If net vnW J OB Main i- Apr Sals and Dae say sknd ad Muff if Mil ley I nrora w4 Sale Fit Ply V Zephyr made by Barter la good Can at real deuce Timothy Street Red the bury Notify Accommodation i Yon cm your Famine into a Sanitary ftiatteesi Comforter Drop a card ion Co Newmarket and agent will call Doml Equipped Farm only wife Joy the warm acres for poultry vesttabU should provide stud income depot lawn city markets loamy Ullage apples cherries house lusem barn poultry lata It Horse cakes pis tools Included if taken AshenhurSt Newmarket CARD OP Mr J and sisters wish to Ihaiik their friends and neigh bors for kindness during the and death of their brother STRAy CATTLE upon lot in con about Hie of a Black Heifer and a 1 year old Owner is requestei prove properly pay ami I litem NURSE TO TRAIN County Hospital pilfers an op pollifull to graduate nurses There Is ope or for Immediate NOTICE Alt persons Indebted to mo while I was doing business under the of the RussellBell Milling Company hereby notified to make payments to me- only no other person having any authority to same jf OLIVER DIKE Dated at Newmarket the day of Nov FOR SALE of Ward How peopli in North York to sup port Mr Lennox when lie espies sea such convictions list sign a mimes can be place on a ballot office Hi candidate must be the owner tenant of Hi dwelling or own of land and entered on the List the sh subject la lack of shelter and ear many winter hi in the field were tin- farm yard if ho to prosper keep his production cost at possible The applies to ho fanner who implements and tools In order to stimulate in Canada Mr J Cat er of is donating Carter Medal awarded to the person who in opinion of the Canadian Horticultural has done the most valuable work for the advancement of horticulture in Canada during the year We are afraid there nobody in New market who can lay claim to this Medal but we be stirred up to do something When one lwads the daily pa rs especially on Monday one is horrified at the number of auto accident dur ing the weekend the themselves have been greatly improved during the past few years we fear that the chauffers have- become more The proportion of lisasters caused by flaws in the machine grows less and loss the of the men handling them and greater The thought of Safety First does to be uppermost The good roads compared with what they used to be fosters idea It will come to this guard against fatalities that the manufacturers will he re quired by law o regulate tjie speed of the auto so that it can not be driven beyond a limit of miles an hour Thats fast tough for any vehicle on the highway Workmens Co mp en ft lion Board in Province of Ontario which is said to a higher of satisfaction employee of not without compel- Sale Register Wednesday Deo Mr Walter Slock etc on Lot IE in the rear of the 3rd Con llwilluntiiiiv No reserve mot credit tle at one oclock W Thursday Deo Mr Clarence will have a Farm Stock implements etc on lot i No reserve Credit till Oct Sale at one Oclock Sharp Auctioneer Deo Mr John will have a sale of stock and imple ments on lot In Hie of North Slop Met By Ten monllis Credit Sale at one oclock II Kavanagh Friday Mr Witt will have an Auction Sale of horses cattle and Implements on Lot 34 rear of Con Whitchurch Terms Sale at oclock V Smith Qno team heavy Colts broke and ready Since tlifl great conflagration Ontario public in terest has Ijeen aroused the loss and cost of to the of this Province and It is now talned that tho average tiro loss in Ontario is nearly million dollars a month of this can be prevented by greater Care as the heaviest losses in mercantile and establishments although greatest number of cur in dwellings Out or fires reported to the Fire Ma- shall of Ontario during tho in dwellings and men women and children lost their The chief of fires ia flues Builders should pay attention to this nipt lor Firo Underwriters ad flue linings for all tho extra offset by a MEN WANTED At paying right now train for Inclined nod like working around automobiles and tractors every flay you nut off coming to us you cheating yourself Never was l for jetylen- i building and welding by Hemphill system A scrvloo Is at your disposal Write for free catalogue Dont delay for big pay and work Do It now long as the fire loss continues at ho present rato there hope of reduced It is no wonder the kicks against tho i rocoivos for the of his land when the prices of commo dities ho requires do not come down to his level When the war on the farmer am the immediately felt In benefit Immediately the was off prices of products dropped 26 or pes certain In that they quantity but the prices of food stuffs set by world condi tions and forolgn mnrkals and he simply has to by suits hence figures for Sep- ho relative of othor commodities notwith standing reductions that various manufacturers have The restoration of the purchasing Execution of Cabinet Nov I lie Minister V has notified the Greek Government that Great has broken off relations with and thai he Is leaving Athens Alliens Nov but two of accused of high treason In with Hie Greek debacle hi Asia Minor have been to Athby the military courtmartial at tho charges and were Ihls morning A sentence or llfo Imprisonment upon Admiral General last day of the trial attracted large assemblage Including many omen high In society drawn to iurt room from the double motive of learning what would be the fate of Ministers and the nature of the sentence to bo Imposed upon which depended llona with Great Britain As statement Issued by court martial which condemned to death former Ministers giving the re for Imposing the sentences of death says In effect that defendants knowingly concealed from the Ihe danger involved in King llnes return to throne and that In to methods the state ment adds they stilled all opinion contrary lo Ihem arranged with General a protended offensive against Constantinople and thereby brought about the enemy offensive and of Iho Greek front in Asia Minor thus a largo part army into the enemys hands Tliey Iheroforo wore Willi several articles of military and penal log to high I despatch says that later continued his for the open secret that the death Ho also visited the tlonary chief Col at ml night Washington Nov generally expressed Is that was no real warrant for tho execution of tho former officials military quarters tho feeling la that the real for the Greek debacle was tho undermining of morale by propaganda for which officials- were In no way responsible Ontario Mrs James has rehnn- to her home in after pending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs Wavlffi and heir spent a few last seek Willi Mr and Mr and family also dr and Mrs Gardner of Toronto here on Saturday and spent lie day with her parents Mr and Miss Cain a popular sales lady In the City returned from Wednesday and reports hand is doing favorably It badly scalded about two months ago a fin of hi books- suitable for lifts A Newmar ket Post Office of Calgary nee Eva Iysh who is superintendent of Die Chhyjsc Department of tho Central Methodlsf Sunday School of that City the Junior Department of the Methodist Sunday School here on Sunday afternoon It Is IS years ho left Newmarket ingtL- plant On Monday night lost he address to Club of Kingston and on Tuesday after- attended the annual meeting of the Board of Albert Belle ville of which he is a member This College Is under Breaking all previous records tendance tho annual Hon or Sunday School workers of of Die leadership of the President was held in the Mennonlto The reports for year splendid progress Out of a total Protestant population of arc in Iho Sunday schools or Bio township During year SI 1876 was raised missions tho fields var ious churches represented Among the speakers present Rev E Hall of Newmarket of tho Christian Convention of On Rev J of Aurora Lawrence of Newmar ket Rev W P Fletcher of Toronto and School in spector Aurora Mr gave pointed address about strong re- between school and Sunday schools In a speech Rev P Fletcher of Toron to Secretary of the Religious of Ontario made an appeal calling a proper staff of trained teachers look after tho religious education of the children Ho recommended prayer meetings bo converted lnti classes of Instruction teach Jacob Grove ley Secretaries Dike Newmarket Adult A Storey StouffvlUo Training Pike Tem perance department J Martin Cedar Missionary department Annie bis carefully nvielUm to as no darker lb- in any I neithei the It had of trial and ind iieilher world I that piohi- only fli direct reference to the side of Ihe and hut to pay tribute lo former Homier Si- William who he had to hat ho knew was right when the Ontario brief reference fo the immmg United he said that the ie- the United to put an lo Ihe evil Half In jest ho told the United states at that if they wanted to help the government of this they should show a liltlo i keeping the stuff out ao that those on this side of he lino would not have to expend much energy in keeping it in Mrs Livingston Bos ton superintendent of do of Christian ship of the Worlds declared that after traveling world over she found that alco hol was a dovasling destroying agency mentally spiritually and oially in very race underline purely Baker gen- superintendent of Anti- Saloon League of America said tho of prohibition did not about by accident or leg- lin hut by mobilizing conscience that had been century In the making It is born in hearts of men women who placed a higher luo on human welfare than on personal comfort Nov Damage caused by fire which last night des- a pier and A Newmarket Poultryman came to gating that every pullet flock was laying He was using our Lay or Bust Egg Mash in conjunction with nun- Scratch Feed w This perhaps explains why is such a tremendous demand for Poultry Feeds Ur RussellBel Flour Huron St Newmarket Advios that sold these Toronto Suburbia By Del December at a of 181 equal to a profit of over hi addition to the Interest which the lav when due The above Is only one example of during the few On Nov to Mr and Mrs W McMullin nee Miss Annie Meek of Newmarket at Bruce Mines a son At Oak Ridges Nov to Mr and Mrs Parker Smith a daughter At Sharon Nov to Mr and Mrs Norman Crone nee Miss of Newmarket a son At the residence of the brides parents on Nov 1922 John Leslie son of Mr Martin of formerly of lo Miss Myrtle daughter of Mr and Mrs J of Abemelhy Sturdy On Saturday Nov by P Soanea Mary daughter of Mr and Mrs Oliver Sturdy of King to Mr Carlton also of King at St Anglican Churoh Oak On Saturday Nov by Rev of St Church Toronto Emma Elizabeth daughter of Mr At Holland Landing day Nov Lai Lane in her year In Newmarket Cemetery In Newmarket on Nov Nelson la his Suddenly at his late resi dence on Friday Nov John of Aurora Funeral from Baptist Church Au rora Monday On Tuesday Nov Rose similar appreciation i For those who desire to purchase sound high interest return with good possibilities of Wo recommend Canadian National Railway Perpetual Debentures issued the Ontario lli in PRICE AND INTEREST TO PER ANNUM This Is a splendid opportunity for GASTHnSOrUGO IE DISCOVERED BANK ROBBERY has come to light In the rob bery of the Standard Bank of Canada a month and Pro vincial Inspectors Boyd and Ward are again giving the closest attention to the case In the vicinity of the safe cracking which netted the robbers more than In cash and Stouffville within the few but of the new d obtained It has titen lo thing at present it it has to do with tli A the telephone and the of the big robbery It was stated officially the robbery the syringe and ether employed In the use of In lie safeblowing operations had purchased in Toronto Further Id- vestlgayons made at a point Toronto the police that the robber We Are Ready To Meet You Half Way Dont put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons Though we are not an instalment house we are ready to meet you half vvay We are glad to arrange payment to suit your convenience EDISON THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A The art of the New Edison is much too important to you to Mr Edison and to ourselves to allow money to interfere with your en joyment of it Come in and us what mind about terms J R BROUGHTON Newmarket ARCHIVES