1 r IB THE bar Of public Ion to oil food arc for S on- acquittal la room tabic where the ST or that food iho trial of our our broad Their purity will bo rnontqf cut WrWIfohl gar hi thumb will Jo if work Canes Fac tory on Tuesday 1 Hamilton May At lr tt- the Board of tec AT l Mr Wallop of New market- has disposed of hi acre farm at the culaloagoiipy Swifter to Mr A Fletcher for of a a fflifi The ladies of had a BeoJn aohool of the Church on Wednesday afternoon- Wvfe wcrar made I Hie all finishing Tea about appointed i Dr Ocorge Crcctnion I Manager of iiiivy will per annum Mr- who Uvea In Creek la alio of tio Kara whose of has been gratifying and which organisation baa already an arrangement flw now to all rapca for export are- raised m LOW I -r- j ft i J I f ibis character Why nil expression to Ihc fueling you hive or the and erect a In Wo will aVilKn It and for you to Queen A Main Sis Newmarket A Seat Every Might Every night the New Edison it your twodollar seat at the vaudeville musical comedy vIierever your lead THE doe not blare forth in a tinny imitation of but you is Re- Creation of the living voice or performance lliat there it no difference between the artists voice and the Edisons ReCreation of it has been proven by factual test before audiencea totalling J Do To flic tonhigbi I was a attendance at the evening and Mr A a very In teresting on lo Ho bold tho his for half and every present derived great benefit MeotJng next in charge of Harold Belfry Miss Kolly ve on to Wrrk Keep up good ttttondanceCoiriv i Army There will ho a matlo by the members of tbo Homo on Saturday May 14 the ice cream parlor near the Car Station lie opened by Cane supported ny number of ladle from the varlQuseliurchefl at a ttefroshmenttf will lie served and there will be a sale of homemade cooking Dont fall look in as there Will be a good display of plain and fancy articles of Christ laji Sunday May Morning Topic Some Successes of Missions followed offering Sunday fit p Evening Service The pastor begin a series of short sermons on Heroes Anolent and Modern These sermons Will bb Joplc next Sunday evening The who made his own ship and sail ed her without a compass or ruder a Smash grocery auto a narrow escape from damages on nesday The driver stopped the car in front of tho Mcllmdlst and wiilJebc was Bank of Montreal transacting some busi ness the car starred of its own ac cord Is was proceeding past the Post Office- when Dr noticed that It was without P driver He jumped Into the car and ap plied the brakes bringing It to a before any damage had oc curred Film fiomtdian of Acetylene Whit- Haw fetura Angeles Oal May WCbar Ho comedian seYtroly burned late today Paying In a rtccoe- In a new at his studio In Hollywood He was saved fatal Injuries by employees who wrapped around him toroi used In the fiet coat and voluminous afire in rem head to foot w J i t We can fill more orders for Mens Strong Boots at V We strongly advise you- to was to the studio hospital It- was found mat Ills legs and body bad received surface hurnw- He was wrapped In cotton soaked in all Physicians were culled first aid had been given a I per pair buy NOW as our is limited supply of- these r J STALLION Lord A purebred Stallion the property of Wm Henry Son leavea tils on May 2nd and visits North Sutton flhoe and other places the first four days of the Henry manager Baron Stallion the rorerty J Cowleson Sena commences route May 2nd visiting Sutton Cedar Brae Udora Zephyr and homo stand Jacob Hose manager Baron Stallion property of J Sons commences route on May 2nd visiting Holt Albert Vivian Baker Vandorf Aurora Sharon and borne Lou manager In v Imported properly of Mount will make the season at his own Commercial Hotel Albert We are- Clearing Out some all Goodyear welts regular odd lines of up to MENS FINE BOOTS 485 Dont Fail to Inspect Our Stock 0 sis I ii This Store will be open Every Night until oclock RHONE NO J MEN WANTED ton who willing to positions paying from loglO day- Men who are tired of la- totiog for an existence this is your gooit chance We are Icy men as farm frao- mechanics truck welders experts etc or will help you tut j business of your own you are out of employment or with your present poor n lob or write immediately for full particulars regarding our specie to next few men enrolling Day w Masses Apply lj Auto Gas King St Toronto Spring days are nut all sunshine an vie Urns of Rheumatism or Neuralgia or Neuritis witness Dangerous change from warm to cold and back again came Many an ache and Jm Fight those symptom with mafic Capsules to contain o fcidneye KTn Toronto by J and Sutton by Masonic Wednesday night Tuscan Lodge No Toronto paid a nalvlsJlto Tuscan Lodge No- of Toronto In one baby Todges of the District and she must be some they came here lb the number of some strong and then were not represented Av A Gray and his officers w booked to do the work of the they a very arid manner and are to be for their ability Owing he crowded condition of Lodge the were entertained at a Banquet which was served In he OddFellows Hall when a couple of hours spent Ore A pure standard bred properly of Stevens V Mount Albert will mate the season at the Commercial Mount Albert Sir IK A Clydes dale properly of Thompson will visit Sahdford arid and Saturdays at home Pooles Hotel Mount- Albert Walter Thomp son Manager- A piiro bred property of Toole SNoBm will make season at Mansion House liidjrldge and at his own stable lot con to Absent 121 J Orchard Beach Mr A Lewis has the contract to build a Dancing at coming season He bought her In Newmarket on Wednesday arid work will commence next beautiful weather last week end brought several families to Lake gardening Is general Mr and Mrs II Thomson of Toronto were here he had launch out for a spin on Sunday Mr and Mrs G Ross also Mr Harvey and family of Newmarket spent the weekend at Dudley Manor Mr Boss Intends to occupy Ihe premises himself this Mr John Eastwood and family of Toronto were among the campers who spent Sunday here Mr Titos Yates If erecting three new cottages the South end of the Beach UNION Mr- John of Aurora spent the weekend here Mr All epentthe weekend la Toronto We hope that potatoes will be a fair price this Fall as there Is a lot of being used Now boys dont forget Co get some of Dr Bliss pills Some of the boys talk of having taken out bur wh their telephones not stop the Mr Snowball of Montreal Is spend ing his holidays with Mr Curl School Reports 8 King Report for April Sr Roy Madlll Jennie Weal III Sylvia Lane French Violet French Fred Morning Ethel French Iris Smith Donald Longhurst Jr II Evelyn Morning Pearl Ward Dorothy French AJfred Smith Gordon Henry Alga Mohr I Dorothy Lane ACrace Blizzard Mary Rose Rlsle Madlll Paris Nora French C Donald Cooper Present every day- Jennie West Marjorle Bell Sylvia Lane French Violet French Dorothy French Grace Blizzard Mary Rose Nora French Paris Marjorle Seven persons were killed eleven were Injured In a fight between Nationalists and Socialists at vctraoto near Palermo Sicily Sun day The encounter occurred at a political meeting Built in Canada by skilled Canadian Workers and Canadian Capita MANY MlNt SOON EOPLN All through Camp New and Mor Way mining it beginning to look up What is causing this more optimistic feeling rapid decline in costs of all mining operations The steadiness of ihe silver marker and the improve ment in price are also factors Then is plenty of talk of this and that pro perty opening tip and some of he talk is definitely in action VUlbJIe- evidence of can he seen at the property now known Hie in the Timfskamlng Here is a properly thai baa been Idle twelve years and has come to life again VJolory which Is controlled by St Catharines men have bought and are opening up the mine has down to feet and a crosscut within o feat of a vein thai said lo be very goad in An Uncommonly Good Investment Today with many good cars the market the GrayDort stands out as an exceptional car and an uncommonly desirable investment for you You can buy all the good qualities of the GrayDort in other cars if you are willing to pay the price But in no other car at anywhere near the price can you secure the complete combination of desirable features which makes the GrayDort the biggest bargain in the motor car field GrayDort value has created a wide demand for this car dealers are able to make almost immediate deliveries to a few owners See your dealer Aurora West RIOTOUS LIMITED Chatham One Deris eodld not beyond One day when she was how iugjue live she bad picked I asked How you Ilr a Ihen dimpling with uBes she answered till I eal oue I