I- ft Keswick Christian Church THE STORY OF THE CHURCH IN ONTARIO Present Pastor Keswick Christian Church Christian tie pi Heroes apostles and slates- men are so called because they have keener vision and go far ther their fellows on the royal of sacrifice and loyalty Doubtless many mem bers of the Christian Connec tion came from the United Stales to Ontario in the early part of the Century but it church was given to one woman to send back the challenge to Western V for a Christian Missionary to Can ada And thus it came about thai On tario was the first Foreign Missionary Field for the people called Christians Mary came to Newmarket in Her personal entreaties induced Allan a young mini ster to this not loo inviting field of labor and in he crossed Iho lake And made his way to Mrs borne in Newmarket There he met Darius Mann who lived near lake Sim- cue and accepted his cordial invitation to go to North and make rf KsNtivk his first effort The results were most Church happy A great revival of religion fol- hi preaching and there took place in North the first Church organization of the Christians the and the first baptism the latter in the waters of Lake The Conference Manual of which refers briefly to the receding events defines three principles that were to be the iir3livii and guidance of the New Movement Scriptures of the Old and New Testament a sufficient Role Faith and Practice The Name Christian as the most appropriate for Christs followers HI Character or viral piety the only test of fellow ship or membership hi broad principles we have anticipated the wide fel- Iwsliip now prevailing and we modestly claim some share in the of Hint spirit of unity which everyone is so glad to at present time The coining of and Riders Bailey and Bishop was the first chapter in the of the iteration between the Christians of the United States and The echoes of the war of were only then dicing But the generous spirit of fellowship so evident in the proaMiiiiL of Blackmar Bailey Bishop won Ilhfr-irt- those who were prejudiced in their Church relation al biassed by tradition These were the days of assemblies known as General deal congregations met frequently for worship and ihli a The spirit moved mightily on mens hearts and were glad to confess Christ by word and the Lords The Christian Movement had its baptism of persecution and misrepresentation When its ministers desired to perform the marriage ceremony the law for bade Tie struggle for recogni tion brought into view many leaders of whom the best known was Thus Henry of who with others circulated pelt- lions and interviewed persons of influence to the end that in the Christians were- given legal rights such as other religious bodies already enjoyed Already the need for a pub lication was fell one that was purely Canadian and accord ingly the Luminary was published in and also a Canadian Book Nobles Henry and Colston Then came Hie Christian Offer ing in published until by Hong No further effort was made along Ibis line until May It was published by Kid Sept Whereas the Missionary isnow of the confidence of the public and from travelling in- order that the Board may meet for the transaction of business arid also the uncertainly of Us we Iheeforo recommend that each form Missionary piety of itself and that each Quarterly Conference form an Committee to collect and Expend money at their discretion either in their own section or elsewhere and that they report an nually lo the General Conference At this Conference it was also resolved the Missionary Fund on ho to Elder Mclntyre of Michigan formerly of this Province as a token of our love for hint and repieinbrance of past services rendered to the cause of Cod in our midst From thisyear to the year we find nothing relative to missionary effort In the year our sisters moved by an appeal from the chair at the Con fere at Brougham reported as follows We a sis ters from various parts of Canada having- met with you in this your annual gathering and sympathizing with yon in your ar duous and persevering efforts to carry forward the Redeemers cause in the earth and feeling that a Missionary Society in con nection with your Conference is needed a matter indeed urgod upon your consideration in the annual address by the President and hoping thai we may be able to aid you somewhat in he work for we feel assured that at your earliest opportunity you will establish a society of this description aiidhoping that we may be able to form an auxiliary one in accordance with its scope and discusses hydro spirit we thought it prudent in the mean time to appoint a few at Richmond hill pionio officers and agents in order that they may be enabled to during the present year to be at your mamumi lull June fifteen meeting and we trust that we shall have the sympnlhy cooperation of all our ministers They also reported the i r IS vvwftwwgVrwttf and Hi IIU was of Itivmoiiks Premier ho was Mr hold result giving the names of the officers and agents Not much was accomplished however so far as the employment of a mis- nn Next the was entered of upon but in consequence of neglecting to organize these Con- hoarsen iovriu divisions the Mission of his lime a discussion contemplated never came intojniv Lake or existence ml action of a time a Mission to was appointed funds and in this way a number of persons were employed and I think that the money expended in this way was as productive of good results as any money ever used by the Confer ence But the work was carried on in a fitful manner and the best results attainable unreached The work was finally placed in the hands of the Executive Board and in the absence of the District Sys tem perhaps the bent substitute available This however has not been marked with sufficient mis sionary zeal The majority per haps do not realize the great Percy parlance of missionary effort Pastor on Un District and lacking this no matter what fur many else we have we- cannot suc ceed The people of Cod may be crippled in many blind lo many things they ought to see lack many sources of strength yet with the fire of true missionary enthusiasm with the true love of God in their hearts good wHl be done progress made in the name of Jesus who was the embodiment of the missionary spirit and all blindness lameness and weakness will be removed We confidently believe thai there is not a body of followers of the Lord on earth that could rear a spiritual building of such grand proportions of such symmetry and beauty as the people called Christians The foundation is laid the material is at hand but lacking that missionary fire and intelligent systematic persever ing effort that the christian purpose gives when it is thoroughly understood ami held Ibis desirable end is not reached an aim What a design Nothing in the experience of man is so uplifting Let the missionary spirit kindle and in its fire all impurity error and sin will be consumed and the Christian Church stand out in her developed loveliness Dear brethren lei the missionary spirit fire your hearts Say in Gods name wewill occupy the land The work accomplished in these latter days has been largely the result of the generalship of our present tactful Home Mission Chairman Bro ft Lick who for so many years has taken a great interest in this department The next outstanding event was the proposal incorpor ate our Conference a body politic and corporate in deed and in name having a seal and being able to purchase and hold prop erly in accordance with our Constitu tion The foregoing propsal was made to Hie Conference at in and the following year at Brougham a com mittee consisting of Thus J Buss and B was appointed to bring the mailer before the Legislature of Ontario The project was carried opt and lias resulted we are sure in the general grtod of our interests as a Conference We have an impression which amounts almost to a certainly that the money for Ibis forward movement was provided by It of Newmarket the years thai followed much has been done in improving Churches and parsonages were erected and Newmarket A plan for a Super- was proposed but was not made as emerge of Iho ilay and having out that llic problem Is in no a one Insisted hut th people of the Province should llin and fight against any if Hi rights Province If Uovermnen were hi the powers it hud in ICgLiiil tit this could do the same In rgaid practically every other river In the Province In view of millions hud heen In enlirprises in Ontario people of Province could af ford to allow this In he done Hrelon celebrated Kings and the net proceeds to Soldiers Memorial Dont put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons Though we are not an instalment houe we are ready to meet you half way We are glad to arrange payments to suit your convenience Roy Morion President Ontario Christian Conference THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A The art of New Edison is much too important to you to Mn Edison and to ourselves to allow money matters to interfere with your en joyment of it Come in and tell us what is on your mind about terms J Newmarket i held I until publisl Dennett of Kcowlck in appeared At id J it was resolved iijoatlily be published Conference very lwjed that it wuiild all financial and lM first issue appealed in was assueiatel with and Ihe name was iKUiKcd In Ihe The present Iftcrefure connected withit for years and for some as a semimonthly 1 occurred at the Quadrennial Meeting of the We now Home Missions About iu years so far us we know the first Home oittiy w connection with our Conference were drawn up and adopted and its 1 This took place at Conference at iti The directors to employ n missionary and assign him his field of labor The ftoord were to Missions was This soeiety has been very ac tive and successful in Foreign work and have hitherto In the same al Newmarket when an Commit to launch the Toronto Church enterprise fun Thursday in July October January 1 on the in connection with Klder the first one engaged who labored one month under the direction of Hoard J was the second one and was also in ihe employment one month Henry was the third and labored two month J W Nobles in the sect ion was in the field ten months Again Henry was em ployed six months Judging from the report work was carried on successfully The Conference was progressive The next record made in slates thai was in the treasury yet Iwo years afterwards in a committee is appointed and asked to report upon the interests and present state of the Missionary They report J N Dales if Vanguard for years Church properly New notably those animated Fund for ministers fee live Preceding events bring us a period years ago At Conference in a Womens Hoard of Home and I vested their energies largely in that direction I Shortly after this the Hoard was reorganized Thus being the first Chairman A definite and suc cessful policy of encouraging Ministerial candidates was put in force and Ihe first graduate under arrangements was P Fletcher The generous bequests of Kirton of Newmarket and W Trull provided for the purchase of Home at now known as Hall These provisions have enabled us to set down definite con ditions preparatory a ministerial candidates receiving licou- sure ami ordination We are already reaping benefit of this- progressive policy During the present generations activities much attention has been given and work and a short time ago these two departments were combined under name of Religious j Condition in pioneer days seem to have- forced our early ministers to establish Churches here and there and some isolated organizations have disappeared but on the other hand some Churches have increased in ability and numbers many fold and have now so fine a vision of their duties to our Conference and its interest that itgives us real joy We have turned our numerical strength Our provision I for our ministers comfort in parsonage and salaries have multiplied in amount Two Churches Toronto and have been organized and these arc actively pressing for ward Our work bos not been In vain Creeds have fallen intodisropute and right of the individuals emphasized We have recognized that the spirit of unity must precede abiding organic and because we believe this we must stress the right in loving loyalty to the Great Head of the that all Christs followers should foe shown by His Name sy of Kirton Hall Toronto Christ is greater than any human leader and greater too than any of His ordinances- The time and its needs demand that our colors fly proudly from the mast of goodly ship With a fellowship which re- TOURING OAR with RUNABOUT 101450 COUPE TON TRUCK All Plus Freight Chavgos frorrt Now la a good time to have your order We make delivery of Cars at These Prloos Now K ROBERTSON Newmarket FORD DEALER all whom Christ would accept and with a Name which is wo confidently enter upon the enlarged op portunities of the second century of our existence as a body of religious workers presenting to the world a platform and a which answers- the divine desire of tho Son of God i I- -t- a jv