I it TINSMITHINQ PLUMBING and FURNACES I GET OUR SBT0H FA- Undue Protection SUiTnii Kingston cut- to the But It expect the Canadian people to four times tl t li lo keep a factory goln j In Kingston is not One In Canada out undue protection is that should never be grant- Put on the Brakes Collingwood Bulletin A bill should be hit on the head baa been presented to the Provincial hich id space to the In the centre on North York Marble Granite I Electric Works All the Latest In Monument All Cemetery Lettering Tool Ml Kinds of Building 1 automobile thirty miles a toe iU John 0 Moss BEAVERMILLS Best Pastry Flour 24 lbs for 100 doubtless responsible accidents read about will do well to kill Its Legislative life the whiskey observed He it it Is his duty should have the support of all thinking people If the people- like the law is as It Is right in seeing lb hi dun be from the Is of Dikes Grist Mill Huron 8t Irwin IUROHMH a navy and could not build i if she wanted to do so e war vessels therefore uS wlilch they are Intended are these ships uiinccess nucleus for a Canadian navy- ground floor first finely finished structure built by John called Altar and which occupied days in building and like Temple is square and contain the Holy It stands twelve gilded pillars represent tho twelve apostles and emblematical religion Christ on the four corners each storey of Temple is placed making twelve n all and when illuminated is of the twelve apostles out into tho world to preach the salvation Christ to the People Mr had a symbolic meaning attached lo each and every part of the Temple We will give it in his own words as the writer hoard him repeat it My meaning for the is to represent the T ity Being square at he meant to deal square with all people The door in on each of the four side let the people in fr I and tho west north and sputh on equal and the same footing The equal number of on each side of every or is to let north and the south on equal and Tie sanio the people herein assem bled Tho four pillars at each of Altar with the Faith Hope Love and Charily inscribed on them are four cardinal virtues the foundation or in ds the principles for Sabbath Schools and rehearsals The main of the building which was for service contains an other the third pipe organ plac ed here in built also Mr this place held Sunday the band reading the hymn by choir prayer an hymn closing vol held by he Service was also Christmas morning at a in when the house was lighted by a candle being placed in each win dow both above and below fol lowed by a free against I a followed by and din- Christen The i of the time in the classes which are obsolete Their in England have bee useless They are of regarded scrapped dedicated Mm man date not known During the early times of tin it was lie custom for imber to go to Toronto am township to hold Sun service a written sermon left at homo bo road by it is liuilt The Golden Ball on tho top storey with word Peace inscribed meant ipeaco to Of their members Revival among Do You Want to Cut Your Chore Time in Half ha ordinary work of up mors th a ton Why take the time and trouble to do this when the wind will do it for you A mi occasional oiling Ana it costs if you want a real water service with running water niftier where youTl be interested in Toronto Pumpd and Toronto Water Systems ma tell you about them N ROGERS Newmarket Ont CHICAGO Unexcelled Dlnlna Gar Service cars on Trains and Parlor Cars principal Day Trains Full- Information from any Hi Trunk Tloket Agent or Horn Toronto J BROUQHTON OWN TOWN AGENT Application op Notice hereby given thai Elizabeth of Ibj Toronto In the County of the Province of Ontario will to the Parliament of Canada si to next session thereof for a Bill or Divorce from husband Robert Lawrence of the City To ronto In the County of York In t Province of Ontario on the and desertion DATED at in the of York in the Province of Onliri this day of April ARCHIBALD FRENCH Solicitors for the Applet at all times giv always main- r was worthy the lid en free While hi The laboi of his hire he high salaries being paid to min isters preferring rather to give no surplus to the poor and so His mile body and thrived for a upright for On the BUdgat of g the Minister of Finance of the Government brought down his budget on Tuesday In It he tarlff gives Britain prefer alms to reduce the cost of living Id general the effect of the taxation is to Increase the duties luxuries and them upon necessaries And if the reduction great as might be desired is to be sought In tho Im perative need for revenue The new tariff Is to a greater extent than Its predecessors a revenue tariff the finances of the country improve r I It is reasonable to that reductions will bo made the veiling of first each September the illuminated for div- and presented a y beautiful appearance when lighted there being 2952 panes in the windows and The illumination of building was intended to repres ent Christianity enlightening the darkened understanding of the The following day tho of articles of prime use the first fruit pie followed by celebrated the Tem- honesty of asking for wants of their on As nee wrote few and and FGHMfTUR NEWMARKET RprMntUi THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA The presiding Judge In Chambers Hall has ordered the Cai George Long convicted by Magi rale Stay of in the meeting house Dur ing the afternoon he band rend ered a number of selections oi the green In front of the meet ing house or In other words open air concert The members also hold a feast be first day in June at first in honor o David birthday after wards instituted as building was intended to used fifteen times during tho year at any time for Sun day worship viz sorvioe on last Saturday of each month when members made contri butions for charitable purposes It has generally been supposed that this occupied years la building after King Solomons Temple but such was not the case as it was begun in and the first service was hold in ItOotober making period of erection facings bus they passed their Uvea In n ftntI thorn in their unosten tatious was of serving their atop They did lifes and quietly passed away in the hope of their reward in ho great Upon completion of thou numerous buildings the society until the death of David which occurred on January to at in y and 12 days His remains were in terred his life partner in io one milo of and not in a vault Study as Was reported by many at the of his death The reading of the service de volved upon his oldest son John David David haying loy number of hymns oil record After his socioty began to fail in numbers many moved and others identified them selves with other At this time the society has become extinct The churches stilt stand as a monument to the memory of he department Tho Hall and Square House were both Town of Newmarket painted white and and of the Temple proposed to erect what is know as tin Study winch was eveotc in This though of small Ford Touring 535 B Ford Ontario A Partner dimensions is one lo in terest from an architectural point of view This building Iho meeting house is by a of Who adds to your business prestige and never questions your business judg ment Who submits to neglect without com plaintand never harbors a grudge Who puts up with your whims and never speaks disparagingly behind your back Who is on the job morning noon and nightand never asks for a day off just when needed most THE FORD CAR- Buy your Ford Car NOW Agent