and do SI- Far tn J K banc Ten acres or acres cultivation Apply W Hard First y foe Bos iQlfitCBt apply lo A dealer to Dep handle which Is a la used as a for red tolay and 300 replaid free to per setting Baby chicks from to each Circular request J McCaffrey Box Newmarket SUMMK I COTTAGE SALE Orchard Beach Apply WIRE FENCING to put up Wire Fence OF THANKS Ottilia Maim of Newmarket opportunity to lo the neighbors and friends sympathetic NEWMARKET DAIRY connection lb O what ever Thanking them In anticipation for patronage lUUlV Acres Convenient Toronto cattle horses poultry hog in Ullage 12 cow barn poultry I LIGHT DELIVERY Truck for Sale Would be very suitable for Groceries Price very Apply to be given allege of bo for llielr pie pay from to Art are to go- lo the post office people In districts have their mall at the gale free of charge help the The- telephone postal anglers anil hunters minded an tag that it is high lime to pursue a is be preserved- This is particularly rue in this section ding the fish In Slmcoe reason the sport or bass lunge fishing llOW Q methane depending on your hook Most of the at IliMch are of the opinion that senill of is due to the the mm a Oath and the Great War Association Thompsons right hand was crushed in a jack Monday A in the assizes awarded fieo Williams of Ottawa damage against for ah of- fence against plaintiffs daughter The toller was a walkess hi SI George Mansion apartments of which defendant was manager College the ami mis is has I the scarcity of the lunge The for North York might IN to have bass fry the South end of Lake Slm- to the treatment that Portions of take have but how to protect the not so solved- There thing the Inspector he about the vis of Canada era returned to the old Pells of furbearing Indians and taj which In return for certain privileges agreed to promote colonization in Canada The first company chartered to trade DEATH OF REV DR HARE Word was received in Toronto Tuesday of the death of J J Bare Ph of Ontario Whitby and ouo of the fore of tlio Dominion Itev Dr Hare died Rochester Minn at Iho Mayo Brothers Hospital where last week ha un derwent a serious operation It hurried his wife who had been in illhealth some prior her death a short distance from years ago liaro the major portion of his as principal of Ontario La st College retiring from active of its educational af fairs in after years of continuous service Under his ablo guidance the grew from a comparatively small sem inary lo of he largest of its kind in Canada no less than four additions built to the or iginal building to accommodate increased number of pupils Apart from his prominence as governor and principal of the college Dr Hare war o bo one of the for of his day and ho a number of 1 CAR FOR SALE For thi- I the the first ililos f lite Castonis Ihe value a mile over the valu was over IWcnlj lion six Mllu with tho tho largo United States universities but ho de clined preferring to remain with director of ucation He was also consid ered to be an authority upon and coral formation j Great Britain will pay Can ada per month war debt Total Amount is about hymns of France It The pistol- will give brier Writer arid of lha choir Tenor Soloist of i church who before also Mr Smith Violinist whom we will be pleased to asaJn Th sincerely l the public will keep lliis date lots- Dr Gowli I hla tons Drug Store An I now in ihfs of doubl Easier millinery In tin household will he written down 1 Next Monday is M bay lhrlitge will have a Spring Fall jy at Ihe OddFellows Hall last night Sunday School We held gathering There were eighty registered delegates besides a targe number others The addresses and conference were very helpful The meeting endorsed the plan of delega tion go the summer Training School at Lake each School to try to send least one delegate in the all a Sunday week is to be observed commencing with Rally Day This lb be followed by a six or weeks training course by Sunday school workers Our in Men i laslwk l Weeks in 111 Mid A of Aurora left for iu on tit- of tlieir aunt Of Mr Ives father exMayor Eves win to lliat is 111 with i 1111 ikl i has set I Cornelius is visiting In Ihts A Bermuda for Hit alf are Kgard for Last Week s of Dun- das spent a day with Mrs Arthur Mr Barnes and Vera the wedding of Mr Grant Barnes on Wednesday at Bradford Mrs Connor- and Miss Vera Barnes spent a day in few of visiting Miss Mr Edgar Smith spent lays in Toronto Born On Tuesday April 18 Mr and Mrs a daughter Mrs Joseph Burnett was visil- relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs and fami ly have moved to Toronto We sorry to lose them from our ighbourhood Miss Nellie Card spent Easter Holidays at her home in SEVENTEEN LOSE LIVES IN PORT WORTH Korl Worth Texas April Seventeen persons probably dead and property damago al approximately frying with it aces and small buildings hundreds of acre land and inundating several p HAMILTON SON Real Estate Bond Dealers Fire Insurance ad klndi of Real In our frt wi at all lll Provlnol Municipal and Industrial Bonds also of proven value and at M Mount RoyafJ both par m0n lng coming Ton can give you second to none Bonds due or We will lake them In exchange at par Write phone or call and our Mr Sopor who has wd Fire Insurance will bo go Into details with you We have for sale Jhat Town home small lm farm that you looking for acreage lots Call at our Office Bank of Toronto Building Money to Loan on Approved First Mortgages HAMILTON SON HIGHGRADE FURNITURE BABY Carriages strollers GOCARTS AND Wheel BASStNETTS We have them in many different designs at attractive prices ROADHOUSE ROSE Phone 70 Newmarket Special Service to Car Owners Wo just of a Skilled Mechanic who ha and Eiprleticft in the construction and repairing of different make of Automobile We Specialize on the Following Adjusting arid Impairing of Electrical as well as Mechani cal Parts of any of Motor Car We Also Ford Magnetoes and ReOharga any of Storage Battery dona by an Expert and will be absolutely Guaranteed at a Moderate Price Call and give a to demonstrate to you what can be dene- P the of the were the Interest being consisted of or club members taken when they infants Mis Eleanor as Ihe winner of the contests Miss Mabel after delight Roadhouse Rose Funeral Direators York April Sarah Cockcfalr Brooklyn and camp soar feet up over Square here Rev W ARCHIVES OF OWL TORONTO