Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 20, 1921, p. 6

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MOUNT ALBERT ftSiftlch Flavour I I I II Ill I J it is the of perfectly preserved the largest tea In Ainerica m Mount Albert 21 lo being a holi day market will ho the following Wednesday and the More oilier places will he open afternoon A hope w lis Cllimaii splendid congregations lev Sunday morning and cyentoij May 111 Hie occasion was the filing service Church audi torium has renovated and lre- arils A very bright and restful The choir admirably and wore greatly enjoyed Ikwry has of who years ago and were delighted to ace hint and amounted to something oyer rather nwmlnoup 1300 has been decided to reoov- church ate the basement In the near future those beautiful while and flowers buggies out of Iwcnlylhree in morning I about thirty or forty In the evening Nov did that about get our Well will soon he conference time again I yet an good grub a we had now lor yearn well If we goodness our lias another House town and we like the food provided for our souls- we go there Yea If we get starved there You know we forgotten the words people used to about other going thought of the wonts of our Master The wilt when you wlji worship here or at Jerusalem if we still hold wear REACH i la will on will open ohMlip24th of May rain 6c and evening- -Ki- Alter the every Saturday evening lintlUVhe 5 fat of Inly will ho made arm fhenianageraJ tuAN anil Apiinunday In town- and Scott Of ftjnml Well Mr Bert Sunday Ida mother Mr Shvenson spent Sunday at home Mrdwrit Hark and fnndly her aiutl lieaton Flower eems be oil life In rtVft park now people Mr Smith tew laal week Willi his Bell Mlenes spent the week end Mr and and Mr gpent Friday In Town Sorry to lifar Mr llfaton IK on the Ho done toy oh where the of ilo it more choir a heavy frost Tuesday morn- The annual of the log pH hard and Sunday School held Monday night tender fruit wilt no doubt auN when following of- car load stopped Owl on Sunday and knocked at fkerH were for he Coming Mr Bondway Mr King Ma a knock was very wouldnt hear and was PMOtrilcd Whats- Sperling going to ho late hi up thlj ftprlrfg next to-V- a and were see with not him and again The V would wl ffiWW I Miss Terry spending Mr of linvchcen and anln choose a man not who all about hut One who known Hod Or know we shall Induction of Dyer look place In the Joyce Church Mount Albert oh evening May The following ministers look pari- In the Mr- mid Mra Amos of which was very Interesting Albert announce engagement of fiauld of Sutton led tWcr Myrtle exercises also The marriage jog from the word lfl Young of minister A ad- pressed the congregation closing the with a few chosen Many old and In- friend fame to witness thej i ieday evening the showdLmeves for real has don At a well attended of tele phone of the section of the Ml Alherr sap iff J taking no than collect of these cannot and each Mr or was at Wttliig fir e totfuotioii on evening of Toronto Sunday with her parent Mr and Mrs JehAaton Mr and of Toronto were guests of their brother Key Hoy Gray aw Tom Miss Hayes arc visiting friend in Toronto IW week Stokes was In Toronto the first of the wek on- Mr J Mi Steeper of Toronto and Mr Arthur were rtfunftn- lb end unless be Com pany shows to recall tendering a new one for dollars Ihere behind to be another meeting of ilaltway Board two hundred out last and thai for Itself and we Jake Ink rest and wait for on the of this month The white frost morning few days In the Nellie- Earl of Toronto it vlsjt- lihraunl Mrs Joseph forget he Sochi at Mr Win on May A good program Is being provided Mr rings many friends are pleased to hear lib will room he leav ing the hospital ami be at his summer collage Mr Marrllt Is extensive Improvements around summer Mr and Mm Cameron of ore spending the with ftmncrons grndfalher Mr Jolmfari rtil-tt- V- Kilo Terry baa been spending be month Mr igc la returning home Improved In health bells are ringing par- later We welcome Mr and Mrs Ward and family to our village were very soVr- to lose Mr and Mwwalfop They left on Wi thai Mr and that also at line of wrillng- Mrs WW The ladles Afaare having a Birth day Party In he Friday Mr has returned spending the winter in The Womens win at the of Silas on of Officer Quota- lions and of membership on Monday and look very way I well WOMENS INSTITUTE V McssrV and Tip meeting of womens tonhnugb have icecream took place last week rf ihcl post office Home of Tohtisbhi assistant correspondent in last annual report a memberaidp of most certainly expanded aixtyfour with an average bill where were the the of thirty The And some one else Institute a very for Hie nonsense year and have almost completed the Owing refusal of some of tie payments on the piano which they of Hie use of Church iJio Public Library Board had indefi nitely their concert thai waa last week The fjostcrs Issued anuouuclng of ihe 4MloslreIs hi the Town on ilia of the of May and in lids section jot country can afford lu It A lumc at the convince that this will be Tofal Eclipse of modem Tlicionre to be 35 armored ana Cd comedians so that they cannot be harmed hut to prevent ail bricks cabbages and bouquets to be left in the check room The bill of fare Is prodigious and to prevent a riot a number of ac tual ami comedians been engaged Secure your seat ai plan now open Free Methodists are holding of Tent In the Sutton Fair every night till June the three services on Sundays a in and of he Eas tern Ontario Conference Is assisting he local workers and the meetings conducted on oldfashioned Meth odist lines Everybody Invited A quiet but very pretty wedding look place on Saturday May SI Stephens Church Col lege St Toronto the when Alucrta Jean second daughter of Mrs A Sutton Wear became Oliver only son of the hie A Oliver and Mrs fico Macdowdd Toronto The given away by her father by sister tu la ajiandsome suit of navy in and bar to match and wore a corsage riscH and The groom was at tended by Dr It im mediately after the ceremony tlio couple left amid showers of con fetti and good wishes for a motor A reception was Ih a where borne of Mrs about an- enjoyable The loth numcroiis being a fMhncr lit staff of i he Bank of Wova Scotia and Jle1nlman Vfetropf a the groom and Jti Itiefr return they will re side In Toronto at Coll St News Several filled with mem bers SI- wended their wayip last Thursday May purchased for purposes have helped the trustees a Ileal at the besides to Mary Mr Murray is putting aoine fancy Navy league Sanitarium ntshlng touches on Dr flowers for our also kept King are also French went a bole of Hnimlng up Mr Lawrence Fosters clothing York Childrens Aid So- The receipts for Ihd year lomG2 me following officer WW defied for the Our sick Mra Cuiilngbams operation was Hall and Mis Dike visited Mrs Cunningham In the Hospital on Friday and report her much Improved in Eva Goode and Miss- Kate English Sunday at home Alr and Oscar of Newmarket Sunday with Mr end Mrs Case vMlas and girt friends spent Sunday Mr Mr Union and eon of Toronto spent the week end with Broa The faithful farmer la busy planting potatoes It requires a Jot of faith lb plant potatoes under market conditions- tiHAaON warmer after our cold snap tflMhc Where ihe W SI- wai being held win affair coiigregaljou preached a helpful sermon from the lex I The of the Lord Is with that fear Him The congre gational singing was good but Where fiYRAVEO Came upon the premises of the un dersigned lot con Scott about May 2nd five Young about 9woer can have same by paying expenses HENRY KBLXEItj Zephyr v 100 Farm In of East Co of state of brca- balance Good bam In Good block bouse yell and water Orchard mile Good- clay 15 under cultivation Good bam GwiJlimbitfy Coxwcft Tlio regular meeting of Munici pal Council of Ihe Township of was held Ihe date all members present of the lost mecllng read and confirmed read Moved by and seconded by Cole That the Treasurer pay the account of Frank on order of Carried That the Clerk order two to diameter long to be shipped to Ml Albert station on Carried That the Court of Revision he held on third day of June oclock In the after noon the Municipal Hall In Sharon Carried Payments ordered as follows work on T 1350 work on Centre Ross work con J M Kclllnglon work con Albert Watson work con Warren work con Albert Mitchell work con grading Centre Road v Rich Sanderson work con Marvin work con Peter Morrison washout con If Eves con Fred Shields grading con Ml Albeit Telephone Co phone rent Canada Ingot riier- John Thompson wire fence bonus Joseph culvert on Centre Road Archie washout con Henry Hodge work S Henry Hodge work on Harold Seymour Andrews grading con Council Adjourned meet again on the day of June as a Court of Revision and fcr oilier business at one oclock In the V MacKebzlQ Clerk- fc i MAIE CONTRACT sealed addressed to Postmaster General will be re ceived at Ottawa until noon on Friday of dune for the con veyance Ills Majestys Malts a proposed Contract for four yean six per week on ihe route route ho via from the Pleasure Printed notices containing further formation as conditions of Contract may be seen blank of Tender may be obtain ed at the Post Offices of the office Of the Post office Inspector Toronto A SUTHERLAND Post Office Post Office Inspectors Office May a as voluntary auxiliary to the Ontario Government in lu health work local of Health hoot and working for good health To enlist Ontario citizens in helping to establish Out post Hospitals and Nursing Service in parts of lie Province to create and malnlain a reserve of V garments and medical sup plies and to enlist voluntary aid for emergencies such as epidemics and disasters 5 To create in favor sound health measures i To promote better health imonr by the organization of Junior Cross auxiliaries in the- fir I 00 MO 2850 1440 m f OmmiO ENROLLMENT MAY 2228 la Ihss field of Public Health tho the laborr ftro mm with your local Red Branch or Enrollment Commute or In communltj with Ontario STREET TORONTO Canadian Red Gross Society Ontario Division laiAicii money at home spent her Mrs President Mrs Mrs A Dike Director Mrs Mr Smith Auditors Mrs J Moore od Mi Walton Mrs of a few days witli word and Miss Lock of prnt at Mrs J J Terrys An extra largo crowd attended lbs Missionary Meeting of the Methodist Society last Tuesday t the home of Mrc J l cow his from ami last few day the choir w the regular the were lclCd Say do yon rtink of our Mr J VlcC Pre Mrs Church now A Is Secretary Mrs Geo In choir that I the Pearson Treasurer Mrs J fieaf are now wtorelheriir of Christian Stewardship are also Ihe organ The gwlntns J of Strang Id to restful looking lint Mrs Krnle were Pay did you Mr- ii i 1 Mil ratnid rchard Beach in f Tuesday May 24th AFTERNOON AND FEATURES of- run Since our Home has been organized with our Sunday School we member and a attendance he of Mm Talc and Mrs Wcddel the of our village are working now wi coiflg lhe Annual Meeting lield the Church the very prof liable to who took be trouble lb come Sunday rooming May 11 oclock Payne will Hie Master Our reason be Obedience We wilt welcome any one wishes come i The open 1easue In charge of Mr P Tail at p keep In mind Saturday May is Picnic to An of snorts Sharon team will ptay nope on May Si at Hope come end the game vA a resuir of WeaUa day ihere wilt be a July to Point Foil parilcu- On I to paid for your apire time v riling fihowcards foe us No Wo Instruct inl you with steady work j Church Toronto FOR YOUR WORK of farmora not only did not get paid for work this did not got any- thing for their valuable feed At the same time our many hundreds of cream shippers got paid for their work also their feed And well paid for It You earning your money by hard work V why should you take a chance or getting paid for It I v- Become a cream shipper It Is not too late yet and you run no risks MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY CO V PHONE Creameries at Albert Dont Hitch Up HAUL the Horse TO RAILWAY tet Us Call and Pick It Up GIVE US A TRIAL DA I Phone SUTTON AND CREAMERY Limited TKNBMB sealed tenders will be received the Secretary of the School up to five clod- on May for trades required In erection of a tworoomed flchQoiflultfinqat Plans and may be from the Secreiary or the of Smith A Architects West To ronto Lowest or any lender not V Secretary OueensVUte Ont THE BALDWIN KB I I That seem to be ions aod Owl work I mUjch an4 lal week by wohdertaa or ldca arc a dry aeemwl a ibouh bid lajtft6 with a hi haps ilit to do MAIL SPALEQ acWresaed lo the vytll be received at OlWwaubttlooonon iht June ll for the conveyance ox man on a Ccfitraci for ptr week on ibe route rtO be of- October- further a to of ed and fmaBja obtained i it the ifUce I Pot Office In- pee lor Toronto A Inspector Pott May BATTERY REPAIRS that save you money IF your battery is in need of repairs bring i here for fin inspection We report upon the batterys condi tion and furnish an estimate of coat of repairs If needed Whatever make of storage battery you have now la fit your disposal We are equipped to repair of storage moderate prices will prove a reve lation to you An long as there Is a spark of life In your battery Service will prolong usefulness We never try lo roll you battery the old one A rS jeVvJ 4

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