Toronto Market by the Ordo the fall assizes to life Exhibition to show the progress for manslaughter in The members of the British of sonemes with the death of Exhibition Mission who party comprises Major Constable A Board at Napa- loft England in January last on A Col A Christie and on Aug Bryant tour of Afrloa Ceylon AustrjMrs Christie and Mr who was with the mur- lia and Canada are Bates are being Constable Board was at present in this country The panied by Mr J Walker found guilty of manslaughter of the Mission is to inter- representing the Department of and Upton boys ploaded view Prime Ministers Ministers Immigration and of guilty last February to man- of Agriculture of the various the Dominion Government laughter Provinces and others relative to Leaving Sept The heavy sentences fell on the holding of a British Empire they travelled via C P to Ed- young men while a great hush Exhibition in England in stopping of at and the p61nts being taken upi Calgary thence by Canadian but in keeping with their by he Mission the il conduct their arrest last lowing December they displayed no plans and general whatever sitting stolidly toclural treatment of the their lion In relation to Dominion pa- fixed on the judge The have on In passing sentence bis lord- view complete sets of drawings ship said ho not look upon and plans for the United Kjng- tho prisoners other than in the section together with some of young animals models They wore as three young wolves The nature and presentation and must be detained to of exhibits and suggestions from the public part of tho P s the Grand Trunk Railway employment that they ought to have In Nova Scotia what las in the past been bestowed has been in various I where harm- ltSF id absent methods of developing Its own raw materials and interimperial trade Proposals regarding Tropical diseases of human beings and animals- and forestry and mineral visited but as yet lh itinerary for these points has not been arranged Our idea of something awful would be to have the coalman draw up In front of bouse and cot bo to get in TORONTO