in ile of Toronto a Licentiate lho of Physicians and member of College of Surgeons of clinical aslant la Eye Hospital and Univ Saturday to CEOIL GILBERT Dentist Newmarket BARTHOLOMEW the Forum Building Toronto Dentist Bant of Toronto Building gP wonneDLP DR J Chiropractor OFFICE 0uEEQ at and to Tuesday Thursday and Saturday and other appointment analysis a OB RENE Chiropractor your Spine perfect and enjoy health OFFICES Tuesday and io a Keswick Tuesday and Friday Blvd A Newmarket I Piano Singing Pliaas rented VloUn Pianos piano by Mis I lll by Mi- Mini ll Curing lalliM Cold by Earl Troupe added greatly lo tli gram Also tie 0 quartet to consoling of Messrs Willi Morton and I km by singing good style then an Jackson proved hi auctioneer as the lo about Coffee served by he ladies and social evening was a close by a short dance and young joined furnished by Mr Archie Smith vith Mrs Goodwin at the piano connection with 0 park Ave Newmarket I Office lb Bank Office Phone day except House NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE Enroll Any Time Individual Instruction NIGHT S0H0OL MONDAYS and THURSDAYS Bank of Toronto HE REORGANIZED JESUS OF LATTER Hall Bank of Toronto SERVICES SUNDAY id a Prayer Meeting a Sunday School I in Thuraday ALL WELCOME Hockey Saturday gathering at hickory islied with the Millionaire Kid Mr Smiths Furniture Hide Merchants stow gists Liquid or ablets Mrs Gives Advice to Mothers medical ITS UP TO YOU Electric Lighting H BINNS icker Mr la Holier tin re ver faith- is ago Mr Graham of the drill y Win- K1HQ C1TT has or hoi a I ha unci 1 death King and UsortatiOD has Just it bo week very successful year At Incubators INCUBATORS SHELL CHICKEN GRIT DRINKING FOUNTAINS ROYAL PURPLE SPECIFIC RICHMOND HILL had the old coin ill it spaper to he I hand established It for years Is the experience of the Era one of our leading Canadian fray Clothes THEIR ADVANTAGES That the wise and appreciate the oed Ihlnga In Ufa 1 proverbial I Their many durability and economy F WILLIS Mens Tailor Main St Newmarket Established honors as liiick hbth going strong nil the Gee I that boy was as new recruit With his first Cooties said game was great lots It made Pats and Senators one of their old die and Mr had keeping them atralghlen- full of The way those hoys went think St i staging busy Hi out There were a lot of there Murray Marshall Parkins Ames and going great The was like t CoOp The next one was a friendly tilt between Bradford and Newmarket Bantam outfits Newmarket Ing a to shut out Both teams worked hard all the way Newmarket lada seemed to punch Corhelt In goal was good for his first real try out looks like his position Murray and Marshall again shone In Parkins and kept things loyal interesting InstVuetlvt of Canada fell on the lee Council ult Mr report of the the outlining operations for Ih was followed by Ihe report of the SecretaryTreasurer Mr Pratt which showed In detail the financial opera the Company resulting in a linn In tit- l of U I Amongst thai been entirely year and that he new year t and In ting has done much market so prominently a live progressive town We congratulate Brer Jackson and hope he may long live to guide fortunes of the Era and North York Those who are In a run down will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health fact proves that while Catarrh la a local disease It la greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions HALLS CATABRH MEDICINE la a Tonic and Blood Purl fler and through the blood lng normal conditions All druggists Circulars J Cheney Co Toledo to Feb next receive a per cent dividend All In all the future pros pects of Hie company are very bright The following gentlemen elected Directors Col A John and follows Pre ruths 1 the report lb ho ex that of bills containing I ally I be con pit that if two thousand Gaimdian dollars all his own ho would board the first boat for Pales- but that is on tho aids What lis ImiuHiied was that into a ooA e barber shop and thinking was amongst friends ho be gan shooting a bluff about two thousand dollars to hot that Armstrong would reduce Kings majority ftt least five hundred Of course Archie figured on his bluff being called but when one of his nat ives offered to take a thousand of it Archie crawled into a hole and pulled that hole in after him I dpnt know whore Archie the of thousand idea from he thought that Arm strong would come across with it in case ho made good but I would like to imprint on very important fact on Archie menial machinery or any of his way of thinking and that is that North York is tho- cradle of freedom and and we wont tolerate- any babies of type being rooked OIL AND COAL BURNING LEG BANDS THERMOMETERS POULTRY PUNCHES HARDWARE Phone Newmarket rkel Fob 1 Friday afternoon of last a very sail mishap farm of St Johns Arthur Lay a fifteen year old boy had both his thighs and a collar bono also handled I Goal Corbett de- Parkins and Gibson centre Murray wings Marshall and As a final Mr Murray ap peared as a hookey Instructor for a number young ladies and quire a few stayed see how got Atta boy Good luck By while all this journeyed lime In their In for anp per of mo and ml looking after the grain and not to go near the gasoline engine which was in the stablo Mr St John was out in the field with a load of manure on returning and not hearing tho chopper running he immediately went into the stable lo find with his torn from the body and apparently lifeless beside engine it is thought that when alone he went down to shut off and got clothes caught pulley and revolution of body around the pulley the bones were and the wrist bands of his shirt Dr of Ux- was on the sceno in du time and locally dressed the wounds and arranged for his re moval to the Hospital Toronto the evening train examination found three broken bones some flesh wounds but fortunately no inward trouble He is getting along nicely Times A Mass of Sores No Sleep Unhappy Days tod fcie well pt if taif a win reiki toot fart lalOa wilt ioff or aoncf Mstioe of for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that of the Village of Niagara in the County of Lin coln In the Province of Ontario wil apply to the Parliament of Canada a A week ago Justice nlonced Robert Ellis lo ree years at Kingston on the charge of which had been found guilty by a Ellis counsel It was on his feet plea leniency the that had to accident by purchase of the liquor and that sentence was unduly when compared with those imposed by Justice and Jualico Hasten on throe others found guilty of man slaughter last year Mr Justice in modi fying the sontonoo upon Ellis ha- had Robert many representations made me concerning you of the connections of the ask for leniency at least ono of your neighbors expresses fear of your reckless driving it appear ing that this is not the first ac cident you have had although the former was fortunately not fa tal diva thereof Mechanical of Ontario this first day of February A SARAH by solicitors GODFREY Pit ELAN A CORCORAN Bay Street Toronto Ontario unlawful aot of driving a motor vehicle when intoxicated I have however been reminded that your offense was committed be fore clear warning that slaughter by automobile be treated In the manslaughter by any olhei Your informs me that in Ihe would be dangerous to you physioially and mentally and you have been removed the danger to the by a solemn not to vehicle for ten ye I can I think tioo with mercy your and ordering that you bo confined for two yean loss one day This sentence will permit to servo his term at jail farm rather than at Kingston penitentiary where he would have spent the three years pronounced a ago CHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO And a Savings Account Not Yet Opened What about the resolution made at the beginning of to a savings account Is it going to be the same at the end Of the year nothing saved for the future Do not continue putting off A small amount will open an account assurance Independence and satisfaction which the knowledge oi something in reserve always begets will be Incentive enough for building it up Capital Reserves RELIABLE SHOEREPAIR Main and Queen Sts door south Luetbys Marble Works H CLARKE Proprietor WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE BEST MATERIALS USED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP OUR MOTTO SERVICE AND YOU WERE SOLD NOW Every salesman who secured your name on the doited line left you with a job on youi The goods he put upon your shelves must move off again before your profit is reaped turnover is the key to quick profits NOW How soon will you re sell your stock An intelligent use of ADVERTISING will prove to he the best possible means of keep ing these goods moving ADVERTISING is a printed salesman of proven ability Brighten up your store windows show your goods at- and ADVERTISE in The Newmar ket Era will find the buying publio of this community appreoiato the news in your advertisements each Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop