Kill them all too a at Druggists Grocers and General Stores Plumbing Our Specialties depletion lending Pi Is nil THE LEADING A80H8I iixt The llbarals and Progressive Kincardine Reporter Will lh lion is one thai is many of the big oily We would bo isoil 10 Jill i llie- objects The just not added prestige and Hie Liberal hue sained in strength Premie has shown Ihal ho of situation on every 00 casion lhe continued at tempts of many dailies and some weeklies lo belittle Ins leader ship lias been a rank failure Lift up Thine Eyes unto the Hills Ac Ion North York Marble Granite Electric Works Alt the Latest Designs In monument John 0 Moss PLUMBING and FURNACES QET OUR PRICES SRASHTOH Mime him sand loves her best Hie fields of wheat find barley of clover ta and roots- of id flowers and plenty re and Involuntarily be a deep feeling of and a sense of appro- hut lliese good things if only comply with Women and Smoking Renfrew Mercury- The is rapidly I while souieonc kin- it tliiouli the press Willi THE MENS EEATEST CLOTHING ME IN HISTO Come Investigate Compare See for Yourself Dont be among those who INTENDED to buy but take the trouble and time to attend this sale and buy the clothing that you need at Prices you know are un usual among the many happy men who have already attended this Sale and procured a Suit of Clothes that saved many dollars IN pleasure for us to show you this wonderful range of Suits and we feel confident that you will agree with us that they are the Greatest Val ues you have seen for many years It it Ill a fair and square i bound to ad tin onan bus as Hi but he alii li ICtlCe lo be hoped that will not become The lot consists signs made in of Fine Grey and Brown Tweeds in Neat Stripe and Check De- Conservative and Young Mens Styles Sizes to Prices and Store Open Every Night Except Wednesdays Till 8 oclock JAMES WHIMSTER CO MAIN STREET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA PolicyHolders Company the i untitled wllli Inferior things success The problem weaklings put fire into the anil make men Irresistible wonder how it all happens illin its i just and worthy youth Irwin OVER araivlls NEWMARKET Plumbing START BUSINESS SCHOOL THIS SUMMER ill TORONTO The lo utilize aire raft In the of his official duties Is Hon Mr- Minister of Lands of British Columbia who left recently on a visiting many points on Vancouver Island and the Mainland as an essential part of Its system the travelling time if Its chief officers TURNS TURTLE Port Arthur Out July SO Fire We Carry FULL AND COMPLETE LINE Smith A lock body of the on Winona at when tire of the Roofing Garden Tools Poultry Fencing Washing Machines Glass and Silverware Paints Oils Varnishes Shelf and Heavy Hardware Builders Supplies Bicycles Wheelbarrows SMITHS HARDWARE Phone Newmarket It would not t return to me use of i and wa uif nunUnd has for jcen transforming Ireds of ways by llie water acquires using It In the form f fuel i cannot bo replaced exacted of it of uso In that form is- Ihe quantify of It or pre- by Ihe force to put Man ltd the tides pandlng llie scope of human action most eligible food ttiat la numerable water spaces and water ways ready to the use of the navi gator The mighty Mississippi show ed the way from north to south The noble SI Lawrence opened Ihe con tinent from tits east and challenged to lap interior by ivtring connection with a chain of ts uiunialled on the globe afford- thousands of miles of deep water almost to Rocky Mountains from Lake barriers that pre- tilt 10 foothills Many of the full use of American have l en removed An generation the Erie anal our own generation construct- Mont d the Panama Canal have leared lite Mississippi of obstruction th hat new to the- Gulf lake world the wa to the Caroline or later a practicable shl 111 connect Lake Michigan i with Ihe Mississippi lurers and filling I raise and lower a TREASURERS SALE OF In Town of Newmarket LANDS COUNTY OF YORK to wit Corporate seal of By virtue of a I Town of minding toned In the following I the notice In the said Town Newt Gardens NO North North rglcy 32 North 45 North North North North it issued by Mayor under to me directed lo levy upon and sell the E of Taxes due thereon i of Taxes and costs be sooner paid I hereof as may be d the costs thereon At Ihe Co Monday September at ARCHIVES I TORONTO