a I di 1 or Ml and Wed a doo Hun and of led Ilia llian inns a dmrcli 11 Aurora day id iday In at horses In in Hie inside pocket of his coat I and he drew forth a parcel wrap ped in a handkerchief Inside tin- handkerchief was a paper wrapping and further inside In a Hill line was tucked away a fata men for in Hie Al dinner on 1 rill Hill ml liiliv v iiin i i Yes in His prime lie was able I A I put a musket on his shoulder he bad a heart brave l0 to go out and the enemy that J lened the country at lliat Thrif Versus Spendthrift Earning twenty dollars a week and banking two you are better able to rise abore emergencies than the man making a hundred and earing nothing A sav ings account la a barking that gives you confidence and power Efficient and courteous service Is assured you at any branch cf this Bank IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA ftWUARKET BRANCH H- HEWSOH MURRAY PREFERS Roaring Fire Swept Down fife from the west opt down through a sixyear growth of underbrush dry from the pine in neighborhood of Lake jumped the tracks and way with terrible rapidity through he streets Scenes of confusion reigned Automobiles wagons buggies every mode of conveyance was pressed into service as the resi dents fled from the flaming yestorday afternoon Wanda police say lias not at tended classes at the school since Monday Released by Moth At St Anns community house where the girl was taken today she altered slightly Discussing the use of tin words Reformer and Liber Sforlnel loolted at IS Tuesday afternoon she sudd to a on llome lD nfni eviaenc6 w at an automobile factory but her me mother released her two hours later On the mothers return from a days work as a cigar maker Shortly before fathers from work Wanda said her A young man was entangled There was a touch of amaeyV pride In the voice as he lLU Milton on lues- held lhc tilth- with l- w in a hand Ihat shook from he at years and thai and ialhard by the toil him but he died hours after the injury He had lone his part lie had DiedIn East hide make a living and ho had fii iOn0 tills wheat wo til there s118 barley to bo so many places where an e- lift old man fit in We a so hundred per cent efficient in all our ways Ihat its very easy for the man who has not youth ful energy and power at his posal to get shoved off to side and once he gets off to potatoes 25 Years Ago From Era Fits Oot I ban recollect starts Mr Raymond without making reference to authorities or opinions the term Liberal was first generally applied to die when it met up to per cent efficiency No its not a pleasanl thing for old age and poverty to walk hand in hand We are in such a hurry to got things done that we have not lime lo stop and mother locked her up again and 11 troubles of on convention June and whom poverty and old age have day and Thursday SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Coal traffic the silver town being years later he late lamented LIKE WAR SCENES of hurrying hundreds Sir Wilfred Laurier when ill here are peoplo living in formulated Ihat policy which lake close boats and out to the 1 CAR EACH NUT AND EGG Paid over Cash for the Coat Must Sell for Cash Place your orders now for delivery this month P W PEARSON Cor Church and DAroy formulated Ihat policy Oct fought to be- the foundation a visit town today reminds and canoes row- prosperous and returned men of in hustled Progressiva that thViF lhc Cathedral which only to rated walls are standing with use Its Gothic windows showing against and under- behind are reminiscent FINE QUALITY WALL PAPERS LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS FOR ALL PURPOSES FROM 10c TO PER ROLL VftritLy Of Glazed and 30 In Ociuak Tints Ittrmanllla WINDOW SHADE PAPER FOR BLINDS DUPLEX AND Wo You Any Paw With or BERT GREEN Painter and Paper Hanger NEWMARKET CO LIMITED DULM IN B M dumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc surface Tern is naming Even at thai there were hose who refused lo leave the town and a number of Lake Shore road residents lived through the fire The fire extends over a dis tance Of approximately miles Any estimate of tho property Joss would ho a guess of vaguest proportions Tkn Into Homes The first relief train hero from Cobalt at oclock this morning carrying refu gees They were immediately taken by automobiles generously provided by the people of tho town to he various churches and I public buildings from whoro families invited nearly all ot I them to their homos In any ease ho one is suffering onco Ihoy reach hare What the firo all the more disastrous was with the speed with which it covered the territory Haileybury was hit at four oclock and by six all was loft were ten or twelve scattered buildings most of being on the northern outskirts The big new courthouse Ihe pride of the mining district was completely obliterated and was also tho Roman Calholio Bish ops Palace the Roman Calholio Cathedral the Melm- dlst Presbyterian Jand Baptist Churches Sisters of Prov- idenco Hospital was lo ho ground hut all Iho patients Cd by automobiles to Cobalt It is taken for granted that many hundreds of head of cattle vo been cremated Cobalt Ont Oot 5 Rain which began lo fall about six country saw tho ferm almost univ Ihe Court House here a German gun is rained the direction of the cathedral Freak action of the firo Is vis ile everywhere In some places and iniqui Family Compact and Tory misrule generally as it existed in Canada previous to 1840 Those who were fighting for re sponsible government William lien houses Lyon Mackenzie Louis homos nearby a mass of and olher patriots called them- ruins In others singlo build- selves Reformers because they tugs remain like sentinels in sought those reforms in the con- midst devastation of the country which grass beside ho wall of led to establishment of re- ruined church Patohos of land sponsible government in Canada and even garden appear about The work they performed in their tho scenes of the catastrophe in day and generation was Ihe work a practically unharmed of forming abuses as then seeming lo mock whirl of isted and bonce they wero ruin round about rightly called Reformers The At the site of the come at one and same lime In many oases they sacrifice all when in their best years in order that their children may have every chance and of the saddest commentaries written on his is the faot Ihat had to place a law on our books to compel the children to care for their parents Some them may carry med als showjng their willingness to servo in war If necessary while others carry the medals of sac rifice in the interests of others Their want at limes and their privations and is a re buking monument to our and our mad after dollar London Advert Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Vm Dans LlBHtad factory Yards Huron St Reformer was applied to Hon the distorted metal the party in when it was the lookup huddle led by Hon Alexander Mackenzie though ashamed of their whose to power was tho purpose being bared to tho world Mr of has taken up his in town Miss of Aurora is vis iting Miss Maud Partridge Mrs Crosby of Oxbridge is visiting Mrs McDougatl Miss Mae Hughes entertained number of young Tuesday evening Allen of West Gwllltm- bury is visiting Miss Millie Hoi- lingshead A party of young sur prised Mr Ben Howard on his birthday Friday night Miss Annie Lundy is visiting her sister al Everett Union Missionary Meeting was held in the Presbyterian church Thursday evening the following taking part Mrs Cody Miss Morton Mrs Allen Mrs J McKay Mrs Davidson Mrs Mrs Lehman Mrs Hewitt and Mrs J E Dickson Dr Campbells leg was broken last Friday evening The following took part in Gospel Temperance Meeting last Sunday Fred Miller Mi3s Ma mie Millard Miss Skinner Miss Irwin Miss Miss Eva Jackson and Rev J Moore of Newmarket Band played al SCOTT FARMER LOSES BARM Bradford Fair both days The Sept 30th at A serious lotallv lIie of the brides falhor on the sixth concession to Mias of Scott just north of Binghams Dunkorron Corners on Tuesday afternoon Sept by this week It There was no one about barn at the lime the fire broke Mrs Jos Riley Maud Mills both of Brad- rebuke to originated and managed what known as the Pacific WORK applied generally to the Oct With the administration in Ontario until conclusion of conference ho convention of 1803 referred with townspeople hero at which o Since that time and since arrangements were the success of the parly made regarding care of fire term seems to have Drury and entirely superceded that his band of Provincial officials together with George Lee about five It was first noticed by Mrs Thaxter from the house and she of course gave the alarm Fire fighters were help less to do anything so furious was the blaze The whole seasons of 100 acres was a total loss be sides three calves and two pigs destroyed Forlu of Reforms In my opinion It is well that chairman of the N Com- other railway it has done so for white tho term Reformer was applicable finished their selfallotted at the lime when It was used it talks of finding out at first hand seems to me that term Liber- just what needs of the is moro correctly applied to people of Northern Ontario are the general principles which are after tho ravaging blaze which spoused and professed by the literally wiped out sections of 3 v of country of Landing Tomb In East bury Oct 11th Edmund Moulds all the other stock Was fields The barn was a new structure jusl two years on tthh l wheat party are known lo stud- is evening has definitely history I prefer the spread of the forest I liberal London Advertiser the forest the and with the I danger of further loss of life at an end organized efforts are be- directed oward the bodies of victims and pro- Idlng relief for Iho living It Is estimated that property loss will be at oast four million dollars While It will bo days before anything like an accurate esti mate of the death toll can be ar rived at consensus of opinion in tonight is that at least 60 lives wero lost Al ready about 35 bodies have been rooovored in the neighborhood of Hoaslip about miles farther north on Tern- and Korthcra Ontario MOWS DATA NEEDED Head of Firm How long do want to be away on your trip timidly Well sir r would you say My work Is finished now and I feel sure every will bo taken care of the Premier told a Canadian Press representative Hon Bowman was with the Premier Premier who many times urged is hearers that it was their duly to take hold of relief work now hat had been given a start also stressed the need of strict economy Ho outlined Ihe of Government offi cials which was to a commit too bury New hart and further which help of Government advised a Mr The fire was supposed to have from combustion in the mow Mr however had made a examination lo if he sweet I SijSFb3lJ per pair HAPPINESS IS ALWAYS POUND On Wednesday at res Ethier aged sixteen on daughter of Mr ana Cy a boiler of boiling water which IherMnother was using for wash- childs body In friendship In good thoughts In others In friendly letter In pleasant words In tittle kindnesses In social intercourse In work that we love In mutual confidences In healthy reereatons In cultivating Ihe mind In doing duly cheerfully to where death ensued on Thursday home is a place where some wo man works for her board and clothes Alt this talk about worlds richest man seems lo centre around- the Ihat Wealth con sists only dollars and cents J