FRUITHIVES LIFE Us FnTIMs offered terribly with It for yeajs find all tba I took did not do mo good I read about being Stomach SO I tried them After finishing a tew boxes I was relieved of My health Life the Hub Colli Mrs ire to Mils ANTOINETTE 60s for At or seat by Limited OKI Chicks for Sale 0 MONTREAL TORONTO D E T R O I T A I o ft a o Dining Oar Service oars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains Full Information from any Trunk Agent or E Horning District Toronto J BROUOHTON DOWN AGENT Phone 14 NeWmarkeU Aurora was hoar by his liar and In Ills aw Mr against the to Mr and Mrs Oswald A Is son of the Grow Reynolds and Mrs took it It helped reach that U to that be ivpih to Jew first fir Horn I one ought that Jesus of Ha VeeetsL Compound mala trouble and backache It Is child sal bars difference when didnt It I thank you for this and If over coma to this point again I do not want to be without Vegetable Com pound I give you permission to publish letter so that all women cm Mrs Bos ninny law Its suffer from ailments try doctors and different but fee no better take Compound and you can the case of Mr Miner Thats the truth of the matter If you but feel no be Iter Finally Vegetable I hi LETTER BRAD WHILE TURKS LEADS BRITISHER TO CO TO CANADA ra bought a The road led on DUNNS OARAGE HURON ST NEWMARKET Wish to announce to the Public that opened a Now end Repair Shop and in position to give First Serttoe In all A full line of ail Automobile on hand 7nr7 Other organs causing a restless ner vous feeling which prevents sleep Simple buckthorn bark glycerine- to as mixed In Adlerlkn expels gas relieves pressure almost IN STANTLY Inducing restful sleep often removes surprising old liter from BOTH upper and lower to wo I poisoned Btomaeti and Mused EXCELLENT to guard appendicitis J Pat- great thing if It BROWNIES HOME TOWN ITEMS Catching suckers is order Hip has relumed to lid Thompson had his Mr both live In the filly Mis Ed Vamlerbprg were Mi and dai Mr J MuMlean day furs Mr calling on Mr of Application foi NOTICE Is hereby given that Sarah of he Village of Niagara In Ihe County of oln in the Province of Ontario pply to the Parliament of Canada a he next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Thomas Toronto In the Counly or York Engineer on the ground Adultery and Chatham April Tim arod son of Michael OMara of the plant of this oily had a escape from death when was buried in a carload this afternoon It on Ihe of the other men to the lad the escaped without injury urks he opened the ami found in tkiys of note Some and transmit well beneath th surface we expect adventurer to visit Davy Jones radiophone to the world thinks of Vernes stories KIDNEY PILLS d thougil though Hie of 181t Win r a eeroitirt for war of his I tint nils mrant years ttl hogan with Ezra Id Jerusalem in to So he urgod his of tho fin of Whan I lived at Poland puss- Mission one day and Owing will aland the Hurl was IfVo ease His lu Hire the re vised date und their pre parations lo meet til the easier Ions llious- of Afforded by a Deposit Eos in bar for est yoar and other BOXES mo to suit they at is moderate and AS renter holds la OUR pleased to explain operation to you Incorporated in the llalkill bringing with hit became tor did no Jesus longed for for peace and to about Jesus It d to and reject I felt drawn to and could not And out at III J on I picked up in read a book on life I also knew that the prophet Isaiah lived luutdrods of before the birth ami this I was convinced Jesus of Nazareth the coming If lnd While Pentecostal I Javetl On tho day of February 1914 at St Homo Wash Ave I received the Holy Joel When received the Holy Olios I spoke in longucs as the Spirit save utterance My we much against my faith but I do top for found something better than all the pleasures and treasures of this world I have found a peace which passes all under standing and a joy unspeakable and full of 1 have found Ihe way of eternal life reader I do not only be lieve thai Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah through Ihe Old Testament Scripture show that He was the promised Mes siah it I am tive lhat Ho is- What are you going do Willi Him to and be lost End he tormcnled and in the of fire and Isaiah There fttly one way to eel ins that of Nazarath i Messiah the Son of and that ne died cloud crimsoned a and thought it sun and K lo be fli it to be tin They their i the day Then they leiunied tie more adequate clothing ml went Ill Hi en ag cows and feed Iheir beep THE SURE PROMISE Ami temptations sweep upon it like a storm on oceans breast There a haven ever open tot- lenlpest driven bird Theres shelter or the tempted in the promise of the Word For lhe standard of the Spirit hall be raised against the foe When a sorrow that no other And the burden seems too for human hear to fly upon you an share one whose Til give Dalet the February SARAH by her solicitor- GODFREY Bay Street Toronto Ont Notice of Application Notice hereby Elizabeth of the City of few min bruise Toronto In the County of York and Province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament Canada at session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from der Lawrence of the of To ronto In the County of York in the Province of Ontario on the grounds Of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto In the County of soft coal which was lo be unloaded at The known as the type unloaded through in the- bottom Workmen opened of the chutes and after com- lo run uf the coal d Looking underneath the noticed the lads reel An irm was at once and lads father- took charge of rescue work was slow had he taken in more coal would not go wn on the lad The that me Iftrtfe nieces of coal lodged boys chest ening slack from packing In the I day of April use M fflH Jut a Guaranteed to Hop in tabs tuglu St CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS phone if abode a youll trust Him For the precious prom to en I see its billows rising and 1 hear waters roar ill reach my hand to Jesus in His bosom I shall hide And twill only be a moment till 1 reach the other side is then the fullest meaning of the promise I shall know When thou passelh Ihrougn the waters they shall never in Hi We could by observing for there Is no that ever kept all the laws did WlWjjJJ gone the WW b together l have eternal not gel the lew of I David ihaCSih not 21 Cursed be he it shall die God is Just the days of old j 1b KATIES ANSWER Och me Katies a rogue It thrue her eye9 like the ai An her dimples so An her ankles so nate she dazed she He Is ingllis lh9j TAKE NOTICE THAT The Council of the Corporattb the Town of Newmarket Intends as a local Improvement a Raglan St from Cot Street lo Queen Street Lot St from- Church Street to Main Street And Intends lo specially assess a part of the cost upon land abut ting directly on work following- USEES nut HI Spirit upon those that Soy HI end they peV In languages which they have nev er learned the Holy Spirit males them speak I my self heard people speak the He brew under Ihe anoint ing Spirit and they did not knowthe Hebrew It God LIFE FOR ATTAOK UPON YOU Up GIRL St Catharines April Life Imprisonnieni was sentence imposed by Justice of a criminal attack old Agnes at St Davids on November last Through his Miller pleaded guilty lo a charge of at tempted attack upon Nellie Agnos companion Both Irls positively identified Miller as their assailant and testified lhat ho had threatened them with doalh if they made si lmit special tge ts He The special be paid in J ANDERSON Himself speaking through them as says in the prophet Isaiah 28il For with stammering lips and another tongue He apeak to this people And He not only speaks through when Holy Ghost comes in Co dwell but he fills our souls with peace and glory It is nol only the Jews that ax igainsl the teachings of Jesu of Nazareth but the people the churches are doing the They are having a form of but are denying the power With their lips they they love Him In their hearts they are rejecting Him They have no use for holiness and the supernatural power of t want to say with the may He Hi Let the wicked forsake hi and the his thoughts arid return the Lord and to our God for he will abund antly pardon For my thoughts not your thoughts are your ways my ways Lord for as Iho are higher than the earth so my ways and my thoughts than your thoughts Moses WHBKyoti require A the will be in squares 100 square feet A basis for of the costs of Asphalt Slates Is given below nrrrili COSTS Of en a kiilliata 4Cosr of te til tHp eat Is Ji7 ffes iBjiw a JO M fa la on 4 la till J b la cute fta SUM Ui by a it lOtaK Mat I la ijiJilj Jj bat finJiiil COSr thtf U bid Cmt MotttUao utEuatct built ptd these roof costs with those of any other rooting material It Is your money you are spending and you want value for it then buy Brantford Asphalt Slates Distributed under Brantford Roofing Trade Marks through Roofing Dealers Stock carrled information service rendered by our dealer in your district Roofing Co Limited ud Canada Toronto Uofitrwh and FOR SALE BY B SMITH roadster Cover the ground Spend less time going from where you are to where you ought to be Crowd more into the busy day Modern business demands the speed and efficiency of the Chevrolet 490 TORONTO CHEVROLET L