Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1922, p. 10

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Inula my year About yean I have trouble my doctor I another said of tha another others Ulcers of the Iiw and annus Gall years J consulted one of the beat specialists Montreal Be must go to the hospi tal an Uloer cut out of my and gall stones remored I otjj then years old I said NO Tien I began to tote I found they helped me lot and I till take them occasional I and I am much better that my old friends often ask ma what I hare done to look so well Iaru gaining enjoying- life very much trial site At dealers or sent Fruit- Limited Ottawa FOR SALE LOT IN NEWMARKET apply to C Solicitor for Custom Hatching per Orders placed now on of your own choosing Further Information cheerfully given Dutch Set Onions for sale A SAMBROOK Prop Box Aurora Phone r 3 No stomach filled with sour poison il Everything you poison and turns Into i lower bowel bark taixed expels all sour BOTH upper and foul decaying roodmatter you never thought was In your system which caused sour and gassy stomach Is EXCEL LENT to guard against appendicitis J Patterson Druggist Newmarket ASTHMA USE M farif RAZMAH It GaarantttJ to restore normal breathing atop mucus Id the bronchial tabes errs Bights of inlet contains as drug Trial King- in Newmarket by J Patter son and to Sutton West by P QUESTIONS Oil SIMS PENALTY Sunday By The Laymens Movement RICHMOND Mr of our High holiday owing lo Mr Elliotts Illness Mr is an A from Queens a Ph and a specialist In classics He was In classics in King ston for one year and has recently returned from Europe after i up place In to the sale of Engine which lias done dial Aflei advertising the engine for se Elgin Mills people made an offer of hut II seems Hie deal was not proper ly closed A deputation from Sutton arrived and after giving the engine a bought It for About the same time Elgin Mills handed In their cheque and acting on legal advice came and took the engine away The engine has since been returned to Hill The Counoll are anxious to treat our near neighbors fairly and Hie- Sutton people are willing to lake back their that the Liberal of the John Joseph who us horn in the lownship of corgina died last Saturday in is year He was mar- ted 30 years ago to who survives him Up till years ago he resided in he hath poured shall die which the sinner the error of his way shall a from death Matt 38 My soul is excepting even unto death Scriptures show that Death as sins penalty Is hot llfo I have set be- for thee this day life and good death and evil Choose life fhal and thy seed may live Horn That as sin hath igned unto death even so gilt grace reign through right- eternal life Rom for he wages of sin is leatli but the gift of God is life Horn 8 13 For if flesh ye shall He has there for time and four him of Udora Mrs J J Griffin Virginia J P Daly of Fools Bay held from St to the The fund- US Mi Church of the Angels Guardian at 8 Monday morning was conducted by the Rev Father The pallbearers were James Lyons Patrick Healing Josoph and J J Wilson death of Mrs George Shier 7lh con Scott I the farm home near on Sunday rather suddenly She had been in poor health but was not regarded as being seriously ill Until very recently Four children besides the husband of the daughters Cinoinnalli April 27 Part the observation dock of the Ohio River excursion steamer Island Queen carrying 3000 prominent resident Invited guests to the Grant I buckle of UxbridgeTnd Mrs Lee celebration at Point Pleasant Ohio fell late today a steamer was passing Ne vived two Mm Philip of Scott Township Richmond Ohio several miles below Pleasant Twenty persons were Injured- none tally About ppi down with the wrecked Those hurt on I deck below the One that fell Run over by a truck driven by his Uncle Clayton Ellis aged died en the operating table in Hold Windsor Truth never yet foil dead in the street it has such affinity with the soul of man the seed however broadcast will cah somewhere and produce Its Parker Catarrh is a local disease influenced by constitutional ex MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier By cleaning the blood and building up the System HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE restored normal conditions and allows Na ture to do its work All Druggists Circulara free J Cheney Co Toledo Oh COMMUNICATION Apr nth he evidently f the North What Is the Penalty of Sin 15 Wherefore into world and death by sin Through the offense of one many he dead By one mans offense death reigned by one By man Adam Rom 6 The end of lose things is death The f sin is death Cor The sling is sin I W lust hath conceived it foil li sin and sin when it is forth death do hall I s 29 None can keep alive own soul 33 19 Behold the eye of Lord is upon them that fear him deliver soul from death keep alive Is J unto me hear and your all live Scriptures show that death a penalty means cutting off 34 Evil doers shall be cut off They that be of lj tin shall he cut off wicked are cut off Num 30 But the soul that doeth aught Scriptures show that death a i penalty means perishing 9 By the blast of God they perish and by the breath of nostrils are they consumed The wicked shall John 3 For God so loved the world that Ho gave His Only Son that whoso- believe th in Him should not but have everlasting life Scriptures show that death as sins penalty means consuming Ps 35 Let the sinner consumed oul of Iho earth and let the wicked be no more They thai forsake the Lord shall be consumed Hob 12 For our God is a corisum- fire Is 18 He shall consume bolh soul and body Tin- fact of firs Is that I up as a tor the anly of the Council favored his of the Council was defeated at mil outside the appointment Mr and logical been Mr David from a standpoint of ability and ah reliability If past records are a criterion would have been head a shoulders above Hie present appoint April into the Summer of at Point on April and stealing therefrom a variety articles William Gilford was today sentenced district Magistrate Joffs to two After stealing the stuff shipped part to given an eplionalty attentive hearing held forth tit great length upon wanton the of getting into flth lite ttssistanoe of the strength of the isfied Willi Iho present Administration fa Ill Evasfon or A More Important legislation affecting liquor laws of the Province in the form of two bills was in troduced into the Legislature yesterday by One bill prohibits the carrying of liquor on highways the other brings in sovcra amendments to the Ontario Tem perance Act intended to make evasion of its provisions difficult The bill to amend Temperance Act contains man far reaching clauses One pro vidos lhat any person twice con victed within a period of threi months of being intoxicated in public place may be committed to jail or jail farm for a period not exceeding three month May Not Adulterate Another clause provides thai any person adulterating lawful ly manufactured liquor with any deleterious substance may be prison term of not less three dnonihs or more addition to fine and imprisonment under the act This also applies the illegal of liquor Another new provision is that any person who aids or abets any transgression of the same penalty ten to the person actually the offense Power also given the chairman of Board of Lie- Commissioners and the Commissioner of Provincial Police either jointly or separate ly to hold an inquiry into the of any officer or em ployee engaged in the enforce ment of the O A Explaining the first Mr said would prohibit the carrying of liquor on the high ways of the Province except by lie consent of the Board of Commissioners The bill as prevent tho condition of f fairs prevailing at the present ime whore brewers and rs sold their products which rare then shipped by trucks lo the border or purported to bo hipped to the border bill ould restrict transportation rom breweries or distilleries to hipmenl by rait so that it would ran so mat ore difficult to divert liquor lo points in Ontario f the Ontario ice Apt or under clause lion of Ihe Ontario nee Amendment Act of lo the rights and Of the board to pun luiit i port sell supply After Labels The Ontario Temper Amendments Act contains two dozen clauses One places a penalty on the affixing of a false label upon any bottle or other vessel in quor is kepi which is any manner calculated lo mislead any person as to the nature quality of such contents Every person other lhan the lawful manufacturer of liquor sons acting under his authority who attaches or causes to be at tached lo any flask cask or vessel or package of li quor any label stamp or device containing any statement or information as to the the manufacturer of the liquor shall be of an offense Another clause says lhat where a person is convicted of being intoxicated in a place and such person has within three months been twice convict of any such offense he may be committed to jail or a jail farm for a period not exceeding three months lOOSTiIO NOT BOASTER knows what it means to get a boost The booster is Hie Individual who gets behind things and causes them The quite a different character Al though we spell his name very spell lhat of booster he Is i different class of person pushing he stands still and of what he has done and tells about what a clever fellow he is sling never yet laid a foundation ivon a battle Boasters are self- centred and never give movement to any undertaking Boosters on the hand are the people who do things They aw everywhere In de mand IE la to them we look when are launched and when are needed If a man makes his business a success he must be a An advertising expert says he man who has a thing to sell goes and whispers down a well not so apt to collar dollars he who climbs a tree lei Dundas April Fire of unknown origin broke out in the plant of the Canada Crushed Company here late yesterday af ternoon and did damage estimated at Orillia Is to spend the sum of on street paving AtlorneyGeneral said it provid ed important but not radical amendments One scotion of the bill had to do with the sale of swamp whiskey and the adulteration of liquor which practices it was intended to stop Penalties were also provided for the affixing of false labels and tho penalty for a second of fense against the O A was made the same as a penalty for first offense plus months in Jail minimum penalty a man having liquor in his possession was made Iho same as minimum penalty for having liquor for sale that is of Liquor Act forth that as other wise- provided evory person who by himself his servant agent or employee and every person who as such servant agent or em ployee transports or carries liquor in any vehicle- or in any other manner over along or up on highway in Ontario Shall be guilty of an offense and such bo found may be seized and doalt with in the manner provid ed in section of the Ontario Temperance Act and every per- may not be very good poetry there Is sound philosophy In it most important movements of out day will not he a success without ad- I Maple Land I Land of great I Land the seas Irani us Cod hearts that are large as our heritage Spirits as free as breeze I Last born of Nations I offspring of Heir to wide prairies thick fori red gold 1 God grant U3 wisdom value birthright to hold I BE BRIGHT tho discrotion of Magistral Yes bad and if you say kind things of neighbor lo others theyll say things of him loo you lember how good you fell when a kind remark had I how deep down thanked the one much quicker the bad things man but If you hear something good Maid go at once and tell him Try this plan one month and see if you hear many nice things have Jd of hall And a Savings ccount Not Yet Opened What about the made st tho el to start a savings account la it going to be the same story at the end of the year- nothing saved for the future Do not continue putting it off A small amount open an account assurance independence and satisfaction tha knowledge of something in reserve always begets will be incentive it up Reserves AMERICAN Why arc we Agents for this line fence made by CANADIAN STEEL LTD AT HAMILTON ONT it The durability of the fence depend on the weight fence gives every ounce It W win prove It to you Drop In and you the fence and the AMERICAN Steel Fence to with it We can tell you this fence at cheap as you can buy B SMITH Newmarket Ont If Yu to try Pleasure or Business up BOYD S L ui you MmfwrUkl In COVERED CARRIAGE OR AUTO Promoi A Prop an l The Quickest to Reach the Buyer Long Distance la maintained at a high degree of effi ciency Connections with distant points were never established We use it to get new customers to make to order goods to speed up shipments verify credits order new parts for machinery etc It multiplies our per sonal contact with our branches our salesmen and the trade We notified our customers that of our most cap able men had been designated to look after Long Dis tance business Our Private Branch Exchange opera tor instantly switches Long Distance calls to one oil these men which gives our customers the advantage of StationtoStation rates Every Bolt Telephone is a hong Distance Station JARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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