Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 27, 1921, p. 1

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is IM ha pnr on Eyes properly Graduate I I I I l ilipicndliip County s No paper sent out of North York paid in advance In whan not so paid to In sdvaiics only y- 1A Editor and qOAUTV ffifrwffi igffi VOL No Copies Bach NEWMARKET For Paints Parliament IK- IS Blacksmiths Appliances and Olio and phone r m 3 Highly service collections is rendered to clients accounts in obtained and tlma the do veronal kctova lo Ihje and InyoKtlgiitton Ugh- of proved Mr King referred Ihc work of Horn fflt4hnr King of Kxtnd Hit Mr fc Hint be In the public of the Ihc board froth performing in Imiljng referred to sugar order of the now he hod Bold Mr King Ibe straw tub ftovtrnincht because of through out he Dominion obliged- to cancel Ihc Mr King contend Hit this An of la not a agent Hon J Mackenzie King Liberal In of on Thursday afternoon members do not In fin- of the In word and aot ibe Government Hie Visible of and J dictate the aye lain- in It a he com- Canada and which real hue of the Dominion Were I to adopt language of ho right honorable the Prhiw AflplHter and ply to and bis flic grantloiiM and tivc be applied highly and group of of bin would pij of and Ida ail the vile and minion of forces in WORA BRANCH P A MURRAY In flueh was but no more for tbu public Mr King contended Hi at the in Ills not mado a or any human feeling sympathy the the people Why from be ginning to end It was one long pica for not protection for the which Is what In needed but more and worn protection for the wealthy few and interwoven finan cial- Manufacturing transportation and distributing- Intercuts with which are- associated ijS SOUTH END DUMBER YARD i Jly He the which thn bad given for failure af ter o revise tariff In Interest odd the end that the of pro duction should reduced In he Speech from bad declared me of the necessHy for revision of the tariff In his budget lb of had that to the geficy the United Slates J asked Mr hflve gentlemen opposite reached derision I hut Canadian tariff shall hi of he United States there ore wo all Iff natives either one of ihe Government must accept Either the Government does not want to Hie tariff or after hiving decided to been raVid by the subtle or shall say sini ster Influences and forces which J re Invisible of this country be Ho fa ihc this year again bad taken no account of profiteering Why of the removal of any duties on the had profits and luxury taxes been idiollahed f The fcays we are alt for protection Let Mm have it so but toll that protection for we aland la the pro eat Ion of against the of combines associated not lio pcctfon of those favored against of the ieople Mr King referred Id the expendi ture on the railways grid the merchant stales a tax It 10 a tax on imports and a tax oh Import SH obstruction- to The may be made a means of raising revenue or may be made ipicaiwif affording- protection to some Industry the country Usually it survca purposes in he same measure The art of In the of taxes lies- In making as light as permit and In having regard for exist ing national heeds The Issue so jar as he Liberal party Is concerned In this country never be tween fret trade ami protection has been between a tariff nrlmorily for protection and a primarily for of revenue You cannot have a tariff principle of free Trade as the Prime Mfnfster says The of fret trade means the absence of all There two tariffs The one Is a tariff upon the principle of protection and the other Is a tariff based on the principle of revenue Mr King again accused the Prime Minister of misrepresentation of Liberal tariff attitude challenged he Minister or of to to a I sentence of his which Justified their they allegations When I venttnTd to assort that Jn revising the tariff he said care will be taken of the position and needs of air the Industrie to our country or when the asserts In any of ho tariff may take place regard must be had to existing conditions of trade and changes made In a manner as will ran fie Hi least disturbance of business the Prime Minister Immedi ately says that we belong to his school wc HOW ON D6WNL PATH i Lcul it Tbo trials have supplied a the origins and nature of the crime wave- which threatened to submerge tip city last all the holdups and were not committed by Ignorant From Era village of Bradford was by fire last Monday when the entire business part was wiped out and many private residences firemen forty In number- With the hand engine boarded a Northern train and assisted In check- rt the Sabine air allusions were also sent up to- have hid a air public the case of Patsy i at at 9c and was flupplemenled by a busi ness college course comrades In crime these our got Into present predica ment by different paths Stealing a box of chewing when he was barely more than fen years old landed J lot rum In Mhnlco theft and rob bery gave further terms In Jails prisons and the penitentiary When half dimes at The annual meeting the Bradford District of the Methodist Church was held at Aurora on and Thursday of last week Bey William Hay presiding Officers elected to Conference at Belleville Revs Hunt Peter A A Smith The steam aawmlli belonging to Dr J Hunter in was burnt to ho ground on Sunday mora- released his last sentence ing Loss was he go the Impression that the Queens Birthday was celebrated lives hi his home town were out to gaily by the citizens of htm Accordingly he came over Sports and fireworks to Toronto to get a Job here and ended Mr Patrick 0 Conner who corn- up In bonds of police bis career In this office has was one of a family of Invented an addressing machine eighteen children When his mother Married residence on her deathbed she called market May by her Charlie one of Roys halfbrothers Brown- Mr John Crone to Miss Mary whp has stuck loyally to Jinn through Dunham both of thick and thin After referring to At the Manse Newmarket May FRESH CAR JUST Oof and II CANE SONS CO LIMITED complaining about the Lick of In the were let our una the work the of the ernmtnl from the Allaijlfc to Pad- miller way before Pat passed the Oct Fat Mr King ild the condition I which the public was not yet fully aim of invisible but real formed the methods devised Government the Dominion declared whereby the Government permit ted a Mr King was to thwart trade and few of Its friends a free hand hi the eliminate competition was a awarding of public contract and then significant fact that the I claimed for Itself immunity from all Sir Drayton made to Parliament and the coincided in all but one para- people for Ihe enormous outlay pub- graph vytth he policy down money In the wort of the Conservative party on July system of lh same year- by sea and by land I to history of the been devised say that never In the world has -a- scheme so well calculated la LD I 6 ATE I A Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing ftiWfflCairtt One of the planks of the Ministers policy was the promo- of trade With Mother and the sister Dominions- strange ly enough that was eliminated make Interweaving and Interlocking of from the of the parly On private interests complete or to July the reorganized party permit on a scale so unlimited and In had always paraded Its manner so wholly Indefensible the deliberately knifed the Mother Country use of public money to support private at the expense of He lie railroad directors as being connected With companies sold large quantities of material to the National Railways It as human na- thai these men could nor forget hi the back was in existence in he minion the present an of Interests nn autocratic Government in charge There was a political linked Willi a in a own companies when rill- the former the Visible syni- Ways needed material was Abe authority the latter the govern- situation as It existed and was it ny wonder there were huge ex penditures and colossal deficits Mr Yards Huron St Newmarket and directing force in the Tells Mr to back up his contention that the Tariff May I lna hi tariff matters we arc evolutionists not revolutionists and proceed in a- manner which will inspire and the same enduring results Till economy and arc practised revisions of tariff will be of little lb redlining taxa tion- To curtail Is advisable to stop Is not enough It Is a mere lopping off of lb branches while the tre is decayed and rotten at the roots Wo go deeper man these surface It avail to discuss the Budget as long as this organization of business Interlocking of financial manufac turing and transportation and distri buting Interests trie granting of Gov ernment credits to help political fa vorites are permitted to continue What Is needed Is to break this selfish combination of political auto crats and Industrial plutocrats which has grown and developed during the war and fastener like an octopus upon I people of Canada What la the use of discussing the Budget until that combination Is broken up and the light Is let in The breaking of this combination Is however a ask which lies beyond the powers of this House With Hi weapon of closure which does not hesitate to use the Opposition are powerless Thai combination will be broken once people of Canada a right speak a general election fit to the Canadian people It Is fundamental right and In lite interests of Canada present and future It should be no longer with held 25 YEARS Prom Bra May Mr J of spent the with his family here Miss or visited Misses last week Mr and Mrs J P Belfry vero At Home on Thursday evening Miss Shane of pent over her sister Mrs King yesd the listof names of direc- uaciv up llt8 nave been mentioned before Government ynii tied hand and ortljisesslon and rtie of Mr King to James li was thought a life and a good- would be enough for Mr Muidoct when be was appointed inembor of the Board of Commerce and that he might be expected to lend himself to the Government game of the escapades In which Roy had been by Rev Brown Mr and Just en minutes before Cartes to Mlns Mary Ann Black she passed away to the great beyond of King Township she said have no fear for any of the other children but I want you to look Roy He has a life or htm that of sorrow and trouble how Was dying premonition by the of murder which- was brought In against thai first got into conflict wh the representa tives of law and order unemploy ment aggravated his as shown by the evidence got involved life inesaas IheresuU Sunday with of and up a easy money wijh he minimum or Miss Violet Lee of Toronto spent rial- 2Mb holiday with her cousin It was viljafnoua company and a for excitement which Miss Lena of Rochester made a gangster out of nine- spent the Queens Birthday with Mrs Jack As a boy A ChanUer this desire for action adventure andj Mr Gardner Jr was thrills found healthy outlet at from Belleville for the holidays camp up on Lake Scugog where over lie learned how to handle a gunt Harrison of Beaverlon was the it was uncle who lw0 got mixed up in the McFadden- three days- gang and If was this Mr McCormlck of Montreal character who following his ty of the Ontario Bank here spent the release from the penitentiary appears with friends In Newmarket to have been Instrumental bringing Miss entertained her Sun- together the gang which was guilty School Classes to- a picnic In the so many robberies with violence Wednesday afternoon eventually of one with murder Miss Wilson and Mr Oliver Alt of the four are to the city on Saturday young fellows ranging In age from A of the nineteen to thirtythree At a busy was promoted last week and sent lp street corner It would not be difficult to pick out a score or more men who lh would appear of a more criminal type Ccooktyn hospital Walter the driver of the W T wife and In which riilMwn from Vancouver are vising gangsters operated he Mrs going to be for the part be played wlallves OF AURORA DIES the hold Toronto Star Accident Proves Fatal to Highly County Councillor CAR OWNERS I pretending to be solicitous for the these vast concerns and wellbeing of consumers and ihe jmany to all Intents and although at the fame time jrones screening and- protecting from puhhaof Individuals who comprise publtp the Board of wealUiy men whote business railways and Merchant who through association hand in ef intimately interwoven and wbose 4njmllliois upon of money the a guarantee that no formation behind will he given to the people thrpugb Gould Jnteriocktngddfrectorotes be carried a degree of greater Auro vener V Reeve of this town died tale In hie private Just Ihlnfc of It Mr ah pavilion Toronto Hospital Mr was nofc one of the spine less and- It waft hoped he would prove lo Mr King read part of Mr fiielr as 10- how br to the money wee Meed we look further for ah lion of have added ft HE- to our and prepared to til of It n vUli your look over for you fefthli for to the Prime lavatloa which the had referred td pay Abe of a the be imagined business has niisriipre man Ws His en the tariff organization who constitute the ring jr might be natural for the that controls the of had hie ada today said Mr King tint own Government on shackles Ms freedom of action and The Leader compels the Government on pain of shown where he had been 10 do Its bidding It la the slntef Mr King stated thai the Prime favored pefHon of those privileged Minister over and over again that the fiovermnent Is Strtvlng in to show that only issue sit Its measures to advance and In pro tect Could soy thing be clearer iUfJk ROBERTSON am Mo to are specially on Hie one side the prodding and wUHo ser the other hint Of a M iwmilUMig to He under the snadbw an Mr charges tin- of pWiytonaao f was frfto fade us Ho bad said the were free traders at anoiher protecUordst and then again Mac had no- principles Obviously all three could not and as mailer none of them correct to free jjiiiiiit III If i toi t a ir ii l Ji I For lbs Liber position Mr King House to amendment use of the amendment waft the effect that the Just a week kicked by a horse he was a of John he was- Toronto for an operation The report of his death a shook to the whole town About years ago Scrivener was born In township where his father Thomas Scrivener farmed After graduating from Ihe Ontario Veterinary College he for a Jo about There was scarcely an ion here Jhallhe doctor we not an- eonnecreit with circles he was leader TwojyeaR ego he was elected Baffle ind pre vious lo that bad sat for yesra oh the Council He was Presi dent of the Hockey Club Vlee-Prest- dent of the Lacrosse Club and an of- of both and he Leas one of the Junior of the County he took an ac tive pari in Vie deliberation of that body and already as a future Warden There has been no man in recent years who roae to prominence la the county body so quietly as did Dr Scrivener Dr Scrivener Is survived by Ma wife young soii his parents and two sisters in Aurora and brother a town ship Among the visitors here from To ronto for the Queens were Mr and Mrs Geo Mortimer and TWO MEN KILLED WHEN OAR daughter Miss Smaller Miss Clara INTO RAVINE Kelman Chas Montgomery Geo Art Low Ed Ont May Jolly Ed Thompson Will and Harper were Fred Knowles Carl Lloyd also Kd hilled a Harry from Acton of of the first named was badly injured Sutton and Jack Milter of when their automobile Jumped a bridge Work commenced thin week on on lite road near of the friends Meeting Corners some time after eight oclock House formerly known a last night Not unlit the light national Church which was destroyed see them lying in a by fire ravine at six oclock this morning was The following- were the accident known and not until thenpointed to attend Church Was Herbert removed to the Conference In Oshawa MM hospital suffering severely from Ms in- Alfred Terry J Juries and te night exposure Angus Williams baa decided to locate in and tie office POTATOES Dr J- WHO WILL TAKE n Tnothall Club has members May A number The TombAt farmers fUlh Wln of the Ping two or lb of aged vrars sales are well Impossibly at Miplus io hair chicken fiOe Is so greet be fed out bus One of their that they will realise about IS cents a affer alt ens paid farmers are stated to be willing to Ifielr tiotatoes aWjy to any one who will take them our a the present does not pay cost of handling thrin let alone the cost of production May Struck by the train here Ihlfj Homing Mrs Thomas Was so Keriousty Injured that she die J forty minutes later Both limbs Were fevered Just above the knees Mrs Walter Sov- wife the publisher at Sun WiJo was run down by an HOT cod left Mr Ihe lady looking Brown Ihe asked Wen Mrs replied the fishmonger Ill oblige you I always keep a bit up my leave for customer WHAT OH rOHAiH liij i pj f of the ififf fe lit 111 I ft PrfdioHnft art Hist we will have U i Is caused by ftriuebiing sour nutter in the This old- foul fnatur should bo thoroughly Weilnesday night In out wih visage died oclock glycerine as la having regained An- Inquest will be held She was the daugblarOf com of OnW a Mrs ejiui HH In A This on tower bows old so- cumulated matter you never though WSJ re a- ANY on ho

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