A laclv win service cuing lhi IIS List lho ja or BEST PROOF efmouuiheott in he You ii our It Dont Forget well Baking Afternoon Tea all kind o Gud thai we do only memorial A Dig Day Bite In the evening call Novelty S J T Box Price End Newmarket TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES Seated Tender Friday Deo Home in to one year will be received Up 1st by the supplying la the County of York Jan 1st I Inspector HOUSE FOR BALE I cutty occupied by the FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will bo received by or the purchase lho owing property up to oclock Saturday Dee Parcel No 1 properly la Newmarket corner St ml Victoria Avenue ft frontage a of ft on the is a good room brick dwelling with ill conveniences 3 Base Cellars good garage Parcel No building and lot Building ft Basel frame Utaehmenl It be easily converted In a good Parcel No Paris of lot of the South Lot No in the Concession of East Ifmiury acres mm with never falling stream am Parcel No 5 Easterly On said parcel Is a quantity choice Hemlock and Hardwood Timber good pasture never failing Tenders will also be re limber alone l Ihe land oil this parcel No part of own in registered plan Newmarket containing frontage of charge by Miss Edith West Velum fields her travels in Scotland and on Hie Continent much enjoyed irds Miss some of she had brought Willi her fumi tin inent At Hie close of the light refreshments were by the Social Committee Next Monday toll call ill bo in charge of Mis ami topic One of Watches filled They on you see Cripples Beggars which make your Ifiyrt Cruelty practiced in morning and were three operations morning Clinic their unices free I W J Boyd The ceremony of installation will be conducted by the district oft it has been decided lo hold sessions of lodge twice a month Special Christmas Cafe does in India If Hi mulch NOW ON All Kinds of Fane on Hand BRING YOUR CHRISTMAS TO US FOR DECORATING BOLTONS BAKERY NEWMARKET Intermediate if Mis of bid hip In their Jour of this being lie Committed for Trial Appealing before Magistrate ton In County Court In Toronto las Friday Wilfred Byrnes was commit ted tor trial on arson and then charge and given suspended on ihe charge driving an automo bile recklessly down lho main street of Newmarket Pile Chief Fred Doyle he bad discovered some papers and a coat saturated with oil In the outhouse be hind John garage In-New- market after a fire slatling In the t No lie lo dwelling and good grain and farm miles miles from esterday for winter Seals l win I in St Anthonys Cntholic church Toronto when Mildred only diuiihtei Mr and Mrs West moteland avenue became the bride of Earl P son of Mr performed by the pastor Rev J dour with Spanish lace and wore a veil and wreath of orange blossoms Her bouquet was Ophelia roses and lilyoMhe valley The bridesmaid Miss Babe cousin of the poach georgette to the homo of the brides oarants were a sump tuous wedding breakfast was rved to about thirty guests imediato relatives and The happy couple loft for and Atlantic City They Ide In Toronto 11 tho OHalloran family market are now married icd by Dr who had been medically examining during past week Dr emphasized the that a childs progress at school depends largely on tho of its health She- gave man helpful suggestions to par in Ihe care of their child also suggested that Homo and School Club bo for mutual benefit of parents and teachers that tin might efficiently cooperate tho training of children The suggestion was heartily with and the following officers elected Hon Presidents It ton Mr A Cornell Dr lent Mrs Waller Stevens Executive- Miss Miss A ExMayor Eyas Mrs Win Mr J Mrs Miller It was that the first publlo meeting bo hold or of Deo- in school which a from Toronto will bo present cordial invitation is extended lo all those In the work of the that here had oil The stttel iarlier Club Musical Club met at the Temperance Hall Lot SI Friday afternoon at 330 clock Mendelssohn being the composed studied on that day About 30 members were present hearty thanks of the members are duo lo and Mr Fank ConverficSmith their generous gift to Club of being Hie proceeds over and expenses of their Joint 1st next moating of Club will bo held in tho Tem perance Hall on Friday afternoon at oclock Handel is the composer to bo studied on lha day Mendelssohn program Piano Duel Nocturne nier Nights Dream Mrs Boilings head and Mrs Harvey Vocal Solo Woo Unto Them Eli jah Frances Church Paper Mendelssohn Mrs rey Davis Piano Solo a Lost Happiness No Spring Song No Songs without words Mrs Mrs Mason Vocal Solo a But the Lord is Mindful of His Own St Rest in Lord Elijah Ev elyn McKay Piano Solo a Looking Back No Lost Illusions No songs without words Mrs Rutledge Folk Lang God Save lho King said This Is an age of Missionary Activity which the world has never known What do we owe the Heathen We owe the Heathen as much as we have received and nothing less When looked at the Monument for the Plymouth Fathers realized that they left their own lands persecution and their goods and were confiscated They hardship that they might reach the land where they might have liberty of speech and liberty of religious the hardships if Set vice for people today and the heathen worlds are your When we looked at the States men Poets and Evangelists In West minister Abbey we realized that tin best skill of the had been used and the best skill of the painter and a great amount of money had been spent to keep before the people the ifieil or give Is in itefisi tot ail iaCliooU 111 one inn lill alt ill till llellslon but ii Bid Here In nl fur us and give liberally for Heathen Christian Church Deo all people mil to Evening service will be a vice of Song and Song each some applicable to our Chinch we face another century will have the to this Chuvoh Of all And departing leave behind lis on sands of Time The Young people of today should realize Ihelr opportunity and leave their footprints on Hie sands of time The last words of our Lord are tak en as a primarily and conclusive argu ment for Missions Your duty and mine Is determined not primarily by Lords last moments but the iHViliU- all I existing Jesus Christ n sbo of the Native Tribes Africa Is similar Agricul ture Is Ihelr chief occupation They call laud gardens and they contain from two five acres A man who Is cultivating seven acres Is consider ed to have a farm They raise chiefly corn pumpkins and peanuts and they keep a great many cattle They often have to head of cattle It thorn power to a great many cattle The people live round almost altogether and they live hi simplicity and filth They generally happy people If they have sufficient for today make very Utile prep aration for loiiiorrow al most entirely on coin and a few tables Theee ore very Ignor ant and illiterate Up to a few years Our Toronto tetter lied to death undo wheels of a largo while sleighriding on street at at Sun day morning fire on Richmond St on Monday night supposed to have started in a printing office on the third floor An action to recover damages which Robert claims ho su when he placed cattle Grand Trunk stock yards at Victoria and they escaped against Grand Trunk Rail way was dismissed without costs by Judge Tyler at the quest of the two parties who had settled dispute between themselves The United Farmers Coop Company Limited view of the losses suffered du the year in its branch and Toronto are closing some of them Out of Hid thirtyeight stores nine have boon closed with a loss of general manager be Roved directors favor all the stores throughout the province Tho net trading lor- for the year in tho statement issued amounts Tho paving of It now beyond Newmarket with tin exception of a portion where radial tracks Street north of Hoggs Hollow The City Architects Depart laws Many of These p and thoy a like Laws of never heard of Moses are very supersllluous people of Devotion If to theh home or to their that the Evil One has entered and they come together and call a day of Thanksgiving to vindicate themselves from the Evil One They In con stant terror for fear tho Evl One The Younger people compara tively reach There Is no or no Cast in India so Religion easily but It is difficult to hold them and it Isv also difficult get people well saved in this country aro four great Religions In India Everybody Is In In dia They have no less than Temple and they have a great many more Priests who go up and down country fllth and rags who earn their by begging The people of India do most degrading things that men could stoop to and call Religion India Is tho home sorrow and suffering There are have issued building por mils In North Toronto to of in lho ten months During the first half of November permits sued amounted to Martin a 40year Wednesday it lho of HO Coining first lila homo at but for past years ho had resided ono of his daughters Mrs Perth avenue Dont Worry About Me Toms Assuring Col thing ih word who fils the figui also French it comes from the word and means a dealer in cloth maker oiitlnaHy Mantua- maker Is Italian were fash ionable the town or Mantua and called after It Milliner origin ally Mtlaner stood for a dealer In goods made of Milanese silk and puzzling word Is has baffled many people and produced all kinds of explanations The was formerly a pedlar who to fairs selling ribbons and other small articles he carried In a sack His from two old words meaning oats and a vent lo hear a my neighbor wanted me and learn the error of my in wild oats that I sought to Ho told me this hero chap of would surely set me edge and lake each little si and knock it cold with his big sledge d so I wont along with and listened to the organ play til the time had come about for that there man to say Right off the bat he struck straight out and flayed his people with a and pointed down at me and I owned up I was a dub But somehow I took no of fense for what he said was true and fitted in with faults thai coma and camp with folks liko HOMES BETTER itinbnr The child which comes from old home where- the woman constant drudgery in ear ing water and rubbing on washboard does not have the vl- of the which comes a modern and well fine The first child develops mind while the second one a broad viewpoint The first did always retains a contorted lrn- of farm lite and he seldom ays on Ihe farm after he Is old enough to leave white the second ves and retains a pleasant un ion of the farm imagine Farmers are usually good citizens They can be made belter citizens if they are start- under better conditions In this day and generation of constant Improvement fanner owes it to his children to give them only the best kind start They can have such a start In a modern home Run ning water and good eleelrio lights In the farm home promote sanitation and comfort two of the essentials of child development Many farmers could have these things they would Once they are installed no amount of money could induce the ADVERTISING If every item In your stock was a rapid seller youd made a lot of money slow moving goodscut down profits and He up capital Salesmen call on you every day to Introduce new products Why not ask them an Important question Will jour firm advertise in the local paper to help me move ihese- SHE LINGERED TO COUNT Fred had coma upon Flora dozing on tho sofa and when she woke- up sho him of stealing a kiss Well said Fred I will ad mit lhal Ihe temptation too strong to bo resisted I did ono lilllo kiss One Flora in dignantly Why I counted eight before I woke up Of do So newspaper advertising Is Ihe are way to reach them Insist on newspaper advertising- If the salesman says No you get Id of him PEOPLE First of all If you you are ordinary thank God that you are not extraordinary I am tired and sick and bored almost to with ex traordinary people They lake all their time to tell you how very ex traordinary they really are You know as well as I do my brother and that the most of the useful work of the world is done by unpre tentious people who toll right on by people who do not get much cannot be relied upon Better trust the smallest planet that swings on Its orbit than ten comets shooting this way and that ImperllU ing the longevity of worlds attending- to their own business For steady Illumination better Is a lamp than a rocket Then If you feel that you arc ordinary remember that your posEMoa Invites the less attack crop I OB km OTHSB TRADE Ox S AT- LOWESTPRICES Sampled Below ERA PRINTING OFFICE J Newmarket OF ONTARIO