Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 15, 1921, p. 3

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Keswick The gomes between Georgia Island also between Newmarket and Aurora- 4if Orinmn were To- favored but not fr the walk at took the morning TRj northern- town ten ladies being A bis day jwesthr on I or a In Cotton some amoiig the reported at Few lies and produce rtnlf a butter touched the- lowest jSltoce the War began It solo is though His Eggs too sold at 30c paid for small lots Old MUtMS yU potatoes sold at a peek Court- willani of who died May of bonds Li Lot and td fcouJ the wfil of November Marie Morton a daughter receives a iegaoy of and the residue goes to the Wow V The Society held annus summer show af ternoon and evening when a great and were exhibited chief were Willis Miss Ruth Stephens Vicker and Pine Orchard ROCHE CO Stairs oyer Youngs Fair The Womens Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Ash too Lloyd on Thurs day July at p in Paper Helping the Twig to Crow Straight will be by Mrs Duncan also a reading by Mrs Roll rail Suggestions for Field Drinks Note change of dale The cream parly which the lust intended having held on July ha postponed until Monday July fiP fa CORNERS Maria A of Keswick Hunt v The boys and girls were hunting in store windows bright and liii Saturday morning for the Ghau- fuMua Tickets that were to become lie properly of finders Their eyes soon discovered four of 1st the fifth ws a puttier It was located on Saturday was cLuged Jo More on Monday and was soon discovered Tit Dimes of lucky boys are Col- ton Arms Wilbur Howard Morris and Harry BriflU BrlofloU Report says that two horses died The excavating is about completed on Wednesday morning while drawing for the new Bank of Montreal graveloul of a pit not far from It looks as It there had been a market Arm Broken Utile Miss Stark the nine- yearold daughter of Mr George was getting off a waggon last Thursday when she fell and broke her left She says that It has not been and is gelling along nice ly bridge at below the level time feet or more of the sidewalk Normal School The results of at To ronto Normal School were made known yesterday All Ihe candidates from Newmarket High School succeeded En passing They arc 1st Class Alice Davidson and Pear Stiles 2nd Class Graham Hilda Hoover Elsie Scott Kathleen Not Forgotten The children that will attend his ftaie on He will have a round Hand organ clowns lots of other Last Monday evening the local teain crossed slicks with Aurora- and at close of a good game Newmarket out ahead by a score of Arrangements for a game with night fell through Friday our boys will try conclusions again with Bradford and hope lo win the laurels they lost the last time One hundred per cent it good as we- could expect High School graduates about as from our Beat EiUto Sale Mr of Newmarket reports the following sales Wedding bells arc ringing around thiy burg- Keep up and will af ford some pleasure foe the and young men They enjoy a charivari GrTerry for Eu rope on 2nd She is visiting Scotland England France Belgium and other places We hope she has an enjoyable- vacation Miss Hirst Is around our dis trict again visiting her grandmother Sorry to report that Mr- Peters with a broken ankle He was thrown from a buggy by a horse A short while ago Earl was hurt by same horse and is still In bed We hope that ihey wilt soon recover The people around community are glad to see Will Draper again af ter being In the hospital for time The Florence Oil Has many new features this year It will pay you to investigate this Stove before buying A Player Hurt Ivpworth a Newmarket toy of Toronto was playing in a game of lacrosse when he had two ribs and otherwise injured which nil lay him up for some time Toronto of Monday even- givts Ihe following particulars Epworlh of the ienm learn Is In the hospital with a in his as a re- Kit a received In the sec- vji period of the game with JiuoiRs at Park on Salur- He In In a condilion An Womanft The Womens Institute will be held on Thursday July at P at the home of Mrs Albert Starr There will be a or Salads and Cake by the- young girls of the Institute Also a recitation by Miss lx call Recipes See- Newmarket of 36 acres Mr John D Mrs Smart of has sold her small farm in East to Thompson of Holt Mrs Ben of Keswick ha sold a house with two acres of gar den lo Mrs Toronto Mr W Jones of Newmarket his bouse and lot on street to Mrs BLtnstcad of Keswick Cream Social The Christian Endeavor of Ihe Friends Church Intend holding an Ice Cream Social on hurch lawn on Monday July Ice Cream and is being wade by the police to cake willbe served A program will the player who handed It to be given consisting of music and reel latlons also a talk from our mlasioa- Mr and Mrs of Japan who are home on furlough Admis sion Proceeds In aid of their work Ad and if It was a deliberate let may result feimondRobfrUon Miss Robertson daughter of Mr Mrs Robertson was to Mr Raymond of reato the Presbyterian Manse on evening at oclock by Rev Auto on Fir a lot of excitement was Creat ed down Town shortly alter seven on Mann Her friend MJssauby Wednesday evening when the Fire was bridesmaid and Mr Alarm sounded followed In a few of Toronto was groomsman lUv the Conclusion of the ceremony w1th bridal party drove to the home One of Mr Sam sons was on Street where caning his car at he rear of about two doten tore when without any present from Toronto to lhe 10 off All Lawn Mowers We have a of all widths In lb genuine Maxwell Mower Binds Hardware Newmarket Death of Mrs Jonathan Bond The following is clipped from a paper After a Illness the death look place on Friday inly of Mrs Jonathan Bond in her seventyeighth year at resident of her soninlaw Mr J Power 30 Street body was taken to Queens vJlle for In terment Saturday July 2nd There are left to mourn her loss five sons and two daughters Essen Inspector of No division Toronto police force Milton special agent G Toron to Samuel of Regina and Robert Mrs Wei and Mrs J Power Here we are again Rather warm weather we are hav ing but people seem to enjoy them selves Just the same Mr and Mrs Leslie Pegs and family also Mr Garnet and Miss Pearl Baden spent the weekend with relatives In Meadowvale Sorry to report Mrs Seth is on the sick list and hope for speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Thomas Graham mo tored to on Sunday to see their son who Is In hospital Mr and Mrs John A Rose and Miss Hilda also Mr and Mrs Eras attended the funeral of Mrs Hoses aunt In on Sunday Mr James Neil was calling on friends in this burg last week Mr and Mrs David Pretty of To ronto are visiting at Mr John Leeks Cyrus has purchased a new Tin Lizzie Miss Toole is at her home the holidays It seems nice to her smiling face again The president of the lost his fountain pen the other evening Bubbles AVIATO HAWKER KILLED AT HENDON I Was First to Attempt to Fly the July Harry Haw ker the famous aviator was killed on the flying field today His machine burst into flames on the field Hawker achieved fame id May when he a trans atlantic flight from lhe Canadian to Ireland but failed his machine railing Into the water In midocean He was rescued by the Danish steam er Mary On his return to real Britain he was decorated by Kiog George The Iransaliantlo crossing was achieved a month later by Captain Sir John who himself died in De cember as a result of Injuries received In a crash To earth near Cot- levrard France The proverbial luck of Harry Hawker had been the subject of com ment It remained with him for many years as an experimental and test flyer from It was said he re ceived not less than yearly He held many of the oldlime aero plane records among them the world altitude record in of more feet J- for Woodbridge July While en gaged In putting a new fuse In a transformer on the Hydro power lln east of here tonight Garfield touched a live wire and fell to the ground dead Reeve J who was passing at the time saw the body come hurtling from the top of the pole His body was terribly burned by the current Just two monttis ago today he was married to Miss Sale Register Saturday July sale of household effects etc at the residence corner Main and Queen St Building the prop erly of Munshaw Sale at 6 p p Terms dash Smith auctioneer Newmarket Markets Hay per ton 2100 Kggs per Butter per lb 28 s AT I Borden Is visiting with her Campbell of Town the happy couple Toronto by motor but the ft at lh home continued until midnight fcKBj Day li Picnic boats will minutes to Snake aad Vox Island Band In and Fireworks will from a on the water SO j person will be able to W Al at Forever of week j lhe engine was flames The family hd to hii assistance and shoved lhe car Cedar street The neighbors rushed- out and Mr from the baker threw an old coat over the engine This drove the flames underneath the and It- looked as If lhe whole car would be consumed but fortunately the names were extinguished before the fire Truck arrived When the broke out the car was la a very dangerous place between two gaso line sheds and had these caught- fire there is no telling where the fire would have ended There was a small Insurance on enough to pay half the dam age an the engine and all are completely ruined the new pas- I the JUd Mttry fctrmons sounded the key rlli and unity In the tlie imrth in and J endeavour for the lit Mrs Belfry on Wednesday his late charge at He his pastorate A m4y ind although the hot he was by goii rongrcgatlonSi Ills If you get your Paris Green and Ar senate of Lead at on lhe Willis mi twntyfour year the pastorate In 2- one year here WB entered Victoria College President Since logical eourse he at and other taWrf has been helpmate Aft both grown to the Bud Auto Accident on Main Street after the Fire Alarm on Wed nesday evening when the were gathering on Main Street la crowd a named James about years of age rushed In front of the King see where the fire was apparently not looking around himself A large McLaughlin car being driven carefully by a lady and accompanied by a little girl on her way city was going along quietly and before she could slop the car hit young knocked him down and paused over his body Boyd was on the spot In a minute and a brief examination revealed the sad fact that his hip was broken was also a bail on his forehead where he struck the curb this was not dangerous Arrangements were once made to take him to the General Hospital In Toronto Mr Blizzard very- kindly offering to take him down In his large car where he was mode comfortable for the trip Witnesses of the accident say that the lady was In no way responsible as lhe boy rushed right In front of the car which was going along noiselessly on pavement The break Is a bad one and will lay boy up for some months Miss niece Mrs New Ontario Mr and Mrs J spent Sun day at Mr Tat Ions Miss Charles of Aurora Is visiting at Mr J week Miss Is visiting With her parents- Mr and Mrs and formerly of Hartley Man spent the weekend at Mr P Mr and Mrs Hurling of Mil Wis arc visiting at Mr Richard Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs leer spent Sunday at Mr Herb Websters on Hie Town Line Mr and Mrs W Robertson and son of Maple Mr Mrs Of spent Sunday Mr J W Mr and Mrs Blackburn of To ronlo spenl Sunday at Mr Blackburns Miss Burling Is visiting at her home here Mr and Mrs returned home last week after spending a week At and Toronto Mrs Reekie of Hartley Man visiting Mr Mr Jack Davis Sunday at Mr M Blackburns Mr Mount and Mr spent last Thursday In the Miss Hall of is visiting with her sister Mrs J Unison Jr Mr Harold Murray had a valuable cow killed by lightning on Sunday Mr and Mrs J Jr spent I Sunday with tatters parents In Newmarket Live Stock Markets prices paid In Toronto thlf week Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springers Milkers Spring Lambs Choice Calves Sheep Hogs off cars 1 To the Ream not and the Best Quality that tha Mark Can Produce TABLE SILVER USEFUL GIFT a sister of Mr of the married In Ouelph fa a warm on here The housewife prizes a chest of table silver above almost anything else even above articles of personal charm and adornment Qlve your woman friend a box or of sliver knives teaspoons dessert spoons tablespoon how she will be We hive a wonderful assortment In both snd quadruple piste v Atkinson Co JfrtteW d BASEBALL Office Specialty again defeated lhe Town ream on Monday July by the one sided score of to Thy Town team was In ft poorly organized condition and several changes were made In their line up during the game but they were unable to play effectively and several errors which were responsible for lhe score One double play was made In the Innings Burnet a high fly Just back of second after a long run and doubled Mcllale off first Town 0 Office SpecIaHy A Batteries Umpires Plate Parkins League Standing R 3 10 Thompson Bases Team Won toil p a 68 285 000 80HOOL AT JACKSONS POINT Jacksons Point July The Lake Summer School held udder the auspices of the young people Of the Bradford and districts of the Methodist Church has Just cloned successful at Jacksons Point The offi cers and staff comprised Rev Jos Dudgeon Bradford President Mr Melville McFadden Sec retaryTreasurer Rev Ernest Thom as Toronto Bible Study and Social Problem Miss Kathleeu Moore League Methods Rev Newton China Foreign Mis sions Rev A W Hone Home Missions Rev Covering Rural Reconstruction Kven- were given by Rev Archibald of India and Dr Bland J J Simpson and Williams of This was the first summer school held by the three districts add Its warrant Us as fixture oio- at

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