Friday and Saturday April an Last Days our Anniversary Sale Our announcement of last brought throngs of patrons to our store among which were several customers that have shopped at this store continually for the past twenty years That our policy adopted twentj years ago of GUARANTEED SATISFACTION MODER ATE BROAD ASSORTMENT AND BACK IF NOT SATISFIED has been appreciated is evidenced by the loyalty of patrons To bring this Birthday Celebration to a Successful issue we submit the following list of Real Bargains for Friday and Saturday IX WHITE COTTONS good mate jml SALE 1 LIVEN HAND TOWELLING Ill stripes plain SALE 1 LARGEST SIZED BLANKETS Willie lirry iUttti I HUGE SIZED BATH TOWELLS ill White Natural regular each SALE ALL LINEN BEDROOM good large sin YARD YARD Mill EACH all PARTY is always a refreshment would choose We supply lee Cream for parties and I affairs private or public lot save yourself the trouble tag and preparing dessert tor Musics ReCreation ON of April Marie of the Metropolitan Opera Company stood on the stage of Carnegie Hall in New York new invention lately perfected by Thomas A Edison She sang in direct compjkrttoa with this instrument reproduc tion of her voice and the audience composed of twentyfive hundred music critics were unable to dis tinguish this great prima donnas living voice from its ReCreation on the New Edison Next day the New York Tribune Snares the Soul of Musk Call and let us demonstrate to you the superiority of the NEW EDISON J Y BROUQHTON NEWMARKET regular vocation or Do ter Ko New Market on We ay evening Mr J completely bv surprise by be with a suitably boil in of efficient lees rendered for Hie or yea it followed by Mr briefly replied thanks for a was altojllier ANNIYERSARY SALE EACH COLORED PIMMS ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD BEST DARK LIGHT COLORED yard ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD IN CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS regular yard ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD NEW SPRING GINGHAMS IN A GOOD VARIETY OF PATTERNS 30c yd LADIES VOILE FANCY PLAID SILKS 111 ALL WOOL COATINGS JOB LINE OF COLORED Hid LADIES A LA GRACE CORSETS HOOT A SHOE HENS BOX CALK nihil MENS HEAVY SOLID LEATHER ROYS IAN BUCK CALFSKIN BOOTS LADIES TAN BLACK KID OXFORDS Id PAIR ANNIVERSARY SALE SI newest tiling lor summer skirls ANMViKHAUi SALE YARD for skirls and coals ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD goods reg wurtb up to ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD izes 19 to rig pair ANNIVERSARY SALE SILK RIBBONS TO IN WIDE till colors regular HENS WEAR MENS LINED CAPE DOG ANNIVERSARY SALE all slics ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR MENS LISLE CASHMERE SOCKS regular worth up to MENS COLORED NEGLIGEE SHIRTS BOYS COLORED EVERYDAY SHIRTS size ANNIVERSARY SALE EACH bits n various lis urn 1 1 Mr pave a Riling Wilfrid as Joels wife who was Inclined to have her own way was the leading character and deserve special mention Proceeds will bo devoted lo Relief Fund The proceeds was about The play will he repeated al Pino Orchard next Wednesday evening Bargains This Mixed While condition cost at Rubber Balls fled Gray Reg for Guaranteed Electric in for inly Stove Reg foe 3 will gladly HOPE Viola Roger MENS 1 ANMYEHSVRV SMB EACH ANNIVERSARY regular S500 pair ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR to regular pair ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR LADIES SOLID COMFORT 1 1 SOLED ROOFS robber heels ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR A TABLE FULL OF 1 VINES MISSES HOIS SAMPLE BOOTS nil up lo pair ANNIVERSARY SALE PAUL CLOTHING MESS WORSTED AND TWEED SI ITS well wade 3300 ANNIVERSARY SALE MENS BEST ALL WOOL SERGE WORSTED SLUTS regular MENS ALL WOOL TWEED SHIS size 111 mid ANNIVERSARY SALE SUIT HOYS ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS sizes regular ANNIVERSARY SALE SUE TOYS TWEED KNICKERS sizes 25 ijrijpdr ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR MENS TWEED V WORST Ell sizes pall ANNIVERSARY SALE waists ANNIVERSARY SALE PAIR MENS BLACK BLUE STRIPED will elastic braces PAIR MENS SPRING AND FALL OVERCROWS Made of dark grey inerconllngs ANNIVERSARY EACH AS SPRING IIV1NCOV1S Ill Oil wool IWMil lops ANNIVERSARY SALE HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT LINOLEUM YDS WIDE block patterns good quality ANNIVERSARY SALE YD COLOR FAST glial patterns suitable for bedrooms ANNIVERSARY SALE YARD OILCLOTHS 1 111 and yards wide ANNIVERSARY SALE 1000 ROLLS OF BEDROOM WALLPAPERS reg 15 and roll ANNIVERSARY SALE ROLL liable for Hulls Bedrooms and Kitchens ANNIVERSARY SALE ROLL ROLLS OF IN PAPERS MILLINERY DEPARTMENT reel the GOOD VALUES AT AND SO HUNTER NORTH YORKS BEST STORE NEWMARKET Mr bis property in to Mr tiluiv Mount Pleasant Mr of Mount Pleasant sold his farm Mr lee Million Circle Easter Meeting of Hie Meth odist Circle held lie home of Mrs Soules bout fitly girts were to hear Mb Interesting and InatruoUve talk on KindergarfciJ work Japan The musical pari of the program waa provde1 by Miss lor Of i CAR FOR SALE For Sunday Of April At i of the Collegiate one of lie Miss waa presented medal for ward the Canadian luniaiu- Society act who is fomteen ears of was fo of fro lavney last August lit QueensviHe EMPTY PAY ENVELOPES Six hundred thousand men and Mrs employed of iho coal spent couple of days strike in Iho United Slates last week 000 locked out in the engineering are glad lo report that trades dispute in Groat Britain are improving House Nearly a million and a half empty to bo t lie go now- pay envelopes and the same number of families wondering Well hero wo in tlio whore next weeks dinner is But everybody is look- from A slriko operates for work or else doing some often on Iho same basis of hoar of a lot of people surdity a war During the hunting a house in our little conference the work goes on the own We wonder why some of pay envelope continues and liv- built The Library Hoard the propose having a Progressive and reserves must bo dm lie I up Money lost to of living i tonderll they will Checker Williar sited How about families ion of forever sister Mi Wo are pleased i hear that horn and deny the spirit of com Mr Montgomery is reluming to promise and fair play in order to the Dank as clerk here Monty have their own bullheaded way had a hard Sudbury Star and has been at his homo in recuperating Mr of Toronto filled his place has made many friends bore A Percy large of people a very jolly evening Mr last Friday Rev and little little Mrs J W Alma Thompson who ha for a nurse in To- is at her homo hero going a ear Happy Jane the Church of Sacred in Ihe east end of his completely only aged HO y town your li faimti liimii todiv after a April I ationa WESTERN CANADA THE NEW ROUTE WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA AND ALL WESTERN POINTS CHOICE OF ROUTES a Toronto Toronto to vii North By Cochruw ThrouiH Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuevlny Toronto wid via Sudb with SUndkid nd DihtOf Service Conrction Th Mondy Sleeping Sudbury and Port Arthur Solid through COOK Station Agent J Down Town Agent a n a i a n Ha n a I R a I Evidently on j Ihal smoking though it was due to Chicago alderman of aged by JfarW going in ho lo down for J died I Mine lnll til March 31 Tin Colonial Hotel at hinnils spot to build the si a lr dry bog bill id log which I possible on a Hie sand base When of most of city no tliiousli with liip cooking a ding radio messages re- few quarts of water here The or two of after it No glowing roal rsiliom should ho il DUNNS GARAGE HURON ST NEWMARKET Wish to Publlo that Ihey opened a New and Repair Shop and In a to give In all A full Una of all Acciasorlea si OF ONTARIO TORONTO