DAYS Clock I I to TC Watsons jewelry Store If Clipping Victory Coupons let this a reminder Be sure to jour Victory Bond coupons on the date they become payable end present them at this Sank where they will be promptly cashed Victory Bond Interest doe on Hay 1st aid November 1st w IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA KTOARKET branch A MURRAY SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CEMENT FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED LUMBER LATH SHINGLES PEARSON Cor Church and IVArcy Lennox I say it and unqualifiedly information I got is worm only but resuming the debate the at slated thai thai pith of the charge to be that the or the department had kept thugs criminals and felons in ploy with which to Ontario temperance as true said the general that broth ers had boon convicted of liquor stealing but it was not true as otic would from Mr Len noxs speech that they had been employed by tho department af ter conviction The said absolutely false to an employee of department named convicted of barnburning and highway robbery Mr said man had been let out mediately his record bet Implloatlor Hon Mr impticatioi oast upon nted tin THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED DEALER Hi I M Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc The Wm Cans Sons Go Limited factory Yards Huron St Newmarket who offence that he was born in Canada of German Lennoxs solicitude for man convicted upon evidence was sadly wast ed In the opinion of the attor ney-general- for he young mai bootlegger and house breaker Motor Llcanca Fees tilted thai the Conserva tive group in the Legislature will offer strong opposition to the proposal of Hon F Biggs minister of Public works to motor license fees for years in order to provide in any of the the Province other than rivers ami streams thai are International and No licenses for pound nets are to be oilier than in International and Bay Tile Minister of Mines STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS About the thing a father can lo for his boys Is to encourage them travel and see something of tlie before they become loo keenly la commercial life Travel It enriches the jilt better flit lib place In life A normal boy Is observant lie assimilates and retains knowledge Travel gives him bin op portunity It fits him for every phase mind and j 1 life supervision of Mr It Matthews A Oxon Assistant Professor Mathematics University and late Instructor Lieutenant Royal local guides will luot Some Liberal and Farmer members are a Isote ported to bo opposed to this method of fin ancing road building and it Is predloted that thjj minister will have a fight on hra hands in gel- ting his bill through Toronto April Interest motorists made In the Legislature yesterday Biggs Minister of he said he bad In mind a proposal to have the House W JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and PaperHartger DRAINER ANDAftT DECORATOR ST I WAT AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE TSRmS during Travels Act and Vehicles had been amended during the past eight and motor travel had tripled during the past four years The set had complicated and Intricate that the interpret give lectures on artistic historic literary and economic significance of the sights seen and the places Visited A most carefully planned and in- itinerary- has been arranged Including visits to Montreal Liverpool SlralfordonAvon Oxford Paris Versailles Lyons Marseilles Nice Monaco Genoa Rome Naples Sorrento Capri Pompeii Vesuvius Florence Venice Trent Innsbruck Munich the Pas- Play at Oberammergaii the Rhine Cologne and return ing through London and Liverpool This exceptional lour from Montreal on Saturday- June 24th Quebec by the splendid Line steamship -Cano- tons A period of ap proximately two months will be oc cupied by the tour as by tho Itinerary Hie return trip Is made from Liver pool by the fine steamship 16500 tons arriving at Montreal on August most complete and the charge which Is a minimum one covers everything In the way of transportation hotel accommodation with three meals a day transfer sightseeing fees In brier all necessary travelling expenses for the entire tour Apply to any agent of the National Railways for further particu lars ails of the which persons are report to have been blown to piece that the fire swept lie cily following the blast has made homeless Thousands of tons of muni- soldiers mdslly Greeks were burled alive Two hundred children are lo have been killed or wounded in a church which was destroyed when a shell tossed from the scene of the explosion landed on lho steeple Monastir a oily less than miles from is reported to have suffered heavy damage as result of an ammunition dump blowing up Because proximity of the two cities it is that the report refers to All communication with the wo baa been cut off mak ing information im possible lb long as you live That is yours you to end with yourself you When If this be true and it be denied make the priceless gift to you Creator of a sanctu ary clean sweet wholesome as well as physical liv ing the life that you know you live pulling a high value April among the idle anthracite workers today for the first time since the quit work on April Sixty who wore reporting for work Boston colliery in borough wore stoned Several shots were- fired and a few of a men were beaten although ne was injured The Boston by William Payne When the suspension became effective ork lo maintain his property- provide from i be to consolidate I Catarrh Catarrh local disease greatly influenced by constitutional con HALLS MEDICINE is a Tonic end Blood By cleansing the blood and building up the System HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE normal conditions and Na ture to do its work AH Druggists Circulars fee Co of the human frame in which of department courtesy kind and affection Do not cheap- it with vice nlemperance sordidnes the path of Keep yourself all thai can Hold yourself market at the highest price As the farmer seeks to be prises with the best product of the soil and breeding stable the manufacturer finest work of the lop or spindle as the young wife delights in the most delicate embroidery and the art ist in the highest example of art so let everyone humble seek the for what he has to offer and he will gel the higher price There is a public market ways open for our varied talents We need not go lo a pawn shop with them We need prices We need sacrifice There is no bargain counter for soul or body life is more than meat and the body more than raiment The young man who think that the world owes him a living that lie have II of what he gives in return makes a fatal mislake The young woman who believ es that face a graceful figure with beauty unadorned and he display of many jewel will win her way is following In leadership of the blind Shi will pay the pries with bitter re Avoid the primrose path of dalliance Take the beaten though it be straight and 1 row for the end is peace sail The many troubled seas climb Ihe highest break his tortuous way through many a jungle but if In the end he roaches satisfied teT and Mrs Sluarl entertained a large number of guests last Friday night i Is in city on the of her mother me Christian Church choir were at taffy pull it of Mr A Williams on Mon day evening Mr and Miss Collins n of the late J Collins who have been attending Newmarket High School left yesterday for their home California Mr Albert has opened a and feed afore in MoKibbpn Alterations and improvements being made in the North American Ho Canes Factory shipped cars of this week Electric lights are installed the Presbyterian Church by Mr Broughton The RT of held District Coun cil here last Friday 31 representatives 1 for wheat here Tuesday Timothy St The baseball club was organized On Wednesday evening the follow ing officers A J Smith Jos S Doyle Howard Taylor Howard to assessment roll turned yesterday Ihe resident popu lation Is 2127 The Ailar On Apr by Rev S Matthews Mr Little to Miss Annie of Newmarket On Apr Father Morris Mr Hand of Toronto to Miss Sara of Newmarket On Apr nth by Rev J Mr Ed Oldham to Miss Amy Grose both Whitchurch On Apr Mr Alfred Morris to Miss Violet Gibson both Ay Red Deer Albert Apr by Rev Locke- Mr A if Cody formerly of Newmarket to Miss The Tomb Newmarket Apr Minnie daughter of Peter Tay lor In Newmarket Apr wife of In her year At Sutton Apr 20th Annie Noble aged years Toronto Apr wife of formerly of te her year One day a Scotch boy and an English boy who were fighting- were separated by their respec tive mothers with difficulty the Scottish boy though he smaller being far the most pugnacious What ye a big laddie like that for said the as she wiped the blood from his nose And Ill fight him again said boy if he says Scotsmen wear kills because their feet are too big to go into trousers HOT WITH A CRANK of a large field She proud young girl and did for him May take you home she retorted OF ONTARIO TORONTO J