aril 1 a- lime long calculations Spc6i in Newmarket hie Industrial Home on Co Iheir Picnic will tie fc W Island Grave Lake Roche Pol and Wednesday July i an Is being made mate Uiorlli Young of to million is he members to bring heir nJ m aong MU IK On mowing Mr Her drove up it the lo stepped inside to his mail When his back was iurrcd ear look a trip Its own itfonJ sad landed In front of the friil with a broken fender find Iht Injured It MO pole It is not always la leave engine running when out of a ear find Matches in the Evening Time for Old and Young PACE Womens Summer House Dresses Sizes 36 to VOILE WAISTS AT WHOLESALE PRICE LADIES OXFORDS and for WOOL BLOUSES and SCARFS AT COST MILLINERY CLEARING BELOW COST Up over ROCHE Youngs CO i Said to be the funniest man Bill Nye Mr Cbpc will his Chautauqua audiences with his humorous Remedies Cope spoke to more soUierj than other speaker on the The nicknamed him Blues Cope Of A Fred It PINK ORCHARD 11 FOR LOVERS HATERS Too It is reported that a local doctor was- up before police in Toronto a few days ago and for too freely the A junior High Entrance Exam Time Table to Grammar it to to to lArthmeUc Literature jo to Composition to Spelling 330Hislory will be taken during the of examination at tut of candidates and examiners I Feet Tuesday while ici the tail end of a sawing Canes Factory fieorgeCane of Mr Cane was struck fool by a flying board from the and was very crushed arrows the toesi It wis a painful wound but so far as we fin torn no bones were broken will be to the house for time He had only- Just left the holidays and started wort- Mako a Nolo of This The Athletic Association will meet next Monday their Club in of Toronto Block at sharp All members and guarantors are urgently requested to be on hand punctually order LP make final arrangements for Dominion Day Celebration Paving Finish The street Jiving contract was on Wednesday evening and the plant is shipped to Bow- Annual Lennox Will be held on Wednesday July at Island Grove Lake where the attractions will be more and greater than ever Every person Is going to enjoy a real days sport Forget the Excursion Of the Methodist Sunday School Crovo July no Third Contract v The Town Council Is having trcjbte Itlliiijr the contract -for- the of Sewers this summer contract wis let to a To ronto man who declined to carry It he had made a Dental Exam Report of Dental in the King George and Alcxauder Schools Total enrollment In schools Simple I ties Permanent Teeth 60S Cavities Permanent Teeth Cavities deciduous teeth 853 Abscesses Milocclusion The homes of notification have been sent out to all parents concerned It is urgently requested that all forms be returned property signed by dentist that the records may complete Brlefleta Newmarket Orangemen will cele- of July at The members of St JohnsyChurch have decided to hold their annual Gar den Parly on Wednesday July Reserve this date Auto Vaporizer Are giving great satisfaction More miles to- gallon of gasoline Engine runs smother and hillclimbing easier If after to days test purchasers are not satisfied they may return Vaporizer and price will be refunded Hughes Agent The institute Intend tng an Ice Cream Social on on evening July A good program will be given SNOWBALL Friends Endeavor The IVc Kessotis from the Sun and taken Lewis In very lie said Christian Church a in The pastor will give a report of the Centennial Conference This will be the Sunday service before the vacation season be- Jo of Jt iridr The second man found he had figured loo declined to deposit his cheque last Monday night ft was awarded to the Construction Co of Toronto third lowest The Com- his the and the work will proceed at ce A fiiw it the sun Is a wonderful- germs cannot survive Us Intense fie just so sin hides- from the Son Righteousness Our Endeavor highly honored in able to appoint Miss Leila as a delegate to tin Worlds Now York pissed for compressor for raising the for a water Works by electricity Troublesome Dogs Township of King Is keeping an of dogs and would for their an economical move to t of night lliese dogs a and hound and a SOI flock of Lesleys farm mid destroyed The several for Mr the Second of King also killed soma he were fl broad day light while dog four of worried Reconvention to he held In opening The Yearly Meeting con venes this week On Saturday even ing it oclock we are to have Missionaries Mr and ford home on furlough from Japan to Young Friends We trust many of the town people will nvall themselves of this privilege for we fee sure there Is a treat In slow for all who will attend Com- gins All Interested do not fill hear the plans for the summer a Sunday School The evening service will be by the pastor the theme being Some Helpful Lines I TIMBER PROBE GOOD ALREADY for Mr another Day Han In e inhaBllanli of recall numerous in this htslorhoto present In of ih them l op tin i nival of JW Canada Yearly Meeting of This religious convenes In Newmarket at oclock tomor row morning and will continue after a public meeting on Tuesday evening Delegates are expected from the various meetings In Canada and also friendly visitors from the States A preliminary meeting takes this evening In Ihe Friends Church when a welcome will be extended to Gurney hi wife who havu returned from Japan after several years of missionary effort and other visitors Mr Albert Walker Is to give the address of welcome Public meetings will be held on Saturday Monday anil Tuesday even ings to which a cordial Invitation Is extended to everybody Special meet ings for worship on Sunday at a 3 and p as well as Bible School at MS a in Monday at p in there will be a public Mission meeting addressed by who has over twenty years on the Mission licit In Japan Hit wntarft afiI on oviik mi- foowtii iiiimedi- Wore i win lc g Mala Street ass for hi and will Cliafuitloivshli Baseball li- an I lh and Carnival will of the when the section Water Streets decorated and a tttlM Muni tWtl lolbe Era to Friends TABLE SILVER MOST USEFUL prizes a cheat of table sliver above almost else even articles of personal charm and adornment Give your woman friend a box or chest of sliver knives forks teaspoons dessert spools tablespoons etc and see how pleased she We have a wonderful assortment In and quadruple- plate June Amazing Impu dence was the ml or In which Pre mier characterized Hon Howard Fergusons attack on the Tim ber Commissions Inquiry In an ad dress at the at Wash- ago In speaking further of the limber Inquiry ttie said thai already had been voluntarily paid Ihe smaller operators In back dues a a result of the Inquiry and so far only the smaller men had been dealt with the big companies were still to conic JAPANS PRESENT NEED Japan becoming a wealthy and nation is not in need of Canadas material or intellectual aid need Canadas help in spiritual mailers Bishop Ho lier Hamilton Japan lutd the congregation at St Anglican Church Toronto The religions of Japan he said were There are now Japanese Japan are cities with a population of overOO000 cities over 100000 six cities with a greater population than Toronto and four cities whoso population was larger than the combined population of all the cities of Canada from Vancouver lo Halifax In there were Id daily newspapers The popu lation of Japan is and Is increasing at the rate of over a year igo THROWN OUT WOMEN Windsor June into the home of Mrs Elizabeth Moy Windsor In early masked burglar was brown through a window by the united ef forts of Mrs and eighteen- yearold Mrs who recently came from Scotland was awakened shortly after 3 oclock by noise of a win dow In her bedroom being thrown up Shouting to Iter two sons who were la an adjoining room she rushed to the window time to seize the bur glar before he could climb Into the room Crying out back ye bad la Ihc broadest Scotch Mrs he mans anus Ihp daughter tier mother throw ing a sheet Around visitors head The rest was for the aid of needed J your v HER METHOD Mrs Drown How do you to have such delicious meats Mrs Jones Well I select honest butcher and- then staid by Mm Mrs Brown You mean that you Ell your trade -i- Mr Nol mean by him while he Is outline When we love a thing there is a reason When we hate a thfny is also a reason love generally because we know and know some things them We hate people sometimes because we know some evil thing about hem hut more often because we do not know them well enough to get the good they More are disliked tltrough ignor ance of those that dislike than from real evil the ones disliked Those who love the love it because have attended ami heart gram music heard great and instructive lectures ami have felt thrill of a larger fuller life felt expansion of the broaden lug of vision and the enrichment of trulyhuman sympathies Those who hate Chautauqua do so in practically very case have yet met not from any evil they know fur they have not attended I hem but from evils suspect and imagine Therefore this is for haters as well as lov ers Now look hate a thing we dont know it is foolish Even the balers love music claim to love truth and righteousness Tills seasons Chautauqua has for lovers of music a great musical and since haters as well as lovers claim to love music this to appeal to them both Then since all claim love good lectures this ought to appeal all Hut this weeks letter is to point out the musical and call of all to the rich musical heat in store for them Old young folks children even horse men and all love music See what wo offer Both instrumental and vocal ar tists are scheduled Jo feature some of the programs or Newmarket which is scheduled for July under Iho big tent at anil pm daily Symphony Secured One of the finest and most popu lar musical companies of the week is scheduled for the opening day None should feel that first days program wont amount to very much because the Chautauqua isnt well under way The Chautauqua will he well under way from Ihe minute the curtains pari after noon of he opening day for the Symphonic Quintette will be on platform and will present one of finest programs ever given here if the advance reports received from Oilier towns prove anything Tills company presents some of the heal of the worlds musical mnslerpieees This is music lovers day day for those who appreciate rent highclass instru mental music Artists Scheduled for Day Another day when music lovers be out iu force is the fourth day when Mr Ferdinand and his assisting artists will hold forth both afternoon and evening Mr is at the head of the violin department of Toronto Conservatory of Music and is re garded as one of the most gifted artists on violin In the provinces He has toured in all parts of he continent and in winning laurels has appeared Feme Goitre is internation ally known as a beautiful coloratura soprano with a charming personal ity and a voice of exquisite quality She too is an artistteacher at the Toronto Conservatory of Dr Harvey prominent Toron to pianist accompanist com pletes the artist trio Dr will play a number of brilliant solos Two Popular Musical Companies Those thai like entertainment with their music will be de lighted the programs of Hie lit van Light Opera coin- pane of four splendid singers and pianist who will present scenes various light operas including Gilbert and Sullivans and the Old Song Singers who will give program such as is suggested by their name Miss Gall who heads this latter company is a sing er and entertainer of rare person ality ami charm and is surrounded by singers of worth and ability Their program sends everybody home feeling belter aud happier and more alive to the tender higher things of life This will bo the second summer that litis company has been appearing before Canadian audiences their constant delight Opera Singers who will tell where Ihey got their name and how Is a company that has had wide before Chautauqua audiences- in Canada ami the Stales extending over a per iod of nearly ten seasons Their singing Is of a high order their act ing is almost perfect and their pianist Mr Harrison ranks among the best that have A crowd from this berg very- happy afternoon at nonds hake on Saturday The afternoon was spent with sports and games Every one reported a good time Mrs K Is spending the weekend at Niagara Miss Dor Morning spent Under riarenlul roof There will be no services here on Sunday We hope there will be a targe attendance at Cemetery where Services Is conducting At of and Mrs Wilson Gladstone Ave Toronto Miss Sarah Mildred of was married Mr Albert Wilson of Ihe post office staff Toronto bride looked pretty in a travelling suit of taffeta aud silk with hut to match She carried a of Columbia roses The bridesmaid Miss sister of bride was gowned in blue taffeta With blue hat and carried sweet peas Mr Albert Hill was best man The honeymoon will be spent at Lake Louise Vancouver and Saskatoon The Baseball team here weal to Monday night I been beard In circles down They succeeded being victorious winning the game by rounds more than ning wood The boys also have reorganized football team They played Thursday night The result was In favor of A few from around here attended Ihe Garden Parly at Victoria Square Saturday Dont forget Union Picnic Sat urday at Mussehnans Lake Why not all go Mr George Martin Mr and Mr Italph motored to Newmarket Sunday Quite a targe number were out to Church Sunday evening Mr who has been Visit ing with his brother Mr baa to Ids home hi Toronto The children are to think that holidays will soon be com- Frank Timbers took a truck load of sports here down to Vic toria Square Monday night to play baseball Mayflower BOY SHOT WHILE CLEANING SHOES Neighbor Wat Firing at Rabbits In His Back Yard Hamilton June While clean ing his shoes this morning on Ihe back steps of his home on Locust street William 15-year- old son of George and Mrs was struck above Ihe heart by a bullet and died shortly after The lad entered the house saying Im shot Dr Pearl was called hut Iho was past human aid Where the shot came from was a mystery for a lime hid It was solved by Chief Smith He Hint Fred Par Howe a man over years of age had been rab bits In his back yard about yards from where young was cleaning his shoes and a bullet fired him killed the lad Mr Par Howe was formally before Magistrate dur ing the morning and explained that he knew nothing of whal had happened told Chief Smith He was released on his own recognizance as II was clearly a case of accident Aa Inquest will be conducted by Coroner Sneers The Huzza family formerly resided Caledonia and went Bur lington about sis months ago Era bring Try one Era to Absent Friends Newmarket Markets a Fall Wheal Spring Wheat Oats per bush Barley Hay per don Duller per lb 125 50 W A n x NEWMARKET JULY ANOCOWTO EXHIBITION PARK NEWMARKET AND SPEND A GOOD DAY Horse Racing Lacrosse Baseball and Football END THE PERFECT DAY BY Attending the Community Dance OH THE NEW PAVEHENT SOLE AGENTS VENU8 SILK HOSE The Coming Event and is FIFTH ANNUAL TO THE Coming CONCERT AND DANCE Farm Dominion Day July 1st MM P THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST DAY OF SPORTS EVER ATTEMPTED HERE Commencing with a Girls Baseball Tournament followed by a FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT and a LEAGUE GAME Sllvorthorne vs King City There will be a full list of ATHLETIC EVEN for Valuable Prizes T8 EXTRA SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Bounding Jay Troupe Worlds foremost comedy acro bats featuring Iho greatest lady hand balancer and tumbler bo fore public Two acts each afternoon and evening Hand Concerts by Ihe famous Highlanders Band of men personally conducted by John Horticultural Exhibit Open to all Amateurs Large Classification Valuable Prizes GRAND BABY where every baby not winning a will get a silver souvenir GRAND CONCERT AT P by best talent obtainable DANCING FROM TILL MORNING Hendersons Orchestra Grounds and buildings beautifully electric lighted Refreshments of all kinds procured on the grounds ADMISSIONS Grounds and Adults cents Children under 10 Free to years 25 cents Dance Gents cent9 Ladles Free Autos Parked Free WILL BE THE EVENT OF THE YEAR COME AND MEET YOUR FROM EVERYWHERE AMPLE ACCOMMODATION FOR RAIN OR 8HINE SPECIAL METROPOLITAN cars running direct to the farm meet all regular cars At from 11 a to midnight summer time AND PRiZE LISTS ON APPLICATION EX SIR President PATTON A HALL Sec Properties for We have Farms from to Acres anywhere between 151 Bond Head Bradford and Aurora so 100 acres on Best clay land 3D buildings About miles from Town Uptodate Live Stock Markets Id to Toronto Highest week Extra Choice Steer Heifers Butcher Springers Milkers Spring and 9 I 4 I Choice Calve Sheep the meat Dont foil to got- tickets early from I Hog off cars 00 1250 For anything In the Lake Shore line we have something very attractive at Orchard and Keswick with Price which make sales Plenty of Houses In Town For quloksale list your Properly with us We can get you good cash buyers WM Box Newmarket Our MottdA Square Deal for ttuyer ftelr