All this was borne was laid over fur furl he pail of that was not a The Clerk allegiance order 160 dog lags On the other hand he caution- of Municipal fid us hat our enthusiasm would The Hoove have the severest trial possible Commissioner to expend at would not achieve at Three Hundred Dollars to but must wail limi he pa- gravel sideline between Lots to Six Cop- rid for 1088- and young to be patient How hard and thusiaslic A ByLaw was passed the Treasurer to ho like God we must bo like follow he slaves The aan is thOu cither lot not morojy kind of can you depend on id on the lukewarm friend What kind of lawyer do you employ lo win your case Who wants a halfhearted service a half hearted gardener or nurse or doctor Well neither does God want anything but and try for the realty the young yet remember hat He was young bo and in earnest Ifrom ho Standard Bank to the is easy lo he patient about Amount of Twenty and where your heart and in- Dollars lo meet the teres are not concerned Wo Overdraft and future all bear patiently other as required pies troubles A man can bo ByLaws regularly passed and lient conditions so long lie following were appointed Township Of for viz Medical Officer of Health Dr Member Board of to bo Health P Smith- V San ation ho docs but lot hi interest he ftfouseil lot his in become- enthusiasm iaid plainly llary and School At tendance Officer A Haines Sanitary Inspector and School Attendance Officer Everett Barnes Auditors J A and J Grove As sessor J A Council adjourned lo meet at Wednesday ith i oolookj M Twoyoarold boy in I riclon picked up strychnine from floor swallowed it and died Wolland I Of this pity w by fire morning side of consumed hour on id floor was PRESBYTERIANS Iding together of tit Methodism ith lie Dominion fresh lot forwarded to 11 assembly an overture mo by Dr ind seconded linbell lhal its power lo local members their people The of of SO yen Power paid for the Windsor and Amherstburg Ihe Windsor and line and the local lighting anil dislrbu- ion system when lie hydro purchased these iroperlies in April 1020 to operate on behalf of he municipnhlieri ac cording lo W I Price A Co would lost- its Irtlitio rial I Th before the today lyt- ianlsm in Ihe city till I Die movement met lime at nun limes signified Itielr approval a course which they believe wi a stronger spiritual force has already at many points IWiiiilnion of small and struggling In he formation of one large and church The resolution read as follows Rosolutlon of tint in Clin period of twenty have been carried ween Ihe Preshyterhin Ihe Methodist Church In Canada ami the Congregational Church In Canada with a view to ml teas in the various voles taken of raembeishii of the church was shown to be favor able to union and Whereas when the question under the barrier act the of our church a declared favorable o union and Whereas during years of Iho General Assembly has urged llin policy of rafion with tho negotiating rcsulllpg In formation of union with gory inquiry ere the Detroit I the Ontario es en over 39 ha as being of vngc value value of he properly when talc- I en over represent- a cost per mile of During he twentv month- ending 1921 the loss was which ha- Ibis loss was at by renewal fund of a procedure of which Mr- disapproved lf Gaby will on Hits point In Joseph I faced trial on a charge of worth of Canada from J Some eighteen dollars in bank bills the Imperial Bank was idn You can use sweet milk sour buttermilk or water with ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD