AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Baldwin I good Boy- Soils VFnV CHURCH Bread and the Hike velum on Saturday holidays at Ml the 1 is of I llui Mrs has re turned from a visit Willi friends j al anil WOMENS INSTITUTE Womens Institute will bold sale of homemade rooking llie of Mr ft Sleeper on Sat P M next at Come early to buy April meeting of Hie Wo mens was bold at the home of Mrs Russell A van- interesting Programme was uclu given of a Reading by m0 f Mrs a Insloiy Ml Albert Institute by Mrs The Institute was or- Joel last one letl 1 for age of lis wood and I ar sLittT In the Jin Sutton West day was on go authority result of bald nil laal three Toronto wblrli k II id Men Toronto 1000 iways Ace interview- Allan Muni i IKhl Minis- 111 Power yM find the Ontario lames payment op I i IMtfp i ami all bikhd k rep el yy for future ilia- j Rapids can devel oped ami luiss agreed to make for his IS HERE pi stood ha any housewife I hat I had He appears i just and pi might forward nature Jewell and her All parts of safely things em ran be Installed oat doors a which a pie and efficient milt duels followed down coo rapid succession and all received by the Striking reductions la and other I natural jNorlh tojiavp feelings of in accepting the of Die Treasurer Mr Jos 1 had the of your of Hirer- decade and you the position of lite various tkmneiU from year to year have had and leadership While lh and it under- waived Us rights to or purpose on liiis rKcr Iroquois Falls and tin Can a distance of is understood that they will developo a power oh the cd crick house fou use in a portion of the and liin in tie of Cochrane It also that the and 0 will further reservations between New Post the first their step toward Jaint Say and their final tor of the 1 at the Those will aggregate two lot of It will long you will bo having more Cream Let us have It It cant be too soon for the demand Albert Cramory Butter Is growing As we had a good many hundreds of shippers last Summer we are ex pecting to have more this Summer as we have an Extra Truck on the road for this Summer It wit enable us to give Good Service and lake on more shippers Mount Albert Co PHONE Creameries at Stouffville Mt Albert Mrs Moid ed fifteen years ago al the j one o Mrs J lowland she side of ho work done by the In- who is ill have raised in money prosser is the pail of llie was given by the young- it gills A piano solo by Hilda Wagg was followed by a vocal genlle- by Brooks and Elsie Sunday Sleeper also a piano solo by Miss nighl popular young nd Piano duet Evelyn and Edna Dike and Mary Programme are lo congratulated on Iheli very programmes ibis Comer Jr it is staled lias sold his little home down at Jacksons Point for a remarkably figure enough buy farm Somebody wa Sharon The grounds and Temple or the will be open for s on and after llie 1st of May for season of people from the pump being appreciated spent Sunday wllh and Ihli it slanthrd In- in of Urn pilic world a due lo f various per ui la lowing the aw tt One witllMI officers and earned conferences are being held week to Hie control of the flow of the ft which is a matter of importance this section or the It believed thai the result of iheso will be that again be placed in the of the Crown a course is understood to be the satisfactory solution to the problem from the standpoint of all concerned WANT Phone or Write us for Prices Sutton Dairy Creamery Ltd Phone Sutton flow be slulied learned The jeniireh filled his designed o for man In the he operation of all pro- The duels so as to make them more use- him fid lo users of these products In of the territories they serve It Grant General Manager of light the he Company opening lite erring his cannot he Council will I he missed by dent or the years as Farmers or A of placed bis resignation in the hands of the 0 Ex ecutive a meeting last week the mi horn Mr Thompson on Saturday And took his wlfi home There are other folk well Bobbie besides my self His says he is a fine fellow an I iiuhL his employer fellow loo Im of it It puts mo in mind of Dick He was called before llie King The King said Nev er King had had such a subject to which gallantly Never subject had such a King Crittenden is fitting up the ins A general meeting the Community Club lie held in the school on Saturday a April Election Office of officers for tlic coming year will take possession when leading of the report He thinks the premise program of events for the com- will be log season marry of interest to- all Woodword for him of- the community Club got ill Now Herb you eon claim that has one genllemon at least Mr Fred Thompi leased hi hundred per better i hundred per cent better our support litis is easily in Brown Hill Winch and has set and bought ll south lb Hurt Hod thereon Mr 1ns wife and fa nil taken rase il will rffford have so well earned of this ive office Willi I After elected to Mr nurnaby accept L nomination and election as director of iheCoOperative Co and then accepted the long of Hie Council and an to the and tin ss world and the pari which Light is to with Invention And de- I Cleveland Karl DcledMstit products jBraun contraotor burled Inspiring talk on the himself iiistaiil this at- si rial development and almost startling he fields of communication irtallon of home in a vain attempt to save his 18yearold sons life from a radio receiving set that had crossed a electric line Henry the son died an Instant with the sight of the grabbed the death ho burned body a fani CI a Leber ahum of dead boy is in tho hospital in a serious condition burned about the body and but will live Staples F educa tional secretary stales that Mr has round owing Ihe large business or he com pany demanded all the time that he could spare away his farm and so ho resigned Amos vicepresident op posed the resignation but it was laid over without executive coming to agreement on a policy in the matter LOAN FOR 100000000 DOMINION Ottawa Tuesday April Fielding Minister Issued fill IrtW- hold the killed the olhor two The fourth boy which lake to Newark fourth boy was Carl to I il I i7 ex- him in pa whte mon high school pupils niornliis- wll wu in the direct n ling of antenna Twisting and jerking is aerial back and forth afto amis had been tossed ovc hightension wire The boys did not Is Insulation boys did not realize uniil loo although l says j la 1 id of the Dominion of Canada has sold negotiation to a New York syndicate headed by- Messrs J P and Con five per rent bonds redeemable At the option of the Dominion Government days notice at any time after twenty years from dale of Issue the purchase being five per taxation by or under the an- of llie Parliament of Canada so long as the thereof resides or ordinary April Kings- Church wHl probably In Canada to have Installed radio outfit as part of its plant A new Sunday hall will be started la May and been to equip it with the best radio receiving set which be The set has been tied to the church by a prominent citizen who was interested latest Invention It Is authorities to turn on the I radio and give a for meetings I League prayer meet- and lea meetings Prompt service at right Horse Shoeing tod speciality Qlve me a call FRED MOUNT ALBERT MACHINE AND OARAGE lucitij In Old Mill Equipped to carry out all kinds of new and repair work on tractors steam and gasoline engines boilers and other machinery Cylinders Oxygen Welding Ford DR J EDWARDS And aurjcoti SUTTON WEST ONTARIO of UnlVSHlty Of Toronto under fatal accidents act same company Is another damage but the plaintiff Joseph of Owen Sound who asks for dam ages for negligence engaged household outies when the wall burned building belonging raL defendant company foil I A a Small Motor Boat Alt Shape Hay Loader and new BARGAINS for Sound Binder lRow I Garden upon the S lied it and Mary Joseph for injury tliem that vasa a flash and young foil dead Leber second on Ihe wire was stand- on a wooden fence with a touching of wires and when the passed through young body and struck him he foil to burned but Malaga Spain or J David be accepted and Waller Hirst be appointed the Clerk he instructed to notify P Morton not the road lives and thirty which swept he oclock Ibis lieved more bodies covered when the searched I At the time this despatch was filed It was feared the fire would spread customs Mouse in which- great quantities of am munition destined for of the Spanish forces in Morocco- are stored OARO OF THANKS beloved 1 Good lllgJi Buggy and Cut- ter each lbs Iron Old Plows Reg Guernsey Cattle Reg Ghester While Stock always for sale j FARMS Stop MelropollUn Rochets NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of 4he City of In the County of York to the Province of Ontario Iiiiaii will apply to the Parliament of Canada for a Bill Of Annulment of the marriage with his wife Irene Kathrlae of the City or New York In the State of New York one of the United Slate3 of America upon the ground of the HILL I day of January A FRANK CLIFFORD ESQ by his solicitors I GODFREY LAWSON AND CORCORAN I Bay Street Toronto Sutton Garage Can Save You Money On Vires and FORD AND CHEVROLET PARTS Wa can Repair your old Battery or allow you ft ExehanaePrloo on a New One ttinnol hort for ft Credit extended to reliable Stanley a