resources- S A large branch- of this bank are equated iii rural 7 sections and Villages and towns which supported by the farm- immunity We understand the farmers requirements and are prepared to assist v- When your crop is sold this Fall deposit the proceeds with us and cheque against it Money paid out of the pocket is hard to account fora cheque is a receipt 7 I fefH Anniversary services were j Mr Spider spoke at A Si John in the evening Special was also rendered congregations at sV A Decoration Day the Aurora cemetery will be held on Sunday June Mr and Mrs left on Tuesday for Gilbert Plains Man visit relatives- They in tended to motor take the boat to anil motor from there to destination Cptll Siiety Deposit to font BRANCH A LliUr Manager Try Chi Nam A HighGrade Varnish and Stain for renewing Floors Woodwork and Chairs We also carry a Complete and HighGrade line of Roofing Asphalt Slate PERFECTION OIL WASHING MACHINE PAINTS OIL VARNISHES BICYCLES BICYCLE AUTO ACCESSORIES DOMINION TIRES BUCKEYE INCUBATORS BROODERS GARDEN TOOL8 ETC J LOCH Quite a few from around here took in the picnic at Bond Late last Saturday Mrs front Muskoka is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs Boak Mr and this mother spent Thursday with friends at Durham SI Pauls Church anniversary will be held on June at 1030 am and p the Job ihaald sllst those who arc Sir George y the Wlmhow- Hod prtyjo others on whicli may arise lyrie aud Hon Hugh uujhrie are- slip over to now and tboughoffletaUy going for the purpp66 of Iho conference which look there mailers as naval are not to be taken according to the down by the Canadian Minister there Is more than a suggestion thinks it to have the ministers of naval and affairs on to give him pointers wherever are needed i- Should there by any chance be a discussion of- naval and poll- bratribAtd Toroato NEWMARKET Phone HAND Engines Thre8hors8awmlll8 and Other Machinery E Newmarket A garden parly under the au spices of the Young Peoples Union 2nd King Baptist Church will be held on the lawn of Mr Cook on Friday 1 An excellent program will be given Ad dresses by local clergymen and Mr of A match will be played between Kettloby and Tea served from to 8 BRADFORD An accident which might have proved to a number happen ed on Sunday on the road just south of the big wash out Dr Campbells new was knocked off the road by a Packard which was passing The car fell into ditch about feel deep and landed up side down The occupants were badly bruised and shaken up The car was materially damaged and was taken to Toronto for repairs Anniversary services were held in Jhe Presbyterian Church here on Sunday last Hay of Richmond Hill peached at both services Large congregations present Mrs Burrows or Stay nor and Miss of were guests at Maple Avenue Farm for a few days recently and visited tie many relatives of Fergu son clan Mrs Peter and Mrs Janet Rogers have returned frin from a visit lo their sister Mrs at Victoria Harbor HOLLAND We are glad to notify you that we have opened a Ladies Childrens ReadytrWar AT Will be glad to see you here and serve you again Those who buy amounts of and over will get their car fare returned Mrs Rebecca who died on April bequeathed life interest in her home to her husband 50 son Isaac niece Mrs Jane Barman and her laiigtiterinlaw Mrs Maud A Her inhecils he home upon her fathers on condition thai she pays to her sister Mary Manning Wic es tate includes her borne SI 000 aSOO bond and in cash Schomberg Yohge OPEN FROM AM TO 11 P THE HALL BROS STUDIO The Hall Bros Newmarket has been 3 taken over by WrH Brown an expert Photo grapher from Toronto formerly of New Portraits Enlargements Finishing for Amateurs Framing Photos That Will Satisfy You at Moderate Prices June 1st- and See and be Field Day at Newmarket on duly 1st Mr Win Courtney left for Al berta on Monday to visit with his sons and daughters Miss Delia spent a few last week with Scott in Newmarket Miss Myrtle and Marjorie Leonard xpent a couple of days last week in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Davis have returned to Hamilton after a short visit at Iheformers home here A large number attended the Presbyterian anniversary services here on Sunday last The play tfiven on Monday evening by Newmarket young people was a decided success The Sunday Schools of Lloyd- town and ftcliomberp churches will hold their annual union pic nic at Tuesday ho Sill of Anniversary services will he held in Pt Mary Magdalene of on Sunday Tuna at am and pm Swimming has started in the pond MacLeod and his bride about ho of ftitv more thorp an a slorc limn It was by ft shot fiifn relrealncr RpV commenced li of If it our vnl as affecting me Eiupjre final decisions according to Mr statement be left for the Conference the other hand Lloyd George and other heads have made It clear they will insist oh such problems being decided When the Prime Minister returns he will have a busy time explaining any suoh decision for warnings were given in the House debate that Parliament out side of bis own followers would not be bound by any of the decisions he might reach while he was overseas under present Conditions His statements have been all along that Ibis conference was preparatory lo the Imperial conference proper and that would be discussions and a lay ing down of In other words litis would ye a sort of preliminary canter with the real business coming next year The governments policy of having at the heads of depaxluicnls men who were not responsible to Parliament or Ihe people for their actions was strongly brought in the final days of session Just ended when the Commons was called upon vole huge sums of money without being able to get very definite Information as to what It was required for be cause the ministers responsible for those departments were not In the House to be questioned In regard to labor administration Senator administering one of the most important departments In the public service had to put Ids estimates through with the aid of the Prime Minister who though ever si willing could not be expected to give the same Information as thought lie were In touch with the workings of the de partment The same applied to the Department of lite Interior and allied departments though In that case of these Mr was jnore at home because he had previously been the minister in charge When it came Pest Office estimates there was also nobody with the Information at Ins finger tips- so the House was forced to vote the amounts more or less blindly or hold them up for lack of information and have all the govern ment members charging obstruction Mr Ernest member for summarized the situation In regard to departments by members of the other chamber when he look up the mailer oil labor estimates Minister of Labor declared Mr should be a member of the House of Commons He rep resents labor la represents demo- he should be elected by the people To my mind It s a piece of nonsense that the Minister of Labor should be a member of the Senate I do not think that in Great anyone would think of the representa tive of labor being scaled In the House of Lords When you remember the fact that one of ihe planks In the platform of the Trades ami Labor Congress of Canada which according to the of Labor In the only channel through which the Of labor should be expressed Is abolition of the Senate Ihe presence of the Minister of Labor In the Up per Chamber becomes a joke and would appear be an Insult lo Cana dian Labor men That Is the the critical side of the question- In practice It leads to many inconveniences ami abuses Ques tions regarding labor and the indus trial peace of lids country and the relations between employers and em ployees arc perhaps the most import ant problems which the Minister of Labor has to face today and surely It Ik of the utmost Importance that lie should lie a member of this House In order to discuss those questions Willi the representatives of the people This gentleman Is going about the country electioneering and at times misrepresenting members of this House and I for one would like to have him face me la this Chamber hat I might have the opportunity of dis cussing with here the questions relating to Canadian labor I content myself now registering his protest and I hope be fore long the labor men of the domin ion will have their represent alive In this House for In tills they as welt as the public at large are entitled ACCIDENTALLY KILLED WHEN HIT BY PULLEY it Sudbury Juno William who hails from a guard at the Hutwash Prison Farm was accidentally killed Ha was overseeing some slumping operations when he was by a pulley and knocked unconscious dying soon after The fatality was accidental The amount of caro and Judgment In a electing and forward ing spfielmens examination is not generally and a result a good deal of material received la either in a state of putrefaction or taken from an Un suitable part of the animal and la coDseouenUy useless Take for ex ample blackleg in this disease the bacteria producing the condition are localised in the black gassy swell- lags and are found generally throughout the body If a blood sample or portion of muscle other than the blackened part 1b sent to the laboratory the bacilli are not found In the specimen whereas If a small piece of the black muscle had been sent they would have been present it Is necessary to collect the speci mens in a careful Btruments that have been by boiling and placing the material In a container that has been simi larly sterilised it this la not done the harmless bacteria which are present everywhere will gain en trance to the tissue and will mul tiply very rapidly and completely overgrow the disease producing ones which do not a3 a rule multiply as readily under the same conditions and on examination at the laboratory nothing may be found but these harmless organisms complete report should always accompany any material to be exam ined The absence of definite in formation about the case causes de lay and makes It difficult to give reliable Information because there are a great many different kinds of disease producing bacteria the Iso lation of which requires different whereas specific Information may assist the search tor the pro able causative agents Material intended for examination must not be placed In preservative fluids which would destroy the bac teria Large specimens ouch as an entire organ should be removed With sterile instruments at once wrapped In several layers of cheesecloth mois tened with a per cent formalde hyde solution then in oiled or wax paper and packed In Ice and saw dust It Ja often Inconvenient to use ice which case the organ may be liberally sprinkled with borax or acid wrapped In several folds of dry cheesecloth and packed In shavings In a wooden box If borax Is not available wrap In the formaldehyde moistened cheesecloth and pack In shavings Material should never bo placed in packing material unless protected from contamination by one of hese methods Small specimens should be placed In widemouthed bottles or fruit jars that have been bolted and cooled before using and no preserv ative of any kind should be used It would penetrate small specimens and kill the bacteria Pus Pus for examination may bo forwarded In a small bottle pre viously by boiling Caro should bo taken to avoid getting It on the outside of the bottle or stop per as this at least unpleasant and may be dangerous to handle Rabies The head of a dog sus pected of rabies should be wrapped In a protective covering of cheese cloth or oiled paper packed In crushed Ico and sawdust during hot weather and as quickly as pos sible to the laboratory doing this work Ontario the Provincial Board of Health Laboratories at Queens park Its branches at William Marie North Day Kingston and Lon don Never kill a dog suspected rabies as In the early stages It may not bo possible to the bodies In brain cells but restrain the animal and property look after It for ten days before time if rabid It will have died Hemorrhagic Septicemia The pneumonic lung or liver or other showing lesions should be warded packed In ways already described It la voi to Include llio veKia hav ing been tied removal wltn string soaked solu tion Wrap each organ separately before placing box Anthrax if is suspected the is tins per mits Hie bacilli to form spores the which cuudltiou they wlii live iur years and a centre Julcc- tfou ear lu iv laboratory lu a sterilu container or wrapped and paced as described UJackleg a of blackleg send a on of and muscle a sterile bottle Abortion most couveuleut method is to seuu from cow for uggiu- linatlon and complement fixation tests The blood is collected velu by means of stu dio hypodermic needle and a small Is tilled up to the soon as bo mailed lu he laboratory serum Is separated and the teats carried out w Where owuur of wished to send specimens for examination he will It to bis advantage to his veterinarian as is it a position to as to what ma- should be submitted mid now best to send It Dr Idmahl Veterinary f Six fljremcn were killed and injured at Perth Now Jersey when Into a tender of train at a railway worn their way to a warehouse tiro when tho accident happened For Sale by SMITH to go to tho try on i IN JAPAN WORST IN June Japans rainy season has boon unusually and the resulting flooda in various seotions are the worst In years One hundred have drowned at In the northern part of the of Kiushiuy while at OUa on the same Island persons lost their lives up PHONE Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Night on Phone Promptly Attended to This Way to Broader Markets Right at your elbow your Long Distance telephone With it you can talk with any of 12000000 telephones in Canada and the United States Clear the Way Long seems to say heres ah important message I For there la something impressive about a Long Distance call The customer is favorably impressed he knows what the message la about And Long Distance gives you the right of way into every man a office He can ignore your advertising your letter or even your traveller but ignore a Long Distance call Instinctively he for the tele phone I Keep down selling expense the Bell to Sell You will be amazed to find how many people can bo sold your product by Lena quickly economically I f you have calls to nuke pur Local EvryBtlt your telephone service He can suggest Lonjt ways of applying service to your business station We Are SelUng Cheaper Mileage You may get extraordinary mileage out of any one but thats not the way to figure mileage Set the average of mileage given by pair of tires or a set and you will get nearer to the actual cost of mileage to be charged to the upkeep of your car Its just because weve taken the trouble to figure values that way that we recom mend AutoShoes We know they arc giving over the worst In the country and their average performance leaves no doubt In our mind that Ames AutoShoes will give you the cheapest mileage you can buy And they are guaranteed without time or mileage limits Drop in and let us show you and tell you about AMES AUTOSHOES Cord and Fabric In all Standard N ROBERTSON WATER GARAGE Phone 120 NEWMARKET Big Day at Newmarket on July