Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 24, 1921, p. 9

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A RID A of It WP bread found the folk who food In but with grocery man our bread of bread the In Endeavor Will Tuesday evening at oclock as usual Splendid attend ance Is look HI for On Wednesday evening Mil Society will have a to Lewi Bush Come and have a good lime as well as a good feed Com VISITORS ARE IMPRE8ED la ani dignity anil They erected the of the fidelity which every to submit note the of by lhJ has detail We are designs lor of any character from a simple 0 mausoleum is charge or consulting us Cor Queen Main Sis Newmarket Garden Parly The fifi party of the season in Town wis held Tuesday even ing on the Christian Church lawn The weather was delightful and about people were present The Or chestra did good nervier and the pro gram was enjoyed The tallies At is to be congratulated on if he evening Lawn Bowling The Touring Howlers of the New market Club relumed home Wed nesday night after having had a enjoyable trip The historian of the parly has been able to complete his work In time for this Issue but will give a full report next week A big game has been arranged for Tuesday night all members are rcquesleq to be on hand at oclock and the draw made prizes he given to the rink which shows largest win over ft Oilman look rink down to Aurora last Friday night and easily out played a strong rink of that Club i ia rasL AND BOAR OF TRADE BANQUET THE HIGHWAYS COMMISSION it Musics ReCreation ON 28th of April Marie of the Metropolitan Opera Company stood on the stage of Carnegie Hall in New York invention lately perfected by A Editon She in direct comparison with new reproduc tion of her voice and the audience composed of twentyfive hundred music critics were unable to dis tinguish this great prima a livi voice from its ReCreation on the New Edison Next day the New York Tribune Edison Snares the Soul of Music m Call and let us demonstrate to you the superiority of the NEW EDISON J Lake Scene of Another Drowning Hoy MeKenzle of Hill win- was a driver of a truck tor green houses a young man of about years of age was accident drowned in Lake Wilcox Wednesday evening about oclock while in bath ing with a number of young metf He was missed by his companion had all come out of the water and dressed when his unoccupied clothes were observed In the house A search was made and body recovered In about ft of but the vital spark of life had flown Williams of Aurora was quickly on the scene hut all means of resuscita tion proved futile The young man apparently was not a good swimmer and bank of the lake at the of drowning Is very treacherous the swimmer for after going out a Utile way it dips down suddenly into deep water York County Boys Camp Wo are glad be able to tell Ihe boys who are sweltering under a com bination of hot days and examination papers that things are rapidly getting in shape for the A Camp oh Snake Island An advance parly will go over to the Is few days get land within nest actual Camp work started so that everything will be In liplop shape for the Older Boys on July We understand that is still accommodation for a number more boys but it is necessary thai those who are thinking of going shall get In their application lo the Coun ty Secretary without delay It seems to us that Ihe boys of York County are particularly fortunate In having this chance a Camp Under efficient Leadership and at delightful spots In would urge parents he benefit of this In oiildoor living one of the most Ontario and we to give their boy week of training ATTEMPT TO POISON PARENTS June ft ad been disciplined for out lute in the evenings to unison her father mixing rat MH0ld is alleged lo have containing the lias arresled by with Mnurder im will he tried in Court friend of Ihe Ja been arrested gMly Richmond Hill hall team was lo win at Newmarket on Sat urday June but played a very game with exception of- third inning in which the locals secured six runs after two men were out held scoreless in every other inning but the eighth one more ally Was registered Newmarket hoys played a guoil game but in the inning a few errors anil some clean the visitors gave them a lead four runs pitched a good and we are confident that Ilia visitors will be on the right side of the count if they continue to keep in same shape they were in on Saturday was the star fee being best at bat and fielded a perfect game Each team secured eight hits but Newmarket got theirs when they won needed A good attendance encouraged boys wonderfully lo make the League a big success IfJrl lo with the CAUGHT cany out the Hugo s lb Parkins fltinn p ab 5 A 3 4 3 3 Z ON KILLED BY TRAIN old daughter of Mr bhaldij was instantly killed last Juno Annie train yester- Hill Hill frranger in Cook lb p Hansom Davis rf Smith the railroad the west side on her and when she saw the coming Be was struck or the train afc to the la- Was l 4 4 4 A A 2 P I I ml r i 0 0 I 10 I a o 9 Where Adverse Criticism has the and the Ex rep If on A Unique was a happy on the part of Mayor Eves I ho Council and Hoard of Trade to the York Highways Commission and reprcscnlaVvis of the Co and hereby express of valuable vve rendered not only lotho town hut lo the whole country side Each of the of the Highways Commission I lie County Engineer A James ami representatives of company in their addresses stated Ural- it was unique in their experiences lo have praise bestowed where only adverse criticism has been the rule and not the exception If then encouragement fur servKes well is a spur to effort Newmarket has failed in its duty to the York County High ways Commission The banquet in Ihe King George Hotel on Friday evening June was splendidly representative of the business and professional men of Newmarket Mayor Eves presided along him at the head table were Hon Henry Hon J Davis Col MeKenrickMr Cane Mr C and Mr P Pearson After full justice had heen done to an menu the Mayor proposed Hie to the King Save the King was heartily sung and I hen followed a series of speeches in response to loasls outlined on Ihe program Mr J- President of the Hoard of Trade proposed the toast to Canada and in doing look occasion voice his appre ciation of the excellent work ac complished by the Good Roads Com mission in the town of Newniarkel Foster member of Highways Commission was to have replied the toast of Canada but sickness prevented his attendance at the banquet and in his stead Mr Howard Cane acted very acceptably Mr Cane covered the ayia of Can ada tersely and pointed out the marvellous resources this land of ours possesses There was no limit lo its future there needed only tins unification of every effort lo make Canada unsurpassed among the nations of the world The to the Province of On tario and Good Roads was ably pro posed by exMayor Cane He went back a half century in the his tory of Ontario and pointed out that the affairs of the Province had been administered by all kinds of Gov ernments down to present day of Government That capital should be invested in good roads was a matter in which all could acquisce because everyone was beneficiary to this good work Good roads bring urban and rural districts closer together and shortens distances between the consumer and the producer Good roads lessen the cost of transporta tion and are a cheaper means of freight by motor truck than by radial The citizens of Newmarket feel much indebted to the Highways Commission for it has accomplished for Newmarket and the County of York Hon George Henry of Agriculture and member of the Highways Commission fur the past leii years replied the toast and stated that if was the first time in his experience that a vote of thanks had been tendered Hie Com mission in appreciation of what Ihe Commission had accomplished Mi Henry in a somewhat lengthy ad dress went minutely into Ihe his tory of the loud lloads movement ill Ontario and gave great praise to the County of York for Ihe pioneer work the county had done in Ihis York county had been identified wilh road improvement over a period of forty years Thirty years ago of Hill memorialized the On tario to do something towards the improvement of high ways and under Ihe regime the Highways improvement Act was passed For a long lime progress was very slow but in the past leii years it has been more rapid and wonderful changes in the type of roads have taken place In passing Mr Henry took crack at Government when he said thai two years ago Ihe leaders of the FarmerLabor Movement fifrt AM MENS STORE m Everybody will be here with bells on to enjoy the Horse Races Lacrosse Match and Baseball The ONTARIO MOUNTED RIFLES BAND will supply the Music Tfg7frf sraxy Select Your Straw Hat and Outing Shoes at our store from the most Assortment in the Town Come and enjoy a day jammed full of fun HIM CO This Store will be open Every Night until oclock PHONE NO vmmmrmm a I I 9 a 0 i 4 I I I a 35 if girl companion fe her becoming pan- i lid running away on no one about it X 8 Hill 2 Of south end in- walking a of ayh roS like Ma railway bridge Totals Hatters and Parkins Two base hits Davis Parkins Double plays Scott to Scott to to Hit by pitched ball First on balls off off on bases New market Richmond Hill Struck out by by Umpires plate Duller bases Gor don League fitandlurj Team Won Lost 20 Aurora Richmond Hill 1 Bradford Hearst to go slowly on the construction and expenditure on roads and to day wheel of fortune had placed these same men in power and they are the greatest spenders of the publics money for road construc tion of the most expensive type Mr Henry gave an outline of the dif ferent types of roads used in con struction from Ihe inception of road improvement down to he I 2 600 333 000 present day of Ihe road as seen on Main street in Ihe town of Newmarket Improvement has been so rapid that changes for heller will come almost every year The cost of construction has rapidly kept wilh improve ment in road building In when road improvement was started on Yon go street the cost per mile was today the cost is estimated at per mile Mr Henry said that war aught us that the county could spend money and not bo any poorer for it was raised and put in Ihe tax rate and no objection was raised by the tax payer This policy in the construc tion of roads of payasyougo was being followed by County Coun cil and it Is the long run Mr Henry outlined the methods of payment by Dominion Province- county city for con struction of roads and staled that Hon- Mr Biggs had made a fii Act whereby townships that would township labor province would pay per cent of the construction of the in Ihe townships So had the public become of advantages of good roads that it mattered not what Government was in power highways improvement would sail merrily on It fell lo the lot of the Hon E J Davis propose the toast of the Toronto and York and this task he accomplished in his usual happy way He paid a flowing tribute to the work of the Highways Commission and he as sured the members of Highways Commission if liter was a belter road than Dial laid down on Newmarkets main street the town would have the genial Col invent one Mr Davis said that taxation was getting lobe serious mailer in this province Each succeeding government from time of Confederation had leu burden of taxation on the I public and the speaker had drawn inspiration from political plat form of the party that extravagant expenditure would come to end if Ihey attained power he was absolutely mis taken hi this for the Government capped the climax of- all governments he matter of distribution of public funds The lime had come said Mr Davis for the public to take stand against high financing and wild expendi tures We should get one dollars worth of value for every dollar ex pended and governments should cease raising money which bonded future generations for years to come He had just returned from the CMA Convention at Quebec and in his judgment he stated that Quebec was best managed financially in Canada There hey got the best results for the money they expended Mr Davis said that his preference was for county commissions rather than commission in the mat ter of road construction David is one of the citys representatives on the Highways Commission and ho said that he was always a strong advo cate for good roads Ho had three ambitions viz deepening of water ways improvement of harbour and good highways He believed that good roads brought producer and consumer closer together and that they worked out to the during the past ten years of his connection wilh the county The task of educating public to the benefit of good roads had not been an easy one Twentyfive years ago he was a a student at tho Newmar ket High School and looking back ho marvelled at the changes for the better which had taken place since those High School days The To ronto and York Commission had to its credit many excellent in novations among the number of which were road markers elimination of sharp turns The Highways Commission said Mr James made the work interesting and attractive for officials Newmarket owes much Hoove Win Keith for the benefit it derives from its link in the Good System of York county and the banqueters expressed this apprecia tion in warm applause when Mr rose to reply lo the toast Mr Keith stated that he was glad thai first expression of good will for the Commission should come from Mr Keith said that he had received lots of criticism during the past five years ami there were times when he felt inclined to write out his resignation but the future is brighter now and obstacles less apparent Mi Keith voiced his ap preciation of the work of the War ren Co Tho company lived up lo its high reputation in its laying of the pavement on Main street- I here were people in the who bought that Ihey were not gelling service but did not realize that the Highways Com mission had miles in the county under their control and it was not possible lo no everything a once He stated that much credit was due to Hon H Henry exAid and Foster MP who worked on the commission and gave their services without remuner ation In proposing the toast to con tractor Mr P W Pearson said that company had not been at work two days in Newmarket before lie heard highest encomiums passed on the contractor and his men Ho had yot to hear an adverse criticism of their work Good firms stated Pearson are known by they have lo represent hem Mr Pearson thought it was unfortunate that all roads lie outdoors because it cost money to maintain them but farm- I this fact could not bo altered ho The long run Ho that It was duty of said the Commission was- satisfied municipalities to see that all ihat they were giving the were kept up the maximum of efficiency for the they work In a few well chosen words Mr Phillips County Clerk proposed the toast of the Mayor and Council of Newmarket to which Mayor Eves Aldermen J John O Moss W Osborne and John replied fittingly closed with three and a tiger for the guests of ihe evening and the King heaped upon him but had never goodwill of the people for whom been invited to a banquet of this kind where was showered upon the contractor The contrac tors part was an important one and he had learned many things in his thirtyone years experience He gels a real liberal education Col paid a well deserved tribute to Engineer A James whom he described as one of the best who had come under his ob servation Col McKendrick related some very interesting experiences he had in France during the late war The war he said taught us the value of cooperation By co operation the Canadian Corps had become finest Instrument of war on earth If we can catch this spirit of cooperation there is noth ing in the world that the Canadians cannot accomplish The Company tries play the game fair and half the contracts they obtain comes through 11 of Ho personally appreciated very much kind words spoken this evening had reached them from every standpoint but this was first word of appreciation since ho had been a member of the Good Roads Commission Mr A James County Engineer said that ho was pleased lo have his name associated with to the Highways Commission Being an official of committee ho said thai ho could not expect greater kindness or consideration from his employers than ho had received kept and continued in good condition He thought that Government should take im mediate action on the road south of Bond Lake which was in a disgrace ful condition Good roads are arter ies to large centres and thoy carry there money raised by brawn of tho yeomanry of York county Replying Col Kendrick said that occasion was an unique one in his experience of thirtyone years in road con struction Ho had built roads from Halifax Vancouver from Edmon ton Windsor in States ami had all kinds of condemnation Forest June Condemning no uncertain terms the leaders of the big Interests for sustaining high price and lauding the people of the rural districts or their struggle toward normalcy Hon Manning Doherly Ontarios minister of igrlcullure ad- dressed length a fairly representa tive gathering of farmers at sixth annual of Ihe Cnlled Tanners Association this lernoon Frederic Poole direct from a tour of England will give famous Travelogue at Chautauqua With in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia Dr Frederic Dressed In Arabic and Chinese Costume Ovals Above Below Lawrence J J

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