Every night the New Edison your twodollar at the musical comedy opera wherever your fancy lead NEW EDISON does not blare forth in a tinny imitation of muaic but what you hear ii a perfect Re- Creation of the living That there no difference between the voice and the Edisont of it has been proven by actual test before audience totalling millions J Y BROUOHTON NEWMARKET Short hold a banquet In the present The fol lowing was the proposed program Toast The British Empire pro posed by Rogers responded l by Douglas Thomson Instrumental by Miss Ml- Instrumental by To3sl Newmarket Agricultural proposed by David Doane Heading by Miss Alteon Arnold Toast Ladles proposed by Ramsay responded to by Miss V responded and Mr J Instrumental by 5 following we Short topics of great reader of the prominent books of fiction and favorite magazines a hostess excelled her family circle nothing gave her greater pleasure lends and the was always out of the gospel and delegate gatherings In keenly having her companion life Is an Inspiration to ladles and the words of Solomon of Old come to us with singular Who can find a virtuous woman I for her price la far above rubles She la survived by four sisters Mrs Mary Harding of Nowtohbrook Mrs Edith Brothers of Aurora Mrs Margaret Acton of and Miss Bertha Weddel assistant to the Bindery of the Edgar Jackson I he freedom of to the tvenliif March servo he date Agricultural a challenge for bate from Hie famous subject to be lent V boys to students to will bo In order Whitchurch Council th all the members present and he Reeve in the Chair The minutes of last meeting wore read and confirmed Communications were presented as follows Geo Henry Esq Secretary Good Roads Association re Mem bership in the Association Messrs Jenkins with Legislation persons who have on highways in IhiaPi report of Receipts j Couney day filling gravel ami loads gravel Garnet Evans yds gravel ami dynamiting Pit Resolutions were passed payments for last Muh- Election as follows To Deputy Returning Officer 500 each Poll Clerks each f Poll Booths Accepting Auditors Report as satisfactory adopting and finally same Appointing the Reeve and alitor Dennis a Committee lo get for erection of a shed at Hall at the be obtained from Township roads far as possible Grants for gravelling roads wore made as fallows for Con Opposite Loto to Councillor Dennis Moved by E Dennis seconded by Weary That lie Statute Labor at present commuted in the First Concession cept these parts of several Sub divisions situated in the Westerly half of the said Concession ho not commuted in future and that the bo placed in divisions formed to the Fourth Con Lino and from Newmarket to Pine Orchard except small lots along Street bo discontinued and the Statute Labor placed in the adjacent Road Divi sions hat ByLaws relating to Statute Labor ha so amended and the Seal of the Corporation pay the Sheep claim presented and ilu follow my counts Murphy tii yds gravel Hunt drawing gravel and other work Toronto Stamp Stencil Works for dog tags Hie Municipal World Ami Collector of Taxes at same salary as for Appointing Pound Keep Viewers and Road Oversea Council adjourned to meet Monday March nest If You to Qqo Gauntry on Pleasure or Business oil up B L PHONE Let make Comfortable in a COVERED CARRIAGE OR AUTO Charge A Prop Night on Promptly Attainted la ADRHYMES This is the SPACE That carried the AD That gained the REP That made the SALES That yielded he PROFITS The built the BUSINESS That Jaok built An Advertisement Addressed to the wife with mind distrait Its news dispels her troubled state It shows the prices that she can pay And where to go on shopping day So of course patronize Those firms who wisely ADVERTISE Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop The Wise Shop where theyre Invited