Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1921, p. 6

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a k ismv v FOR MISS Hike Ml Albert when hi what call pretty that yearn daughter tin Iho bride same find ofMr or Mr Hugh Price a relumed remind me or an old song Im getting houo now farms with his brother a Mb boy now one of which jlut a look at thorn ami The people of ibm wonderful growth Church Miss iiiiwr p Morton pond- ail a In a off for lamp three pieces of while Kcorgcltc bodice Headed In i Harls bridal veil of net and poor- and babies Ml worker in all branches of your Mourns ond car- nfioiuVs work and this was a means ftn of tins fellow showing only attendant was Utile appreciation Hut one we darent touch were a parcel of babies Jean Gray flower girl She wore a frilled rose organdie and carried a banket of In which A court under flit Womens institute rink- brooch Willi a dove in on Irldiiy- evening Tunc 3rd Ida Dike youngest slater Of program will be bride played the March She when we can muster a hundred or more Wo kirk up a horrible row apices of the posed wedding ring and wore own mm gift a dalniy safely pin alone Im a now You will from the read ing of he above thai lug most of llmo around flic dny8 of market up on Saturday and played a schedule or play ed good ball ho game and the score In a Win for Inn social bald on I he lawn of Mr Win Grosser was anliraly iinv now Ward to ho Into the corn- MOT Indigestion Urn and All by Hie was In blue aatln very well We Wish him and it entitled Scene In wore the grooiaH gift a gold bar pin a also musical and- pearl elocutionary selections All ore of an of a high tiRCrvftl ilrui at ceremony wan by ttCV I it A lit presence of grofin and or the bride of Ihe bride Ihe rind llie rob of The honeymoon will he pent In 1 irayeHIng Ibj bride held Hi a Milt of navy blue opening oh hi navy mohair bal On llielr lurn Ihcy will reside on llie farm north of the hchool June the will he morning during of In the Mr J Smith has moved Into the house recently purchased from Mr A barn belonging Mr Win Ses Of the was Powell by IlKhtnlng during Willi of grain and a number Of were In Ihe nji One day Mm week our friend ovary Morris thumped at our door I Iho collates of Mr opened and will you have and Mr look almost Theva a lady out In ljn ear wiIh i Hie rain over the out and he gave me oft Ihu fuEotees wear a Millie the band I said Tell who you hin rt- nee If know you Win Manit I anil Joy replied a few at the Im very glad lo meet you never had Ihe pleasure before I Where la Ihe oil for our read your Jreerea and Eboughl I would like to see the writer Vm no The following statements from well known residents or market and Aurora what they think of Digest are genuine and can stand a thorough them If you will guoo caw J Toll a wellknow merchants wife Youngs as the best medicine ever on sale to the public for Iroublc and makes he following statement For- years I was a sufferer from stomach trouble and all ailments caused through same doctored and tried everything thai I thought would help mo without relief led to Ley Youngs It gave relief at once i I I was recommend have used same as a Family Medicine foe years It never falls to give results My advice all Is try it you will never regret same i Minds will have Some of us villager to all over Those from a who lalerealliig young wAddhig were Mr and Mra nod her I Mrs firahamJhyi amson all of Toronto Miss ji oil were completely destroyed The now looks came Just when was badly needed it Miss and of the with lack In lootfi It v Hoy 1n fcpifil hi and Mr Dr lame was In town on ThuiMlay and Friday Mr llunl of is on a Mr Geo and Hugh illce Mr and Walton and Miss of Mr and Mrs John Dike and family of Mr and Mrs Mr Hoover of arid Mr of Among he was a very illih from the Trail Hangers of the Church Baldwin Wo The Tini lire of our folk Id eillhil Mr lairliaiu a mvivhynt of win an uCroduclon Charles the luvlierl him down to lake dinner They- a of One witling all I We bad a by looks of things and I thought her a verjl a we llie Oman knew roads graded and oiled at I hade her We may never meet again but of her face assured me trial she was a live young woman I ICn across parlies who are roiln of me lo man ner of bird I am and as a usual are a abpvo on every of only from Herbs and bark It con tains no Daps Drug or It Nature bo It It blood takes away that tired end fcallng end you leal that la worth living Mra Webster Timothy St Newmarket states gives me pleasure to recommend Youngs the general public have a great sufferer with 1 grateful I am for what Youngs has done for inc I always keep m hand 1 would not be without In h0U3G for a deal Tor I has no equal Mr Burling employed at Tannery shies Waii Youngs has for me for stomach Iroubtcs am it t for anyone who gives a filr trial I have recommended It lo they have found It as hive a medicine that never falls to do all ihu of It I think for the working mans home as a Family Medlclrw it did folks I Mabel ftllendrd of their the other willing that he how lo It Ida has kind of superior of creation On Friday lant Mr Norman of Keswick came over to get repairs for his ar Mrs and babies came along I soon hunted Itjern up and bad a nice with Mrs who you may or may not know was formerly Ida Wedded and am biLjiiKvayH delighted to meet any of lheodsl basement on lilljWddeh fell love with her baby Q May 30 Everybody nana- fine llllle low only look me two or Ihrc- and minutes In his graces and then we hud time Im a great hand for starling up an Frank Morse also J and of are visiting at Mr on Ihelr way visit Mrs slslcr phen Draper at Keswick The Festival of the Presbyterian iJhurch will be held on June flood supper program will be provided A meeting of IheVQueenavniC Com munity will he held In the from At be age of 80 this well known and respected of Aurora mends Youngs Digests Mrs J Palmer Aurora stales I have been troubled Willi for some time Youngs was recommended to me I Irlrd found good results from Ihe bottle I have taken a few of and It has done me more good than anything yet Owing to my I never expect to be cured but Youngs relievos me of the that Is worth a deal me I find a good tonic and for tloA It splendid ftlVC Its Hug looked newly the on tie your support a Iy painted pole Mr K Aurora slates have suffered a deal In llie past years have a great deal and tried everything thought would help me without any good t j beard of Youngs and decided to Iry same The bottle gave me relief after using It for a short I found It a valuable to keep on hand I have been without It In the house for years I every now and again and It keeps me good health I can- highly recommend Youngs Digest for what hi done for me Hie Fair On 2Mb ipillc a number went see lae big MIhs Vera at the Western Hospital Toronto this week A number of our took In the Fair on Miss should do They remind me of a apart of horses my owned One great heavy animal wc called TUKhv Charlie and Lazy of II look- considerable grown visited her cousin Mrs Hon over the holiday Mr Blokes Is College for a few flays for Mi nora Pear- of the gad 10 keep him visibly moving Thy other was quite I hi In disposition He from I s leaving FrenchCanadian barge Went to spend ihesunner of Toronlo spent hiitf a of the Charlie lough as whale Mr the holiday at his home hero Olive of visited her grandmother Mrs lids Mr Kenneth and Ihe Misses motored lo on last on Sunday Mr and Mrs spent Ihe holi day hi DAY Hay was School on observed Charlie lough as whale bone and as smart as a The genuine French Canadian horse something haying Herman Invested In hammock for warm weather and you may sec the- Sleeping in all Ids glory Hut Hie boys dont seem very much on Ids beauty The boys by their actions seem to lljink a Sleeping Owl Is much more handsome They come around at In lt electric flashllghls Pupils low Owl looks when hed Ihe llielr gave readings on Theyre welcome lo the in addition can get Dyer on How Helps ihe and Hoy of gallons SUNDAY Mothers Hay Service was held In connection with Ihe Sunday School on Sunday morning May In the Tin- service wis a The program was well remhiiM throughout We ore greatly Indebted to Mrs deaconess of SI Methodist Toronto In her very help ful address this- week we work to commence on the basemen I of the FOR SALE Pure bred Cattle 3 Males and or Females Apply to Hill 3tf MISSION HAND Tin- Mission Hand of the Methodist had their May meelmg HI the home of Mrs J Rowland Miss Marjorle was In the chair The last Chapter of Ihe study Cighlers Across he Sea was given by Miss Anna Dlb At the Tune meeting Hand Is asked lirinjr at least five We have nice stock left yet of Mili tary Clothes at Cow Prices coals Tunics Hiding Pants Etc Come and get cheap and challenge the high cost of Cloth- flfiE Phono ft very Shu resembles her grand- mother Anal Amy as we used call her whom I never saw I my life although I would nee her wy very often And yet she had a remarkably good disposition Ida no Is very proud of Ihar baby You wont find moiv Intelligent llllii fel low in a Sabbath days travel Conductor Hoy p and family of were al Donald over Sunday There you find some well brought up children a pattern for children wherever you may go If always affords me pleas ure to fiie Dora and her children come home Job ml on has gone on a HJp Michigan The only sis- thai he has lives there he Hying from bad our share of vlsllors game In Sutton homecomers for the weekend and Mrs I St John of Toronto spent holiday and a number motored loU weekend wltb friends Hill Fair and Many wen- fishing fit the Holland river Mr K Colt- Aurora stales I have used Youngs for and I with for Iwo years and can highly recommend for frame years ago my wife suffered wllh troubles She doctored and lileil everything done her so much good as Youngs Dlgesta GOLD J Smill was home Of Hie A at for the weekend and sister over lb also Miss Nell Smith nurse of the To ronto Hospital Morion and the Mitten Morion of Hamilton visited her mother Mrs and sisters Mr- Putnam and Mrs holiday and Young of Hill Saturday at their graudfnlhers Mr Ceo Tim many friends of Covering who has hail an operation hi he hos pital will he glad to know he Is well enough go up bis Will not he aide to preach for a whlh ye I Miss A and Mis Dove of Toronto of was II- Ing friends here for a few days Nellie of Toronto was her sisier Mrs for week or so before going West to live with her brothers Miss Annie Taylor spent the week end In Zephyr O0C1J West Melbodlst Church There was a fair sized attendance at Church Sunday night All enjoyed Ihe helpful sermon by the pastor Itev and llie two quartettes collage but men of Ihe choir it has scores of Willi whom bollday at Hie Manse a few weeks of solid lie nan put enjoyment fw doctor Is Very busy now Work In coming In with a rush Ive nodoubt hut whar hell be very busy all season For good children Hoss three There are some lhat nave more bad ones than good ones and If they watch out ieM OTW Sunday their niece Mrs Miss Toronto spent Sunday at her uncles Dr A Teny also Miss was home Mr and Mrs of Mid land were lives here for will pilch fir few days match Is between loineMll Next Sunday 4 Co lo Sunday School Day Everybody keep Ills in mind and Ibis service In the Meth odist Church at Instead of usual hour 2iO Trie opening t Hi County lAague Is lo place a Sut ton on Friday Mil r at I stand ird liriie Thy and mi YOUR WORK of not only did not yet fop work this winter but did not for valuable food At tamo llmo our many hundreds of cream shippers jot paid for their work tholr feed and paid for It You are earning your money by hard work Why should you laleo a on paid for It a cream chipper it Is not too lato yet and you run no MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY CO Creameries at Nit Albert Mrs A of Toronlo vllted her ion Sutton Hand will be in at- Dont Mitch Up the Horse P will have case to consider We have a lot of good hut Im sorry to say some amazingly bad There are a few of our best young men Stanley Miller Ivan and Misses Mollle McCarten and j cie- see Mabel The Minstrel Olson of Newmarket holiday the Misses Smith Mrs Susan who has been injFildj night has returned home Miss and Mr Ceo Crydermriii Merlin and bavlng a holiday near help pay tile Hand this offering able To supply each Willi a ropy for Palm periodical hope he Hand member Court of Revision for Ihe Township of will be held Ihe Hail hi Sharon on the Third day Of J A at life hour of one oclock p to hear all appeals against assessment roll for the year A Clerk A very on Wednesday- May I oclock Hie of Mr Came upon premises of Ihe lot con Scott about May 2nd FIvo Cattle about years old Owner can same by expense Zephyr Comer Clarence ONeill Taylor Wilfred arid They are alt notoriously good workers and hoys who mind Ihelr own business Satan finds mischief for idle hands to do There arc some around here who dont work who are almost In mischief Were walling patiently for our sum mer Some of them are re markably fine people The Park Is looking fine ready for the picnic parlies that come from he lake shore Rome day Ill loll you about an Ideal party held at Hie last summer I have thice of our lady friends who wide alternately or me They are Mrs J A Mrs Ross ami Mrs Post Mislrcss They never fall me So I close for today The Owl Show was such a grand succors lsl Tuesday night that performance will be repealed on June new feature j are now on ssle He wise Iw tickets lid ecnre J Mo Dont iPk-plionf- tMlrVljL quo Imhi out and talk filiool ito watly to new soon Orchlard Beach Cj Saturday hi AY tt30 ttie to ttcfund Hey are phrased to see j smiling face arain He report lhat has fine and his sticnglh is He with Mrs Covering and Jack are staying at now Mr preached a Veiv cm Sunday iiighl Hi expected preach a Wain Sunday appeared to enjoy at of he Church last Fri day off film This is tin- time to plant and rare for tint if we are to make run village itia Iho It is wonderful a llllle spnnl the liiite will do lo of A planted now will surprise you j in few Who would About every three of the cottages on Ihe beach were opened for weekend A bonfire and fireworks phased Ihe kiddles on Mr lawn on and canoes on water evening and lOrue si III fishing on Mr has three new collages up facing the hotel lawn and repoii pays lhat they are all rented Mr Try lias mil Mr h- Coles Ice business He hid lime Saturday his Mr Kyle of baser of Mr It The coitagers are hoping some lerprlslng farmer start a milk delivery his season Mis of Hamilton was here for Lin holiday tccompanled by Kelly Hamilton Mr of Toronto The pavilion was well paiioiihvpd on lie SWti evidently ills a longKH anions the young of he The Ihe early an of list week Arable Campbell a wellknown city officer In Heckle was celebrated for his cunning and wit His mother having lied Arch hired a hearse and carried to family burial place hi He returned ft said with Ihe hears full of smuggled whiskey teased about it by a friend he said Wow man theres barm done only lord body and brought back Ihe Let Us Call and Pick It Up lira to Absent PUcndc DAIRY Phone GIVE US A TRIAL U AND CREAMERY Limited I II Itlhti- and I did much damage to currants early com and Mr and Mr have relumed from were here for the The leathers of and a few friends to of had a Mr C K and tinnds oj the The fa caul i fill The people are the oil will hi- put on Hirie The was i thing on hat the A I that nave you money your battery is in need of hero for an inspection will report upon the batterys condi tion find an estimate of the of repairs if needed Whatever make of storage battery you have now is at your equipped to repair a makes of storage batteries Our moderate prices will prove a reve lation to you ion there ia of Hie hi your battery prolong its useful We never try sell you a new battery one is A I fell I ll S

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