Debentures for Sale Town of Newmarket Apply to St Newmarket CUT FLOWERS Funeral Flowers BULBS Kg loss thin PenIn Phone PLUMBING and FURNACES I OUR the roof Is of from board heating an session of wall quite good to Hie old How to Make a The halt barrels In then filling Up thai Such make profits Inset of In el obligations the Bills to Is present afford to The train la may be made are hung lu for door hard work In Dip THE he A Question That lie Prudent people a happy one wm Kee n With tillage and The country TeaMeeting iuery in idleness during the meeting la not attend I I luiiline odd to find in J it inter day during the for the epicure toe leatllhs The Opening Saturday Night Justice to Hie the period Ing niui very profitably work Such Ul making good any wear and tear tightening bolts rivets putting i proteet done much to prolong the if farm toots Many a l hours and many dollars are lost each l through tools and implements Ploughs eilieltJiej or tool capital and rakea left the farm yard His Rheumatism and Both Gone Kidney of Sir John ways ready lo For about ten years I suffered from backache and and Pill- uid biuk- troubtt tn lne Pills put the UNIQUE GATHERING market Mare OP memorial of Frances a union prayer meet- to Implement them lmiiiiiuiitiiv opposition pledges 1 has made some good kin being received in general favor and rather prone to less responsibility he has developed a streak of lacllurnily of the type made famous by Ihc late Mr Frank against J Cochrane whose longest speech ho on the day are hereby notified reigned for the March S3 Immediately- thereafter ihe will proceed to distribute tin sets amongst lliose entitled hi regard only to those claims I 2nd Newmarket Solicitor for Goes Bronchitis SttVsat risk cat of WfU powerful jo to nlitC public affairs Just i National Railway- is not country wo have looking at our national railway prob lem lately from loo narrow a view point The fact that for several years the expenditures have exceeded receipts has called up wholesale condemnation of Government owner ship It Ihc development been greatly extend sections have been In them clean sharp and tight The rUBh of spring work Is seriously hin dered by the ploughs being rusty out of adjustment by the being dull by the grain drill and the roller being out of re- should be in the field and in use A little attention to Iho implements will I and dollars In Keeping celery a fresh looking and placed kept for on the a station at should be well To obtain the heat cold atorage celery si partially bleached age left for protection and finally the If homemade sulphur la to bo used o It no Insects the foliage be kept by spraying they will or i I I by local they cannot Catarrhal HALL Sdi 4oesg ftfaOBHttoa toss ta4 held In the school- Church ladles day of prayer for missions These four denominations lo the Salvation Army hold 3 union prayer meeting monthly of these six denominations hold a meeting In wl they plan cooperation and carry it out harmoniously The most unique feature yet tempted Is a union Sunday service of the six be held In the Sunday when of Toronto will present the work at the Canadian Bible Society The Salvation Army Band will play for half an hour prior lo meeting e idilf will exercises Globe All work and no play is equally dull for Jack and Jill yet how often you have to forego some pleasure or recreation be cause of the difficulty of getting there The Ford solves this difficulty The theatre the movies the big stores the church social calls can be enjoyed when- ever you desire if you own a Ford And it is easy to own a Ford on our deferred payment plan Call in soon and let us tell you about it ROBERTSON Agent Newmarket le first parliament buildings of Canada completed In iQ6 erected at the foot of Berkeley Toronto then called Ihe Companys buildings of two separate hath It by feet and standing a feet apart The Intention jo unlle them by a large contra of which they- would be ihe wings but the proposed structure connected the two were styleu Palace Government Oh ROBT W JONES NEWMARKET Practical Painter and PaperHanger AND ART DECORATOR ESTIMATES SUBMITTED J AUTO PAINTING ON REASONABLE TERMS P Box public riled off every On the site of the first parliament buildings were erected the second built of brick this lime Instead of wood Completed In the build- were totally destroyed by lire parliament buildings in were erected on location front si reel west of coo in a square six acres irea These buildings were used Ihe acli of Ippor until lite union of the in From lo and from lo they Ihe parlia lo legislature hi Canada and the In the fourth buildings in Queens Park Oh April 1849 house at Montreal used at by the legislature of the Ptov- of Canada was burned down by of Ihe Provli Canada and In succeeding yean by the Dominion parliament destroyed by a fire of February lOlfi MONTREAL a OH I A UnexceHed Dining Oar cars on Night Train and Parlor on lay Train Full Information any Trunk or Horning a v BfaHTo Asrr IN killed and thirty severely injured today In an ex plosion of powder which they were removing from cartridges Tip ton a short distance northwest of Birmingham The faces of the In jured girls were blackened beyond recognition the powder The disaster at the factory which recently purchased tons of cartridges from the Government The factory employed more than fifty gaged explosion blew off lite roof of the building were being place as in tropica RELIABLE SHOEREPAIR Main and Quean fits One door of Marble Works H CLARKE Proprietor We SOLICIT VOUft PATRONAGE BEST MATERIALS USEb EXPERT WORKMANSHIP OUR MOTTO SERVICE AND EFFICIENCY YOULL GE GOOD ENSILAGE With a Silo T HANDLE the Toronto grooved stives Hip Silo because I of selected spruce- You cant have good you have a good silo And Toronto SDoa are good silos Mads nonconductor of and cold Stur dily built from double with give adequate protection against air and frost Their special Hip Rod provides cattle pre valuable farm dell pocket talk ROGERS Ont Properties for Sale Beautiful Bungalow and Building Lots In will sold Small Farm IS Aorta In Bond Hoad Red House Bam of Fruit property It situated In an- Industrial centre Houses for sale In all parte Town at very prices and terms Alto a number of Choice Building Lota at near Jacksons Point Bungalow and Vacant Lot at Keswick near tan Station Any man wanting to purchase a good Farm at the Pries have some Property For tale Newmarket 1 ayi and