Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1921, p. 10

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VV VV Was Restored to MesAlh by Vegetable Compound Paris For flvo cof fered trow pains caused by of my in my hack All of this was unfit work and was taking different I thought good J saw ment in of Vegetable Compound and took It faithfully I urn and do all my own I recommend it and you permission to publish his letter In your little books and In the newspaper Mr Why women will continue to Buffer o more than wo can can in IinSthfirn I ijYt a Vegetable Compound forty years it Mas been stand ard for female and re- of thouaiinda of women who havo been troubled with such ail as diaplacornenta inflammation ulceration irregularities etc you want it pedal advice write Medicine denlial Lynn Maw Your vti lie opened read and by a Woman and held in confidence I J3TJI1 L Spring Sudden hunt to many an ache and twin You to fight at twinge of Rheumatism Sciatica or Neuralgia before a attach develops No case is of too long stand- intf no too Severe but that matte Capsules will bring sure relief Guaranteed to contain no drug and to be to the heart by doc tors by 100 per box Trial free at our agencies or write Toronto Sold it by J son and West by if a it Painter tnd Paper Hanger Just received a large stock of the WALK Now i the lime make Select I LOWEST We Hie Paper Hot P J AM 10 met fit of on May Klpollon of took place id follows i Win VJMPrea Mrs rice Mrs J Tin- proctedK of the rtar The flower visited twelve sick rooms left of iMople purchased to attend the liuluretii be w were The Aid Humbly with a handsome quel of rosea on the day of May It her elblyfiralblrtlirlaj -cfi- i tlng Ing foitunalely away from barn When tho reached town ICNwtin feared the house was doomed of the wind hut neighbors worked so effectively that the of house was saved The girl In the blue serge and the carefully gloves In the end of tile car looking hetv Willi sullen A woman hi the opposite thought an face It was Hut girl Jn the blue serge It happened was fighting lite heaviest battle that had ever her way Ah the left the and walked slowly up the wide avenue to Davenports tbe buttle fiercer and fiercer The be fore Mb lavenjorl had paid for she hud been upon for six wecb exquisite fairy- Ike and that made Mlia the her friends The bill hud been seventy five dollars but by a mistake Miss Davenport had paid tier Jennie ilng home a last of work that she bad overlooked carried also extra ten dollars ami the burden of her great temptation dollars meant so much I would if mil In nana that arc Mrs log to props How does farmer got la Ho been currying nil of rfok tho- Bum total of this rink by nil farmers rink carried by Into Mr of fusl week- Mr Canadian Co Joseph Ions house caught The farmer baa resented fire There was a strong wind bio v- a fixed price thai wheat may be worth more than that at any time ho wanta MAI Ihe General un of for His MaJcMys Mall times week on route mq- via the from as to full valuo for properly but really fixed prico very lltllo to do with becauco at no war period did wheat noil below guarantee that If middleman could bo eliminated that could get more for wheat and public could buy It for leas Wheat Association has ability to cooperatively and It not been difficult to finance wheat whom placed upon a business I LADY Vest and fiel vcanes wash not ribbon with dainty inserts of llons val trimmed- The vcat and jpleated and bloomer lias pleated Projected bam Wo treasury and each year tho annual and through ixjoflu Jo enormous A VMtcrtiUt for barn or any other form and which boat kind crop and Crop How can wo build a now breed of without wo atari with It lo sihiiiiier In of the three- blue Or shoes and a new hat how she did want new hat And what would ten dol lars mean Miss Davenport Per haps she to give It to her any- Then why dont you thank her for lit conscience Intervened The girl turned about and walked hack Wfti In Ihe maid said and a moment Jennie was Miss young and bountiful and radiant Willi for new happiness met her cordially 0 Miss Cow you brought me that Last sleeve didnt you 1 didnt miss till the seamstress began to put the things together Im just wild over your work ami so Is everybody who sees Oh and show you the strangest coincidence a blouse I have bought at McVeigh thai almost ex actly matches Isnt thai odd It Is Jennie answered Her lomruc fell and heavy She told herself lljut Miss did not give tier chance to say nothing Miss taking the blouse from a drawer looked up with laugh ing eyes Hill you know the strangest thing about It yet It wasnt the blouse bought didnt sec any like this bought a tendollar for travelling you know and Ibis is maiktd fifteen They must have made mistake mixed addresses or some thing but If people will make mis takes Ihey must take the consequen ces It wasnt my null No I Wis very pretty Jennie Just stammered Thank you for the work Davenport A moment later she was the hvM Her face was burning and tendollar bill was in her poc ket It la in unlet our unices wo our In fun la that both physically and mentally dairy cow la at foundation of every Industry She Is a moat wonderful laboratory Alio fills her stomach hopper with grain grafts and then Ilea down by chewing her cut convert materia Into moat perfect food in the vorld Doctor of Johns Hop- tells us that the water soluble A and the fat sol uble two mysterious somethings found In milk nowhere else Without theae mysterious vita mines chlldron will not grow o tho greatest ad- vantago tho wolfreared children raised without milk to drink How the babies fed coffee imitation jams on their bread consti tute dally rations of thousands of our poor families In the Without milk children languish vigor of adult declines and tho vitality of human race runs low INTO IT If It were not so it would often he lo see the sort of person who Is denominated successful by an observant world A who has made money Is frequently accepted as hucnciJul when bis life Is the most tragic of failures ill knovfi his family He has lost all Interest In literature and and art Ills fellowmen appeal to him only as he sees a way to use llioin Ills ciiarllleB are merely on Ills soul lias hhii veiled till It Is next lo Impossible find It have dried up Ills Intellect became specialized lo single pur pose He Is man than a Whatever work yon do give your self a chance your brains Into Even dull mechanical work may be enlivened by Intelligence- Thousands of factory workers staiirj at their using their minds Just enough lo make the few muttons required of them One Mich a worker stood at a loom saw a chance for a shot cut his Idea patented and made a fortune live yourself a chance making your head work as well as your hands Oive yourself a chance by develop- character along with your days work Whatever Is you can put purpuric Into it not aim to off with doing ad as possible measure It pays Give sympathy and helpfulness a chance Do not he afraid to fellow who Is sick and behind hand men seem lo no high er Ideal than the brutes of the Jungle who tear an Injured comrade to pieces Give yourself a chance by cultivating what Is In your and Give yourself a chance not only make a In your school or your business hut In making a man or innn of yourself Unless you arc giving your highest and nobles quali ties full for development you are not giving yourself a fair chance moot dumb can bo It a nod heavily a blond of quality and to tempered to ell climatic Roofing coated both with boon in many It cold In three Sixty la Asphalt Acphnlt lo CO through Roofing Dealers Stock carried information rendered by our dealer In your Limited Office Factory Branches Toronto VlnfMp For Sale by SMITH conditions pro posed may be blank forma of Tender may be ed at the Post Offices of an1 and at the the Office Inspector A Post Office Inspector Foal Office Inspectors Office Toronto 4th 1021 CONTRACT ILO addressed to tfci General will he rccelvtl at Ottawa until noon on Friday ihj of June for the conveying of His Majestys malts on a Contract for four years six times week on the route ft lb n CimnLEO IV BOND DEALERS UD Provincial Maturity of Saskatchewan of Ontario of Alberta Apr J Int Pay Aug Feb Apr Oct payable In gold at holders Grand Trunk Pacific Guar by of Municipal Rural Mun Jan Town of Sudbury Odd Amounts City of Medicine Hal 1 West Kildonin School District July Klidonau School District May Wo buy and sail Victory at market price Feb 25 May A Nov Annually Annually Jan A July Jan A July Annually Yield option W 14 A from 1st of October Printed notices containing further Information to condltlona of propji Contract may be seen and forms of Tender may be obtained it the Post Offices of Vlrgiali and at the office of the Post Office la Toronto A SUTHERLAND Post Office Inspector Post Office Inspectors Office May 2nd NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN that Catherine of the City of Toroato In Province of Ontario woman will apply to the Canada at the next Session thereof after this date for a bill of divorce from her husband Richard Clement Drillhand on the of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto In of Ontario this 1st day of February A ARTHUR Royal Dank Building Toronto Ontario said applicant of Application for Divorce NOTICE Is hereby given that Mar of of In the County of York in the of Ontario Cashier apply to the Parliament of Canada at the ses sion thereof for a bill of from her of Cut Dank In the States of America Printer on Hi ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto this 2Mb day of ApII A MARY CAMERON by her GODFREY A Ray Street Toronto for the Petitioner fc- i i ii i FOR FLETCHERS GAS I A ltd Toronto Pavements Water works Incinerators Schools Public Faotciloo Our Usually paid out of the money we our clients Etc Toronto stenography lcor to positions all year for enter now PrliiQlpal SHE DOUBLE ROUTE eh I A VJ I cats on lfreji8 and Cars on rlfictpl Pwll from ny ftjtwt or a Kooning fcistrkt ftflt Town HELPFUL HOUSEHOLD Cfeia with rubbed an a soft cloth and fellow with boll log water A broom lias outlived Its usefulness- can be shortened and made Into a sink A few chopped almonds added to a or pudding will throat ly Improve lis flavor A of mint In water in potatoes or peas bulled will add piquant flavor When boiling the odor will he much noticeable if the lid left off the pot Cehl drawn linseed oil rubbed on Willi a aofi cloth Is mahogany furniture Keep a bowl of water a hand Into which dip the fingers frequently iiulllntj or fruti for pre- serving To got rid of rats stuff their holes with laundry soap which has been lib erally sprinkled with cayenne pepper Cauliflower should always be soaked for a foil hour before Is boiled end he bolted In water very sally for from to min utes fieiapit of kitchen soap should bo saved In a and when there Is suf ficient may be put Kilo a hoi water and nude Into a good liquid soap- If a hardwood floor Is sltaky after being treated with oil and tur pentine get a pall of strong older vinegar wring a cloth out of lb la and wipe Ihe floor with It will cause Brest Improvement To prevent a being tough place In a pan In the with about an of which has been allrred spoonful of and turn It over several times at Intervals Nation Crop improvement Ecrvlce Uncle Henry Wallace father of the American Secretary of Agriculture used to that you cannot expect to fertility year after year from the soil without renewing any more him you could keep on drawing out of the bank with out making a deposit He used to rage up and down laud denounc ing the who his soil end called It faming The late Hopkins Of the University of Illinois belonged to the teams atuglehsrided he against soil robbery by ad- building up of a permanent soil fertility by use of rock phospliate He on three hundred acres of very poor laud Southern Illinois that he could by using ma nure limestone end phosphate produce bushels of wheat per acre whereas on plots where farm manure alone was used he got but It it bushels He taught that our nitrogen supply- can be taken the air and that we have enough but that we tausv replenish the phos phates yhe time come when Canadian land must be renewed while out farmers especially the West have never used artificial Uxors It be apparent that the economical time to restore before i First got a car hoy with a big horn on It end when Ah pass thru the town all Ah gotta do Is blow that siren everybody haps the w4 Second Barky Ah car loo First Darky What kinds Is you car gel Second Mali car suVl got no horn All the people In town Is say AWmher Tim are IllWheel Tin Olive oil into 0 15 It i half table- hwr VttdjiL fHi it a number of tire buyers to we could sell Goodyear Tires by building a very cheap inc m These men are shoppers purchasers on a true economy of quality and value basis of price alone blind to the They have been the mark for every brilliant salesman with means enough to manufacture a few tires from the markets cheapest materials only to be Such tires have been legion here today and gone tomorrow replaced by another morning glory under another name The Goodyear Tire Rubber Company from the wealth of its experience as the worlds largest maker of tires wishes to convey a frank message to every in Canada eon tim to bat it wouldnt d make a with ox yu the cost mil would be higher Motoring as a business or as a recreation cannot stand the high cost of low mileage quick blowouts annoyance and frequently soiled clonics Over Goodyear dealers in Canada arc icadv to serve you on Goodyear no in both Cord and Fabric types and the new Goodyear NonSkid Tread I These tires are each in its class the finest and most rushed tires can possibly produce By their use the minimum of annoyance and be obtained

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