HEM PrersHfs toxica people suffer from if sn eft Waste matter which should out of body day Cousins and the blood there is disturbed Stomach Pain the Back sod Eczema other mill tablets mads fivm fruit juices gently on the kidneys and skin and keep blood pure and rich a box for trial aUe At dealers or sent postpaid by Limits Houses for Sals First diss condition Lot Apply FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT IN NEWMARKET That brick clad house on Huron Street Newmarket the residence he late diaries deceased The must he wound up and irllculars apply to Solicitor for Execute Newmarket terms from acres urn fag Chocolate Good frame Price Time for balance acres acres and balance can be cultivated mile from school Ten miles fro Well fenced all and frame build horses cattle Full I of Price ell broke Well fenced Chocolate clay good buildings loam on clay subsoil per acre cash for balance ten life Aft A WHITE ROSE ex ire Royal Dr toon 1 III re ninn Schomberg Coffey and the guests of Mr Stewart of Thistle- i the deaiti of M Aurora asset Is tearing down the on the Holiday property SlVeet and will put up Adelaide Emily Johnston on belles Johnston The bride looked beautiful wedding dainty breakfast CAR FOR SALE A McLaughlin In first- class condition Will exchange for Town properly Apply to R JONES lri7 Box Newmarket FRE Oar cntl o you on Cleaning Dyeing lull particular charming fa he After tin happy couple left home fa Saginaw wishes of hosts Stewart when their third was In son or the of congratulations and good wishes for On their return he 11 against A West half it Con led to of half of Hopkins I A that road Mr Nigh Con line and requesting thaf taken to have the same removed froi the road allowance Engineer James waited on Council and presented several leudei for construction of Concrete Culver and Bridges on South at on 3rd and III Lines Albert Hoover presented a petftlf Six Ratepayers requesting Grant to clay hills line Lois IS The Treasurer was faslru pay the following bills as pre Peter Sleekier days op erating grader John Carroll fence Vandorf Halt Lot I Bingham yds gravel and days shovelling and other Press Letter and Envelopes the Co 9th Con Lot TI Lots and 16 Baker Lots and Councillor Baker eve ion Lot and in Lot Councillor Baker Con Lots and Deputy Reeve Coram Con bet Lots and 11 2nd Con I TLi S bet Cot provided Lean Coram 2nd Con bet Lots a and Councillor Leafy By- Laws were passed Authorizing the opening and grad ing of the Whitchurch Mark ham In Concession and hi conjunction with the Of Mark- Appointing II Clark Overseer for the year Appropriating sums for lit construction of roads and at and Township roads dur ing the year in compliance with regulations of Provincial Depart ment of Public Highways The Clerk was Instructed Io order metal culverts from ttie CI tngol Iron Co Council adjourned to meet again at same place Wednesday Juno SIM at hall ha been formed in ships comprising Zephyr Baldwin and and at the last meeting held al Udora represenlatlves from Sullon asked to come fa the league undertaking form a second group of 3 or teams to tlie west The following are the league officers for year Hon Johnston Pefferlaw Pres 1st VicePros Baldwin 2nd VlcePres Johnston SeoTreas Owen Baldwin Directors Ross OBrien Bruce Rlddell Frank Weir 1 S Moore Pickering and START BUSINESS SCHOOL THIS SUMMER Shaw School l fll Julr nJ wult WONT LET IT al Baldwin Idora at Zephyr Baldwin at at Baldwin at Zephyr August Pefferlaw at Zephyr at Baldwin at Baldwin at Zephyr Will Ml sprat Will get Ma SANITARY AND are guaranteed A ROM ROBT JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and PaperHanger FIRSTCLASS AND ART DECORATOR AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE TERMS P O Box THERE IS LOTS OF OLDSMOBILE TOURING CAR And there are many more equally Important Feature that make Car the Logical for an all Oar thats Economical to buy to run and to maintain MODEL MODEL THE NEW TWIN FOUR Touring Roadster Sedan S147S 2145 2296 Roadater Touring 332s ALL PRICES B DUNNS GARAGE AGENTS HURON ST NEWMARKET AGENTS FOR WHITE ROSE GASOLINE PHONE 122W T U Column IN THE FATHERS ARMS ilisaMer ft slLliilL in to The was and 1 opened his eyes to his face and lien he snuggled a more closely in his arms closed eyes again in sleep was only to know he was in he of father In the of life il is not the sound of the thai matt era the sense of Hie enfolding of God about us that makes for peace When is the time to trust Is il when are true Is when woo And in all wc say and do We but praise And And All else but God WHAT COUNTS MOST A young man bought watch with a 20year guarantee In a few months it back saying the case looked like brass The looked at it rubbed it a little then asked the young man ifhehadbeen tak ing medioino containing iron young man said he had the iron did the watch We either make ourselves more bright or more dull by Think of Emersons saying to one- How can I what you say when what you are is forever thundering in my ears LOVE AND star Self is the prison- That can ever bind soul Love he only angel Who can bid he gates- unroll And when He comes to call thee But il loads to life at lafd Henry Van Dyke Inducing restful sleep often removes surprising old matter from BOTH- upper and lower bowel which poisoned stomach and Mused EXCELLENT to guard appendicitis J druggist Windsor kilted iu- i Ihlevea Windsor fiijalilk- Preferred 8 Shares Greater Canada Securities Corporation Thea SeeurltlM an preference Shara with on common The Corporation Invents their money in Mortgage on Improved Property HAMILTON SON Phone 308 Bank of Toronto TORONTO North York Marble and Granite Jut Arrived A OAR OF BUILDING STONE Orders taken now for and Investigate Before Ordering and You Will Save Money J O MOSS North York Marble Works Huron si Newmarket duty to bo neutral and avoid entangling alliances ask that wo stand for rights but that Wo put rights ahead of property No nation can bo called great unloss it can sometimes rise a heroic mood Tho for a nation to invito disaster is lo be aggressive and unarmed No man is fitted to be the of a free country unloss he Is willing to defend that try I Inink the highest life the ideal life Is the married life Our aim is to control busi ness not strangle it The welfare of the farmer is the need of this nation Our people as a whole through their Government agencies should back the should he the servant not the master of tho people In tho past we have- aid attontlon only to the of prosperity and from henceforth we must pay equal attention to the distribution of Comfortable Stock Protected Crops The farmers barn is bis warehouse his treasury and each year the annual loss in crops and livestock through inefficient roofing Is enormous J A lectin watertight windproof covering for the barn or other building and one which provides the heat kind of crop and Insurance Brantford Asphalt Roofing Ibis roofing is the most durable that can be maim- factored It has a longAbred felt base thoroughly and heavily saturated with a blend quality asphalts and is tempered to resist all climatic extremes Asphalt Roofing coated on both aides with silica aand has been la service many years It la sold in three weights Asphalt is pounds par square Asphalt Seventy la Asphalt Eighty Is 80 per square Distributed under Roofing Trade Marks through Roofing Dealers Stock carried Information furnished rendered by our dealer in your district Brantford Roofing Co Limited Head Office and Factory Brantford Canada Branch at Toronto FOR SALE BY B SMITH